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97 lines (70 loc) · 2.83 KB

File metadata and controls

97 lines (70 loc) · 2.83 KB


Build Status CocoaPods Compatible Carthage Compatible

Bankside is a fixture generation tool. It’s useful for defining fixtures for tests. Inspired by factory_girl and Rosie.js


Bankside provides an easy API for defining default attributes and options that allows you to change how you generate the data.

Defining a factory

struct Account {
  let id: Int
  let name: String
  init(payload: [String: Any]) { = payload["id"] as! Int = payload["name"] as! String
import Bankside

let AccountFactory = Factory({ Account(payload: $0) })
  .attr("name", "Walter White")

Using a factory

let walter =
let gustavo = [
  "name": "Gustavo Fridge"


To keep your fixtures DRY it’s useful to extend the Factory class and add common or complex default attributes. Remember to return self to keep the API chainable.

extension Factory {

  func timestamp() -> Self {
    func date(options: [String: Any]) {
      return NSDate()
    self.attr("created_at", closure: date)
    self.attr("updated_at", closure: date)
    return self


In use:

let AccountFactory = Factory({ Account(payload: $0) })
  .attr("name", "Walter White")


We don’t try to detect circular dependencies, you will just get a stack overflow if it happens.



  • Bankside will be compatible with the lastest public release of Swift. Older releases will be available, but bug fixes won’t be issued.
  • A data structure that accepts a reflected data structure to populate its models.
  1. Add github "mogstad/bankside" ~> 0.3.0 to “Cartfile.private”
  2. Run carthage update
  3. Link Bankside with your test target
  4. Create a new “Copy files” build phases, set ”Destination” to ”Frameworks”, add Bankside

Update your podfile:

  1. Add use_frameworks! to your pod file1
  2. Add pod "Bankside", "~> 0.3.0" to your testing target
  3. Update your dependencies by running pod install

Swift can’t be included as a static library, therefor it’s required to add use_frameworks! to your podfile. It will then import your dependeices as dynamic frameworks.
