State of the Javascript Landscape in 2016
A very high-level summary of the important terms and technologies that are used in modern Javascript development. -
The Hitchiker's Guide to Modern JS Tooling
A great overview of many of the most common build tools, package managers, test frameworks, and code quality tools currently in use -
State of the Art Javascript in 2016
An opinionated list of what tools and libraries a modern JS development stack should include, plus links to further resources. -
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Modern Front End Development Workflow
A useful overview of the many categories and types of tools used in modern web development. -
Simplified Javascript Jargon
An alphabetical list of common terms in the JS world, with very short definitions in the main list and slightly longer descriptions linked for each term. -
Modern Javascript Development
An overview of how browsers, Javascript, and Javascript frameworks have evolved into today's landscape of tools and technologies -
Making Sense of Front-End Build Tools
An approach to understanding the variety of build tools by categorizing them as "installing" vs "doing" -
The State of Javascript in 2016: Survey Results http://stateofjs.com/
Results from a survey of over 9000 developers, covering use of Javascript tools, technologies, and concepts. -
The (R)Evolution of Web Development
A slideshow giving an overview of web dev history and modern web dev tools, technologies, and trends. -
The State of Javascript
A talk by Jack Franklin, summarizing the state of modern web development. -
Javascript Package Managers 101
An overview of what packages and package managers are, some related terms, and how these tools work.
A Study Plan to Cure Javascript Fatigue
The author of the "State of JS 2016" survey gives an excellent step-by-step study plan to use when learning the Javascript ecosystem. -
React How-To
Pete Hunt, one of React's creators, gives a high-level suggested order to use when learning React-related technologies (React, NPM, bundlers, ES6, routing, and Flux/Redux) -
Timeline for Learning React
Another high-level suggested timeline for how to approach learning React and related technologies. -
React Roadmap
A curated list of free resources to master React Development, in suggested learning order -
React FAQ
A collection of links to help answer your questions about React, including how to get started
Learn the Javascript Ecosystem one package at a time
Some tips for how to approach learning the JS ecosystem without being overwhelmed. -
On being overwhelmed with our fast paced industry
Wes Bos gives advice on how to cut down on noise, avoid "new shiny" syndrome, and still improve your web dev skills -
How to Learn Web Frameworks
Some great advice on how to approach learning web development and frameworks, especially if you're a junior developer. -
How to keep up: "First do it, then do it right, then do it better"
Advice from Addy Osmani on how to cope with learning new JS technologies -
"Ask HN: Overwhelmed with learning front-end, how do I proceed?"
A discussion thread with numerous suggestions for ways to learn front-end technologies. -
Deciding What to Learn / When the Latest Tech Makes You Feel Dumb
A pair of short but excellent posts giving advice on how to deal with tech and information overload. -
Redux vs MobX vs Flux vs... Do you even need that?
Advice on avoiding choice overload when learning a toolset like React, by simplifying and just focusing on one new thing at a time.