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Provides a facade around the AWS SNS NodeJS SDK, introducing a promise interface using Q.

The Amazon Simple Notification Service is a web service that provides centralized message delivery services, making it easy to send messages via email, sms, mobile push, http, etc. to your "subscribers". The support for mobile push notifications is what makes SNS extra awesome, because it allows developers to learn a single API to target most major mobile device platforms (APS, GCM, ADM).

###What is this library for?

This library, snsQ, aims to provide a facade over the SNS SDK, both introducing a promise interface via Q, and a bit of reorganization to the service interface. ex:

sns.applicaton.endpoints(platformAppArn).then(function(data) {
	var tasks =, sns.endpoint.get);
    Q.all(tasks).then(function(res) {

###How do you use snsQ?

Initializing snsQ is the same as initializing the AWS SDK:

var sns = new snsQ({
    region: 'us-west-1',
    accessKeyId: 'api-key',

The snsQ library is separated into three high level objects:


  • create(name, platform, attributes)
  • get(arn)
  • update(arn, attributes)
  • list(token)
  • endpoints(arn, token)
  • delete(arn)


  • create(arn, token, data, attributes)
  • get(arn)
  • update(arn, attributes)
  • delete(arn)
  • message(arn, message, args)


  • create(name)
  • get(arn)
  • update(arn, name, value)
  • list(token)
  • delete(arn)
  • subscribe(arn, endpint, protocol)
  • subscribeMobile(topicArn, endpointArn)

#Running the Tests Run the included tests either using mocha test or npm test. The tests require some configuration before running; the following settings should be added to tests/config.js:

  • platformApplicationArn
  • iosDeviceToken
  • snsRegion
  • snsUserKey
  • snsUserSecret



application.create(name, platform, attributes)

creates a platform application object for the specified service

for more information regarding the additional attributes, see:


  • name: String, name of the platformApplication object

  • platform: String, the platform this application object targets (APNS, GCM, ADM)

  • attributes: Object, additional attributes provided


gets the platform application object's attributes


  • arn: String, the PlatformApplicationArn of the target platform application

application.update(arn, attributes)

updates the attributes for the specified platformApplicationArn


  • arn: String, the PlatformApplicationArn of the target platform application

  • attributes: Object, the Attributes map; a collection of fields to update


returns a list of all platform applications for this account; supports "pagination" if more than 100 results returned


  • token: String, the token returned from the previous call, to access the next set of objects

application.endpoints(arn, token)

returns a list of all endpoints for the specified platform application


  • arn: String, the PlatformApplicationArn of the application to list endpoints for

  • token: String, the token returned from the previous call, to access the next set of objects


deletes the target platform application object


  • arn: String, the PlatformApplicationArn of the target platform application


endpoint.create(name, platform, attributes)

creates an endpoint for a device, within the specified application


  • name: String, name of the platformApplication object

  • platform: String, the platform this application object targets (APNS, GCM, ADM)

  • attributes: Object, additional attributes provided

for more information regarding the additional attributes, see:


gets the endpoint object's attributes


  • arn: String, the EndpointArn of the target endpoint

endpoint.update(arn, attributes)

updates the attributes for the specified endpoint


  • arn: String, the EndpointArn of the target platform endpoint

  • attributes: Object, the Attributes map; a collection of fields to update


deletes the target platform application object


  • arn: String, the PlatformApplicationArn of the target platform application

endpoint.message(arn, msg, args)

sends a message to the target endpoint. accepts either a string message, or a message object. if an object is provided, it is assumed to include the message configuration for each platform intended. use an object if you intend to update the badge/count, play a sound, etc. Make sure each platforms message object is in string format (JSON.stringify). see here for more details on targetting multiple platforms with a single message:

also, and object of arguments may be specified, that based on the platform, will be attached to the paylod; this can be used for routing, actions, etc


  • arn: String, the EndpointArn of the endpoint that should receive the message

  • msg: String, the message string to send, or a message object

  • args: Object, additional arguments to be mixed in with the message object



creates a topic with the given name, or returns the existing topic


  • name: String, name of the topic


gets the topic object's attributes


  • arn: String, the TopicArn of the target topic

topic.update(arn, name, value)

updates the attributes for the specified topic. only a few of the attributes can be updated, those being: Policy, DisplayName, and DeliveryPolicy


  • arn: String, the TopicArn of the target topic

  • name: String, the name of the attribute to update

  • value: String, the value of the attribute to update


returns a list of all topics for this account


  • token: String, the token returned from the previous call, to access the next set of objects


deletes the target topic object


  • arn: String, the TopicArn of the topic to delete


shorthand for device specific registrations, assumes the endpoint is an arn, and presets the protocol to 'application', which is used for mobile devices

topic.messageBuilder(msg, args)

a message builder to abstract the individual format for each platform; supports a message, badges, and custom payloads


  • msg: String, the message we are building platform specific representations of

  • args: Object, individual platform specific payload arguments (optional)