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71 lines (49 loc) · 2.53 KB

Vikract Project Starter

This is a project bootstrapped with @vitejs/app (react-ts), added with Chakra UI and TypeScript setup.

  • Blazing fast dev server and build
  • Route management added (react-router-dom configured)

Getting Started

You can either click Use this template button on this repository and clone the repo or use npx degit like so:

npx degit mjsorribas/vikract-base-app <app_name>

Then, run the development server:

yarn dev


  • build command: yarn build
  • output directory: dist

Fast deploy with Vercel and Netlify

Deploy with Vercel

Deploy to Netlify

Git configuration of commits

We add husky to validate the format of the commits based on Conventional Commits. A specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages. Conventional Commits

Development with Linter

We add Linter to validate the code quickly.

  • Linter command: yarn lint Also we can fix the code running the same command with a --fix parameter.
  • Linter fix command: yarn lint --fix

How run tests with vitest

We add Vitest to run test in the app.

  • Test command: yarn test Also we can run test with the vitest ui
  • Test command: yarn test:ui

How generate coverage with vitest

We add vitest/coverage-c8 to run generate reports.

  • Coverage command: yarn coverage

Integrating a little bit of CI/CD with Github Actions

The nexts actions are included to validate our code in any PR (branch) before merge it.

  • We add Lint action to validate the code quickly.
  • We add Test action to run all tests wroted in the code quickly.
  • We add DependaBot to create PR's automatically with the latest libraries to keep updated the project.
