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Local Mojaloop + Custom DFSP Test setup

The aim of this Document is to have a local mojaloop running with two customs DFSPs (backend plus sdk-adapter) and a PISP represented by a mojaloop simulator (which implements mojaloop api).

Repo layout

Two custom DFSP & PISP configuration

Backend components

Integration tests

Context, Parties, Backend components



  • docker - v18.06.0 or higher
  • docker-compose. We are using a compose file of v3.7. So you need at least docker-compose v1.22
  • node and npm. We are using node v12.16.1 at the time of writing
  • newman You can install globally from npm if you want:
npm install -g newman

or you can install the node_modules in the root of this directory

npm install
  • A hosts file with the following entries:       central-ledger.local central-settlement.local ml-api-adapter.local account-lookup-service.local account-lookup-service-admin.local quoting-service.local moja-simulator.local central-ledger central-settlement ml-api-adapter account-lookup-service account-lookup-service-admin quoting-service simulator host.docker.internal dfspa-backend dfspb-backend pisp-backend dfspa-scheme-adapter dfspb-scheme-adapter pisp-scheme-adapter transaction-request-service

Start services using docker-compose

# start all services in background
docker-compose up -d

# Check to see if they are running and healthy
docker-compose ps

It may take a little while for the services to healthy.


Use docker-compose logs -f to tail the logs of any given container.

You may want to do this in separate terminal sessions to easily debug each service.

docker-compose logs -f central-ledger
docker-compose logs -f quoting-service
docker-compose logs -f ml-api-adapter
docker-compose logs -f central-settlement
docker-compose logs -f account-lookup-service
docker-compose logs -f dfspa-scheme-adapter dfspa-backend
docker-compose logs -f dfspb-scheme-adapter dfspb-backend
docker-compose logs -f transaction-requests-service
docker-compose logs -f pisp-backend  pisp-scheme-adapter pisp-redis

[todo: update these]

#Running the services separately in different terminals is recommended


docker-compose up account-lookup-service #t

# Then close once the service is ready.
# Proceed to stop account-lookup-service and proceed with the following commands.
# ALS needs to be run initially so it setups properly.
docker-compose up central-ledger
docker-compose up quoting-service
docker-compose up ml-api-adapter
docker-compose up central-settlement
docker-compose up account-lookup-service
docker-compose up dfspa-scheme-adapter dfspa-backend
docker-compose up dfspb-scheme-adapter dfspb-backend
docker-compose up transaction-requests-service
docker-compose up pisp-backend  pisp-scheme-adapter pisp-redis

Create some initial data

Set Up Seed Data

1. cd to postman directory

cd ./postman

2. Run the FullSetup script

Use this convenience script to run all the setup scripts and forgo having to run the setup scripts individually.


This script runs all of the below setupDockerCompose* scripts, so you can skip ahead to Run P2P E2E tests

3. Setup hub account


❏ Hub Account
  POST http://central-ledger.local:3001/participants/Hub/accounts [201 Created, 511B, 6.2s]
  ✓  Status code is 201

  POST http://central-ledger.local:3001/participants/Hub/accounts [201 Created, 654B, 78ms]
  ✓  Status code is 201

  POST http://central-ledger.local:3001/participants/hub/endpoints [201 Created, 129B, 29ms]
  ✓  Status code is 201

  POST http://central-ledger.local:3001/participants/hub/endpoints [201 Created, 129B, 35ms]
  ✓  Status code is 201

  POST http://central-ledger.local:3001/participants/Hub/endpoints [201 Created, 129B, 38ms]
  ✓  Status code is 201

│                         │           executed │            failed │
│              iterations │                  1 │                 0 │
│                requests │                  5 │                 0 │
│            test-scripts │                 10 │                 0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │                  5 │                 0 │
│              assertions │                  5 │                 0 │
│ total run duration: 17.2s                                        │
│ total data received: 809B (approx)                               │
│ average response time: 1278ms [min: 29ms, max: 6.2s, s.d.: 2.5s] │

4. Setup the oracle for ALS


❏ Oracle Onboarding
↳ Register Simulator Oracle for MSISDN
  POST http://account-lookup-service-admin.local:4001/oracles [201 Created, 213B, 5.2s]

│                         │         executed │           failed │
│              iterations │                1 │                0 │
│                requests │                1 │                0 │
│            test-scripts │                1 │                0 │
│      prerequest-scripts │                1 │                0 │
│              assertions │                0 │                0 │
│ total run duration: 7.5s                                      │
│ total data received: 0B (approx)                              │
│ average response time: 5.2s [min: 5.2s, max: 5.2s, s.d.: 0µs] │

5. Create DFSP A (use SDK + backend)

It will create a new participant with its endpoints and some init data. For this case, name, position, and limits will be

Parameter Value
name dfspa
currency USD
limit.type NET_DEBIT_CAP
limit.value 1000000
initialPosition 0

6. Create DFSP B(use SDK + backend)

It will create a new participant with its endpoints and some init data. For this case, name, position, and limits will be

Parameter Value
name dfspb
currency USD
limit.type NET_DEBIT_CAP
limit.value 1000000
initialPosition 0

7. Create a Simulator DFSP (implement mojaloop api)

It will create a new participant with its endpoints and some init data. For this case, name, position, and limits will be

Parameter Value
name payeefsp
currency USD
limit.type NET_DEBIT_CAP
limit.value 1000000
initialPosition 0

8. Create PISP (use SDK + backend)

It will create a new participant with its endpoints and some init data. For this case, name, position, and limits will be

Parameter Value
name pisp
currency USD
limit.type NET_DEBIT_CAP
limit.value 1000000
initialPosition 0

9. Add MSISDN (123456789) for DFSP A

Register a new MSISDN for this dfsp with this initial data

Parameter Value
currency USD

10. Add MSISDN (987654321) for DFSP B

Register a new MSISDN for this dfsp with this initial data

Parameter Value
currency USD

11. Add MSISDN (333333333) for Simulator

Register a new MSISDN for this dfsp with this initial data

Parameter Value
currency USD

12. Add MSISDN (999999999) for PISP

Register a new MSISDN for this dfsp with this initial data

Parameter Value
currency USD

13. Add parties to the backends of DFSP A, DFSP B and PISP.


13. Run P2P E2E tests.


14. Run PISP E2E tests.


Note: Restarting docker-compose

If you restart docker compose you'll need to re-run this command to setup ALS

./scripts/ && \
  ./scripts/ && \
  ./scripts/> && \

P2P Examples

1. Transfer USD 100 from MSISDN 123456789 (DFSP A) to MSISDN 987654321 (DFSP B)

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:9003/scenarios   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '[
        "name": "scenario1",
        "operation": "postTransfers",
        "body": {
            "from": {
                "idType": "MSISDN",
                "idValue": "123456789"
            "to": {
                "idType": "MSISDN",
                "idValue": "987654321"
            "amountType": "SEND",
            "currency": "USD",
            "amount": "100",
            "transactionType": "TRANSFER",
            "note": "Test note",
            "homeTransactionId": "123ABC"

Response: Transfer was completed

    "scenario1": {
        "result": {
            "from": {
                "idType": "MSISDN",
                "idValue": "123456789"
            "to": {
                "idType": "MSISDN",
                "idValue": "987654321",
                "fspId": "dfspb",
                "firstName": "Bob",
                "middleName": "O",
                "lastName": "Babirusa",
                "dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01"
            "amountType": "SEND",
            "currency": "USD",
            "amount": "100",
            "transactionType": "TRANSFER",
            "note": "Test note",
            "homeTransactionId": "123ABC",
            "transferId": "b3566a13-a80a-463e-8f7e-dea718a1c97d",
            "currentState": "COMPLETED",
            "quoteId": "69ab32ba-5cbe-4640-8399-565a6763b557",
            "quoteResponse": {
                "transferAmount": {
                    "amount": "100",
                    "currency": "USD"
                "expiration": "2020-05-06T21:17:34.779Z",
                "condition": "DOD2qgwCJuMIIzrGmZfJ7GDVPmr2xoBmkrBoRT9ourU",
                "payeeFspFee": {
                    "amount": "5",
                    "currency": "USD"
                "payeeFspCommission": {
                    "amount": "5",
                    "currency": "USD"
            "quoteResponseSource": "dfspb",
            "fulfil": {
                "completedTimestamp": "2020-05-06T21:16:34.871Z",
                "transferState": "COMMITTED",
                "fulfilment": "H_Xod2AWCi2H0aCqkBTrPaU63BH_9n6Rca57O8Qgjkk"

2. Transfer USD 90 from MSISDN 123456789 (DFSP A) to MSISDN 333333333 (Simulator)

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:9003/scenarios   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -d '[
    "name": "scenario1",
    "operation": "postTransfers",
    "body": {
      "from": {
          "idType": "MSISDN",
          "idValue": "123456789"
      "to": {
          "idType": "MSISDN",
          "idValue": "333333333"
      "amountType": "SEND",
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": "90",
      "transactionType": "TRANSFER",
      "note": "test",
      "homeTransactionId": "123ABC"

PISP Transaction Request Examples

1. POST /requestToPay

Note: The HTTP request POST /requestToPay has two stages, (1) Party Lookup and (2) Initiate Transaction Request

curl -v  -X  POST http://localhost:7002/requestToPay  -H  'Content-Type: application/json'  -d  '{
    "homeTransactionId": "f0cf62e7-fb15-46a5-9525-37f934d98fcd",
    "from": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "987654321"
    "to": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "123456789"
    "amountType": "SEND",
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": "18",
    "note": "pisp test payment"
POST /requestToPay Response:
    "homeTransactionId": "f0cf62e7-fb15-46a5-9525-37f934d98fcd",
    "from": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "987654321",
        "fspId": "pisp"
    "to": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "123456789",
        "fspId": "dfspa",
        "firstName": "Alice",
        "middleName": "K",
        "lastName": "Alpaca",
        "dateOfBirth": "1970-01-01"
    "amountType": "SEND",
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": "18",
    "scenario": "PAYMENT",
    "initiator": "PAYEE",
    "initiatorType": "BUSINESS",
    "note": "pisp test payment",
    "transactionRequestId": "70c522c9-0880-40b1-b28f-0c567e0b39aa",
    "currentState": "COMPLETED",
    "requestToPayState": "RECEIVED"

2. POST /requestToPayTransfer

The HTTP request POST /requestToPayTransfer is used to request the movement of funds from payer DFSP to payee DFSP. The underlying Mojaloop API has three stages for money transfer: (1) Quotation, (2) Authorization and (3) Transfer

curl -v  -X  POST http://localhost:5002/requestToPayTransfer  -H  'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "requestToPayTransactionId": "70c522c9-0880-40b1-b28f-0c567e0b39aa",
  "from": {
    "idType": "MSISDN",
    "idValue": "123456789"
  "to": {
    "idType": "MSISDN",
    "idValue": "987654321",
  "amountType": "SEND",
  "currency": "USD",
  "amount": "18",
  "note": "pisp test payment"
POST /requestToPayTransfer Response:
    "requestToPayTransactionId": "70c522c9-0880-40b1-b28f-0c567e0b39aa",
    "from": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "123456789"
    "to": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "987654321",
        "fspId": "dfspb"
    "amountType": "SEND",
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": "18",
    "scenario": "PAYMENT",
    "initiator": "PAYEE",
    "initiatorType": "BUSINESS",
    "note": "pisp test payment",
    "transferId": "ab3532c6-7ca3-461d-b2b9-4235085e7f6e",
    "quoteId": "17467236-b6fe-4487-b21d-db9d37fd9128",
    "quoteResponse": {
        "transferAmount": {
            "amount": "18",
            "currency": "USD"
        "expiration": "2020-05-12T09:26:13.967Z",
        "ilpPacket": "<removed for brevity>",
        "payeeFspFee": {
            "amount": "0",
            "currency": "USD"
        "payeeFspCommission": {
            "amount": "0",
            "currency": "USD"
    "quoteResponseSource": "dfspb"

3. POST /requestToPayTransfer/{requestToPayTransactionId}:

The HTTP request POST /requestToPayTransfer/{requestToPayTransactionId} is used to Continues a transfer that has paused at the authorization stage in order to accept quote

curl -v  -X  \ POST http://localhost:5002/requestToPayTransfer/70c522c9-0880-40b1-b28f-0c567e0b39aa  -H  'Content-Type: application/json'  -d  '{
       "acceptQuote": true
POST /requestToPayTransfer/{requestToPayTransactionId} Response:
    "requestToPayTransactionId": "70c522c9-0880-40b1-b28f-0c567e0b39aa",
    "from": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "123456789"
    "to": {
        "idType": "MSISDN",
        "idValue": "987654321",
        "fspId": "dfspb"
    "amountType": "SEND",
    "currency": "USD",
    "amount": "18",
    "scenario": "PAYMENT",
    "initiator": "PAYEE",
    "initiatorType": "BUSINESS",
    "note": "pisp test payment",
    "transferId": "ab3532c6-7ca3-461d-b2b9-4235085e7f6e",
    "currentState": "COMPLETED",
    "quoteId": "17467236-b6fe-4487-b21d-db9d37fd9128",
    "quoteResponse": {
        "transferAmount": {
            "amount": "18",
            "currency": "USD"
        "expiration": "2020-05-12T09:26:13.967Z",
        "ilpPacket": "<removed for brevity>",
        "payeeFspFee": {
            "amount": "0",
            "currency": "USD"
        "payeeFspCommission": {
            "amount": "0",
            "currency": "USD"
    "quoteResponseSource": "dfspb",
    "fulfil": {
        "completedTimestamp": "2020-05-12T09:25:27.227Z",
        "transferState": "COMMITTED",
        "fulfilment": "PjQaZGeBajwGGv-Oqa2F-gYX21ngMVJZOLc6hxNDS74"