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Prisma Finance Security Audit Report

tags: prisma mkUSD, DAO


1.1 Disclaimer

The audit makes no statements or warranties about utility of the code, safety of the code, suitability of the business model, investment advice, endorsement of the platform or its products, regulatory regime for the business model, or any other statements about fitness of the contracts to purpose, or their bug free status. The audit documentation is for discussion purposes only. The information presented in this report is confidential and privileged. If you are reading this report, you agree to keep it confidential, not to copy, disclose or disseminate without the agreement of the Client. If you are not the intended recipient(s) of this document, please note that any disclosure, copying or dissemination of its content is strictly forbidden.

1.2 Security Assessment Methodology

A group of auditors are involved in the work on the audit. The security engineers check the provided source code independently of each other in accordance with the methodology described below:

1. Project architecture review:

  • Project documentation review.
  • General code review.
  • Reverse research and study of the project architecture on the source code alone.
Stage goals
  • Build an independent view of the project's architecture.
  • Identifying logical flaws.

2. Checking the code in accordance with the vulnerabilities checklist:

  • Manual code check for vulnerabilities listed on the Contractor's internal checklist. The Contractor's checklist is constantly updated based on the analysis of hacks, research, and audit of the clients' codes.
  • Code check with the use of static analyzers (i.e Slither, Mythril, etc).
Stage goal

Eliminate typical vulnerabilities (e.g. reentrancy, gas limit, flash loan attacks etc.).

3. Checking the code for compliance with the desired security model:

  • Detailed study of the project documentation.
  • Examination of contracts tests.
  • Examination of comments in code.
  • Comparison of the desired model obtained during the study with the reversed view obtained during the blind audit.
  • Exploits PoC development with the use of such programs as Brownie and Hardhat.
Stage goal

Detect inconsistencies with the desired model.

4. Consolidation of the auditors' interim reports into one:

  • Cross check: each auditor reviews the reports of the others.
  • Discussion of the issues found by the auditors.
  • Issuance of an interim audit report.
Stage goals
  • Double-check all the found issues to make sure they are relevant and the determined threat level is correct.
  • Provide the Client with an interim report.

5. Bug fixing & re-audit:

  • The Client either fixes the issues or provides comments on the issues found by the auditors. Feedback from the Customer must be received on every issue/bug so that the Contractor can assign them a status (either "fixed" or "acknowledged").
  • Upon completion of the bug fixing, the auditors double-check each fix and assign it a specific status, providing a proof link to the fix.
  • A re-audited report is issued.

Stage goals
  • Verify the fixed code version with all the recommendations and its statuses.
  • Provide the Client with a re-audited report.

6. Final code verification and issuance of a public audit report:

  • The Customer deploys the re-audited source code on the mainnet.
  • The Contractor verifies the deployed code with the re-audited version and checks them for compliance.
  • If the versions of the code match, the Contractor issues a public audit report.
Stage goals
  • Conduct the final check of the code deployed on the mainnet.
  • Provide the Customer with a public audit report.

Finding Severity breakdown

All vulnerabilities discovered during the audit are classified based on their potential severity and have the following classification:

Severity Description
Critical Bugs leading to assets theft, fund access locking, or any other loss of funds.
High Bugs that can trigger a contract failure. Further recovery is possible only by manual modification of the contract state or replacement.
Medium Bugs that can break the intended contract logic or expose it to DoS attacks, but do not cause direct loss funds.
Low Bugs that do not have a significant immediate impact and could be easily fixed.

Based on the feedback received from the Customer regarding the list of findings discovered by the Contractor, they are assigned the following statuses:

Status Description
Fixed Recommended fixes have been made to the project code and no longer affect its security.
Acknowledged The Customer is aware of the finding. Recommendations for the finding are planned to be resolved in the future.

1.3 Project Overview

PRISMA is the governance token of the Prisma protocol. It is distributed to users of the protocol to perform a variety of actions, and can be locked to participate in protocol governance.

mkUSD is a collateralized stablecoin. A restricted list of highly liquid ERC20 tokens can be used as collateral.

1.4 Project Dashboard

Project Summary

Title Description
Client Prisma Finance
Project name mkUSD
Timeline June 13 2023 - September 01 2023
Number of Auditors 3

Project Log

Date Commit Hash Note
13.06.2023 52b26b8a2f1904b048754d5443e08d2144610b92 Commit for the audit
18.07.2023 c0122d27677cd4e1aaee7f1e21f807ccadf46ac8 DAO commit for the audit
14.08.2023 7ada067d6cd0bd6761440a01e2ea81c09e5391f5 Commit for re-audit
18.08.2023 ac68167150040eddbeb453b861ed7480db8d5ad0 Commit for re-audit 2
23.08.2023 d9a2b2ba4d26e01115731fffadd8306c5955a660 Commit for diff audit
31.08.2023 beda4525ae0995499bc77cb788fd933c24f3747f Commit for deploy

Project Scope

The audit covered the following files:

File name Link


File name Contract deployed on mainnet Comment
PrismaCore.sol 0x5d17eA085F2FF5da3e6979D5d26F1dBaB664ccf8
CurveProxy.sol 0x490b8C6007fFa5d3728A49c2ee199e51f05D2F7e
PriceFeed.sol 0x5b0398D2A7EEb524C678bbE9f9a4C4104E864D38
FeeReceiver.sol 0xfdCE0267803C6a0D209D3721d2f01Fd618e9CBF8
GasPool.sol 0xE0598D793bAf7b4f49F4a003885E4180B28caB61
Factory.sol 0x70b66E20766b775B2E9cE5B718bbD285Af59b7E1
LiquidationManager.sol 0x5de309dfd7f94e9e2A18Cb6bA61CA305aBF8e9E2
TroveManager.sol 0x4482BD395d78d36AF31a1d58fe86958707861Cf5
SortedTroves.sol 0x3BaB3F90095c424b923D67F4bE1790935c8BBb50
TokenLocker.sol 0x3f78544364c3eCcDCe4d9C89a630AEa26122829d
IncentiveVoting.sol 0xfd8DF0Db401Ab7EC7a06a8465134FA32132e850C
PrismaToken.sol 0xdA47862a83dac0c112BA89c6abC2159b95afd71C
Vault.sol 0x06bDF212C290473dCACea9793890C5024c7Eb02c
StabilityPool.sol 0xed8B26D99834540C5013701bB3715faFD39993Ba
DebtToken.sol 0x4591DBfF62656E7859Afe5e45f6f47D3669fBB28
BorrowerOperations.sol 0x72c590349535AD52e6953744cb2A36B409542719
AdminVoting.sol 0xC5F87695cABBF16F81133CaBbc7CCC073E648139
CurveDepositFactory.sol 0x60aF2b6eea2FDc2B6e2cb4A9668c80966D9759e9
CurveDepositToken.sol 0x924eca29B9535ED43CdC12aAC6F8B5f6A08c7322
ConvexFactory.sol 0xD7BA3147F4C1563848fB760352c056D2C8465732
ConvexDepositToken.sol 0xCF139DbdEfCF14E8BcBfC65d094cd1df8a744a96

1.5 Summary of findings

Severity # of Findings
LOW 12

1.6 Conclusion

During the audit process 2 CRITICAL, 3 HIGH, 6 MEDIUM and 12 LOW severity findings were spotted. After working on the reported findings, all of them were acknowledged or fixed by the client.

The current scope is very well written regarding the ease of understanding and reading the code. All functions can be easily comprehended.

To improve the overall security of the protocol and decrease the number of findings, we suggest increasing test coverage and using Fuzzing tests to find various complex attack vectors.

We recommend writing tests for the following files:

  • PriceFeed.sol
  • AllocationVesting.sol

The client provided the smart contracts for the deployment without:

  • EmissionSchedule.sol
  • BoostCalculator.sol
  • AllocationVesting.sol
  • AirdropDistributor.sol

To make sure that the deployed code hasn’t been modified after the last audited commit, one should conduct their own investigation and deployment verification.


2.1 Critical

1. Incorrect defaultedDebt interest accrual


Fixed in


In Prisma, there are liquidations which distribute the debt and collateral from liquidated troves among the remaining ones. For example, these are liquidations when ICR < 100% or liquidations the size of which the StabilityPool cannot cover. Each liquidation of this kind increases the values of defaultedDebt, L_debt, and L_collateral in the relevant TroveManager. These variables are used to track the total debt for each trove.

The _applyPendingRewards() function is triggered with every user interaction with a trove and increases the trove.debt by the pending debt from the defaultedDebt pool, but only if rewardSnapshots[trove].collateral < L_collateral:

function _applyPendingRewards
    if (rewardSnapshots[_borrower].collateral < L_collateral) {
        // add pending interest
        debt = debt + pendingDebtReward;
    // update trove debt
    t.debt = debt;

Over time, the value of L_debt and the size of defaultedDebt increase:

function _redistributeDebtAndColl
    if (lastIndexUpdateCached < block.timestamp) {
        uint256 accruedInterest = Math.mulDiv(defaultedDebt, interestFactor,
        debtWithInterests += accruedInterest;
    defaultedDebt += debtWithInterests;

However, L_collateral can remain the same until the next bad liquidation (i.e., a liquidation with ICR < 100% or a liquidation which StabilityPool cannot cover).

Thus, if a hacker triggers _applyPendingRewards() for themselves after a bad liquidation (which increases L_collateral and L_debt), for example, using the claimReward() function, they will set their rewardSnapshots[hacker].collateral equal to the new L_collateral, and subsequent increases in the L_debt variable over time will be incorrectly tracked for them.

For example, the getTroveCollAndDebt() function will return the correct debt for the hacker, including the accumulated defaultedDebt interest. However, _applyPendingRewards() will not update the trove.debt variable because the condition rewardSnapshots[hacker].collateral < L_collateral is not satisfied as L_collateral remained unchanged. This allows the hacker to close their trove without paying the accrued defaultedDebt interest, which can be arbitrarily large. Upon trove closure, all their pending interest will be distributed among unsuspecting remaining troves.

This leads to instant losses for all troves, which will be forced to pay off the accumulated debt in defaultedDebt on behalf of the hacker, and it also leads to instability in the system when a multitude of troves can suddenly go underwater due to the sudden distribution of unpaid debt by the hacker.

The PoC was sent to the Prism team.


The issue with incorrect interest accrual could be addressed by expanding the check in the _applyPendingRewards() function as follows:

if (
    (rewardSnapshots[_borrower].collateral < L_collateral)
    (rewardSnapshots[_borrower].debt < L_debt)

However, it's worth noting that the defaultedDebt pool can only be zeroed out if after a bad liquidation, the _applyPendingRewards() function is called for absolutely all troves in the system, which transfers the debt from defaultedDebt to the totalActiveDebt pool:


This is not practically possible. Therefore, defaultedDebt will remain positive because some accounts in the system will be inactive. Consequently, the interest accumulated over time in the defaultedDebt pool will be distributed among all other active accounts. This seems unfair to active accounts, who will have to pay for the debts of inactive users.

Therefore, the best solution seems to be a complete abandonment of interest accrual on the defaultedDebt pool.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 2c9540b16690bb115501dff14cb9cebd29949350 - we no longer apply interest to defaulted debt.

2. Mint awards can be manipulated


Fixed in


Mint awards can be manipulated. Next steps:

  1. A hacker waits until TCR becomes 149% in TroveManager
  2. The hacker takes the collateral flashloan and inside the transaction:
  1. The hacker has a huge "accountLatestMint" after flashloan and they can claim prisma tokens.

The script has been provided.


This finding shows a way to open any trove without a commission. It is not recommended to give awards for minting directly (

We recommend revising the architecture of rewards.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 41d84cdf80c3717ab3074e6db674ef72c70b3e84 - emissions for minting are disabled while the system is in recovery mode.

2.2 High

1. An attacker can steal the StabilityPool depositors profit


Fixed in


The liquidation flow of the protocol is supposed to be as follows:

  • users open troves and join StabilityPool
  • anyone calls liquidation that iterates the given troves and liquidates them one by one
  • in StabilityPool there are more collateral tokens

By using a flash loan, any user can bypass the provision of liquidity to the protocol for a long time and steal some of the StabilityPool provider's profit taking the following steps:

  1. An attacker gets a flash mint (
  2. The attacker makes a deposit mkUSD to StabilityPool.
  3. The attacker calls the liquidateTroves function to liquidate the troves.
  4. The attacker calls withdrawFromSP
  5. The attacker gets profit and returns the flash loan.

The attack's impact:

  • loss of profit from liquidations by StabilityPool providers;
  • decreased motivation to use the Stability Pool which may cause mkUSD to unpeg.

We recommend that you use the time factor to prevent flash loan attacks.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 534b3576282d92848433f841ade8fe32d645ef06 - SP withdrawals are blocked in the same second that there has been a deposit.

2. Whale governance attack on the protocol takes 1 day and cannot be cancelled by DAO


Fixed in


The flow of the attack:

  1. A whale prepares funds so that the lock for one week gives a weight to bypass the passingPct.
  2. In the end of week [N], one minute before week [N+1], the whale callsTokenLocker.lock(week=1). The token locker will register the weight for week [N]
  3. Week [N+1] begins in one minute after Step 2. The funds for the attack are unlocked and can be withdrawn.
  4. The whale calls AdminVoting.createNewProposal() The payload is the following: -- PrismaCore.setGuardian() -- Treasury.transferTokens(token=prisma, receiver=whale, amount=everything)
  5. The whale calls AdminVoting.voteForProposal() and votes for the proposal from Step 4. AdminVoting uses weights from the previous week [N] which is already finalized and the whale was the largest voter at the end of the week. The whale bypasses passingPct for this proposal, so the proposal can be executed in 1 day.
  6. In one day, the whale calls AdminVoting.executeProposal() and withdraws all funds from the Treasury.

The guardian cannot cancel this attack. Because the first call in the payload is PrismaCore.setGuardian() which is the only type of call that cannot be cancelled, thus the whole payload cannot be cancelled.


We recommend that:

  • the guardian restriction to cancel PrismaCore.setGuardian() should be fixed. For example, the guardian is not allowed to cancel PrismaCore.setGuardian() only if payload.length == 1. In this case proposers must have only one call in the payload. Otherwise, the guardian can cancel.
  • when a proposal changes a guardian the protocol can require higher passingPct.
Client's commentary

Payload check fixed in 7ada067d6cd0bd6761440a01e2ea81c09e5391f5. Higher passingPct fixed in 82467aa42af815093cdcd48978d6c74879205599.

3. Small amounts can be withdrawn without penalties from TockenLocker


Fixed in


There's a rounding error in the penalty calculation:

uint256 penaltyOnAmount = (lockAmount * weeksToUnlock) / MAX_LOCK_WEEKS;

The penalty becomes zero if lockAmount * weeksToUnlock < MAX_LOCK_WEEKS. For example, if lockToTokenRatio=1e18, then 1e18 PRISM is locked for 51 weeks (or alternatively, 51e18 PRISMA is locked for 1 week) can be withdrawn without penalties.

One example of an attack that allows you to withdraw 23% of the tokens from the AllocationVesting contract:

PoC has been sent to the customer.


We recommended that you improve the precision of the penalty calculation or prohibit the early withdrawal of small amounts.

Client's commentary

Fixed in e1e26c62d672e00be3b25babf4cd0240479c34b2 by improving precision / rounding the penalty amount up during early withdrawals.

2.3 Medium

1. The implementation of contracts is mutable in Factory


Fixed in


troveManagerImpl can be changed (

In Factory cloneDeterministic (create2) troveManagerImpl is used as a base contract for copying contracts, so the getTroveManager method may return incorrect results if troveManagerImpl is changed.


We recommend revising predictDeterministicAddress and getting the trove manager using a collateral.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 079e39fa0004679faa5eefbdd8e4af1b497fa28d

2. Users can lock tokens for a few seconds and receive the same weight as users with a one week lock


Fixed in


The weight received right after the lock is stored in the accountWeeklyWeights[currentWeek].

Imagine two users:

  1. the first one locks tokens at the first seconds of week 6, duration is 1 week;
  2. the second one locks tokens at the last seconds of week 6, duration is 1 week.

Both of them will receive the weight of tokenAmount*1 and both of them will have all their tokens unlocked in week 7. They can withdraw their unlocked tokens in the first seconds of week 7.

It means that the protocol treats these two users identically though the first user locked PRISMA tokens for 1 week and the second one in fact locked tokens for only a few seconds.


We recommend requiring the minimum length of the lock for more than 1 week. It would allow the protocol to have a liquidity lock for at least 1 week even in case of malicius locks in last seconds.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 2180af34c0eab5a73441c972d3ede802f28db7f4. We have disallowed 1 week locks within the final 3 days of each epoch week.

3. A guardian cannot cancel a malicious proposal in AdminVoting


Fixed in


A user can create a new proposal via createNewProposal() with a payload of actions. A guardian, however, is prohibited from using cancelProposal() on a proposal, if the first action is a call to IPrismaCore.setGuardian(). Therefore, if the proposal contains a malicious action, the guardian is unable to cancel it.


Our recommendation is to allow the cancellation of a proposal if its payload.length > 1.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 7ada067d6cd0bd6761440a01e2ea81c09e5391f5

4. No time to cancel a malicious proposal in AdminVoting


Fixed in


A malicious whale can create a proposal, wait for MIN_TIME_TO_EXECUTION + 1 (currently 24 hours), and then vote and execute it in the same block, leaving no time for a guardian to cancel it.

It becomes possible because of MIN_TIME_TO_EXECUTION < VOTING_PERIOD and there are only two requirements to execute a proposal:

require(proposal.currentWeight >= proposal.requiredWeight, "Not passed");
require(proposal.createdAt + MIN_TIME_TO_EXECUTION < block.timestamp,

We recommend adding a delay between the point in time when the proposal gains enough votes for execution and the execution itself.

Client's commentary

Fixed in c3b19625700434fc1a8e1c10b00ce909680ba663

5. 1e18-1 wei PRISMA can get lost in AllocationVesting.lockFutureClaimsWithReceiver()


Fixed in


In function AllocationVesting.lockFutureClaimsWithReceiver(), an amount of tokens is debited from the user. However, a number with a rounding error is locked:

tokenLocker.lock(receiver, amount / lockToTokenRatio, 52);

If lockToTokenRatio==1e18, then the dust up to 1e18 wei PRISMA will be lost by the user and will accumulate in the AllocationVesting contract.


It seems that the loss of 1e18-1 wei PRISMA would be unpleasant for the user, so it's recommended to prevent this.

One way to do this is to discard the dust at the beginning of the function:

function lockFutureClaimsWithReceiver(
    address account,
    address receiver,
    uint256 amount
) public callerOrDelegated(account) {
    amount = (amount / lockToTokenRatio) * lockToTokenRatio;  
    // truncating the dust
Client's commentary

Fixed in ee3349d69ca0c861312766645788ff634aaad4b7

6. Using the RESPONSE_TIMEOUT constant for all oracles


Fixed in


Chainlink uses the heartbeat when checking if the data feed is fresh.

Currently, the 25 hours constant is used for the definition of staling. However, there are feeds that update the data faster (for example,

Without this, data can be considered fresh for a long time.


It is recommended not to use the RESPONSE_TIMEOUT constant. Each oracle can contain this variable.

Client's commentary

Fixed in bead4a8a3b713c9e363520b79356401768ae7721

2.4 Low

1. A flashmint max amount check is easily bypassed


Fixed in


Users can take two or more flashloans and bypass the requirement of the maxFlashLoan() size.

The current cap for flashloans is set to 2**128. If this check aims to limit the flashloan amount in order not to exceed max totalSupply, take into account that OpenZeppelin´s ERC20 will not allow new totalSupply overflow 2**256 limit.


We recommend either removing this check or introducing a reentrancy protection for the flashloan function only.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 49ee49f39584c35c05eff17db214fcc487ea3ecf - the restriction was removed.

2. The callerOrDelegated specification is not followed for CloseTrove


Fixed in


For all key functions in BorrowerOperations users can choose their privileged address to delegate an operation.

Comment there states that:

In executing the call, 
all internal state updates 
should be applied for `account` 
and all value transfers 
should occur to or from the caller.

It is not the case for closeTrove().


We recommend either sending collateral to msg.sender or fixing the comment describing the desired behavior.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 594d9fc9de4148fcb5bb137bac8fc4884ffcecec

3. During the global pause users can increase and decrease TCR




We have two contracts that check the global pause:

  • BorrowerOperations.sol (BO)
  • StabilityPool.sol (SP)

These contracts have the following functions for users and sometimes they are allowed to be called during the global pause.

function allowed on pause ?
BO.openTrove() no
BO.addColl() no
BO.withdrawCall() yes
BO.withdrawDebt() no
BO.repayDebt() yes
BO.adjustTrove() allowed if adjusted to [no more collateral] & [less debt]
BO.closeTrove() yes
SP.provideToSP() no
SP.withdrawFromSP() yes

Withdrawing collateral makes TCR lower. Repaying debt makes TCR higher. Closing troves makes TCR lower, likely.

As a result, the "pause" does not serve as a true global pause and does not stop all operations.


We recommend ensuring that this pause behavior is enough and complete. If the project needs a true global pause, we recommend introducing a new type of pause that stops all functions.

Client's commentary

We have updated our documentation to better explain the intent of the pause functionality.

4. TroveManager bytecodes are not recommended to be different




Factory allows selecting any implementation addresses for TroveManager and SortedTroves.

The problem is that TroveManagers are not completely separated and the TCR calculation is made via iterating through each TroveManager. Thus, the issue in one TroveManager can break the whole system. That is why it is risky that potentially not audited implementations are allowed.


We recommend ensuring that all connected TroveManagers share the same code. It is better to have new features separated from the audited codebase, e.g. in v2 of the protocol.

Client's commentary

We understand and accept this risk.

5. MCR and CCR management


Fixed in


MCR and CCR are constants:

Over time, the value and volatility of the collateral token may change. It will require to adapt MCR and CCR to new market behavior.


We recommend that you add methods for changing MCR and CCR parameters.

Client's commentary

Dynamic MCR implemented in c0122d27677cd4e1aaee7f1e21f807ccadf46ac8. We have decided not to implement a dynamic CCR.

6. Use SafeTransfer


Fixed in


When transfer tokens, there are checks for returned value:

This is the right way. But when working with specific tokens, we can use SafeERC20.


We recommend using SafeERC20.

SafeERC20 helps:

  • check the boolean return values of ERC20 operations and revert the transaction if they fail;
  • at the same time allowing you to support some non-standard ERC20 tokens that don’t have boolean return values.
Client's commentary

Implemented in 039cc86ac7a5e14ec7b067488b39a6f08a914f05 - SafeERC20 is used for collaterals. We have not implemented it for transfers of our own protocol tokens, CRV, CVX or Curve LP tokens, as all of these tokens return True or revert.

7. A note about exotic tokens




The project's current implementation does not account for the unique behaviors associated with rebaseable tokens, fee-on-transfer tokens, ERC-777 (callback) tokens, or non-18 decimal tokens, exposing the system to potential risks and undesirable consequences, if such a token is used as a collateral.


It is necessary to manage the collateral registration process to ensure that such exotic tokens are not added as part of the protocol.

Client's commentary

We understand and accept this risk.

8. Unused approval from Treasury to TokenLock


Fixed in


In the constructor of Treasury we have this line:

_token.approve(address(_locker), type(uint256).max);

But TokenLocker never takes PrismaTokens from the Treasury. Moreover, TokenLocker does not store Treasury address.


This approval can be removed.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 16b23cbb2c26ec76ac803706a61541cd1aea1111

9. CurveProxy contract needs to be approved by Curve DAO


Fixed in


There is the following line in the methods for blocking CRV tokens (in Curve vesting contract):


In order to makeCurveProxy work, you need to get an approval from the Curve DAO.


We recommend documenting the CurveProxy deployment process.

Client's commentary

Fixed in fee32677c2bf418d8a3ab89f345d615bfd8ebe0f

10. Events missing


Fixed in


The function should emit an event for better UX in possible integrations:


We recommend emitting events.

Client's commentary

Fixed in ae366131d58611eece788fd71f736968d36428ce

11. Old votes can be called


Fixed in


Old approved proposals may be called after a long time.

One example of using this loophole:

  1. A hacker generates a duplicate proposal from the PRISMA team and motivates users to vote for it.
  2. The proposal gets enough votes but doesn't execute executeProposal.
  3. After a long time, the hacker returns to this proposal and calls it for their own purposes.

We recommend making the maximum lifetime for the proposal.

Client's commentary

Fixed in f3c1d6f0a6d28807331300569c043a0c97d2d62b

12. AllocationVesting.setAllocations() allows setting a zero numberOfWeeks


Fixed in


setAllocations() allows an admin to create an allocation with zero numberOfWeeks, leading to unexpected behavior. For example, the _vestedAt() function for allocations with zero numberOfWeeks always returns zero and thus the claim() function reverts, so a user can't withdraw funds from such an allocation.

However, transferPoints() assumes that if an allocation has zero numberOfWeeks, then this allocation is empty and therefore rewrites numberOfWeeks with the sender's value:

if (numberOfWeeksTo == 0) {
    allocations[to].numberOfWeeks = numberOfWeeksFrom;

Thus, after transferring additional points, this allocation becomes available for withdrawal.


We recommend adding a check in the AllocationVesting.setAllocations() function to ensure that numberOfWeeks cannot be zero.

Client's commentary

Fixed in 722161301ee077abdd5e922a783e4cae5063602a


MixBytes is a team of blockchain developers, auditors and analysts keen on decentralized systems. We build opensource solutions, smart contracts and blockchain protocols, perform security audits, work on benchmarking and software testing solutions, do research and tech consultancy.