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Marco Dickert edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 6 revisions

edit configuration

There are several ways to configure the IFM. At the moment you can either change the default configuration at the top of the script, or pass a custom configuration array to the constructor (when using libifm.php). Furthermore it is possible to configure the IFM via environment variables. This is especially handy when you use the docker image or want to update the IFM without bothering with the new default config.

environment variables

The way to set environment variables depends on the software you use. If you are using the apache2 webserver running mod_php you can set them by adding the SetEnv directive to either you virtual host definition, or in a .htaccess file:

SetEnv IFM_ROOT_DIR "/var/www/html"
SetEnv IFM_AUTH_SOURCE "file;/var/www/.htpasswd"

If you are using PHP-FPM then you can set them directly in the pool configuration:

env[IFM_API_EDIT] = 0
env[IFM_FORBIDDENCHARS] = "$:/&?'*"

If you use docker, you can set them like this:

docker run ... -e IFM_ROOT_DIR="/var/www/html" ...

configuration options

The IFM offers the following configuration options. The names depend on wheather you use the PHP config or the environment variables.

$config env var description
auth, auth_source IFM_AUTH, IFM_AUTH_SOURCE see authentication
root_dir IFM_ROOT_DIR Sets a custom root directory. By default the IFM is locked to its own directory, so you can't go above. Notice that the PHP user has to have sufficient permissions for the root_dir, otherwise IFM will not work. Regardless of whether the root_dir is set or not, the IFM will not follow symlinks, as long as the destination lies outside the root_dir. This is by design and cannot be changed.
tmp_dir IFM_TMP_DIR Sets a custom temporary directory. This is used to save temporary zip files when you download an entire directory. Make sure the PHP user has write permissions there.
ajaxrequest IFM_API_AJAXREQUEST Controls if the user is allowed to perform an ajax request. This was primarily used to debug the IFM in the development process and I didn't remove it since it's quite useful in some cases.
chmod IFM_API_CHMOD Controls if the user is allowed to change permissions of files and directories.
copymove IFM_API_COPYMOVE Controls if the user is allowed to copy or move files and directories.
createdir IFM_API_CREATEDIR Controls if the user is allowed to create directories
createfile IFM_API_CREATEFILE Controls if the user is allowed to create files.
edit IFM_API_EDIT Controls if the user is allowed to edit files. I'm not sure if it makes any sense that creating files and editing files are two separate permissions, but I never changed that.
delete IFM_API_DELETE Controls if the user is allowed to delete files and directories
download IFM_API_DOWNLOAD Controls if the user is allowed to download files.
extract IFM_API_EXTRACT Controls if the user is allowed to extract zip files.
upload IFM_API_UPLOAD Controls if the user is allowed to upload files.
remoteupload IFM_API_REMOTEUPLOAD Controls if the user is allowed to upload files remotely via an URL.
rename IFM_API_RENAME Controls if the user is allowed to rename files and directories.
zipnload IFM_API_ZIPNLOAD Controls if the user is allowed to download directories as zip files.
showlastmodified IFM_GUI_SHOWLASTMODIFIED Show the last modified column
showfilesize IFM_GUI_SHOWFILESIZE Show the filesize
showowner IFM_GUI_SHOWOWNER Show the owner (*nix only)
showgroup IFM_GUI_SHOWGROUP Show the group (*nix only)
showpermissions IFM_GUI_SHOWPERMISSIONS Show the permissions
showhtdocs IFM_GUI_SHOWHTDOCS Show files starting with .ht. Notice: If you disable this, the user is also not allowed to edit or create such files.
showhiddenfiles IFM_GUI_SHOWHIDDENFILES Show hidden files. Notice: If you disable this, the user is also not allowed to edit or create such files.
showpath IFM_GUI_SHOWPATH Shows the absolute path to the root_dir