The SCImago Journal & Country Rank is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database. These indicators can be used to assess and analyze scientific domains. Journals can be compared or analysed separately. Country rankings may also be compared or analysed separately.
Fitxer de dades : aqui
Per llegir un fitxer a python, utilitzarem una funció que li passarem la ruta i retornarà una llista amb totes les línies del fitxer.
# How to define a function in python with the word key
# the type date after the : is only documentation for Python
def read_csv_file(csv_file_path: str) -> list:
with open(csv_file_path, newline='') as csvfile:
csv_reader=csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=";")
result = [row_dict for row_dict in csv_reader]
return result
D'aquesta manera anomenem la funció que ens tornarà el contingut.
# Import notebook
# How to import a notebook a file
import csv
csv_file_path = "scimago-medicine.csv"
entries = read_csv_file(csv_file_path)
{'Rank': '1',
'Sourceid': '28773',
'Title': 'Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians',
'Type': 'journal',
'Issn': '15424863, 00079235',
'SJR': '62,937',
'SJR Best Quartile': 'Q1',
'Categories': 'Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)'}
**A cada exercici, en alguns casos hi haurà dues solucions:
· Una la proposada per Pablo Garcia (en un fitxer apart), aprofitant totes les funcionalitats de Python. Per les solucions suggerides per Pablo, serà necessari que tingueu també el fitxer , que es troba dins la mateixa carpeta de github, com així mateix les solucions de Pablo.
· Una segona suggerida per Miquel Angel Bardají, més a l'estil de programació Java, realitzat al curs anterior.
- Ex1 - How many entries are in scimago-medicine.csv?
- Ex2 - What types of scientific publications are in the file?
- Ex3 - Agrupar publisher por numero de tipo de publicaciones
- Ex4 - Cual es publisher más antiguo que aún publica (tiene publicación el último año)
- Ex5 - Ranking de paises por H-Index
- Ex6 - Llistar totes les categories
- Ex7 - Categoría con más entradas
- Ex8 - Todas las entradas de "Sports Medicine" o "Sports science"
- Ex9 - Todas las regiones cubiertas por todas las entries
- Ex10 - Exercici 10 Media del H-Index por region
# How to define a function in python with the word key
# the type date after the : is only documentation for Python
def read_csv_file(csv_file_path: str) -> list:
with open(csv_file_path, newline='') as csvfile:
csv_reader=csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=";")
result = [row_dict for row_dict in csv_reader]
return result
# Import notebook
# How to import a notebook a file
import csv
import re
csv_file_path = "scimago-medicine.csv"
entries = read_csv_file(csv_file_path)
# entries = entries[0:10] opció per a quedar-se sol amb els 10 primers , per poder fer proves.
{'Rank': '1', 'Sourceid': '28773', 'Title': 'Ca-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians', 'Type': 'journal', 'Issn': '15424863, 00079235', 'SJR': '62,937', 'SJR Best Quartile': 'Q1', 'H index': '168', 'Total Docs. (2020)': '47', 'Total Docs. (3years)': '119', 'Total Refs.': '3452', 'Total Cites (3years)': '15499', 'Citable Docs. (3years)': '80', 'Cites / Doc. (2years)': '126,34', 'Ref. / Doc.': '73,45', 'Country': 'United States', 'Region': 'Northern America', 'Publisher': 'Wiley-Blackwell', 'Coverage': '1950-2020', 'Categories': 'Hematology (Q1); Oncology (Q1)'}
Exercici 1 How many entries are in scimago-medicine.csv?
# 1. How many entries are in {csv_file_path}?
num = len(entries)
print(f"There are {num} entries.")
Exercici 2 Detectar tots els valors diferents de la columna Type.
# Función que devuelve una lista de valores unicos de una lista con valores repetidos
def get_unique_type(entries:list) -> list:
unique = []
for entrada in entries:
# print(entrada['Type'])
if (not (entrada['Type'] in unique)):
return unique
# Buscar cuantos tipos de entradas hay diferentes
unicos = get_unique_type(entries)
['journal', 'book series', 'conference and proceedings', 'trade journal']
# Función que devuelve diccionario con los diferentes tipos y el numero de veces que aparece
def get_num_type(lista:list) -> dict:
num_type = {}
for entrada in lista:
# print(entrada['Type'])
if (not (entrada['Type'] in num_type)):
num_type[entrada['Type']] = num_type[entrada['Type']] + 1
return num_type
diccionario = get_num_type(entries)
{'journal': 6823, 'book series': 35, 'conference and proceedings': 262, 'trade journal': 5}
# Función que devuelve una lista de valores unicos de una lista con valores repetidos
def get_unique_type2(entries:list) -> list:
unique = []
for entrada in entries:
# print(entrada['Type'])
if (not (entrada in unique)):
return unique
listaTipos = [d["Type"] for d in entries]
l = get_unique_type2(listaTipos)
['journal', 'book series', 'conference and proceedings', 'trade journal']
#Buscar cuantas publicaciones de españa hay
#buscar cuabntas superan una tasa
#buscar cuantas publicaciones de cada tipo hay
import re
text = "python is, an easy;language; to, learn."
print(re.split('; |, ', text))
['python is', 'an easy;language', 'to', 'learn.']
--> Solució Pablo exercici6 FER CLICK AQUI
categorias: set = set() #Mejor así. Desambigua
for entrada in entries:
lista = re.split(';', entrada['Categories']) #Separa, en función de los delimitadores que le pongas
for cate in lista:
posicion=cate.find(" (Q")
if (posicion!=-1):
cate = cate[:posicion]
#mylist = [x for x in iterable]
mylist = list(categorias)
for item in mylist:
1 Acoustics and Ultrasonics 2 Advanced and Specialized Nursing .. 286 Waste Management and Disposal 287 Water Science and Technology
--> Solució Pablo exercici7 CLICK AQUI
categorias: dict = set() #Mejor así. Desambigua
dictionary = {}
for entrada in entries:
lista = re.split(';', entrada['Categories']) #Separa, en función de los delimitadores que le pongas
for cate in lista:
posicion=cate.find(" (Q") # Elimino el texto trimestre
if (posicion!=-1):
cate = cate[:posicion]
cate = cate.strip() #Elimino espacios por delante
if cate in dictionary:
dictionary2=dict(sorted(dictionary.items(), key=lambda item: item[1],reverse=True))
for key in dictionary2:
i = i + 1
if (i<=20):
print((i),'-', key,':',dictionary2[key])
1 - Medicine (miscellaneous) : 2447 2 - Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health : 560 3 - Psychiatry and Mental Health : 537 ... 19 - Health (social science) : 195 20 - Clinical Psychology : 195
--> Solució Pablo exercici8 CLICK AQUI
for entrada in entries:
#if entrada['Categories'].find("Sports")!=-1:
if "Sports" in entrada['Categories']:
{'Rank': '121', 'Sourceid': '19817', 'Title': 'British Journal of Sports Medicine', 'Type': 'journal', 'Issn': '03063674, 14730480', 'SJR': '4,329', 'SJR Best Quartile': 'Q1', 'H index': '171', 'Total Docs. (2020)': '394', 'Total Docs. (3years)': '1156', 'Total Refs.': '11234', 'Total Cites (3years)': '7715', >'Citable Docs. (3years)': '668', 'Cites / Doc. (2years)': '5,97', 'Ref. / Doc.': '28,51', 'Country': 'United Kingdom', 'Region': 'Western Europe', 'Publisher': >'BMJ Publishing Group', 'Coverage': '1964, 1974-2020', 'Categories': 'Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Orthopedics and Sports Medicine (Q1); Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation (Q1); Sports Science (Q1)'} ...
{'Rank': '7091', 'Sourceid': '21101013588', 'Title': 'Journal of Spine Surgery', 'Type': 'journal', 'Issn': '2414469X, 24144630', 'SJR': '', 'SJR Best Quartile': '-', 'H index': '4', 'Total Docs. (2020)': '127', 'Total Docs. (3years)': '0', 'Total Refs.': '4501', 'Total Cites (3years)': '0', 'Citable Docs. (3years)': '0', 'Cites / Doc. (2years)': '0,00', 'Ref. / Doc.': '35,44', 'Country': 'China', 'Region': 'Asiatic Region', 'Publisher': 'AME Publishing Company', 'Coverage': '2020', 'Categories': 'Orthopedics and Sports Medicine; Surgery'}
--> Solució Pablo exercici9_CLICK AQUI
regiones: dict = set() #Mejor así. Desambigua
for entrada in entries:
{'Africa', 'Africa/Middle East', 'Asiatic Region', 'Eastern Europe', 'Latin America', 'Middle East', 'Northern America', 'Pacific Region', 'Western Europe'}
--> Solució Pablo exercici10_CLICK AQUI
# Función que devuelve una lista de valores unicos de una lista con valores repetidos
def actualizar_lista(entrada:list, valor:int) -> list:
entrada[0] = entrada[0] + 1
entrada[1] = entrada[1] + valor
return entrada
def media(entrada:list) -> float:
return entrada[1]/entrada[0]
dictionary = {}
for entrada in entries:
region = entrada['Region']
if region in dictionary:
dictionary[region] = actualizar_lista(dictionary[region], int(entrada['H index']))
dictionary[region].append(int(entrada['H index']))
for entrada_diccionario in dictionary:
print(entrada_diccionario,'-', media(dictionary[entrada_diccionario]))
Northern America - 65.21652816251154 Western Europe - 54.08188428706924 Asiatic Region - 21.913719943422915 Pacific Region - 28.87704918032787 Eastern Europe - 12.408415841584159 Middle East - 19.862962962962964 Africa/Middle East - 26.017241379310345 Latin America - 18.331550802139038 Africa - 17.75
--> Solució Pablo exercici5 CLICK AQUI
--> Solució Pablo exercici4 CLICK AQUI
# 'Publisher': 'Wiley-Blackwell',
#'Coverage': '1950-2020',
import datetime
#Obtains the current year of execution
def current_year() -> int:
currentDateTime =
date =
year = int(date.strftime("%Y"))
return year
categorias: dict = set() #Mejor así. Desambigua
dictionary = {}
year_min = current_year()
year = year_min
name = []
for entrada in entries:
anyos = re.split('-|,', entrada['Coverage']) #Separa
anyos = [int(i) for i in anyos]
if (year_min > anyos[0] and anyos[-1]==(year-1)):
year_min = anyos[0]
elif (year_min== anyos[0] and anyos[-1]==(year-1)):
print('The publishers -> ' ,name, ' first publish in ', year_min)
The publishers -> ['Wiley-Blackwell', 'Massachussetts Medical Society', 'American Physiological Society', 'Elsevier Ltd.'] first publish in 1823
--> Solució Pablo exercici3 CLICK AQUI
# Imports
import utils
import pprint
# ---3. Group publisher by number of publications----
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def q3():
publisher_dict:dict[str,set()]={} #dictionari clave publicador, valor conjunto de type de publicacionse
raw_entries: list[dict] = utils.read_csv_file("scimago-medicine.csv")
lista_tupla:list[tuple[str, int]]
for publicacio in raw_entries:
if publicacio['Publisher'] in publisher_dict:
publisher_dict[publicacio['Publisher']].add(publicacio['Type']) #afegeixo al ser
publisher_dict[publicacio['Publisher']] = {publicacio['Type']} #afegeixo primer al dictionari
for clave in publisher_dict:
# conto el numero de elements de cadascun dels conjunts
publisher_dict_num[clave] = len(publisher_dict[clave])
for clave in publisher_dict_num:
#aqui la clave la utilitzo per trobar el numero de types que te aquest publisher
#aquest valor sera la clau del nou diccionari, si existeix augmento en 1 i sino la
#inicialitzo a 1
clau = publisher_dict_num[clave]
if clau in publisher_num_type:
publisher_num_type[clau] += 1
publisher_num_type[clau] = 1
#lista_tupla = sort_ranking(publisher_dict_num)
# Main
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{1: 1884, 2: 20}