Paid for a night out with friends or a large dinner party? Add the items from your receipt and determine how much each person owes you with a weighted average of tip and taxes included.
- React
- Typescript
- Mobx
- Mobx Persist Store
- React Toastify
- Open Props
- React Router Dom
Tipsy runs with https
on localhost to support the WebShareAPI.
cd frontend
npm install
npm run cert
npm run dev
The roadmap provides a high level storyboard of future for the Tipsy project.
- Add undo functionality
- Create docker build and push GitHub Action to deploy
- Add About or Walkthrough Section
- Ability to share a link for 1 week
- Add gtag events
- Debounce inputs to prevent numerous state calls
- Consider breaking functions outside of calculation class
- Ability to split an item with a person
docker buildx build --platform linux/arm64 -t mikedelgaudio/tipsy:arm64 .
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t mikedelgaudio/tipsy:amd64 .
docker push mikedelgaudio/tipsy:arm64
docker push mikedelgaudio/tipsy:amd64