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Java Dependency Viewer

View Java dependencies in Visual Studio Code

Travis CI


A lightweight extension to provide additional Java project explorer features. It works with Language Support for Java by Red Hat to provide the following features:

  • Dependency viewer


  • Create simple Java Project

create project



Setting Name Description Default Value
java.dependency.showOutline Specify whether to show the outline in the dependency viewer. true
java.dependency.syncWithFolderExplorer Specify whether to sync the folder with dependency viewer when browsering files. true
java.dependency.autoRefresh Specify whether to automatically sync the change from editor to the dependency viewer. true
java.dependency.refreshDelay The delay time (ms) the auto refresh is invoked when changes are detected. 2000ms
java.dependency.packagePresentation Specify how to display the package. Supported values are: flat, hierarchical. flat



  • Prerequirement

    • Node.js
    • Java SDK 1.8.0 or above
  • Go to root folder:

npm install -g gulp
npm install
gulp build_server


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