From 9a92af89d17755c2a449f416fde5b578ca3e8329 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Embedded Bot Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 20:37:23 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] [localization][automated][ci skip] update locale files --- locales/messages.cs.json | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/messages.ja.json | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/messages.ko.json | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/ | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/messages.zh-Hans.json | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- locales/messages.zh-Hant.json | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 13 files changed, 416 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/messages.cs.json b/locales/messages.cs.json index 869894f9ec..5feb856ea7 100644 --- a/locales/messages.cs.json +++ b/locales/messages.cs.json @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "verze {version} je už v cestě {path}.", "AddVersionVersionIs": "Verze: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Položka dokončení vcpkg se přidává do {path}.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "K dokončení této operace je nutné odebrat další balíčky (*).", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "{value} řetězce formátu obsahuje argument nezpracovaného formátu.", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "nevyvážená složená závorka ve formátovacím řetězci {value}", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Všechny nainstalované balíčky jsou aktuální s místním souborem portů.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} je už nainstalováno.", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} už je nainstalovaný – nesestavuje se z HEAD.", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Na počítači probíhá jiná instalace, která před opakováním 6 s přechází do režimu spánku.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Pro tento kořen vcpkg byla použita integrace na úrovni uživatele.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} nemá žádný vliv na artefakt hledání.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} poskytuje cíle CMake:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# toto je heuristicky generované a nemusí být správné", "CMakeToolChainFile": "Projekty CMake by měly používat: -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg se zhroutilo. blížší podrobnosti nejsou k dispozici.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "nedosažitelný kód byl dosažen", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "aktualizace vcpkg opětovným spuštěním bootstrap-vcpkg může tuto chybu vyřešit.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "V adresáři portů existuje jak soubor manifestu, tak soubor CONTROL: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "{path} jako adresář je zastaralá.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Databáze je poškozena.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "Nepovedlo se odvodit ID a verzi NuGet z názvu souboru: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Vytváří se výstupní adresář protokolů chyb {path}.", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Balíček nupkg byl vytvořen: {path}", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "Nástroj curl oznámil neočekávané výsledky pro vcpkg a vcpkg nemůže pokračovat.\nPřečtěte si prosím následující text o citlivých informacích a otevřete problém na GitHubu Microsoftu/vcpkg, který vám pomůže tento problém vyřešit.\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== výstup curl ===\n{actual}\n=== konec výstupu curl ===", "DateTableHeader": "Datum", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Výchozí prohlížeč spuštěný pro {url}", "DefaultFlag": "Nastavuje se výchozí hodnota --{option}.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "Na základě nastavení systému je výchozí cesta k ukládání binárních souborů „{path}“. Nahlíží do %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% v systémech Windows a $XDG_CACHE_HOME nebo $HOME na jiných platformách.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Rozpoznává se hodnota hash kompilátoru pro triplet {triplet}...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Pokud se jedná o zdokumentovaná pole, která by se měla rozpoznat, zkuste aktualizovat nástroj vcpkg.", "DownloadAvailable": "Kopie nástroje je k dispozici ke stažení a dá se využít při změně nastavení hodnoty {env_var}.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Ve stavovém odstavci se očekávalo pole status.", "ExpectedTripletName": "tady se očekával trojitý název", "ExpectedValueForOption": "očekávaná hodnota za --{option}.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "Exportuje se {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Rozšířená dokumentace je k dispozici na adrese {url}.", "FailedToExtract": "{path} se nepodařilo extrahovat:", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Děkujeme vám za váš názor!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: Soubor se nenašel.", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Operace systému souborů se nezdařila:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "Dokončení vcpkg fish je už přidáno do {path}.", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Následující balíčky nemají platnou hodnotu CONTROL nebo vcpkg.json:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Následující balíčky nejsou nainstalovány:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "zpráva {value} má nesprávný komentář:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "Hodnota {{{value}}} byla zadána v komentáři, ale nebyla použita ve zprávě.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "Hodnota {{{value}}} se použila ve zprávě, ale nebyla okomentována.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Pokud chcete získat další informace o chybách analýzy, použijte --debug.", "GitCommandFailed": "spuštění příkazu se nepovedlo: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "očekával se název souboru", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Následující balíčky jsou již nainstalovány:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Všechny požadované balíčky jsou aktuálně nainstalovány.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Probíhá instalace portu z umístění: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Instaluje se {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "Integrace nebyla použita.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci je interní příkaz, který se změní nekompatibilně nebo se kdykoli odebere.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "Soubor, který se má uložit, neodpovídá hodnotě hash.", "MismatchedNames": "Názvy se neshodovaly: {package_name}! = {actual}", "Missing7zHeader": "Nepodařilo se najít hlavičku 7z.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest se předal --convert-control bez --all.\nToto nic nedělá: řídicí soubory, které se předají explicitně, se automaticky převedou.", "MissingDependency": "Balíček {spec} je nainstalovaný, ale závislost {package_name} není.", "MissingExtension": "Chybí přípona {extension}.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "Mezi těmito dvěma potvrzeními nedošlo k žádným změnám portů.", "PortsRemoved": "Odebraly se tyto porty (celkem {count}):", "PortsUpdated": "\nAktualizovaly se tyto porty (celkem {count}):", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "Předchozí integrační soubor nebyl odebrán.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "Nepovedlo se parsovat %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) jako platnou architekturu procesoru.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "Chybí požadovaná proměnná prostředí %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "Nepovedlo se parsovat %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) jako platnou architekturu procesoru. Vrací se k %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "Nástroj {tool_name} selhal s ukončovacím kódem {exit_code}.", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Nepodařilo se nasdílet změny {vendor} do cesty {path}. Pro další informace použijte --debug.", "RegistryCreated": "Registr na cestě {path} se úspěšně vytvořil.", "RemoveDependencies": "Pokud chcete odebrat závislosti v režimu manifestu, upravte manifest (vcpkg.json) a spusťte install.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "našla se jednotka počátečního kódu na pozici pro pokračování", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "Možnost --store je bez sha512 neplatná.", "StoredBinaryCache": "Uložená binární mezipaměť: {path}", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "Výsledek může být zastaralý. Nejnovější výsledky získáte spuštěním příkazu git pull.", "SuggestResolution": "Pokud se chcete pokusit vyřešit všechny chyby najednou, spusťte:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Tato změna se projeví až po spuštění nového prostředí Bash.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Celkový uplynulý čas: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "Jako příznaky funkce se zadala hodnota {value} i -{value}.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "Nepovedlo se určit použití sady nástrojů pro {triplet} s CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}. Chtěli jste použít VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "při hromadném stahování došlo k neočekávané chybě.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Neočekávaná přípona archivu: {extension}", "UnexpectedFormat": "Očekávaný formát je [{expected}], byl ale [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "předchozí upozornění jsou interpretována jako chyby", "WhileLookingForSpec": "při hledání {spec}:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Tento příkaz podporuje jenom Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Do {path} se zapsaly informace o konfiguraci balíčku NuGet." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index 3766990f65..746bffd4c9 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "Version {version} befindet sich bereits in {path}", "AddVersionVersionIs": "Version: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Der vcpkg-Vervollständigungseintrag wird zu „{path}“ hinzugefügt.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Zusätzliche Pakete (*) müssen entfernt werden, um diesen Vorgang abzuschließen.", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "Formatzeichenfolge „{value}“ enthält ein nicht formatiertes Formatargument.", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "nicht ausgeglichene Klammer in der Formatzeichenfolge „{value}“", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Alle installierten Pakete sind mit der lokalen Portdatei auf dem neuesten Stand.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} ist bereits installiert.", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} ist bereits installiert – wird nicht aus HEAD erstellt.", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Auf dem Computer wird gerade eine andere Installation ausgeführt. 6 Sekunden warten, bevor der Versuch wiederholt wird.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Die benutzerweite Integration für diesen vcpkg-Stamm wurde angewendet.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} hat keine Auswirkungen auf \"Artefakt suchen\".", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "„{package_name}“ stellt CMake-Ziele bereit:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# this is heuristically generated, and may be not correct", "CMakeToolChainFile": "CMake-Projekte sollten Folgendes verwenden: „-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}“", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "„vcpkg“ ist abgestürzt; es sind keine weiteren Details verfügbar.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "Nicht erreichbarer Code wurde erreicht.", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "Das Aktualisieren von vcpkg durch erneutes Ausführen von „bootstrap-vcpkg“ kann diesen Fehler möglicherweise beheben.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Sowohl eine Manifestdatei als auch eine CONTROL-Datei sind im Portverzeichnis vorhanden: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "'{path}' als Verzeichnis ist veraltet.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Die Datenbank ist beschädigt.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "Die NuGet-ID und die Version konnten nicht aus dem Dateinamen abgeleitet werden: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Ausgabeverzeichnis für Fehlerprotokolle wird erstellt: {path}", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Nupkg erstellt: „{path}“", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "„curl“ hat unerwartete Ergebnisse für „vcpkg“ gemeldet, und „vcpkg“ kann nicht fortgesetzt werden. \nÜberprüfen Sie den folgenden Text auf vertrauliche Informationen, und öffnen Sie ein Problem auf dem GitHub von „Microsoft/vcpkg“, um dieses Problem zu beheben.\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl output ===\n{actual}\n=== end curl output ===", "DateTableHeader": "Datum", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Der Standardbrowser wurde zum {url} gestartet.", "DefaultFlag": "Standardmäßig wird --{option} aktiviert.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "Basierend auf Ihren Systemeinstellungen lautet der Standardpfad zum Speichern von Binärdateien \"{path}\". Hierdurch wird %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% unter Windows und $XDG_CACHE_HOME oder $HOME auf anderen Plattformen abgefragt.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Compilerhash für Triplet {triplet} wird erkannt...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Wenn es sich um dokumentierte Felder handelt, die erkannt werden sollen, aktualisieren Sie das vcpkg-Tool.", "DownloadAvailable": "Eine herunterladbare Kopie dieses Tools ist verfügbar und kann verwendet werden, indem {env_var} zurückgesetzt wird.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Im Statusabsatz wurde das Feld „status“ erwartet", "ExpectedTripletName": "Hier wurde ein Tripletname erwartet", "ExpectedValueForOption": "Nach --{option} wurde ein Wert erwartet.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "{package_name} wird exportiert...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Unter \"{url}\" ist eine ausführliche Dokumentation erhältlich.", "FailedToExtract": "Fehler beim Extrahieren von „{path}“:", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: Datei nicht gefunden", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Fehler beim Vorgang des Dateisystems:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "Die vcpkg-fish-Vervollständigung wurde bereits unter „{path}“ hinzugefügt.", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Die folgenden Pakete verfügen nicht über eine gültige CONTROL- oder vcpkg.json-Datei:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Die folgenden Pakete sind nicht installiert:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "Die Nachricht {value} weist einen falschen Kommentar auf:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} wurde in einem Kommentar angegeben, aber nicht in der Nachricht verwendet.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}} wurde in der Nachricht verwendet, aber nicht kommentiert.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Verwenden Sie „--debug“, um weitere Informationen zu den Analysefehlern zu erhalten.", "GitCommandFailed": "Fehler beim Ausführen von {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "Es wurde ein Dateiname erwartet.", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Die folgenden Pakete sind bereits installiert:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Alle angeforderten Pakete sind derzeit installiert.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Installation des Ports von Speicherort: {Pfad}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Installing {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "Die Integration wurde nicht angewendet.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci ist ein interner Befehl, der sich inkompatibel ändert oder jederzeit entfernt wird.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "Die zu speichernde Datei stimmt nicht mit dem Hash überein.", "MismatchedNames": "Namen stimmten nicht überein: '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "Der 7z-Header wurde nicht gefunden.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest wurde ohne \"--all\" an \"--convert-control\" übergeben.\nDies führt keine Aktion aus: Explizit übergebene Steuerdateien werden automatisch konvertiert.", "MissingDependency": "Das Paket {spec} ist installiert, die Abhängigkeit {package_name} jedoch nicht.", "MissingExtension": "Die Erweiterung „{extension}“ fehlt.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "Es wurden keine Änderungen an den Ports zwischen den beiden Commits vorgenommen.", "PortsRemoved": "Die folgenden {count} Ports wurden entfernt:", "PortsUpdated": "\nDie folgenden {count} Ports wurden entfernt:", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "Die vorherige Integrationsdatei wurde nicht entfernt.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) konnte nicht als gültige CPU-Architektur geparst werden.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "Die erforderliche Umgebungsvariable %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% fehlt.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) konnte nicht als gültige CPU-Architektur geparst werden. Fallback auf %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% wird durchgeführt.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "Fehler bei {tool_name}. Exitcode: ({exit_code}).", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Fehler beim Pushen von {vendor} nach „{path}“. Verwenden Sie „--debug“, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", "RegistryCreated": "Die Registrierung wurde erfolgreich unter {path} erstellt", "RemoveDependencies": "Um Abhängigkeiten im Manifestmodus zu entfernen, bearbeiten Sie Ihr Manifest (vcpkg.json), und führen Sie „install“ aus.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "Startcodeeinheit in Fortsetzungsposition gefunden", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "Die Option \"--store\" ist ohne sha512 ungültig.", "StoredBinaryCache": "Gespeicherter binärer Cache: „{path}“", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "Das Ergebnis ist möglicherweise veraltet. Führen Sie \"git pull\" aus, um die neuesten Ergebnisse zu erhalten.", "SuggestResolution": "Um zu versuchen, alle Fehler gleichzeitig zu beheben, führen Sie Folgendes aus:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine neue Bash-Shell gestartet haben, damit die Änderung wirksam wird.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Insgesamt verstrichene Zeit: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "Sowohl „{value}“ als auch -“{value}“ wurden als Featurekennzeichen angegeben.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "Die Toolkettenverwendung für {triplet} mit CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name} kann nicht ermittelt werden. Wollten Sie VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE verwenden?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Massendownload.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Unerwartete Archiverweiterung: „{extension}“.", "UnexpectedFormat": "Das erwartete Format ist [{expected}], war aber [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "vorherige Warnungen werden als Fehler interpretiert", "WhileLookingForSpec": "bei der Suche nach {spec}:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Dieser Befehl unterstützt nur Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "NuGet-Paketkonfigurationsinformationen wurden in {path} geschrieben." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index 231443b8fe..0588d405ac 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "la versión {version} ya está en {path}", "AddVersionVersionIs": "versión: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Agregando entrada de finalización de vcpkg a {path}.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Es necesario quitar paquetes adicionales (*) para completar esta operación.", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "la cadena de formato \"{value}\" contiene un argumento de formato sin formato", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "llave desequilibrada en la cadena de formato \"{value}\"", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Todos los paquetes instalados están actualizados con el archivo de puerto local.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} ya está instalado", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} ya está instalado; no se está compilando desde HEAD", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Hay otra instalación en curso en la máquina, en suspensión 6 s antes de volver a intentarlo.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Integración aplicada en todo el usuario para esta raíz vcpkg.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} no tiene ningún efecto en la búsqueda de artefactos.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} proporciona destinos de CMake:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# esto se genera de forma heurística y puede que no sea correcto", "CMakeToolChainFile": "Los proyectos de CMake deben usar\" \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\"", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg se bloqueó; no hay detalles adicionales disponibles.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "se ha alcanzado un código inaccesible", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "actualizar vcpkg volviendo a ejecutar bootstrap-vcpkg puede resolver este error.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Tanto un archivo de manifiesto como un archivo CONTROL existen en el directorio de puertos: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "`{path}` como directorio está en desuso.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Base de datos dañada.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "No se pudo deducir el id. y la versión de NuGet del nombre de archivo: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creando {path} de directorio de salida de registros de errores", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Nupkg creado: \"{path}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl ha informado de resultados inesperados para vcpkg, que no puede continuar.\nRevise el texto siguiente para obtener información confidencial y abra una incidencia en el GitHub microsoft/vcpkg para solucionarlo.\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl output ===\n{actual}\n=== end curl output ===", "DateTableHeader": "Fecha", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Explorador predeterminado iniciado para {url}.", "DefaultFlag": "El valor predeterminado es --{option} activado.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "Según la configuración del sistema, la ruta de acceso predeterminada para almacenar archivos binarios es \"{path}\". Esto efectúa una consulta %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% en Windows y $XDG_CACHE_HOME o $HOME en otras plataformas.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Detectando hash del compilador para el triplete {triplet}...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Si se trata de campos documentados que deben reconocerse, intente actualizar la herramienta vcpkg.", "DownloadAvailable": "Hay disponible una copia descargable de esta herramienta que se puede usar al anular la configuración {env_var}.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Se esperaba el campo 'status' en el párrafo de estado", "ExpectedTripletName": "se esperaba un nombre de trillizo aquí", "ExpectedValueForOption": "se esperaba un valor después de '{option}'.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "Exportando {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Documentación ampliada disponible en \"{url}\".", "FailedToExtract": "No se pudieron extraer \"{path}\":", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Gracias por sus comentarios.", "FileNotFound": "{path}: no se encontró el archivo", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Error en la operación del sistema de archivos:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "La finalización del pez vcpkg ya se agregó en \"{path}\".", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Los siguientes paquetes no tienen un CONTROL o vcpkg.json válido:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Los paquetes siguientes no están instalados:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "el mensaje {value} tiene un comentario incorrecto:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} se especificó en un comentario, pero no se usó en el mensaje.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "Se ha usado {{{value}}} en el mensaje, pero no se ha comentado.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Use '--debug' para obtener más información sobre los errores de análisis.", "GitCommandFailed": "no se pudo ejecutar: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "se esperaba un nombre de archivo", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Los siguientes paquetes ya están instalados:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Todos los paquetes solicitados están instalados actualmente.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Instalando el puerto desde la ubicación: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Instalando {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "No se aplicó la integración.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci es un comando interno que cambiará de forma incompatible o se quitará en cualquier momento.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "el archivo que se va a almacenar no coincide con el hash", "MismatchedNames": "los nombres no coinciden: '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "No se encuentra el encabezado 7z.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest se pasó a --convert-control sin \"--all\".\nEsto no hace nada: los archivos de control pasados explícitamente se convierten automáticamente.", "MissingDependency": "El paquete {spec} está instalado, pero la dependencia {package_name} no lo está.", "MissingExtension": "Falta la extensión '{extension}'.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "No hubo cambios en los puertos entre las dos confirmaciones.", "PortsRemoved": "Se quitaron los siguientes {count} puertos:", "PortsUpdated": "\nSe actualizaron los siguientes {count} puertos:", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "No se quitó el archivo de integración anterior.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "No se pudo analizar %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) como una arquitectura de CPU válida.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "Falta la variable de entorno necesaria %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "No se pudo analizar %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) como una arquitectura de CPU válida. Revirtiendo a %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "Error de {tool_name} con código de salida: ({exit_code})", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Error al insertar {vendor} en \"{path}\". Use --debug para obtener más información.", "RegistryCreated": "El registro se creó correctamente en {path}", "RemoveDependencies": "Para quitar dependencias en modo de manifiesto, edite el manifiesto (vcpkg.json) y ejecute 'install'.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "se encontró la unidad de código de inicio en la posición de continuación", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "La opción --store no es válida sin sha512", "StoredBinaryCache": "Caché binaria almacenada: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "El resultado puede estar obsoleto. Ejecute `git pull` para obtener los resultados más recientes.", "SuggestResolution": "Para intentar resolver todos los errores a la vez, ejecute:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Asegúrese de que ha iniciado un nuevo shell de Bash para que el cambio surta efecto.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Tiempo total transcurrido: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "Se especificaron '{value}' y -'{value}' como marcas de característica.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "No se puede determinar el uso de la cadena de herramientas para {triplet} con CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}. ¿Quería usar VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "error inesperado durante la descarga masiva.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Extensión de archivo inesperada: '{extension}'.", "UnexpectedFormat": "El formato esperado es [{expected}], pero era [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "advertencias anteriores interpretadas como errores", "WhileLookingForSpec": "mientras busca {spec}:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Este comando solo admite Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Se escribió la información de configuración del paquete NuGet en {path}." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index e7d84d04ce..d28b013e80 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "la version {version} est déjà dans {path}.", "AddVersionVersionIs": "Version : {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Ajout de l’entrée d’achèvement vcpkg à {path}.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Des packages supplémentaires (*) doivent être supprimés pour terminer cette opération.", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "la chaîne de format \"{value}\" contient un argument de format brut.", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "accolade non équilibré dans la chaîne de format \"{value}\"", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Tous les packages installés sont à jour avec le fichier de port local.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} est déjà installé", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} est déjà installé - ne pas générer à partir de HEAD", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Une autre installation est en cours sur l’ordinateur, en veille 6 s avant de réessayer.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Intégration à l’échelle de l’utilisateur appliquée pour cette racine vcpkg.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} n’a aucun effet sur la recherche d’artefact.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} fournit des cibles CMake :", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# ceci est généré de manière heuristique et peut ne pas être correct", "CMakeToolChainFile": "Les projets CMake doivent utiliser : « -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path} »", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg s’est bloqué; aucun détail supplémentaire n’est disponible.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "code inaccessible atteint", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "la mise à jour de vcpkg en réexécutant bootstrap-vcpkg peut résoudre cet échec.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Un fichier manifeste et un fichier CONTROL existent dans le répertoire du port : {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "'{path}' en tant que répertoire est déconseillé.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Base de données endommagée.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "Impossible de déduire l’ID nuget et la version à partir du nom de fichier : {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Création du répertoire de sortie des journaux d’échecs {path}", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Nupkg créé : « {path} »", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl a signalé des résultats inattendus à vcpkg et vcpkg ne peut pas continuer.\nConsultez le texte suivant pour obtenir des informations sensibles et ouvrez un problème sur Microsoft/vcpkg GitHub pour vous aider à résoudre ce problème !\ncmd : {command_line}\n=== sortie de boucle ===\n{actual}\n=== end curl output ===", "DateTableHeader": "Date", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Navigateur par défaut lancé sur {url}.", "DefaultFlag": "La valeur par défaut est --{option} activée.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "En fonction de vos paramètres système, le chemin d’accès par défaut pour stocker les fichiers binaires est '{path}'. Cette opération consulte %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% sur Windows et $XDG_CACHE_HOME ou $HOME sur d’autres plateformes.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Détection du hachage du compilateur pour le triplet {triplet}...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "S’il s’agit de champs documentés qui doivent être reconnus, essayez de mettre à jour l’outil vcpkg.", "DownloadAvailable": "Une copie téléchargeable de cet outil est disponible et peut être utilisée en désépinglant {env_var}.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Champ « status » attendu dans le paragraphe d’état", "ExpectedTripletName": "nom triplet attendu ici", "ExpectedValueForOption": "valeur attendue après --{option}.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "Exportation de {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Documentation étendue disponible sur '{url}'", "FailedToExtract": "Échec de l’extraction de «{path}» :", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Merci pour vos commentaires !", "FileNotFound": "{path} : fichier introuvable", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Échec de l’opération du système de fichiers :", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "La saisie semi-automatique des poissons vcpkg est déjà ajoutée à \"{path}\".", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Les packages suivants n’ont pas de contrôle ou vcpkg.json valide :", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Les packages suivants ne sont pas installés :", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "message {value} comporte un commentaire incorrect :", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} a été spécifié dans un commentaire, mais n’a pas été utilisé dans le message.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}} a été utilisé dans le message, mais n’a pas fait de commentaire.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Utilisez '--debug' pour obtenir plus d’informations sur les échecs d’analyse.", "GitCommandFailed": "échec de l’exécution : {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "nom de fichier attendu", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Les packages suivants sont déjà installés :", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Tous les packages demandés sont actuellement installés.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Installation du port à partir de l’emplacement : {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Installation de {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "L’intégration n’a pas été appliquée.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci est une commande interne qui change de façon incompatible ou est supprimée à tout moment.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "le fichier à stocker ne correspond pas au hachage.", "MismatchedNames": "les noms ne correspondent pas : '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "En-tête 7z introuvable.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "--convert-control a été transmis à format-manifest sans « --all ».\nCela n’est pas nécessaire : les fichiers de contrôle transmis explicitement sont convertis automatiquement.", "MissingDependency": "Le package {spec} est installé, mais la dépendance {package_name} ne l’est pas.", "MissingExtension": "Extension de '{extension}' manquante.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "Il n’y a eu aucune modification dans les ports entre les deux validations.", "PortsRemoved": "Les {count} ports suivants ont été supprimés :", "PortsUpdated": "\nLes {count} ports suivants ont été mis à jour :", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "Le fichier d’intégration précédent n’a pas été supprimé.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "Échec de l’analyse de %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) en tant qu’architecture d’UC valide", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "La variable d’environnement requise %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% est manquante.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "Échec de l’analyse de %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) en tant qu’architecture d’UC valide. Retour à %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "Échec de {tool_name} avec le code de sortie : ({exit_code}).", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Échec de l’envoi de {vendor} à '{path}'. Utilisez --debug pour plus d’informations.", "RegistryCreated": "Le Registre a été créé sur {path}", "RemoveDependencies": "Pour supprimer les dépendances en mode manifeste, modifiez votre manifeste (vcpkg.json) et exécutez 'install'.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "unité de code de démarrage trouvée en position continue", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "L’option --store n’est pas valide sans sha512.", "StoredBinaryCache": "Cache binaire stocké : '{path}'", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "Le résultat peut être obsolète. Exécutez « git pull » pour obtenir les derniers résultats.", "SuggestResolution": "Pour tenter de résoudre toutes les erreurs à la fois, exécutez :\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Vérifiez que vous avez démarré un nouvel interpréteur de commandes Bash pour que la modification prenne effet.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Temps total écoulé : {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "'{value}' et -'{value}' ont tous les deux été spécifiés en tant qu’indicateurs de fonctionnalité.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "Impossible de déterminer l’utilisation de la chaîne d’outils pour {triplet} avec CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}. Voulez-vous utiliser VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "une erreur inattendue s’est produite lors du téléchargement en bloc.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Extension d’archive inattendue : '{extension}'.", "UnexpectedFormat": "Le format attendu est [{expected}], mais était [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "avertissements précédents interprétés comme des erreurs", "WhileLookingForSpec": "lors de la recherche de {spec} :", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Cette commande prend uniquement en charge Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "A écrit les informations de configuration du package NuGet dans {path}." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index 9766f26f0a..9980592bbb 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "la versione {version} è già in {path}", "AddVersionVersionIs": "versione: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Aggiunta della voce di completamento vcpkg a {path}.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Per completare l'operazione, è necessario rimuovere i pacchetti aggiuntivi (*).", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "stringa di formato \"{value}\" contiene un argomento di formato non elaborato", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "parentesi graffa non bilanciata nella stringa di formato \"{value}\"", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Tutti i pacchetti installati sono aggiornati con il portfile locale.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} è già installato", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} è già installato. Non verrà eseguita la creazione da HEAD", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Nel computer è in corso un'altra installazione, con sospensione di 6 sec. prima di riprovare.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Integrazione a livello di utente applicata per questa radice vcpkg.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} non ha alcun effetto sulla ricerca dell'artefatto.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} fornisce destinazioni CMake:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# generato in modo euristico e potrebbe non essere corretto", "CMakeToolChainFile": "I progetti CMake devono usare: \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}>", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg si è arrestato in modo anomalo; non sono disponibili altri dettagli.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "è stato raggiunto il codice non raggiungibile", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "l'aggiornamento di vcpkg eseguendo di nuovo bootstrap-vcpkg può risolvere questo errore.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Nella directory delle porte sono presenti sia un file manifesto che un file CONTROL: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "'{path}' in quanto directory è deprecato.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Database danneggiato.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "Non è stato possibile dedurre l'ID NuGet e la versione dal nome file: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creazione della directory di output {path} dei log di errore", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Nupkg creato: \"{path}”", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl ha segnalato risultati imprevisti a vcpkg e vcpkg non può continuare.\nEsaminare il testo seguente per informazioni riservate e aprire un problema in Microsoft/vcpkg GitHub per risolvere il problema!\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl output ===\n{actual}\n=== end curl output ===", "DateTableHeader": "Data", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Browser predefinito avviato in {url}.", "DefaultFlag": "Attivazione dell'impostazione predefinita --{option}.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "In base alle impostazioni del sistema, il percorso predefinito per l'archiviazione dei file binari è “{path}”. Consultare %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% per Windows e $XDG_CACHE_HOME o $HOME in altre piattaforme.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Rilevamento dell'hash del compilatore per la tripletta {triplet}...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Se si tratta di campi documentati che devono essere riconosciuti, provare ad aggiornare lo strumento vcpkg.", "DownloadAvailable": "Una copia scaricabile di questo strumento è disponibile e può essere usata annullando {env_var}.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Previsto campo 'status' nel paragrafo di stato", "ExpectedTripletName": "previsto un nome triplet qui", "ExpectedValueForOption": "valore previsto dopo --{option}.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "Esportazione di {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Documentazione estesa disponibile all'indirizzo '{url}'.", "FailedToExtract": "Non è stato possibile estrarre \" {path}”:", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Grazie per i commenti e suggerimenti", "FileNotFound": "{path}: file non trovato", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Operazione del file system non riuscita:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "Il completamento del pesce vcpkg è già stato aggiunto in \"{path}”.", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "I pacchetti seguenti non hanno un control o vcpkg.json valido:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "I pacchetti seguenti non sono installati:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "il messaggio {value} contiene un commento non corretto:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} è stato specificato in un commento, ma non è stato usato nel messaggio.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}} è stato usato nel messaggio, ma non è stato aggiunto un commento.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Usare '--debug' per ottenere altre informazioni sugli errori di analisi.", "GitCommandFailed": "non è stato possibile eseguire: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "previsto un nome file", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "I pacchetti seguenti sono già installati:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Tutti i pacchetti richiesti sono attualmente installati.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Installazione della porta dal percorso: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Installing {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "L'integrazione non è stata applicata.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci è un comando interno che cambia in modo incompatibile o viene rimosso in qualsiasi momento.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "il file da archiviare non corrisponde all'hash", "MismatchedNames": "nomi non corrispondenti: '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "Impossibile trovare l'intestazione 7z.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest è stato passato in --convert-control senza '--all'.\nNon viene eseguita alcuna operazione: i file di controllo passati in modo esplicito vengono convertiti automaticamente.", "MissingDependency": "Il pacchetto {spec} è installato, ma la dipendenza {package_name} non lo è.", "MissingExtension": "Estensione '{extension}' mancante.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "Non sono state apportate modifiche alle porte tra i due commit.", "PortsRemoved": "Sono state rimosse le porte {count} seguenti:", "PortsUpdated": "\nLe porte {count} seguenti sono state aggiornate:", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "Il file di integrazione precedente non è stato rimosso.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "Non è stato possibile analizzare %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) come architettura CPU valida.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "Manca il %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% obbligatorio della variabile di ambiente.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "Non è stato possibile analizzare %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) come architettura CPU valida. Fallback a %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "{tool_name} non riuscito con codice di uscita: ({exit_code}).", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Il push di {vendor} in \"{path}\" non è riuscito. Per altre informazioni, usare --debug.", "RegistryCreated": "Il Registro di sistema è stato creato in {path}", "RemoveDependencies": "Per rimuovere le dipendenze in modalità manifesto, modificare il manifesto (vcpkg.json) ed eseguire 'install'.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "è stata trovata un'unità di codice iniziale in posizione continua", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "L'opzione --store non è valida senza sha512", "StoredBinaryCache": "Cache binaria archiviata: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "Il risultato potrebbe essere obsoleto. Eseguire 'git pull' per ottenere i risultati più recenti.", "SuggestResolution": "Per tentare di risolvere tutti gli errori contemporaneamente, eseguire:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Assicurarsi di aver avviato una nuova shell Bash per rendere effettiva la modifica.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Tempo totale trascorso: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "Come flag di funzionalità sono stati specificati sia '{value}' che -'{value}'.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "Non è possibile determinare l'uso della toolchain per {triplet} con CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}. Si intendeva usare VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il download in blocco.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Estensione archivio imprevista: '{extension}'.", "UnexpectedFormat": "Il formato previsto è [{expected}], ma è [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "avvisi precedenti interpretati come errori", "WhileLookingForSpec": "durante la ricerca di {spec}:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Questo comando supporta solo Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Le informazioni di configurazione del pacchetto NuGet sono stata scritte in {path}." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/messages.ja.json b/locales/messages.ja.json index 1e79772a16..6532171a33 100644 --- a/locales/messages.ja.json +++ b/locales/messages.ja.json @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "バージョン {version} は既に {path} にあります", "AddVersionVersionIs": "バージョン: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "vcpkg 補完エントリを {path} に追加しています。", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "この操作を完了するには、追加のパッケージ (*) を削除する必要があります。", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "書式指定文字列 \"{value}\" に未加工の書式引数が含まれています", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "書式指定文字列 \"{value}\" の大かっこが対応していません", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "インストールされているすべてのパッケージは、ローカル ポート ファイルで最新の状態です。", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} は既にインストールされています", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} は既にインストールされています -- HEAD からビルドしていません", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "コンピューターで別のインストールが進行中です。再試行する前に 6 をスリープ状態にします。", "AppliedUserIntegration": "この vcpkg ルートにユーザー全体の統合を適用しました。", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} は成果物の検索には影響しません。", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} は CMake ターゲットを提供します:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# これはヒューリスティックに生成され、正しくない可能性があります", "CMakeToolChainFile": "CMake プロジェクトでは次を使用する必要があります: \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\"", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg がクラッシュしました。その他の詳細はありません。", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "到達できないコードに達しました", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "bootstrap-vcpkg を再実行して vcpkg を更新すると、このエラーが解決される可能性があります。", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "マニフェスト ファイルとコントロール ファイルの両方がポート ディレクトリに存在します: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "`{path}` はディレクトリとして使用されなくなりました。", "CorruptedDatabase": "データベースが破損しています。", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "ファイル名 {path} から nuget ID とバージョンを推測できませんでした", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "エラー ログ出力ディレクトリ {path} を作成しています", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "作成された nupkg: \"{path}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl から vcpkg に対して予期しない結果が報告されました。vcpkg を続行できません。\n次のテキストに機密情報がないか確認して、Microsoft/vcpkg GitHub で問題を作成し解決に役立ててください。\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl の出力 ===\n{actual}\n=== curl の出力の終わり ===", "DateTableHeader": "日付", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "既定のブラウザーで {url} が開かれました。", "DefaultFlag": "既定で --{option} をオンにしています。", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "システム設定に基づいて、バイナリを格納するための既定のパスは “{path}” です。これは、Windows では %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% を参照し、他のプラットフォームでは $XDG_CACHE_HOME または $HOME を参照します。", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "トリプレット「{triplet}」のコンパイラ ハッシュを検出しています...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "これらのフィールドを認識する必要がある場合は、vcpkg ツールの更新をお試しください。", "DownloadAvailable": "このツールのダウンロード可能なコピーを使用でき、{env_var} の設定を解除すると使用できます。", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "ステータス段落に 'status' フィールドが必要です", "ExpectedTripletName": "ここにはトリプレット名が必要です", "ExpectedValueForOption": "--{option} の後に値が必要です。", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "{package_name} のエクスポート...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "'{url}' で利用できる拡張ドキュメント。", "FailedToExtract": "\"{path}\" を抽出できませんでした:", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "フィードバックをお送りいただきありがとうございました。", "FileNotFound": "{path}: ファイルが見つかりません", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "ファイル システム操作に失敗しました:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "vcpkg fish 補完は既に \"{path}\" に追加されています。", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "次のパッケージには有効な CONTROL または vcpkg.json がありません:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "次のパッケージはインストールされていません:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "メッセージ {value} のコメントが正しくありません:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "コメントで指定されている{{{value}}}がメッセージ内にありません。", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}} がメッセージ内で使用されていますが、コメントに含まれていません。", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "'--debug' を使用して、解析エラーに関する詳細情報を取得します。", "GitCommandFailed": "{command_line} を実行できませんでした", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "ファイル名が必要です", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "次のパッケージは既にインストールされています。", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "要求されたすべてのパッケージが現時点でインストール済みです。", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- 次の場所からポートをインストールしています: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "{action_index}/{count} {spec} をインストールしています...", "IntegrationFailed": "統合は適用されませんでした。", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg CI は、非互換性に変更されるか、いつでも削除できる内部コマンドです。", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "格納するファイルがハッシュと一致しません", "MismatchedNames": "名前が一致しませんでした: '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "7z ヘッダーが見つかりません。", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest に '--all' を指定せずに --convert-control が渡されました。\nこれでは何も実行されません。明示的に渡されたコントロール ファイルは自動的に変換されます。", "MissingDependency": "パッケージ {spec} はインストールされていますが、依存関係 {package_name} はインストールされていません。", "MissingExtension": "'{extension}' 拡張子がありません。", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "2 つのコミットの間にポートの変更点はありませんでした。", "PortsRemoved": "次の {count} 個のポートが削除されました。", "PortsUpdated": "\n次の {count} 個のポートが更新されました。", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "以前の統合ファイルは削除されませんでした。", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) を有効な CPU アーキテクチャとして解析できませんでした。", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "必要な環境変数 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% がありません。", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) を有効な CPU アーキテクチャとして解析できませんでした。%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% にフォールバックしています。", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "{tool_name} が終了コード: ({exit_code}) で失敗しました。", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "{vendor} を \"{path}\" にプッシュできませんでした。詳細については、--debug を使用してください。", "RegistryCreated": "{path} にレジストリが正常に作成されました", "RemoveDependencies": "マニフェスト モードで依存関係を削除するには、マニフェスト (vcpkg.json) を編集して 'インストール' を実行します。", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "続行位置で開始コード単位が見つかりました", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "--store オプションは sha512 なしでは無効です", "StoredBinaryCache": "格納されたバイナリ キャッシュ: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "結果は古い可能性があります。'git pull' を実行して最新の結果を取得してください。", "SuggestResolution": "すべてのエラーを一度に解決するには、次を実行します: \nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "変更を有効にするには、新しい bash シェルを開始したことをご確認ください。", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "経過した総時間: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "'{value}' と -'{value}' の両方が機能フラグとして指定されました。", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name} との {triplet} に対するツールチェーンの使用を特定できません。VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE を使用するということですか?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "一括ダウンロード中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", "UnexpectedExtension": "予期しないアーカイブ拡張子: '{extension}'。", "UnexpectedFormat": "必要な形式は [{expected}] ですが、[{actual}] でした。", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "以前の警告がエラーとして解釈される", "WhileLookingForSpec": "{spec} の検索中:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "このコマンドは Windows のみをサポートします。", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "NuGet パッケージ構成情報を {path} に書き込んでいます。" + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/messages.ko.json b/locales/messages.ko.json index 719cf40d39..8d0c402f18 100644 --- a/locales/messages.ko.json +++ b/locales/messages.ko.json @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "버전{version}이(가) 이미 {path}에 있습니다.", "AddVersionVersionIs": "버전: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "{path}에 vcpkg 완료 항목을 추가하는 중입니다.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "이 작업을 완료하려면 추가 패키지(*)를 제거해야 합니다.", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "형식 문자열 \"{value}\"에는 원시 형식 인수가 포함되어 있습니다.", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "형식 문자열 \"{value}\"의 불균형 중괄호", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "설치된 모든 패키지는 로컬 포트 파일을 사용하여 최신 상태입니다.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec}이(가) 이미 설치되어 있습니다.", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec}은(는) 이미 설치되어 있습니다 -- HEAD에서 빌드하지 않음", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "시스템에서 다른 설치가 진행 중이며 다시 시도하기 전에 6초 동안 절전 모드로 전환됩니다.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "이 vcpkg 루트에 대한 사용자 차원의 통합을 적용했습니다.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option}은(는) 아티팩트 찾기에 영향을 주지 않습니다.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name}은 CMake 대상을 제공합니다.", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# 이 값은 추론적으로 생성되며 올바르지 않을 수 있습니다.", "CMakeToolChainFile": "CMake 프로젝트는 \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\"를 사용해야 합니다.", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg가 충돌했습니다. 추가 정보가 없습니다.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "연결할 수 없는 코드에 도달했습니다", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "bootstrap-vcpkg를 다시 실행하여 vcpkg를 업데이트하면 이 오류가 해결될 수 있습니다.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "매니페스트 파일과 CONTROL 파일이 모두 포트 디렉터리에 있습니다. {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "디렉터리인 `{path}`은(는) 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다.", "CorruptedDatabase": "데이터베이스가 손상되었습니다.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "파일 이름에서 nuget ID 및 버전을 추론할 수 없음: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "오류 로그 출력 디렉터리 {path}을(를) 만드는 중입니다.", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "nupkg 생성됨: \" {path}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl에서 vcpkg에 대한 예기치 않은 결과를 보고했으며 vcpkg를 계속할 수 없습니다.\n다음 텍스트에서 민감한 정보를 검토하고 Microsoft/vcpkg GitHub에서 문제를 열어 이 문제를 해결하세요!\ncmd: {command_line}\n === 컬 출력 ===\n{actual}\n=== 컬 출력 종료 ===", "DateTableHeader": "날짜", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "기본 브라우저가 {url}(으)로 실행되었습니다.", "DefaultFlag": "기본적으로 --{option}이 켜져 있습니다.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "시스템 설정에 따라 이진 파일을 저장하는 기본 경로는 \"{path}\"입니다. Windows에서 %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA%을(를) 참조하고 다른 플랫폼에서 $XDG_CACHE_HOME 또는 $HOME을 참조합니다.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "삼중항 {triplet}에 대한 컴파일러 해시 감지 중...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "인식되어야 하는 문서화된 필드인 경우 vcpkg 도구를 업데이트해 보세요.", "DownloadAvailable": "이 도구의 다운로드 가능한 사본을 사용할 수 있으며 {env_var} 설정을 해제하여 사용할 수 있습니다.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "상태 단락에 'status' 필드가 필요합니다.", "ExpectedTripletName": "여기에 삼중 이름이 필요합니다.", "ExpectedValueForOption": "--{option} 이후의 예상 값입니다.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "{package_name} 내보내는 중...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "확장 문서는 '{url}'에서 사용할 수 있습니다.", "FailedToExtract": "\"{path}\"을(를) 추출하지 못했습니다.", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "피드백을 주셔서 감사합니다!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "파일 시스템 작업이 실패했습니다.", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "vcpkg 물고기 완성은 이미 \"{path}\"에 추가되었습니다.", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "다음 패키지에는 유효한 CONTROL 또는 vcpkg.json이 없습니다.", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "다음 패키지가 설치되지 않았습니다.", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "메시지 {value}에 잘못된 주석이 있습니다.", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}}이(가) 주석에 지정되었지만 메시지에는 사용되지 않았습니다.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}}이(가) 메시지에 사용되었지만 주석 처리되지 않았습니다.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "'--debug'를 사용하여 구문 분석 실패에 대한 자세한 정보를 가져옵니다.", "GitCommandFailed": "명령을 실행하지 못했습니다: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "파일 이름이 필요합니다.", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "이미 설치되어 있는 패키지:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "요청된 모든 패키지가 현재 설치되어 있습니다.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- 위치에서 포트를 설치하는 중: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "{action_index}/{count} {spec}을(를) 설치하는 중...", "IntegrationFailed": "통합이 적용되지 않았습니다.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci는 호환되지 않는 방식으로 변경되거나 언제든지 제거될 내부 명령입니다.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "저장할 파일이 해시와 일치하지 않습니다.", "MismatchedNames": "이름이 일치하지 않습니다. '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "7z 헤더를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest가 '--all' 없이 --convert-control로 전달되었습니다.\n아무 작업도 수행하지 않습니다: 명시적으로 전달된 제어 파일은 자동으로 변환됩니다.", "MissingDependency": "패키지 {spec}이(가) 설치되었지만 종속성 {package_name}이(가) 없습니다.", "MissingExtension": "'{extension}' 확장이 없습니다.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "두 커밋 사이의 포트에 변경 내용이 없습니다.", "PortsRemoved": "다음 {count}개 포트가 제거되었습니다.", "PortsUpdated": "\n다음 {count}개 포트가 업데이트되었습니다.", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "이전 통합 파일이 제거되지 않았습니다.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%({arch})를 유효한 CPU 아키텍처로 구문 분석하지 못했습니다.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "필수 환경 변수 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%이(가) 없습니다.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%({arch})를 유효한 CPU 아키텍처로 구문 분석하지 못했습니다. %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%로 대체합니다.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "{tool_name}이(가) 종료 코드 ({exit_code})과(와) 함께 실패했습니다.", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "{vendor}를 \"{path}\"(으)로 푸시하지 못했습니다. 자세한 내용은 --debug를 사용하세요.", "RegistryCreated": "{path}에 레지스트리를 만들었습니다.", "RemoveDependencies": "매니페스트 모드에서 종속성을 제거하려면 매니페스트(vcpkg.json)을(를) 편집하고 'install'을 실행합니다.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "계속 위치에서 시작 코드 단위를 찾았습니다.", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "--store 옵션이 sha512 없어 유효하지 않습니다.", "StoredBinaryCache": "저장된 이진 파일 캐시: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "결과가 오래되었을 수 있습니다. 'git pull'을 실행하여 최신 결과를 가져옵니다.", "SuggestResolution": "한 번에 모든 오류를 해결하려면 다음을 실행합니다.\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "변경 내용을 적용하려면 새 bash 셸을 시작했는지 확인하세요.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "총 경과 시간: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "'{value}' 및 -'{value}'이(가) 기능 플래그로 지정되었습니다.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}과(와) 함께 {triplet}에 대한 도구 체인 사용을 결정할 수 없습니다. VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE을 사용하려고 했습니까?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "대량 다운로드 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", "UnexpectedExtension": "예기치 않은 보관 확장: '{extension}'.", "UnexpectedFormat": "필요한 형식은 [{expected}]이지만 [{actual}]였습니다.", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "오류로 해석되는 이전 경고", "WhileLookingForSpec": "{spec}을(를) 찾는 동안:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "이 명령은 Windows만 지원합니다.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "NuGet 패키지 구성 정보를 {path}에 작성했습니다." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index 33efcdd052..a41ba0d5e3 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "wersja {version} znajduje się już w ścieżce {path}", "AddVersionVersionIs": "wersja: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Dodawanie wpisu ukończenia menedżera vcpkg w lokalizacji {path}.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Aby ukończyć tę operację, należy usunąć dodatkowe pakiety (*).", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "ciąg formatu „{value}” zawiera argument formatu nieprzetworzonego", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "niezrównoważony nawias klamrowy w ciągu formatu „{value}”", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Wszystkie zainstalowane pakiety są aktualne w lokalnym pliku portów.", "AlreadyInstalled": "Już zainstalowano {spec}", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} jest już zainstalowana — nie kompilowanie z nagłówka", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Inna instalacja jest w toku na maszynie, uśpienie na 6 s przed ponowieniem próby.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Zastosowano integrację na poziomie użytkownika dla tego katalogu głównego menedżera vcpkg.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "Opcja --{option} nie ma wpływu na znajdowanie artefaktu.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} udostępnia elementy docelowe narzędzia CMake:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# ten element jest generowany heurystycznie i może być niepoprawny", "CMakeToolChainFile": "Projekty w narzędziu CMake powinny używać ścieżki: \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\"", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "Pakiet vcpkg uległ awarii; nie są dostępne żadne dodatkowe szczegóły", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "osiągnięto nieosiągalny kod", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "zaktualizowanie pakietu vcpkg przez ponowne uruchomienie pakietu bootstrap-vcpkg może rozwiązać ten problem.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Plik manifestu i plik CONTROL istnieją w katalogu portów: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "Element `{path}` będący katalogiem jest przestarzały.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Baza danych jest uszkodzona.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "Nie można wywnioskować identyfikatora NuGet i wersji z nazwy pliku: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Tworzenie katalogu wyjściowego dzienników błędów {path}.", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Utworzono pakiet nupkg: \"{path}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "Program Curl zgłosił nieoczekiwane wyniki dla programu vcpkg i z tego powodu program vcpkg nie może kontynuować działania.\nPrzejrzyj następujący tekst pod kątem informacji poufnych i otwórz zgłoszenie problemu w witrynie GitHub Microsoft/vcpkg, aby pomóc w rozwiązaniu tego problemu!\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl output ===\n{actual}\n=== end curl output ===", "DateTableHeader": "Data", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Przeglądarka domyślna została uruchomiona na {url}.", "DefaultFlag": "Domyślnie opcja --{option} jest włączona.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "Na podstawie ustawień systemu, domyślną ścieżką do przechowywania danych binarnych jest „{path}”. Dotyczy to %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% w systemie Windows i $XDG_CACHE_HOME lub $HOME na innych platformach.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Trwa wykrywanie skrótu kompilatora dla potrójnego elementu {triplet}...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Jeśli są to udokumentowane pola, które powinny zostać rozpoznane, spróbuj zaktualizować narzędzie vcpkg.", "DownloadAvailable": "Dostępna jest kopia tego narzędzia do pobrania, której można użyć przez zresetowanie elementu {env_var}.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Oczekiwano pola „status” w akapicie stanu", "ExpectedTripletName": "oczekiwano tutaj potrójnej nazwy", "ExpectedValueForOption": "oczekiwano wartości po opcji --{option}.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "Trwa eksportowanie elementu {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Dokumentacja rozszerzona dostępna w „{url}”.", "FailedToExtract": "Nie można wyodrębnić \"{path}\":", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Dziękujemy za opinię!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: nie znaleziono pliku", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Operacja systemu plików nie powiodła się:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "Uzupełnianie powłoki fish w menedżerze vcpkg zostało już dodane w lokalizacji \"{path}\".", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Następujące pakiety nie mają prawidłowego pliku CONTROL lub vcpkg.json:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Następujące pakiety nie są zainstalowane:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "komunikat {value} ma niepoprawny komentarz:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "Wartość {{{value}}} została określona w komentarzu, ale nie została użyta w komunikacie.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "Wartość {{{value}}} została użyta w komunikacie, ale nie została skomentowana.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Użyj polecenia „--debug”, aby uzyskać więcej informacji o błędach analizy.", "GitCommandFailed": "nie można wykonać polecenia: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "oczekiwano nazwy pliku", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Następujące pakiety są już zainstalowane:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Wszystkie żądane pakiety są obecnie zainstalowane.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Instalowanie portu z lokalizacji: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Instalowanie {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "Integracja nie została zastosowana.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg CI to polecenie wewnętrzne, które zmieni się niezgodnie lub zostanie usunięte w dowolnym momencie.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "plik do przechowywania jest niezgodny z skrótem", "MismatchedNames": "nazwy nie są zgodne: „{package_name}” != „{actual}”", "Missing7zHeader": "Nie można odnaleźć nagłówka 7z.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "Przekazano polecenie format-manifest --convert-control bez znaku „--all”.\nNie jest to konieczne: przekazywane jawnie pliki sterujące są konwertowane automatycznie.", "MissingDependency": "Pakiet {spec} jest zainstalowany, ale zależność {package_name} nie jest.", "MissingExtension": "Brak rozszerzenia \"{extension}\".", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "Między tymi dwoma zatwierdzeniami nie wprowadzono żadnych zmian w portach.", "PortsRemoved": "Następujące porty ({count}) zostały usunięte:", "PortsUpdated": "\nAktualizowano następujące porty ({count}):", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "Poprzedni plik integracji nie został usunięty.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "Nie można przeanalizować %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) jako prawidłowej architektury procesora.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "Brak wymaganej zmiennej środowiskowej %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "Nie można przeanalizować %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) jako prawidłowej architektury procesora. Powrót do %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "Operacja {tool_name} nie powiodła się. Kod zakończenia: ({exit_code}).", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Wypychanie dostawcy {vendor} do lokalizacji \"{path}\" nie powiodło się. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, użyj parametru --debug.", "RegistryCreated": "Pomyślnie utworzono rejestr w lokalizacji {path}", "RemoveDependencies": "Aby usunąć zależności w trybie manifestu, edytuj manifest (vcpkg.json) i uruchom polecenie „instaluj”.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "znaleziono jednostkę kodu początkowego w pozycji kontynuuj", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "Opcja --store jest nieprawidłowa bez zestawu sha512", "StoredBinaryCache": "Przechowywana pamięć podręczna danych binarnych: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "Wynik może być nieaktualny. Uruchom polecenie `git pull`, aby uzyskać najnowsze wyniki.", "SuggestResolution": "Aby spróbować rozwiązać wszystkie błędy jednocześnie, uruchom polecenie:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Aby zmiana została wprowadzona, upewnij się, że została uruchomiona nowa powłoka bash.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Łączny czas, który upłynął: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "Zarówno wartość „{value}”, jak i „{value}” zostały określone jako flagi funkcji.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "Nie można określić użycia łańcucha narzędzi dla {triplet} z CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}. Czy chodziło Ci o użycie VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd podczas pobierania zbiorczego.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Nieoczekiwane rozszerzenie archiwum: \"{extension}\".", "UnexpectedFormat": "Oczekiwany format to [{expected}], rzeczywisty — [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "poprzednie ostrzeżenia interpretowane jako błędy", "WhileLookingForSpec": "podczas wyszukiwania elementu {spec}:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "To polecenie obsługuje tylko system Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Zapisano informacje o konfiguracji pakietu NuGet w ścieżce {path}." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index ef6ba929de..cea021798b 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "versão {version} já está em {path}", "AddVersionVersionIs": "versão: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Adicionando entrada de conclusão vcpkg a {path}.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Pacotes adicionais (*) precisam ser removidos para concluir esta operação.", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "cadeia de caracteres de formato \"{value}\" contém um argumento de formato bruto", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "chave não balanceada na cadeia de caracteres de formato \"{value}\"", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Todos os pacotes instalados estão atualizados com o arquivo de porta local.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} já está instalado", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} já está instalado -- não está sendo criado pela HEAD", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Outra instalação está em andamento no computador, suspenso 6s antes de tentar novamente.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Integração aplicada para todo o usuário para esta raiz vcpkg.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} não tem efeito em localizar artefato.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} fornece destinos CMake:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# isso é gerado heuristicamente e pode não estar correto", "CMakeToolChainFile": "Os projetos do CMake devem usar: \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\"", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg falhou; nenhum detalhe adicional está disponível.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "código inacessível atingido", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "atualizar vcpkg executando novamente bootstrap-vcpkg pode resolver essa falha.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Tanto um arquivo manifesto quanto um arquivo CONTROL existem no diretório porta: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "'{path}' sendo um diretório foi preterido.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Banco de dados corrompido.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "Não foi possível deduzir a ID e a versão do nuget do nome de arquivo: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Criando diretório de saída de logs de falha {path}", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Nupkg criado: \"{path}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "O cURL relatou resultados inesperados para vcpkg e vcpkg não pode continuar.\nExamine o seguinte texto para obter informações confidenciais e abra um problema no GitHub Microsoft/vcpkg para ajudar a corrigir esse problema!\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== saída do curl ===\n{actual}\n=== final da saída do curl ===", "DateTableHeader": "Data", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Navegador padrão iniciado para {url}.", "DefaultFlag": "O padrão é --{option} estar ativado.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "Com base nas configurações do seu sistema, o caminho padrão para armazenar os binários é \"{path}\". Isso consulta %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% no Windows e $XDG_CACHE_HOME ou $HOME em outras plataformas.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Detectando hash do compilador para tripleto {triplet}...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Se estes forem campos documentados que devem ser reconhecidos, tente atualizar a ferramenta vcpkg.", "DownloadAvailable": "Uma cópia para download desta ferramenta está disponível e pode ser usada desativando {env_var}.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Campo 'status' esperado no parágrafo de status", "ExpectedTripletName": "esperava-se um nome triplo aqui", "ExpectedValueForOption": "valor esperado após --{option}.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "Exportando {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Documentação estendida disponível em '{url}'.", "FailedToExtract": "Falha ao extrair \"{path}\":", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Agradecemos seus comentários!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: arquivo não encontrado", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Falha na operação do sistema de arquivos:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "a conclusão do peixe vcpkg já foi adicionada em \"{path}\".", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Os pacotes a seguir não têm um CONTROL ou vcpkg.json válido:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Os seguintes pacotes não estão instalados:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "a mensagem {value} tem um comentário incorreto:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} foi especificado em um comentário, mas não foi usado na mensagem.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}} foi usado na mensagem, mas não foi comentado.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Use '--debug' para mais informações sobre as falhas de análise.", "GitCommandFailed": "falhou ao executar: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "esperado nome de arquivo", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Os seguintes pacotes já estão instalados:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Todos os pacotes solicitados estão instalados no momento.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Instalando porta do local: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Instalando {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "A integração não foi aplicada.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci é um comando interno que será alterado incompatibilidade ou removido a qualquer momento.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "o arquivo a ser armazenado não corresponde ao hash", "MismatchedNames": "nomes não correspondiam: '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "Não é possível localizar o cabeçalho 7z.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest foi passado --convert-control sem '--all'.\nIsso não faz nada: os arquivos de controle passados explicitamente são convertidos automaticamente.", "MissingDependency": "O pacote {spec} está instalado, mas a dependência {package_name} não.", "MissingExtension": "Extensão \"{extension}\" ausente.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "Não houve alterações nas portas entre as duas confirmações.", "PortsRemoved": "As seguintes {count} portas foram removidas:", "PortsUpdated": "\nAs seguintes portas {count} foram atualizadas:", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "O arquivo de integração anterior não foi removido.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "Falha ao analisar %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) como uma arquitetura de CPU válida.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "A variável de ambiente obrigatória %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% está ausente.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "Falha ao analisar %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) como uma arquitetura de CPU válida. Voltando para %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "{tool_name} falhou com o código de saída: ({exit_code}).", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Falha ao enviar {vendor} para \"{path}\". Use --debug para mais informações.", "RegistryCreated": "Registro criado com êxito em {path}", "RemoveDependencies": "Para remover dependências no modo manifesto, edite seu manifesto (vcpkg.json) e execute 'install'.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "unidade de código inicial encontrada na posição continuar", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "--store opção é inválida sem um sha512", "StoredBinaryCache": "Cache binário armazenado: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "O resultado pode estar desatualizado. Execute `git pull` para obter os resultados mais recentes.", "SuggestResolution": "Para tentar resolver todos os erros de uma vez, execute:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Verifique se você iniciou um novo shell de bash para que a alteração entre em vigor.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Tempo total decorrido: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "'{value}' e -'{value}' foram especificados como sinalizadores de recurso.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "Não é possível determinar o uso da cadeia de ferramentas para {triplet} com CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}. Você quis usar o VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "ocorreu um erro inesperado durante o download em massa.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Extensão de arquivo morto inesperada: \"{extension}\".", "UnexpectedFormat": "O formato esperado é [{expected}], mas foi [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "avisos anteriores sendo interpretados como erros", "WhileLookingForSpec": "ao procurar {spec}:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Este comando oferece suporte apenas ao Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Gravaram informações de configuração do pacote NuGet em {path}." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index c2d1c056f5..b9ff8112b6 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "версия {version} уже находится в {path}", "AddVersionVersionIs": "версия: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "Добавление записи завершения vcpkg в {path}.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Требуется удалить дополнительные пакеты (*) для завершения этой операции.", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "строка формата \"{value}\" содержит необработанный аргумент формата", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "несбалансированная фигурная скобка в строке формата \"{value}\"", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Все установленные пакеты обновлены с локальным профилем.", "AlreadyInstalled": "Уже установлено: {spec}", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} уже установлено -- сборка не выполняется из HEAD", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "На машине выполняется другая установка, которая находится в спящем режиме в течение 6 секунд, прежде чем повторить попытку.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Применена общепользовательская интеграция для этого корня vcpkg.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} не влияет на поиск артефакта.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} предоставляет целевые объекты CMake:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# этот элемент создан эвристически и может быть неверным", "CMakeToolChainFile": "В проектах CMake следует использовать: \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\"", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "сбой vcpkg; дополнительные сведения недоступны.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "достигнут недостижимый код", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "обновление vcpkg путем повторного запуска bootstrap-vcpkg может устранить этот сбой.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Файл манифеста и файл CONTROL существуют в каталоге порта: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "\"{path}\", являющийся каталогом, не рекомендуется.", "CorruptedDatabase": "База данных повреждена.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "Не удалось определить идентификатор nuget и версию по имени файла: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Создание выходного каталога для журналов сбоев {path}", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Создан nupkg: \"{путь}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "Служба curl сообщила о неожиданных результатах для vcpkg и что vcpkg не может продолжить работу.\nПожалуйста, обратитесь к следующему тексту для получения конфиденциальной информации и откройте на GitHub Microsoft/vcpkg проблему, чтобы решить этот вопрос!\n: {command_line}\n=== curl output ===\n{actual}\n=== end curl output ===", "DateTableHeader": "Дата", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Браузер по умолчанию запущен на {url}.", "DefaultFlag": "По умолчанию включено --{option}.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "В соответствии с настройками вашей системы путь по умолчанию для хранения двоичных файлов — \"{path}\". Это консультируется с %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% в Windows и $XDG_CACHE_HOME или $HOME на других платформах.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Обнаружение хэша компилятора для триплета {triplet}...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Если это задокументированные поля, которые следует распознать, попробуйте обновить средство VCPKG.", "DownloadAvailable": "Доступна загружаемая копия этого инструмента, которую можно использовать, отключив {env_var}.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "В абзаце состояния ожидалось поле \"status\"", "ExpectedTripletName": "здесь ожидается имя триплета", "ExpectedValueForOption": "Ожидаемое значение после --{option}.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "Экспорт {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Расширенная документация доступна по адресу '{url}'.", "FailedToExtract": "Сбой извлечения \" {path}\":", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Спасибо за отзыв!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: файл не найден", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Сбой операции файловой системы:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "Завершение vcpkg fish уже полностью добавлено в \"{path}\".", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Следующие пакеты не содержат допустимый CONTROL или vcpkg.json.", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Следующие пакеты не установлены.", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "сообщение {value} содержит неправильный комментарий:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} указано в комментарии, но не использовалось в сообщении.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}} использовалось в сообщении, но не прокомментировано.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Используйте \"--debug\", чтобы получить дополнительные сведения о сбоях анализа.", "GitCommandFailed": "не удалось выполнить: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "требуется имя файла", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Следующие пакеты уже установлены:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "Все запрашиваемые пакеты сейчас установлены.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Установка порта из расположения: {путь}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "Выполняется установка {action_index}/{count} {spec}…", "IntegrationFailed": "Интеграция не применена.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci — внутренняя команда, она может измениться несовместимым образом или может быть удалена в любое время.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "файл для хранения не соответствует хэшу", "MismatchedNames": "имена не совпадают: \"{package_name}\" != \"{actual}\"", "Missing7zHeader": "Не удалось найти заголовок 7z.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "манифест формата был передан --convert-control без '--all'.\nЭто ничего не делает: явно переданные управляющие файлы преобразуются автоматически.", "MissingDependency": "Пакет {spec} установлен, но зависимость {package_name} не установлена.", "MissingExtension": "Отсутствует расширение \"{extension}\".", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "Порты между двумя фиксациями не изменились.", "PortsRemoved": "Удалены следующие порты ({count}):", "PortsUpdated": "\nОбновлены следующие порты ({count}):", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "Предыдущий файл интеграции не был удален.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "Не удалось проанализировать %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) как допустимую архитектуру ЦП.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "Отсутствует требуемая переменная среды %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "Не удалось проанализировать %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) как допустимую архитектуру ЦП. Возврат к %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "Сбой средства {tool_name} с кодом завершения {exit_code}.", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "Сбой отправки {vendor} в \"{path}\". Для получения дополнительных сведений, используйте --debug.", "RegistryCreated": "Реестр успешно создан в {path}", "RemoveDependencies": "Чтобы удалить зависимости в режиме манифеста, измените манифест (vcpkg.json) и выполните команду \"install\".", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "найдена единица начального кода в позиции продолжения", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "Параметр --store недопустим без sha512", "StoredBinaryCache": "Сохраненный двоичный кэш: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "Результат может быть устаревшим. Чтобы получить последние результаты, запустите \"git pull\".", "SuggestResolution": "Чтобы попытаться устранить все ошибки сразу, запустите: \nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Чтобы изменения вступили в силу, пожалуйста, проверьте, запустили ли вы новую оболочку bash,", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Общее затраченное время: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "И '{value}', и -'{value}' были указаны как флаги функций.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "Не удалось определить использование цепочки инструментов для {triplet} с CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name}. Вы хотели использовать VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "произошла неожиданная ошибка при массовом скачивании.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Неожиданное расширение архива: \"{extension}\".", "UnexpectedFormat": "Ожидается формат [{expected}], а был [{actual}].", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "предыдущие предупреждения, интерпретируемые как ошибки", "WhileLookingForSpec": "при поиске {spec}:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Эта команда поддерживает только Windows.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Сведения о конфигурации пакета NuGet записаны в {path}." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/ b/locales/ index 546da0aebe..f384c6a19e 100644 --- a/locales/ +++ b/locales/ @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "{version} sürümü {path} yolunda zaten var", "AddVersionVersionIs": "Sürüm: {{version}}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "{path} yoluna vcpkg tamamlama girişi ekleniyor.", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "Bu işlemi tamamlamak için ek paketlerin (*) kaldırılması gerekiyor.", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "\"{value}\" biçim dizesi, bir ham biçim bağımsız değişkeni içeriyor", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "\"{value}\" biçim dizesinde dengesiz küme ayracı", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "Tüm yüklü paketler yerel bağlantı noktası dosyasıyla güncel.", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} zaten yüklü", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} zaten yüklü -- HEAD'den derlenemiyor", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "Makinede başka bir yükleme devam ediyor, yeniden denemeden önce 6s uykuda.", "AppliedUserIntegration": "Bu vcpkg kökü için kullanıcı genelinde tümleştirme uygulandı.", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option}, yapıtı bulma üzerinde hiçbir etkiye sahip değildir.", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} CMake hedefleri sağlar:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# bu buluşsal olarak oluşturuldu ve doğru olmayabilir", "CMakeToolChainFile": "CMake projeleri \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\" kullanmalıdır", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg kilitlendi; ek ayrıntı yok.", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "ulaşılamayan koda ulaşıldı", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "vcpkg’nin bootstrap-vcpkg’nin yeniden çalıştırılarak güncelleştirilmesi bu hatayı çözebilir.", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "Bağlantı noktası dizininde hem bildirim dosyası hem de KONTROL dosyası bulunur: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "'{path}' bir dizin olarak kullanım dışı bırakıldı.", "CorruptedDatabase": "Veritabanı bozuk.", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "{path} dosya adından NuGet kimliği ve sürümü çıkarılamadı", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Hata günlükleri çıkış dizini {path} oluşturuluyor", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Nupkg oluşturuldu: \"{path}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl, vcpkg'ye beklenmeyen sonuçlar bildirdi ve vcpkg devam edemiyor.\nLütfen hassas bilgiler için aşağıdaki metni gözden geçirin ve bu sorunu gidermeye yardımcı olmak için Microsoft/vcpkg GitHub'da bir sorun açın!\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl output ===\n{actual}\n=== end curl output ===", "DateTableHeader": "Tarih", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "Varsayılan tarayıcı {url} olarak başlatıldı.", "DefaultFlag": "Varsayılan olarak --{option} açık olarak ayarlanıyor.", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "Sistem ayarlarınıza bağlı olarak ikili dosyaları depolamak için varsayılan yol: {path}. Bu, Windows’da %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% ve diğer platformlarda $XDG_CACHE_HOME veya $HOME’a başvurur.", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "Üçlü {triplet} için derleyici karması algılanamadı...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "Bunlar, tanınması gereken belgelenmiş alanlarsa, vcpkg aracını güncellemeyi deneyin.", "DownloadAvailable": "Bu aracın indirilebilir bir kopyası var ve {env_var} ayarı kaldırılarak kullanılabilir.", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "Durum paragrafı içinde 'status' alanı bekleniyor", "ExpectedTripletName": "burada üçlü ad bekleniyordu", "ExpectedValueForOption": "'{option}' değerinden sonra beklenen değer.", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "{package_name} dışa aktarılıyor...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "Genişletilmiş belgelere şuradan ulaşılabilir: '{url}'.", "FailedToExtract": "\"{path}\" ayıklanamadı:", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "Geri bildiriminiz için teşekkür ederiz!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: Dosya bulunamadı.", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "Filesystem işlemi başarısız oldu:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "vcpkg balık tamamlama zaten \"{path}\" konumuna eklendi.", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "Aşağıdaki paketlerin geçerli bir CONTROL veya vcpkg.json değeri yok:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "Aşağıdaki paketler yüklü değil:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "{value} iletisi yanlış bir açıklama içeriyor:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} bir açıklamada belirtildi, ancak iletide kullanılmadı.", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "İletide {{{value}}} kullanıldı, ancak açıklama eklenmedi.", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "Ayrıştırma hataları hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için '--debug' seçeneğini kullanın.", "GitCommandFailed": "Şu komut yürütülemedi: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "bir dosya adı bekleniyor", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "Aşağıdaki paketler zaten yüklü:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "İstenen tüm paketler şu anda yüklü.", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- Bağlantı noktası şu konumdan yükleniyor: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "{action_index}/{count} {spec} yükleniyor...", "IntegrationFailed": "Integral alma uygulanmadı.", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci, uyumsuz bir şekilde değişebilecek veya herhangi bir zamanda kaldırılabilecek bir iç komuttur.", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "depolanacak dosya karma ile eşleşmiyor", "MismatchedNames": "adlar eşleşmedi: '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "7z üstbilgisi bulunamadı.", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "format-manifest '--all' olmadan --convert-control’den geçirildi.\nBu işlem hiçbir şey yapmaz: Açıkça geçirilen kontrol dosyaları otomatik olarak dönüştürülür.", "MissingDependency": "Paket {spec} yüklü, ancak bağımlılık {package_name} değil.", "MissingExtension": "'{extension}' uzantısı eksik.", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "İki işleme arasındaki bağlantı noktalarında herhangi bir değişiklik olmadı.", "PortsRemoved": "Aşağıdaki {count} bağlantı noktası kaldırıldı:", "PortsUpdated": "\nAşağıdaki {count} bağlantı noktası güncelleştirildi:", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "Önceki integral alma dosyası kaldırılamadı.", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "Geçerli bir CPU mimarisi olarak %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) ayrıştırılamadı.", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "Gerekli %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ortam değişkeni eksik.", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "Geçerli bir CPU mimarisi olarak %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) ayrıştırılamadı. %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% öğesine geri dönülüyor.", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "{tool_name}, şu çıkış koduyla başarısız oldu: ({exit_code}).", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "\"{path}\" yoluna {vendor} gönderimi yapılamadı. Daha fazla bilgi için --debug kullanın.", "RegistryCreated": "Kayıt defteri {path} yolunda başarıyla oluşturuldu", "RemoveDependencies": "Bildirim modunda bağımlılıkları kaldırmak için bildiriminizi (vcpkg.json) düzenleyip 'install' komutunu çalıştırın.", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "devam konumunda başlangıç kodu birimi bulundu", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "--store seçeneği sha512 olmadan geçersiz", "StoredBinaryCache": "İkili önbellek depolandı: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "Sonuç eski olabilir. En son sonuçları almak için `git pull` komutunu çalıştırın.", "SuggestResolution": "Tüm hataları bir kerede çözmeyi denemek için şunu çalıştırın:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "Değişikliğin yürürlüğe girmesi için lütfen yeni bir bash kabuğu başlattığınızdan emin olun.", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "Geçen toplam süre: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "Hem '{value}' hem de -'{value}' özellik bayrakları olarak belirtildi.", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name} ile {triplet} için araç zinciri kullanımı belirlenemiyor. Aslında VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE kullanmak mı istediniz?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "toplu indirme sırasında beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu.", "UnexpectedExtension": "Beklenmeyen arşiv uzantısı: '{extension}'.", "UnexpectedFormat": "Beklenen biçim [{expected}], ancak [{actual}] idi.", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "önceki uyarılar hata olarak yorumlanıyor", "WhileLookingForSpec": "{spec} aranırken:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "Bu komut yalnızca Windows'u destekler.", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "NuGet paketi yapılandırma bilgileri {path} yoluna yazıldı." + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/messages.zh-Hans.json b/locales/messages.zh-Hans.json index 3dd9dafd61..27f25af981 100644 --- a/locales/messages.zh-Hans.json +++ b/locales/messages.zh-Hans.json @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "版本 {version} 已在 {path} 中", "AddVersionVersionIs": "版本: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "正在将 vcpkg 完成项添加到 {path}。", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "需要移除其他包(*)才能完成此操作。", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "格式字符串 \"{value}\" 包含原始格式参数", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "格式字符串中的不均衡大括号 \"{value}\"", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "所有已安装的包都通过本地端口文件保持最新。", "AlreadyInstalled": "已安装 {spec}", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "已安装 {spec} - 未从 HEAD 生成", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "计算机上正在进行另一个安装,重试前休眠 6 秒。", "AppliedUserIntegration": "已为此 vcpkg 根应用用户范围的集成。", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} 对查找项目没有影响。", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} 提供 CMake 目标:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "# 这是启发式生成的,并且可能不正确", "CMakeToolChainFile": "CMake 项目应使用:“-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}”", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg 已崩溃;没有其他详细信息可用。", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "已访问无法访问的代码", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "通过重新运行 bootstrap-vcpkg 更新 vcpkg 可能会解决此故障。", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "端口目录中同时存在清单文件和 CONTROL 文件: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "已弃用作为目录的 `{path}`。", "CorruptedDatabase": "数据库已损坏。", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "无法从文件名推导出 nuget ID 和版本: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "正在创建失败日志输出目录 {path}", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "已创建 nupkg:“{path}”", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl 向 vcpkg 报告了意外结果,vcpkg 无法继续。\n请查看以下文本以获取敏感信息,并在 Microsoft/vcpkg GitHub 上打开问题以帮助解决此问题!\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl 输出 ===\n{actual}\n=== 结束 curl 输出 ===", "DateTableHeader": "日期", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "已启动默认浏览器到 {url}。", "DefaultFlag": "默认为 --{option} 处于打开状态。", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "根据系统设置,存储二进制文件的默认路径为“{path}”。这会在 Windows 上咨询 %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA%,并在其他平台上咨询 $XDG_CACHE_HOME 或 $HOME。", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "正在检测三元组 {triplet} 的编译器哈希...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "如果这些是应识别的文档字段,请尝试更新 vcpkg 工具。", "DownloadAvailable": "此工具的可下载副本可用,可通过取消设置 {env_var} 使用它。", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "状态段落中应为 “status” 字段", "ExpectedTripletName": "此处需要填写三联名称", "ExpectedValueForOption": "应为 --{option} 之后的值。", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "正在导出 {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "可在“{url}”上找到扩展文档。", "FailedToExtract": "无法提取“{path}”:", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "非常感谢你提供反馈!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: 未找到文件", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "文件系统操作失败:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "已在“{path}”下添加 vcpkg fish 完成。", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "以下包没有有效的 CONTROL 或 vcpkg.json:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "未安装以下包:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "消息 {value} 的注释不正确:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "已在注释中指定 {{{value}}},但未在消息中使用。", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "已在邮件中使用 {{{value}}},但未进行注释。", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "使用 “--debug” 获取有关分析失败的详细信息。", "GitCommandFailed": "执行 {command_line} 失败", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "应输入文件名", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "已安装以下包:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "当前已安装所有请求的包。", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- 正从以下位置安装端口: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "正在安装 {action_index}/{count} 个 {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "未应用集成。", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci 是一个内部命令,它将发生不兼容更改或随时被删除。", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "要存储的文件与哈希不匹配", "MismatchedNames": "名称不匹配:“{package_name}”!=“{actual}”", "Missing7zHeader": "找不到 7z 标头。", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "已传递 format-manifest --convert-control 而不使用 “--all”。\n这不执行任何操作: 显式传递的控件文件将自动转换。", "MissingDependency": "已安装包 {spec},但未安装依赖项 {package_name}。", "MissingExtension": "缺少“{extension}”扩展名。", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "两次提交之间的端口没有变化。", "PortsRemoved": "删除了以下 {count} 个端口:", "PortsUpdated": "\n以下 {count} 个端口已更新:", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "未删除以前的集成文件。", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "无法将 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch})分析为有效的 CPU 体系结构。", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "缺少所需的环境变量 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%。", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "无法将 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) 分析为有效的 CPU 体系结构。回退到 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%。", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "{tool_name} 失败,退出代码: {exit_code}。", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "将 {vendor} 推送到“{path}”失败。请使用 --debug 获取详细信息。", "RegistryCreated": "已在 {path} 下成功创建注册表", "RemoveDependencies": "要在清单模式下移除依赖项,请编辑清单(vcpkg.json)并运行 “install”。", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "在“继续”位置找到了起始代码单元", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "--store 选项无效,没有 sha512", "StoredBinaryCache": "存储的二进制缓存:“{path}”", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "结果可能已过时。运行 `git pull` 以获取最新结果。", "SuggestResolution": "要尝试一次性解决所有错误,请运行:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "请确保已启动新的 bash shell 以使更改生效。", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "总运行时间: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "“{value}”和-“{value}”均已指定为功能标志。", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "无法确定具有 CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name} 的 {triplet} 的工具链使用。是否打算使用 VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "批量下载期间出现意外错误。", "UnexpectedExtension": "非预期的存档扩展名:“{extension}”。", "UnexpectedFormat": "预期格式为 [{expected}],但实际为 [{actual}]。", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "以前被解释为错误的警告", "WhileLookingForSpec": "查找 {spec} 时:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "此命令仅支持 Windows。", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "已将 NuGet 包配置信息写入 {path}。" + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" } diff --git a/locales/messages.zh-Hant.json b/locales/messages.zh-Hant.json index 96bfe20123..d3142314d4 100644 --- a/locales/messages.zh-Hant.json +++ b/locales/messages.zh-Hant.json @@ -33,12 +33,14 @@ "AddVersionVersionAlreadyInFile": "版本 {version} 已在 {path} 中", "AddVersionVersionIs": "版本: {version}", "AddingCompletionEntry": "正在將 vcpkg 完成項目新增至 {path}。", + "AdditionalPackagesToExport": "Additional packages (*) need to be exported to complete this operation.", "AdditionalPackagesToRemove": "必須移除其他套件 (*) 才能完成此作業。", "AllFormatArgsRawArgument": "格式字串 \"{value}\" 包含原始格式引數", "AllFormatArgsUnbalancedBraces": "格式字符串 \"{value}\" 中出現不對等大括號", "AllPackagesAreUpdated": "所有已安裝的套件都使用最新的本機 portfile。", "AlreadyInstalled": "{spec} 已安裝", "AlreadyInstalledNotHead": "{spec} 已安裝 -- 未從 HEAD 建立", + "AndroidHomeDirMissingProps": " missing in {env_var} directory: {path}", "AnotherInstallationInProgress": "另一個安裝正在機器上進行中,睡眠 6 秒後再試一次。", "AppliedUserIntegration": "已為此 vcpkg 根目錄套用整個使用者整合。", "ArtifactsOptionIncompatibility": "--{option} 對尋找成品不會影響。", @@ -77,6 +79,7 @@ "CMakeTargetsUsage": "{package_name} 提供 CMake 目標:", "CMakeTargetsUsageHeuristicMessage": "#這是啟發式產生的,可能不正確", "CMakeToolChainFile": "CMake 專案應使用: \"-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE={path}\"", + "CMakeUsingExportedLibs": "To use exported libraries in CMake projects, add {value} to your CMake command line.", "ChecksFailedCheck": "vcpkg 已損毀; 沒有其他詳細資料。", "ChecksUnreachableCode": "已連線到無法連線的代碼", "ChecksUpdateVcpkg": "重新執行 bootstrap-vcpkg 來更新 vcpkg 或許可以解決此失敗問題。", @@ -99,14 +102,20 @@ "ControlAndManifestFilesPresent": "資訊清單檔案和 CONTROL 檔案同時存在於連接埠目錄中: {path}", "CopyrightIsDir": "'{path}' 是已被取代的目錄。", "CorruptedDatabase": "資料庫已損壞。", + "CorruptedInstallTree": "Your vcpkg 'installed' tree is corrupted.", "CouldNotDeduceNugetIdAndVersion": "無法從檔案名推斷 nuget 識別碼和版本: {path}", - "CreateFailureLogsDir": "正在建立失敗記錄輸出目錄 {path}", - "CreatedNuGetPackage": "建立的 nupkg: \"{path}\"", + "CreateFailureLogsDir": "Creating failure logs output directory {path}.", + "CreatedNuGetPackage": "Created nupkg: {path}", + "Creating7ZipArchive": "Creating 7zip archive...", + "CreatingNugetPackage": "Creating NuGet package...", + "CreatingZipArchive": "Creating zip archive...", + "CreationFailed": "Creating {path} failed.", "CurlReportedUnexpectedResults": "curl 已向 vcpkg 報告未預期的結果,vcpkg 無法繼續。\n請參閱下列文字以尋找敏感性資訊,並在 Microsoft/vcpkg GitHub 上開啟問題以協助修正此問題!\ncmd: {command_line}\n=== curl 輸出 ===\n{actual}\n=== 結束 curl 輸出 ===", "DateTableHeader": "日期", "DefaultBrowserLaunched": "預設瀏覽器已啟動至 {url}。", "DefaultFlag": "預設為 --{option} 開啟。", "DefaultPathToBinaries": "根據您的系統設定,儲存二進位檔的預設路徑是 \"{path}\"。這會在 Windows 上諮詢 %LOCALAPPDATA%/%APPDATA% 或在其他平台上諮詢 $XDG_CACHE_HOME 或 $HOME。", + "DeprecatedPrefabDebugOption": "--prefab-debug is now deprecated.", "DetectCompilerHash": "正在偵測三重 {triplet} 的編譯器雜湊...", "DocumentedFieldsSuggestUpdate": "如果這些是應被辨識的已記錄欄位,請嘗試更新 vcpkg 工具。", "DownloadAvailable": "此工具的可下載複本可用,而且可以透過取消設定 {env_var} 使用。", @@ -159,6 +168,13 @@ "ExpectedStatusField": "狀態段落中預期有 'status' 欄位", "ExpectedTripletName": "這裡需要三重名稱", "ExpectedValueForOption": "--{option} 後必須要有值。", + "ExportArchitectureReq": "Export prefab requires targeting at least one of the following architectures arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86_64, x86 to be present.", + "ExportPrefabRequiresAndroidTriplet": "export prefab requires an Android triplet.", + "ExportUnsupportedInManifest": "vcpkg export does not support manifest mode, in order to allow for future design considerations. You may use export in classic mode by running vcpkg outside of a manifest-based project.", + "Exported7zipArchive": "7zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportedZipArchive": "Zip archive exported at: {path}", + "ExportingAlreadyBuiltPackages": "The following packages are already built and will be exported:", + "ExportingMaintenanceTool": "Exporting maintenance tool...", "ExportingPackage": "正在匯出 {package_name}...", "ExtendedDocumentationAtUrl": "可在 '{url}' 上找到擴充文件。", "FailedToExtract": "無法擷取 \"{path}\":", @@ -188,6 +204,7 @@ "FeedbackAppreciated": "謝謝您的寶貴意見!", "FileNotFound": "{path}: 找不到檔案", "FileSystemOperationFailed": "檔案系統操作失敗:", + "FilesExported": "Files exported at: {path}", "FishCompletion": "vcpkg fish 完成已新增於 \"{path}\"。", "FollowingPackagesMissingControl": "下列套件都沒有有效的 CONTROL 或 vcpkg.json:", "FollowingPackagesNotInstalled": "未安装下列套件:", @@ -198,6 +215,11 @@ "GenerateMsgIncorrectComment": "訊息 {value} 有不正確的註解:", "GenerateMsgNoArgumentValue": "{{{value}}} 已指定於註解中,但在訊息中並未使用。", "GenerateMsgNoCommentValue": "{{{value}}} 已在訊息中使用,但沒有註解。", + "GeneratedConfiguration": "Generated configuration {path}.", + "GeneratedInstaller": "{path} installer generated.", + "GeneratingConfiguration": "Generating configuration {path}...", + "GeneratingInstaller": "Generating installer {path}...", + "GeneratingRepo": "Generating repository {path}...", "GetParseFailureInfo": "使用 '--debug' 取得剖析失敗的詳細資訊。", "GitCommandFailed": "無法執行: {command_line}", "GitStatusOutputExpectedFileName": "必須是檔案名稱", @@ -263,6 +285,7 @@ "InstalledPackages": "已安装下列套件:", "InstalledRequestedPackages": "目前已安装所有要求的套件。", "InstallingFromLocation": "-- 正在從位置安裝連接埠: {path}", + "InstallingMavenFile": "{path} installing maven file", "InstallingPackage": "正在安裝 {action_index}/{count} {spec}...", "IntegrationFailed": "未套用整合。", "InternalCICommand": "vcpkg ci 是內部命令,會隨時以不相容的方式變更或遭移除。", @@ -326,6 +349,8 @@ "MismatchedFiles": "要儲存的檔案與雜湊不相符", "MismatchedNames": "名稱不相符: '{package_name}' != '{actual}'", "Missing7zHeader": "找不到 7z 標頭。", + "MissingAndroidEnv": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME environment variable missing", + "MissingAndroidHomeDir": "ANDROID_NDK_HOME directory does not exist: {path}", "MissingArgFormatManifest": "已傳遞 format-manifest --convert-control 但沒有 '--all'。\n這不會執行任何動作: 明確傳遞的控制檔案會自動轉換。", "MissingDependency": "套件 {spec} 已安装,但相依性 {package_name} 沒有安裝。", "MissingExtension": "缺少 '{extension}' 延伸模組", @@ -383,11 +408,13 @@ "PortsNoDiff": "兩個認可之間的連接埠中沒有變更。", "PortsRemoved": "已移除下列 {count} 個連接埠:", "PortsUpdated": "\n已更新下列 {count} 個連接埠:", + "PrebuiltPackages": "There are packages that have not been built. To build them run:", "PreviousIntegrationFileRemains": "未移除先前的整合檔案。", "ProcessorArchitectureMalformed": "無法將 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% ({arch}) 剖析為有效的 CPU 架構。", "ProcessorArchitectureMissing": "缺少必要的環境變數 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%。", "ProcessorArchitectureW6432Malformed": "無法將 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432% ({arch}) 剖析為有效的 CPU 架構。回到 %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%。", "ProgramReturnedNonzeroExitCode": "{tool_name} 失敗,結束代碼: ({exit_code})。", + "ProvideExportType": "At least one of the following options are required: --raw --nuget --ifw --zip --7zip --chocolatey --prefab.", "PushingVendorFailed": "將 {vendor} 推送到 \"{path}\" 失敗。如需詳細資訊,請使用 --debug。", "RegistryCreated": "已成功在 {path} 建立登錄", "RemoveDependencies": "若要在資訊清單模式中移除相依性,請編輯您的資訊清單 (vcpkg.json) 並執行 'install'。", @@ -413,6 +440,7 @@ "StartCodeUnitInContinue": "在繼續位置找到開始字碼單位", "StoreOptionMissingSha": "--store 選項無效,沒有 sha512", "StoredBinaryCache": "儲存的二進位快取: \"{path}\"", + "SuccessfulyExported": "Exported {package_name} to {path}", "SuggestGitPull": "結果可能已過期。執行 `git pull` 以取得最新結果。", "SuggestResolution": "若要嘗試一次解決所有錯誤,請執行:\nvcpkg {command_name} --{option}", "SuggestStartingBashShell": "請確定您已啟動新的 Bash 殼層,才能讓變更生效。", @@ -424,6 +452,7 @@ "TotalTime": "總經過時間: {elapsed}", "TwoFeatureFlagsSpecified": "已同時將 '{value}' 和 -'{value}' 指定為功能旗標。", "UndeterminedToolChainForTriplet": "無法判斷 {triplet} 與 CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME {system_name} 搭配使用的工具鏈。您是否想要使用VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE?", + "UnexpectedByteSize": "Expected {expected} bytes to be written, but {actual} were written.", "UnexpectedErrorDuringBulkDownload": "大量下載期間發生意外的錯誤。", "UnexpectedExtension": "未預期的封存延伸模組: '{extension}'。", "UnexpectedFormat": "預期的格式必須是 [{expected}],但卻是 [{actual}]。", @@ -493,5 +522,5 @@ "WarningsTreatedAsErrors": "先前的警告被解譯為錯誤", "WhileLookingForSpec": "尋找 {spec} 時:", "WindowsOnlyCommand": "這個命令只支援 Windows。", - "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "已將 NuGet 套件設定資訊寫入{path}。" + "WroteNuGetPkgConfInfo": "Wrote NuGet package config information to {path}" }