diff --git a/docs/api/datamodules.rst b/docs/api/datamodules.rst
index 98160b41bad..5bee339c40e 100644
--- a/docs/api/datamodules.rst
+++ b/docs/api/datamodules.rst
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ BigEarthNet
 .. autoclass:: BigEarthNetDataModule
+.. autoclass:: CaBuArDataModule
diff --git a/docs/api/datasets.rst b/docs/api/datasets.rst
index 85f2f6e4587..398b715e818 100644
--- a/docs/api/datasets.rst
+++ b/docs/api/datasets.rst
@@ -217,6 +217,11 @@ BioMassters
 .. autoclass:: BioMassters
+.. autoclass:: CaBuAr
diff --git a/docs/api/non_geo_datasets.csv b/docs/api/non_geo_datasets.csv
index 746840e1221..508ea2c74b9 100644
--- a/docs/api/non_geo_datasets.csv
+++ b/docs/api/non_geo_datasets.csv
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Dataset,Task,Source,License,# Samples,# Classes,Size (px),Resolution (m),Bands
 `Benin Cashew Plantations`_,S,Airbus Pléiades,"CC-BY-4.0",70,6,"1,122x1,186",10,MSI
 `BigEarthNet`_,C,Sentinel-1/2,"CDLA-Permissive-1.0","590,326",19--43,120x120,10,"SAR, MSI"
 `BioMassters`_,R,Sentinel-1/2 and Lidar,"CC-BY-4.0",,,256x256, 10, "SAR, MSI"
 `Cloud Cover Detection`_,S,Sentinel-2,"CC-BY-4.0","22,728",2,512x512,10,MSI
 `COWC`_,"C, R","CSUAV AFRL, ISPRS, LINZ, AGRC","AGPL-3.0-only","388,435",2,256x256,0.15,RGB
diff --git a/tests/conf/cabuar.yaml b/tests/conf/cabuar.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..42705a94542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/conf/cabuar.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  class_path: SemanticSegmentationTask
+  init_args:
+    loss: "ce"
+    model: "unet"
+    backbone: "resnet18"
+    in_channels: 24
+    num_classes: 2
+    num_filters: 1
+    ignore_index: null
+  class_path: CaBuArDataModule
+  init_args:
+    batch_size: 2
+  dict_kwargs:
+    root: "tests/data/cabuar"
diff --git a/tests/data/cabuar/512x512.hdf5 b/tests/data/cabuar/512x512.hdf5
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d8f16529bb
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/data/cabuar/512x512.hdf5 differ
diff --git a/tests/data/cabuar/chabud_test.h5 b/tests/data/cabuar/chabud_test.h5
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5408b9d27fc
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/data/cabuar/chabud_test.h5 differ
diff --git a/tests/data/cabuar/data.py b/tests/data/cabuar/data.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9be447d816d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/data/cabuar/data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+import hashlib
+import os
+import random
+import h5py
+import numpy as np
+# Sentinel-2 is 12-bit with range 0-4095
+SIZE = 32
+filenames = ['512x512.hdf5', 'chabud_test.h5']
+fold_mapping = {'train': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'val': [0], 'test': ['chabud']}
+uris = [
+    'feb08801-64b1-4d11-a3fc-0efaad1f4274_0',
+    'e4d4dbcb-dd92-40cf-a7fe-fda8dd35f367_1',
+    '9fc8c1f4-1858-47c3-953e-1dc8b179a',
+    '3a1358a2-6155-445a-a269-13bebd9741a8_0',
+    '2f8e659c-f457-4527-a57f-bffc3bbe0baa_0',
+    '299ee670-19b1-4a76-bef3-34fd55580711_1',
+    '05cfef86-3e27-42be-a0cb-a61fe2f89e40_0',
+    '0328d12a-4ad8-4504-8ac5-70089db10b4e_1',
+    '04800581-b540-4f9b-9df8-7ee433e83f46_0',
+    '108ae2a9-d7d6-42f7-b89a-90bb75c23ccb_0',
+    '29413474-04b8-4bb1-8b89-fd640023d4a6_0',
+    '43f2e60a-73b4-4f33-b99e-319d892fcab4_0',
+folds = random.choices(fold_mapping['train'], k=4) + [0] * 4 + ['chabud'] * 4
+files = ['512x512.hdf5'] * 8 + ['chabud_test.h5'] * 4
+# Remove old data
+for filename in filenames:
+    if os.path.exists(filename):
+        os.remove(filename)
+# Create dataset file
+data = np.random.randint(
+    SENTINEL2_MAX, size=(SIZE, SIZE, NUM_CHANNELS), dtype=np.uint16
+gt = np.random.randint(NUM_CLASSES, size=(SIZE, SIZE, 1), dtype=np.uint16)
+for filename, uri, fold in zip(files, uris, folds):
+    with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as f:
+        sample = f.create_group(uri)
+        sample.attrs.create(
+            name='fold', data=np.int64(fold) if fold != 'chabud' else fold
+        )
+        sample.create_dataset
+        sample.create_dataset('pre_fire', data=data)
+        sample.create_dataset('post_fire', data=data)
+        sample.create_dataset('mask', data=gt)
+# Compute checksums
+for filename in filenames:
+    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+        md5 = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
+        print(f'{filename} md5: {md5}')
diff --git a/tests/datasets/test_cabuar.py b/tests/datasets/test_cabuar.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..967f43ee4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/datasets/test_cabuar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+import os
+from itertools import product
+from pathlib import Path
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import pytest
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from _pytest.fixtures import SubRequest
+from pytest import MonkeyPatch
+from torchgeo.datasets import CaBuAr, DatasetNotFoundError
+pytest.importorskip('h5py', minversion='3.6')
+class TestCaBuAr:
+    @pytest.fixture(
+        params=product([CaBuAr.all_bands, CaBuAr.rgb_bands], ['train', 'val', 'test'])
+    )
+    def dataset(
+        self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path, request: SubRequest
+    ) -> CaBuAr:
+        data_dir = os.path.join('tests', 'data', 'cabuar')
+        urls = (
+            os.path.join(data_dir, '512x512.hdf5'),
+            os.path.join(data_dir, 'chabud_test.h5'),
+        )
+        monkeypatch.setattr(CaBuAr, 'urls', urls)
+        bands, split = request.param
+        root = tmp_path
+        transforms = nn.Identity()
+        return CaBuAr(
+            root=root,
+            split=split,
+            bands=bands,
+            transforms=transforms,
+            download=True,
+            checksum=True,
+        )
+    def test_getitem(self, dataset: CaBuAr) -> None:
+        x = dataset[0]
+        assert isinstance(x, dict)
+        assert isinstance(x['image'], torch.Tensor)
+        assert isinstance(x['mask'], torch.Tensor)
+        # Image tests
+        assert x['image'].ndim == 3
+        if dataset.bands == CaBuAr.rgb_bands:
+            assert x['image'].shape[0] == 2 * 3
+        elif dataset.bands == CaBuAr.all_bands:
+            assert x['image'].shape[0] == 2 * 12
+        # Mask tests:
+        assert x['mask'].ndim == 2
+    def test_len(self, dataset: CaBuAr) -> None:
+        assert len(dataset) == 4
+    def test_already_downloaded(self, dataset: CaBuAr) -> None:
+        CaBuAr(root=dataset.root, download=True)
+    def test_not_downloaded(self, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
+        with pytest.raises(DatasetNotFoundError, match='Dataset not found'):
+            CaBuAr(tmp_path)
+    def test_invalid_bands(self) -> None:
+        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+            CaBuAr(bands=('OK', 'BK'))
+    def test_plot(self, dataset: CaBuAr) -> None:
+        dataset.plot(dataset[0], suptitle='Test')
+        plt.close()
+        sample = dataset[0]
+        sample['prediction'] = sample['mask'].clone()
+        dataset.plot(sample, suptitle='prediction')
+        plt.close()
+    def test_plot_rgb(self, dataset: CaBuAr) -> None:
+        dataset = CaBuAr(root=dataset.root, bands=('B02',))
+        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="doesn't contain some of the RGB bands"):
+            dataset.plot(dataset[0], suptitle='Single Band')
+    def test_invalid_split(self, dataset: CaBuAr) -> None:
+        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
+            CaBuAr(dataset.root, split='foo')
diff --git a/tests/trainers/test_segmentation.py b/tests/trainers/test_segmentation.py
index ea4b0646521..00b293096dd 100644
--- a/tests/trainers/test_segmentation.py
+++ b/tests/trainers/test_segmentation.py
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class TestSemanticSegmentationTask:
+            'cabuar',
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ def test_trainer(
         self, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, name: str, fast_dev_run: bool
     ) -> None:
         match name:
-            case 'chabud':
+            case 'chabud' | 'cabuar':
                 pytest.importorskip('h5py', minversion='3.6')
             case 'landcoverai':
                 sha256 = (
diff --git a/torchgeo/datamodules/__init__.py b/torchgeo/datamodules/__init__.py
index a22a581dea3..498ad9fdb7a 100644
--- a/torchgeo/datamodules/__init__.py
+++ b/torchgeo/datamodules/__init__.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 from .agrifieldnet import AgriFieldNetDataModule
 from .bigearthnet import BigEarthNetDataModule
+from .cabuar import CaBuArDataModule
 from .chabud import ChaBuDDataModule
 from .chesapeake import ChesapeakeCVPRDataModule
 from .cowc import COWCCountingDataModule
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
     # NonGeoDataset
+    'CaBuArDataModule',
diff --git a/torchgeo/datamodules/cabuar.py b/torchgeo/datamodules/cabuar.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2ce459bceae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torchgeo/datamodules/cabuar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+"""CaBuAr datamodule."""
+from typing import Any
+import torch
+from einops import repeat
+from ..datasets import CaBuAr
+from .geo import NonGeoDataModule
+class CaBuArDataModule(NonGeoDataModule):
+    """LightningDataModule implementation for the CaBuAr dataset.
+    Uses the train/val/test splits from the dataset
+    .. versionadded:: 0.6
+    """
+    # min/max values computed on train set using 2/98 percentiles
+    min = torch.tensor(
+        [0.0, 1.0, 73.0, 39.0, 46.0, 25.0, 26.0, 21.0, 17.0, 1.0, 20.0, 21.0]
+    )
+    max = torch.tensor(
+        [
+            1926.0,
+            2174.0,
+            2527.0,
+            2950.0,
+            3237.0,
+            3717.0,
+            4087.0,
+            4271.0,
+            4290.0,
+            4219.0,
+            4568.0,
+            3753.0,
+        ]
+    )
+    def __init__(
+        self, batch_size: int = 64, num_workers: int = 0, **kwargs: Any
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize a new CaBuArDataModule instance.
+        Args:
+            batch_size: Size of each mini-batch.
+            num_workers: Number of workers for parallel data loading.
+            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to
+                :class:`~torchgeo.datasets.CaBuAr`.
+        """
+        bands = kwargs.get('bands', CaBuAr.all_bands)
+        band_indices = [CaBuAr.all_bands.index(b) for b in bands]
+        mins = self.min[band_indices]
+        maxs = self.max[band_indices]
+        # Change detection, 2 images from different times
+        mins = repeat(mins, 'c -> (t c)', t=2)
+        maxs = repeat(maxs, 'c -> (t c)', t=2)
+        self.mean = mins
+        self.std = maxs - mins
+        super().__init__(CaBuAr, batch_size, num_workers, **kwargs)
diff --git a/torchgeo/datasets/__init__.py b/torchgeo/datasets/__init__.py
index dd52286be9e..170aab9c68d 100644
--- a/torchgeo/datasets/__init__.py
+++ b/torchgeo/datasets/__init__.py
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 from .benin_cashews import BeninSmallHolderCashews
 from .bigearthnet import BigEarthNet
 from .biomassters import BioMassters
+from .cabuar import CaBuAr
 from .cbf import CanadianBuildingFootprints
 from .cdl import CDL
 from .chabud import ChaBuD
@@ -197,6 +198,7 @@
+    'CaBuAr',
diff --git a/torchgeo/datasets/cabuar.py b/torchgeo/datasets/cabuar.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69ca818a70e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/torchgeo/datasets/cabuar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+"""CaBuAr dataset."""
+import os
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from typing import ClassVar
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from torch import Tensor
+from .errors import DatasetNotFoundError
+from .geo import NonGeoDataset
+from .utils import Path, download_url, lazy_import, percentile_normalization
+class CaBuAr(NonGeoDataset):
+    """CaBuAr dataset.
+    `CaBuAr <https://huggingface.co/datasets/DarthReca/california_burned_areas>`__
+    is a dataset for Change detection for Burned area Delineation and part of
+    the splits are used for the ChaBuD ECML-PKDD 2023 Discovery Challenge.
+    Dataset features:
+    * Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery
+    * binary masks of burned areas
+    * 12 multispectral bands
+    * 424 pairs of pre and post images with 20 m per pixel resolution (512x512 px)
+    Dataset format:
+    * single hdf5 dataset containing images and masks
+    Dataset classes:
+    0. no change
+    1. burned area
+    If you use this dataset in your research, please cite the following paper:
+    * https://doi.org/10.1109/MGRS.2023.3292467
+    .. note::
+       This dataset requires the following additional library to be installed:
+       * `h5py <https://pypi.org/project/h5py/>`_ to load the dataset
+    .. versionadded:: 0.6
+    """
+    all_bands = (
+        'B01',
+        'B02',
+        'B03',
+        'B04',
+        'B05',
+        'B06',
+        'B07',
+        'B08',
+        'B8A',
+        'B09',
+        'B11',
+        'B12',
+    )
+    rgb_bands = ('B04', 'B03', 'B02')
+    folds: ClassVar[dict[str, list[object]]] = {
+        'train': [1, 2, 3, 4],
+        'val': [0],
+        'test': ['chabud'],
+    }
+    urls = (
+        'https://huggingface.co/datasets/DarthReca/california_burned_areas/resolve/main/raw/patched/512x512.hdf5',
+        'https://huggingface.co/datasets/DarthReca/california_burned_areas/resolve/main/raw/patched/chabud_test.h5',
+    )
+    filenames = ('512x512.hdf5', 'chabud_test.h5')
+    md5s = ('15d78fb825f9a81dad600db828d22c08', 'a70bb7e4a2788657c2354c4c3d9296fe')
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        root: Path = 'data',
+        split: str = 'train',
+        bands: tuple[str, ...] = all_bands,
+        transforms: Callable[[dict[str, Tensor]], dict[str, Tensor]] | None = None,
+        download: bool = False,
+        checksum: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
+        """Initialize a new CaBuAr dataset instance.
+        Args:
+            root: root directory where dataset can be found
+            split: one of "train", "val", "test"
+            bands: the subset of bands to load
+            transforms: a function/transform that takes input sample and its target as
+                entry and returns a transformed version
+            download: if True, download dataset and store it in the root directory
+            checksum: if True, check the MD5 of the downloaded files (may be slow)
+        Raises:
+            AssertionError: If ``split`` or ``bands`` arguments are invalid.
+            DatasetNotFoundError: If dataset is not found and *download* is False.
+            DependencyNotFoundError: If h5py is not installed.
+        """
+        lazy_import('h5py')
+        assert split in self.folds
+        assert set(bands) <= set(self.all_bands)
+        # Set the file index based on the split
+        file_index = 1 if split == 'test' else 0
+        self.root = root
+        self.split = split
+        self.bands = bands
+        self.transforms = transforms
+        self.download = download
+        self.checksum = checksum
+        self.filepath = os.path.join(root, self.filenames[file_index])
+        self.band_indices = [self.all_bands.index(b) for b in bands]
+        self._verify()
+        self.uuids = self._load_uuids()
+    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> dict[str, Tensor]:
+        """Return an index within the dataset.
+        Args:
+            index: index to return
+        Returns:
+            sample containing image and mask
+        """
+        image = self._load_image(index)
+        mask = self._load_target(index)
+        sample = {'image': image, 'mask': mask}
+        if self.transforms is not None:
+            sample = self.transforms(sample)
+        return sample
+    def __len__(self) -> int:
+        """Return the number of data points in the dataset.
+        Returns:
+            length of the dataset
+        """
+        return len(self.uuids)
+    def _load_uuids(self) -> list[str]:
+        """Return the image uuids for the given split.
+        Returns:
+            the image uuids
+        """
+        h5py = lazy_import('h5py')
+        uuids = []
+        with h5py.File(self.filepath, 'r') as f:
+            for k, v in f.items():
+                if v.attrs['fold'] in self.folds[self.split] and 'pre_fire' in v.keys():
+                    uuids.append(k)
+        return sorted(uuids)
+    def _load_image(self, index: int) -> Tensor:
+        """Load a single image.
+        Args:
+            index: index to return
+        Returns:
+            the image
+        """
+        h5py = lazy_import('h5py')
+        uuid = self.uuids[index]
+        with h5py.File(self.filepath, 'r') as f:
+            pre_array = f[uuid]['pre_fire'][:]
+            post_array = f[uuid]['post_fire'][:]
+        # index specified bands and concatenate
+        pre_array = pre_array[..., self.band_indices]
+        post_array = post_array[..., self.band_indices]
+        array = np.concatenate([pre_array, post_array], axis=-1).astype(np.float32)
+        tensor = torch.from_numpy(array)
+        # Convert from HxWxC to CxHxW
+        tensor = tensor.permute((2, 0, 1))
+        return tensor
+    def _load_target(self, index: int) -> Tensor:
+        """Load the target mask for a single image.
+        Args:
+            index: index to return
+        Returns:
+            the target mask
+        """
+        h5py = lazy_import('h5py')
+        uuid = self.uuids[index]
+        with h5py.File(self.filepath, 'r') as f:
+            array = f[uuid]['mask'][:].astype(np.int32).squeeze(axis=-1)
+        tensor = torch.from_numpy(array)
+        tensor = tensor.to(torch.long)
+        return tensor
+    def _verify(self) -> None:
+        """Verify the integrity of the dataset."""
+        # Check if the files already exist
+        exists = []
+        for filename in self.filenames:
+            filepath = os.path.join(self.root, filename)
+            exists.append(os.path.exists(filepath))
+        if all(exists):
+            return
+        # Check if the user requested to download the dataset
+        if not self.download:
+            raise DatasetNotFoundError(self)
+        # Download the dataset
+        self._download()
+    def _download(self) -> None:
+        """Download the dataset."""
+        for url, filename, md5 in zip(self.urls, self.filenames, self.md5s):
+            filepath = os.path.join(self.root, filename)
+            if not os.path.exists(filepath):
+                download_url(
+                    url,
+                    self.root,
+                    filename=filename,
+                    md5=md5 if self.checksum else None,
+                )
+    def plot(
+        self,
+        sample: dict[str, Tensor],
+        show_titles: bool = True,
+        suptitle: str | None = None,
+    ) -> Figure:
+        """Plot a sample from the dataset.
+        Args:
+            sample: a sample returned by :meth:`__getitem__`
+            show_titles: flag indicating whether to show titles above each panel
+            suptitle: optional suptitle to use for figure
+        Returns:
+            a matplotlib Figure with the rendered sample
+        """
+        rgb_indices = []
+        for band in self.rgb_bands:
+            if band in self.bands:
+                rgb_indices.append(self.bands.index(band))
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Dataset doesn't contain some of the RGB bands")
+        mask = sample['mask'].numpy()
+        image_pre = sample['image'][: len(self.bands)][rgb_indices].numpy()
+        image_post = sample['image'][len(self.bands) :][rgb_indices].numpy()
+        image_pre = percentile_normalization(image_pre)
+        image_post = percentile_normalization(image_post)
+        ncols = 3
+        showing_predictions = 'prediction' in sample
+        if showing_predictions:
+            prediction = sample['prediction']
+            ncols += 1
+        fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(10, ncols * 5))
+        axs[0].imshow(np.transpose(image_pre, (1, 2, 0)))
+        axs[0].axis('off')
+        axs[1].imshow(np.transpose(image_post, (1, 2, 0)))
+        axs[1].axis('off')
+        axs[2].imshow(mask)
+        axs[2].axis('off')
+        if showing_predictions:
+            axs[3].imshow(prediction)
+            axs[3].axis('off')
+        if show_titles:
+            axs[0].set_title('Image Pre')
+            axs[1].set_title('Image Post')
+            axs[2].set_title('Mask')
+            if showing_predictions:
+                axs[3].set_title('Prediction')
+        if suptitle is not None:
+            plt.suptitle(suptitle)
+        return fig