diff --git a/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.skills/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Skills/SkillRouter.cs b/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.skills/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Skills/SkillRouter.cs
index 2b70f4d7ad..26c428a160 100644
--- a/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.skills/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Skills/SkillRouter.cs
+++ b/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.skills/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Skills/SkillRouter.cs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public static class SkillRouter
/// Whether the intent matches a Skill.
public static SkillManifest IsSkill(List skillConfiguration, string dispatchIntent)
- return skillConfiguration.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == dispatchIntent.ToString());
+ return skillConfiguration.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Actions.Any(a => a.Id == dispatchIntent.ToString()));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Solutions.csproj b/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Solutions.csproj
index f9f9fcd2cd..30b9f4a2eb 100644
--- a/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Solutions.csproj
+++ b/lib/csharp/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/microsoft.bot.builder.solutions/Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Solutions.csproj
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1 b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1
index 18c6841cfd..f66295082c 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1
@@ -84,73 +84,74 @@ if (-not $manifest) {
Write-Host "> Getting intents for dispatch ..."
-$dictionary = @{ }
-foreach ($action in $manifest.actions) {
- if ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($source in $action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($luisStr in $source.source) {
- $luis = $luisStr -Split '#'
- if ($dictionary.ContainsKey($luis[0])) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luis[0]]
- $intents += $luis[1]
- $dictionary[$luis[0]] = $intents
- }
- else {
- $dictionary.Add($luis[0], @($luis[1]))
- }
- }
- }
- }
-Write-Host "> Adding skill to dispatch ..."
try {
- $intentName = $manifest.Id
- foreach ($luisApp in $dictionary.Keys) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luisApp]
- $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
- if (-not $luFile) {
- $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
- if ($luFile) {
- $luisFolder = $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode)
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "! Could not find $($manifest.Name) LU file. Please provide the -luisFolder parameter." -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Write-Host "! Checked the following locations:" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Throw
- }
+ foreach ($action in $manifest.actions) {
+ if ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
+ $sources = @{}
+ foreach ($source in ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources | Where-Object {$_.locale -eq $langCode})) {
+ foreach ($luisStr in $source.source) {
+ $luis = $luisStr -Split '#'
+ if ($sources.ContainsKey($luis[0])) {
+ $intents = $sources[$luis[0]]
+ $intents += $luis[1]
+ $sources[$luis[0]] = $intents
+ }
+ else {
+ $sources.Add($luis[0], @($luis[1]))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host "> Adding $($action.id) action to dispatch ..."
+ foreach ($luisApp in $sources.Keys) {
+ $intents = $sources[$luisApp]
+ $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
+ if (-not $luFile) {
+ $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
+ if ($luFile) {
+ $luisFolder = $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode)
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "! Could not find $($manifest.Name) LU file. Please provide the -luisFolder parameter." -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Write-Host "! Checked the following locations:" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Throw
+ }
+ }
+ # Parse LU file
+ ludown parse toluis `
+ --in $luFile `
+ --luis_culture $language `
+ --out_folder $luisFolder `
+ --out "$($luisApp).luis"
+ $luisFile = Get-ChildItem `
+ -Path $luisFolder `
+ -Filter "$($luisApp).luis" `
+ -Recurse `
+ -Force 2>> $logFile
+ if ($luisFile) {
+ (dispatch add `
+ --type file `
+ --filePath $luisFile `
+ --name $action.id `
+ --intentName $action.id `
+ --includedIntents $intents `
+ --dataFolder $dispatchFolder `
+ --dispatch $(Join-Path $dispatchFolder "$($dispatchName).dispatch")) 2>> $logFile | Out-Null
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "! Could not find LUIS file: $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).luis")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Break
+ }
+ }
- # Parse LU file
- ludown parse toluis `
- --in $luFile `
- --luis_culture $language `
- --out_folder $luisFolder `
- --out "$($luisApp).luis"
- $luisFile = Get-ChildItem `
- -Path $luisFolder `
- -Filter "$($luisApp).luis" `
- -Recurse `
- -Force 2>> $logFile
- if ($luisFile) {
- (dispatch add `
- --type file `
- --filePath $luisFile `
- --intentName $intentName `
- --dataFolder $dispatchFolder `
- --dispatch $(Join-Path $dispatchFolder "$($dispatchName).dispatch")) 2>> $logFile | Out-Null
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "! Could not find LUIS file: $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).luis")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Break
- }
- }
+ }
catch {
@@ -284,10 +285,12 @@ if ($manifest.authenticationConnections) {
+Write-Host "> Done."
if ($manualScopesRequired) {
Write-Host "+ Could not configure scopes automatically. You must configure the following scopes in the Azure Portal to use this skill: $($newScopes -Join ', ')" -ForegroundColor Magenta
if ($manualAuthRequired) {
Write-Host "+ Could not configure authentication connection automatically. You must configure one of the following connection types manually in the Azure Portal: $($manifest.authenticationConnections.serviceProviderId -Join ', ')" -ForegroundColor Magenta
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1 b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1
index 76eaa462a0..b4a09ee834 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1
@@ -153,4 +153,6 @@ $settings | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Force -Name 'contentModerator' -Value
$settings | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $(Join-Path $outFolder appsettings.json)
# Deploy cognitive models
-Invoke-Expression "$(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'deploy_cognitive_models.ps1') -name $($name) -luisAuthoringRegion $($luisAuthoringRegion) -luisAuthoringKey $($luisAuthoringKey) -qnaSubscriptionKey $($outputs.qnaMaker.value.key) -outFolder $($outFolder)"
\ No newline at end of file
+Invoke-Expression "$(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'deploy_cognitive_models.ps1') -name $($name) -luisAuthoringRegion $($luisAuthoringRegion) -luisAuthoringKey $($luisAuthoringKey) -qnaSubscriptionKey $($outputs.qnaMaker.value.key) -outFolder $($outFolder)"
+Write-Host "> Done."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1 b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1
index 5821931a6f..af1011e6f7 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1
@@ -67,48 +67,17 @@ if (-not $manifest) {
-Write-Host "> Getting intents for dispatch ..."
-$dictionary = @{ }
-foreach ($action in $manifest.actions) {
- if ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($source in $action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($luisStr in $source.source) {
- $luis = $luisStr -Split '#'
- if ($dictionary.ContainsKey($luis[0])) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luis[0]]
- $intents += $luis[1]
- $dictionary[$luis[0]] = $intents
- }
- else {
- $dictionary.Add($luis[0], @($luis[1]))
- }
- }
- }
- }
Write-Host "> Removing skill from dispatch ..."
-try {
- $intentName = $manifest.Id
- $dispatch = Get-Content $dispatchPath | ConvertFrom-Json
- if ($dispatch.services) {
- foreach ($luisApp in $dictionary.Keys) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luisApp]
- $toRemove = $dispatch.services | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $luisApp }
- $dispatch.services = $dispatch.services | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.name -ne $luisApp }
- $dispatch.serviceIds = $dispatch.serviceIds | Where-Object -FilterScript { $toRemove.id -notcontains $_ }
- }
- $dispatch | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $dispatchPath
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "! No services found in file: $($dispatchPath)" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Break
- }
+$dispatch = Get-Content $dispatchPath | ConvertFrom-Json
+if ($dispatch.services) {
+ $toRemove = $dispatch.services | Where-Object { $manifest.actions.id -contains $_.name }
+ $dispatch.services = $dispatch.services | Where-Object -FilterScript { $manifest.actions.id -notcontains $_.name }
+ $dispatch.serviceIds = $dispatch.serviceIds | Where-Object -FilterScript { $toRemove.id -notcontains $_ }
+ $dispatch | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $dispatchPath
-catch {
- Break
+else {
+ Write-Host "! No services found in file: $($dispatchPath)" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host "> Running dispatch refresh ..."
@@ -143,4 +112,6 @@ if (Test-Path $skillsFile) {
else {
Write-Host "! Could not find file: $($skillFile)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
\ No newline at end of file
+Write-Host "> Done."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs
index 214afa14d2..6510543fb4 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Sample/VirtualAssistantSample/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ protected override async Task OnInterruptDialogAsync(DialogC
// We have identiifed a skill so initialize the skill connection with the target skill
// the dispatch intent is the Action ID of the Skill enabling us to resolve the specific action and identify slots
- await dc.BeginDialogAsync(identifiedSkill.Id, intent);
+ await dc.BeginDialogAsync(identifiedSkill.Id, intent.ToString());
// Pass the activity we have
var result = await dc.ContinueDialogAsync();
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1 b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1
index 18c6841cfd..f66295082c 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/add_remote_skill.ps1
@@ -84,73 +84,74 @@ if (-not $manifest) {
Write-Host "> Getting intents for dispatch ..."
-$dictionary = @{ }
-foreach ($action in $manifest.actions) {
- if ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($source in $action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($luisStr in $source.source) {
- $luis = $luisStr -Split '#'
- if ($dictionary.ContainsKey($luis[0])) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luis[0]]
- $intents += $luis[1]
- $dictionary[$luis[0]] = $intents
- }
- else {
- $dictionary.Add($luis[0], @($luis[1]))
- }
- }
- }
- }
-Write-Host "> Adding skill to dispatch ..."
try {
- $intentName = $manifest.Id
- foreach ($luisApp in $dictionary.Keys) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luisApp]
- $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
- if (-not $luFile) {
- $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
- if ($luFile) {
- $luisFolder = $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode)
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "! Could not find $($manifest.Name) LU file. Please provide the -luisFolder parameter." -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Write-Host "! Checked the following locations:" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Throw
- }
+ foreach ($action in $manifest.actions) {
+ if ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
+ $sources = @{}
+ foreach ($source in ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources | Where-Object {$_.locale -eq $langCode})) {
+ foreach ($luisStr in $source.source) {
+ $luis = $luisStr -Split '#'
+ if ($sources.ContainsKey($luis[0])) {
+ $intents = $sources[$luis[0]]
+ $intents += $luis[1]
+ $sources[$luis[0]] = $intents
+ }
+ else {
+ $sources.Add($luis[0], @($luis[1]))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Write-Host "> Adding $($action.id) action to dispatch ..."
+ foreach ($luisApp in $sources.Keys) {
+ $intents = $sources[$luisApp]
+ $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
+ if (-not $luFile) {
+ $luFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu") ` 2>> $logFile
+ if ($luFile) {
+ $luisFolder = $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode)
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "! Could not find $($manifest.Name) LU file. Please provide the -luisFolder parameter." -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Write-Host "! Checked the following locations:" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Write-Host " $(Join-Path $luisFolder $langCode "$($luisApp).lu")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Throw
+ }
+ }
+ # Parse LU file
+ ludown parse toluis `
+ --in $luFile `
+ --luis_culture $language `
+ --out_folder $luisFolder `
+ --out "$($luisApp).luis"
+ $luisFile = Get-ChildItem `
+ -Path $luisFolder `
+ -Filter "$($luisApp).luis" `
+ -Recurse `
+ -Force 2>> $logFile
+ if ($luisFile) {
+ (dispatch add `
+ --type file `
+ --filePath $luisFile `
+ --name $action.id `
+ --intentName $action.id `
+ --includedIntents $intents `
+ --dataFolder $dispatchFolder `
+ --dispatch $(Join-Path $dispatchFolder "$($dispatchName).dispatch")) 2>> $logFile | Out-Null
+ }
+ else {
+ Write-Host "! Could not find LUIS file: $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).luis")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
+ Break
+ }
+ }
- # Parse LU file
- ludown parse toluis `
- --in $luFile `
- --luis_culture $language `
- --out_folder $luisFolder `
- --out "$($luisApp).luis"
- $luisFile = Get-ChildItem `
- -Path $luisFolder `
- -Filter "$($luisApp).luis" `
- -Recurse `
- -Force 2>> $logFile
- if ($luisFile) {
- (dispatch add `
- --type file `
- --filePath $luisFile `
- --intentName $intentName `
- --dataFolder $dispatchFolder `
- --dispatch $(Join-Path $dispatchFolder "$($dispatchName).dispatch")) 2>> $logFile | Out-Null
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "! Could not find LUIS file: $(Join-Path $luisFolder "$($luisApp).luis")" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Break
- }
- }
+ }
catch {
@@ -284,10 +285,12 @@ if ($manifest.authenticationConnections) {
+Write-Host "> Done."
if ($manualScopesRequired) {
Write-Host "+ Could not configure scopes automatically. You must configure the following scopes in the Azure Portal to use this skill: $($newScopes -Join ', ')" -ForegroundColor Magenta
if ($manualAuthRequired) {
Write-Host "+ Could not configure authentication connection automatically. You must configure one of the following connection types manually in the Azure Portal: $($manifest.authenticationConnections.serviceProviderId -Join ', ')" -ForegroundColor Magenta
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1 b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1
index 76eaa462a0..b4a09ee834 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1
@@ -153,4 +153,6 @@ $settings | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Force -Name 'contentModerator' -Value
$settings | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $(Join-Path $outFolder appsettings.json)
# Deploy cognitive models
-Invoke-Expression "$(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'deploy_cognitive_models.ps1') -name $($name) -luisAuthoringRegion $($luisAuthoringRegion) -luisAuthoringKey $($luisAuthoringKey) -qnaSubscriptionKey $($outputs.qnaMaker.value.key) -outFolder $($outFolder)"
\ No newline at end of file
+Invoke-Expression "$(Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'deploy_cognitive_models.ps1') -name $($name) -luisAuthoringRegion $($luisAuthoringRegion) -luisAuthoringKey $($luisAuthoringKey) -qnaSubscriptionKey $($outputs.qnaMaker.value.key) -outFolder $($outFolder)"
+Write-Host "> Done."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1 b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1
index 5821931a6f..af1011e6f7 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Deployment/Scripts/remove_skill.ps1
@@ -67,48 +67,17 @@ if (-not $manifest) {
-Write-Host "> Getting intents for dispatch ..."
-$dictionary = @{ }
-foreach ($action in $manifest.actions) {
- if ($action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($source in $action.definition.triggers.utteranceSources) {
- foreach ($luisStr in $source.source) {
- $luis = $luisStr -Split '#'
- if ($dictionary.ContainsKey($luis[0])) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luis[0]]
- $intents += $luis[1]
- $dictionary[$luis[0]] = $intents
- }
- else {
- $dictionary.Add($luis[0], @($luis[1]))
- }
- }
- }
- }
Write-Host "> Removing skill from dispatch ..."
-try {
- $intentName = $manifest.Id
- $dispatch = Get-Content $dispatchPath | ConvertFrom-Json
- if ($dispatch.services) {
- foreach ($luisApp in $dictionary.Keys) {
- $intents = $dictionary[$luisApp]
- $toRemove = $dispatch.services | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $luisApp }
- $dispatch.services = $dispatch.services | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.name -ne $luisApp }
- $dispatch.serviceIds = $dispatch.serviceIds | Where-Object -FilterScript { $toRemove.id -notcontains $_ }
- }
- $dispatch | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $dispatchPath
- }
- else {
- Write-Host "! No services found in file: $($dispatchPath)" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
- Break
- }
+$dispatch = Get-Content $dispatchPath | ConvertFrom-Json
+if ($dispatch.services) {
+ $toRemove = $dispatch.services | Where-Object { $manifest.actions.id -contains $_.name }
+ $dispatch.services = $dispatch.services | Where-Object -FilterScript { $manifest.actions.id -notcontains $_.name }
+ $dispatch.serviceIds = $dispatch.serviceIds | Where-Object -FilterScript { $toRemove.id -notcontains $_ }
+ $dispatch | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $dispatchPath
-catch {
- Break
+else {
+ Write-Host "! No services found in file: $($dispatchPath)" -ForegroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host "> Running dispatch refresh ..."
@@ -143,4 +112,6 @@ if (Test-Path $skillsFile) {
else {
Write-Host "! Could not find file: $($skillFile)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
\ No newline at end of file
+Write-Host "> Done."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs
index 7f83d58e2a..8445d83881 100644
--- a/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs
+++ b/templates/Virtual-Assistant-Template/csharp/Template/VA/Dialogs/MainDialog.cs
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ protected override async Task OnInterruptDialogAsync(DialogC
// We have identiifed a skill so initialize the skill connection with the target skill
// the dispatch intent is the Action ID of the Skill enabling us to resolve the specific action and identify slots
- await dc.BeginDialogAsync(identifiedSkill.Id, intent);
+ await dc.BeginDialogAsync(identifiedSkill.Id, intent.ToString());
// Pass the activity we have
var result = await dc.ContinueDialogAsync();