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130 lines (104 loc) · 6.59 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (104 loc) · 6.59 KB


If you're interested in contributing to this project, you'll need:

  • Go installed - see this Getting Started guide for Go.
  • Docker installed - see this Getting Started guide for Docker.
  • Kubebuilder - see this Quick Start guide for installation instructions.
  • Kubernetes command-line tool kubectl
  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster. Some options are:
    • Locally hosted cluster, such as
      • Minikube
      • Kind
      • Docker for desktop installed localy with RBAC enabled.
    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
      • The Azure CLI will be helpful here
      • Retrieve the config for the AKS cluster with az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RG_NAME --name $Cluster_NAME
  • Setup access to your cluster using a kubeconfig file. See here for more details
  • Access to an Azure DataBricks instance.

Here are a few kubectl commands you can run to verify your kubectl installation and cluster setup

$ kubectl version
$ kubectl config get-contexts
$ kubectl config current-context
$ kubectl cluster-info
$ kubectl get pods -n kube-system

Environment Variables

You will need to set some environment variables so that the operator knows what Azure DataBricks instance to reconcile with.

$ export DATABRICKS_TOKEN=xxxxx

Quick start

If you are using Visual Studio Code with Remote - Containers extension installed, you quickly have you're environment set up and ready to go with everything you need to get started.

  1. Open this project in VS Code.
  2. Inside .devcontainer, create a file called .env and using the following template, copy your Databricks' host URL and access token:
  3. If Docker isn't already running, make sure it is now.
  4. Open the Command Pallet (Command+Shift+P on MacOS or CTRL+Shift+P on Windows), type Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container... and hit enter.
  5. VS Code will relaunch and begin building your development container. This will install all the necessary dependencies required for you to begin developing.
  6. Once the container has finished building, open a new terminal in VS Code (Control+Shift+` ) and type:
    make set-kindcluster
  7. Once your kind cluster has been created, you can now start testing your Azure Databicks Operator within your own local kubernetes environment!

Advanced: DevContainer Cache

To speedup start times for the devcontainer and reduce the requirement for internet connectivity when starting we cache the .vscodeserver and /go/pkg folder to docker volumes. The VSCode docs cover this topic here.

The downside is that changes to the extension list in devcontainer.json won't automatically be picked up. To clear the cache run docker volume rm dboperator-vscodecache -f.

You'll need to remove existing instance of the devcontainer before clearing the cache. Use docker ps -a and then locating the container with a name vsc-azure-databricks-operator-* and using docker rm -f CONTAINER-NAME-HERE to remove it.

In bash the following will automate the process:

 docker ps -a | grep vsc-azure-databricks | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm -f
 docker volume rm dboperator-vscodecache -f
 docker volume rm dboperator-gomodcache -f

Building and Running the operator


The scaffolding for the project is generated using Kubebuilder. It is a good idea to become familiar with this project. The quick start guide is also quite useful.

See Makefile at the root directory of the project. By default, executing make will build the project and produce an executable at ./bin/manager

For example, to quick start this assumes dependencies have been downloaded and existing CRDs have been installed. See next section

$ git clone
$ cd azure-databricks-operator
$ make
$ ./bin/manager

Other tasks are defined in the Makefile. It would be good to familiarise yourself with them.


The project uses external Go modules that are required to build/run. In addition, to run successfully, any CRDs defined in the project should be regenerated and installed.

The following steps should illustrate what is required before the project can be run:

  1. go mod tidy - download the dependencies (this can take a while and there is no progress bar - need to be patient for this one)
  2. make manifests - regenerates the CRD manifests
  3. make install - installs the CRDs into the cluster
  4. make generate - generate the code

At this point you will be able to build the binary with go build -o bin/manager main.go. Alternatively, this step and the required make generate step before hand is covered with the default make.

Running Tests

Running e2e tests require a configure Kubernetes cluster and Azure DataBricks connection (through specified environment variables)

make test

Extending the Library

This is a work in progress

As previously mentioned, familiarity with kubebuilder is required for developing this operator. Kubebuilder generates the scaffolding for new Kubernetes APIs.

$ kubebuilder create api --group databricks --version v1 --kind SecretScope
Create Resource [y/n]
Create Controller [y/n]
Writing scaffold for you to edit...
Running make...
/Users/d886442/go/bin/controller-gen object:headerFile=./hack/boilerplate.go.txt paths=./api/...
go fmt ./...
go vet ./...
go build -o bin/manager main.go


You'll notice in the output above that the following files have been created:

  • api/v1/secretscope_types.go
  • controllers/secretscope_controller.go

These files are ready for you to fill in with the logic appropriate to the new resource you're creating. Once you've developed your API, ensure to regenerate and install your CRDs. See Dependencies