diff --git a/src/compiler/checker.ts b/src/compiler/checker.ts
index e52570b6f41b0..db3a595470915 100644
--- a/src/compiler/checker.ts
+++ b/src/compiler/checker.ts
@@ -45461,6 +45461,10 @@ export function createTypeChecker(host: TypeCheckerHost): TypeChecker {
return symbol ? getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol) : errorType;
+ if (isBindingElement(node)) {
+ return getTypeForVariableLikeDeclaration(node, /*includeOptionality*/ true, CheckMode.Normal) || errorType;
+ }
if (isDeclaration(node)) {
// In this case, we call getSymbolOfNode instead of getSymbolAtLocation because it is a declaration
const symbol = getSymbolOfDeclaration(node);
diff --git a/src/services/completions.ts b/src/services/completions.ts
index c8a0e50372f6c..78ddeff0c14a5 100644
--- a/src/services/completions.ts
+++ b/src/services/completions.ts
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import {
+ BindingElement,
+ BindingPattern,
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ import {
+ countWhere,
@@ -44,6 +47,8 @@ import {
+ DotDotDotToken,
+ EmitFlags,
@@ -79,6 +84,7 @@ import {
+ getJSDocParameterTags,
@@ -308,6 +314,7 @@ import {
+ setEmitFlags,
@@ -343,6 +350,7 @@ import {
+ tryGetTextOfPropertyName,
@@ -668,9 +676,10 @@ export function getCompletionsAtPosition(
+ const compilerOptions = program.getCompilerOptions();
+ const checker = program.getTypeChecker();
// If the request is a continuation of an earlier `isIncomplete` response,
// we can continue it from the cached previous response.
- const compilerOptions = program.getCompilerOptions();
const incompleteCompletionsCache = preferences.allowIncompleteCompletions ? host.getIncompleteCompletionsCache?.() : undefined;
if (incompleteCompletionsCache && completionKind === CompletionTriggerKind.TriggerForIncompleteCompletions && previousToken && isIdentifier(previousToken)) {
const incompleteContinuation = continuePreviousIncompleteResponse(incompleteCompletionsCache, sourceFile, previousToken, program, host, preferences, cancellationToken, position);
@@ -706,10 +715,26 @@ export function getCompletionsAtPosition(
return response;
case CompletionDataKind.JsDocTagName:
// If the current position is a jsDoc tag name, only tag names should be provided for completion
- return jsdocCompletionInfo(JsDoc.getJSDocTagNameCompletions());
+ return jsdocCompletionInfo([
+ ...JsDoc.getJSDocTagNameCompletions(),
+ ...getJSDocParameterCompletions(
+ sourceFile,
+ position,
+ checker,
+ compilerOptions,
+ preferences,
+ /*tagNameOnly*/ true)]);
case CompletionDataKind.JsDocTag:
// If the current position is a jsDoc tag, only tags should be provided for completion
- return jsdocCompletionInfo(JsDoc.getJSDocTagCompletions());
+ return jsdocCompletionInfo([
+ ...JsDoc.getJSDocTagCompletions(),
+ ...getJSDocParameterCompletions(
+ sourceFile,
+ position,
+ checker,
+ compilerOptions,
+ preferences,
+ /*tagNameOnly*/ false)]);
case CompletionDataKind.JsDocParameterName:
return jsdocCompletionInfo(JsDoc.getJSDocParameterNameCompletions(completionData.tag));
case CompletionDataKind.Keywords:
@@ -826,6 +851,301 @@ function jsdocCompletionInfo(entries: CompletionEntry[]): CompletionInfo {
return { isGlobalCompletion: false, isMemberCompletion: false, isNewIdentifierLocation: false, entries };
+function getJSDocParameterCompletions(
+ sourceFile: SourceFile,
+ position: number,
+ checker: TypeChecker,
+ options: CompilerOptions,
+ preferences: UserPreferences,
+ tagNameOnly: boolean): CompletionEntry[] {
+ const currentToken = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position);
+ if (!isJSDocTag(currentToken) && !isJSDoc(currentToken)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const jsDoc = isJSDoc(currentToken) ? currentToken : currentToken.parent;
+ if (!isJSDoc(jsDoc)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const func = jsDoc.parent;
+ if (!isFunctionLike(func)) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const isJs = isSourceFileJS(sourceFile);
+ const isSnippet = preferences.includeCompletionsWithSnippetText || undefined;
+ const paramTagCount = countWhere(jsDoc.tags, tag => isJSDocParameterTag(tag) && tag.getEnd() <= position);
+ return mapDefined(func.parameters, param => {
+ if (getJSDocParameterTags(param).length) {
+ return undefined; // Parameter is already annotated.
+ }
+ if (isIdentifier(param.name)) { // Named parameter
+ const tabstopCounter = { tabstop: 1 };
+ const paramName = param.name.text;
+ let displayText =
+ getJSDocParamAnnotation(
+ paramName,
+ param.initializer,
+ param.dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isObject*/ false,
+ /*isSnippet*/ false,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences);
+ let snippetText = isSnippet
+ ? getJSDocParamAnnotation(
+ paramName,
+ param.initializer,
+ param.dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isObject*/ false,
+ /*isSnippet*/ true,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences,
+ tabstopCounter)
+ : undefined;
+ if (tagNameOnly) { // Remove `@`
+ displayText = displayText.slice(1);
+ if (snippetText) snippetText = snippetText.slice(1);
+ }
+ return {
+ name: displayText,
+ kind: ScriptElementKind.parameterElement,
+ sortText: SortText.LocationPriority,
+ insertText: isSnippet ? snippetText : undefined,
+ isSnippet,
+ };
+ }
+ else if (param.parent.parameters.indexOf(param) === paramTagCount) { // Destructuring parameter; do it positionally
+ const paramPath = `param${paramTagCount}`;
+ const displayTextResult =
+ generateJSDocParamTagsForDestructuring(
+ paramPath,
+ param.name,
+ param.initializer,
+ param.dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isSnippet*/ false,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences,);
+ const snippetTextResult = isSnippet
+ ? generateJSDocParamTagsForDestructuring(
+ paramPath,
+ param.name,
+ param.initializer,
+ param.dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isSnippet*/ true,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences,)
+ : undefined;
+ let displayText = displayTextResult.join(getNewLineCharacter(options) + "* ");
+ let snippetText = snippetTextResult?.join(getNewLineCharacter(options) + "* ");
+ if (tagNameOnly) { // Remove `@`
+ displayText = displayText.slice(1);
+ if (snippetText) snippetText = snippetText.slice(1);
+ }
+ return {
+ name: displayText,
+ kind: ScriptElementKind.parameterElement,
+ sortText: SortText.LocationPriority,
+ insertText: isSnippet ? snippetText : undefined,
+ isSnippet,
+ };
+ }
+ });
+function generateJSDocParamTagsForDestructuring(
+ path: string,
+ pattern: BindingPattern,
+ initializer: Expression | undefined,
+ dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined,
+ isJs: boolean,
+ isSnippet: boolean,
+ checker: TypeChecker,
+ options: CompilerOptions,
+ preferences: UserPreferences): string[] {
+ if (!isJs) {
+ return [
+ getJSDocParamAnnotation(
+ path,
+ initializer,
+ dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isObject*/ false,
+ isSnippet,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences,
+ { tabstop: 1 })
+ ];
+ }
+ return patternWorker(path, pattern, initializer, dotDotDotToken, { tabstop: 1 });
+ function patternWorker(
+ path: string,
+ pattern: BindingPattern,
+ initializer: Expression | undefined,
+ dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined,
+ counter: TabStopCounter): string[] {
+ if (isObjectBindingPattern(pattern) && !dotDotDotToken) {
+ const oldTabstop = counter.tabstop;
+ const childCounter = { tabstop: oldTabstop };
+ const rootParam =
+ getJSDocParamAnnotation(
+ path,
+ initializer,
+ dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isObject*/ true,
+ isSnippet,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences,
+ childCounter);
+ let childTags: string[] | undefined = [];
+ for (const element of pattern.elements) {
+ const elementTags = elementWorker(path, element, childCounter);
+ if (!elementTags) {
+ childTags = undefined;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ childTags.push(...elementTags);
+ }
+ }
+ if (childTags) {
+ counter.tabstop = childCounter.tabstop;
+ return [rootParam, ...childTags];
+ }
+ }
+ return [
+ getJSDocParamAnnotation(
+ path,
+ initializer,
+ dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isObject*/ false,
+ isSnippet,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences,
+ counter)
+ ];
+ }
+ // Assumes binding element is inside object binding pattern.
+ // We can't really deeply annotate an array binding pattern.
+ function elementWorker(path: string, element: BindingElement, counter: TabStopCounter): string[] | undefined {
+ if ((!element.propertyName && isIdentifier(element.name)) || isIdentifier(element.name)) { // `{ b }` or `{ b: newB }`
+ const propertyName = element.propertyName ? tryGetTextOfPropertyName(element.propertyName) : element.name.text;
+ if (!propertyName) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ const paramName = `${path}.${propertyName}`;
+ return [
+ getJSDocParamAnnotation(
+ paramName,
+ element.initializer,
+ element.dotDotDotToken,
+ isJs,
+ /*isObject*/ false,
+ isSnippet,
+ checker,
+ options,
+ preferences,
+ counter)];
+ }
+ else if (element.propertyName) { // `{ b: {...} }` or `{ b: [...] }`
+ const propertyName = tryGetTextOfPropertyName(element.propertyName);
+ return propertyName
+ && patternWorker(`${path}.${propertyName}`, element.name, element.initializer, element.dotDotDotToken, counter);
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+interface TabStopCounter {
+ tabstop: number;
+function getJSDocParamAnnotation(
+ paramName: string,
+ initializer: Expression | undefined,
+ dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined,
+ isJs: boolean,
+ isObject: boolean,
+ isSnippet: boolean,
+ checker: TypeChecker,
+ options: CompilerOptions,
+ preferences: UserPreferences,
+ tabstopCounter?: TabStopCounter) {
+ if (isSnippet) {
+ Debug.assertIsDefined(tabstopCounter);
+ }
+ if (initializer) {
+ paramName = getJSDocParamNameWithInitializer(paramName, initializer);
+ }
+ if (isSnippet) {
+ paramName = escapeSnippetText(paramName);
+ }
+ if (isJs) {
+ let type = "*";
+ if (isObject) {
+ Debug.assert(!dotDotDotToken, `Cannot annotate a rest parameter with type 'Object'.`);
+ type = "Object";
+ }
+ else {
+ if (initializer) {
+ const inferredType = checker.getTypeAtLocation(initializer.parent);
+ if (!(inferredType.flags & (TypeFlags.Any | TypeFlags.Void))) {
+ const sourceFile = initializer.getSourceFile();
+ const quotePreference = getQuotePreference(sourceFile, preferences);
+ const builderFlags = (quotePreference === QuotePreference.Single ? NodeBuilderFlags.UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType : NodeBuilderFlags.None);
+ const typeNode = checker.typeToTypeNode(inferredType, findAncestor(initializer, isFunctionLike), builderFlags);
+ if (typeNode) {
+ const printer = isSnippet
+ ? createSnippetPrinter({
+ removeComments: true,
+ module: options.module,
+ target: options.target,
+ })
+ : createPrinter({
+ removeComments: true,
+ module: options.module,
+ target: options.target
+ });
+ setEmitFlags(typeNode, EmitFlags.SingleLine);
+ type = printer.printNode(EmitHint.Unspecified, typeNode, sourceFile);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isSnippet && type === "*") {
+ type = `\${${tabstopCounter!.tabstop++}:${type}}`;
+ }
+ }
+ const dotDotDot = !isObject && dotDotDotToken ? "..." : "";
+ const description = isSnippet ? `\${${tabstopCounter!.tabstop++}}` : "";
+ return `@param {${dotDotDot}${type}} ${paramName} ${description}`;
+ }
+ else {
+ const description = isSnippet ? `\${${tabstopCounter!.tabstop++}}` : "";
+ return `@param ${paramName} ${description}`;
+ }
+function getJSDocParamNameWithInitializer(paramName: string, initializer: Expression): string {
+ const initializerText = initializer.getText().trim();
+ if (initializerText.includes("\n") || initializerText.length > 80) {
+ return `[${paramName}]`;
+ }
+ return `[${paramName}=${initializerText}]`;
function keywordToCompletionEntry(keyword: TokenSyntaxKind) {
return {
name: tokenToString(keyword)!,
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion1.baseline b/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion1.baseline
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d391120bfe81d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion1.baseline
@@ -0,0 +1,20473 @@
+=== /tests/cases/fourslash/b.js ===
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {number} [param0.a=1]
+// | param {*} b
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function aa({ a = 1 }, b) {
+// a;
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | @abstract
+// | @access
+// | @alias
+// | @argument
+// | @async
+// | @augments
+// | @author
+// | @borrows
+// | @callback
+// | @class
+// | @classdesc
+// | @constant
+// | @constructor
+// | @constructs
+// | @copyright
+// | @default
+// | @deprecated
+// | @description
+// | @emits
+// | @enum
+// | @event
+// | @example
+// | @exports
+// | @extends
+// | @external
+// | @field
+// | @file
+// | @fileoverview
+// | @fires
+// | @function
+// | @generator
+// | @global
+// | @hideconstructor
+// | @host
+// | @ignore
+// | @implements
+// | @inheritdoc
+// | @inner
+// | @instance
+// | @interface
+// | @kind
+// | @lends
+// | @license
+// | @link
+// | @linkcode
+// | @linkplain
+// | @listens
+// | @member
+// | @memberof
+// | @method
+// | @mixes
+// | @module
+// | @name
+// | @namespace
+// | @overload
+// | @override
+// | @package
+// | @param
+// | @private
+// | @prop
+// | @property
+// | @protected
+// | @public
+// | @readonly
+// | @requires
+// | @returns
+// | @satisfies
+// | @see
+// | @since
+// | @static
+// | @summary
+// | @template
+// | @this
+// | @throws
+// | @todo
+// | @tutorial
+// | @type
+// | @typedef
+// | @var
+// | @variation
+// | @version
+// | @virtual
+// | @yields
+// | @param {*} b
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function bb(b) {}
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {Object} [param0.b={ a: 1, c: 3 }]
+// | * @param {*} param0.b.a
+// | * @param {*} param0.b.c
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function cc({ b: { a, c } = { a: 1, c: 3 } }) {
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {Object} param0.a
+// | * @param {*} param0.a.b
+// | * @param {*} param0.a.c
+// | * @param {*} param0.d
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function dd({ a: { b, c }, d: [e, f] }) {
+// }
+// const someconst = "aa";
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {*} param0
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function ee({ [someconst]: b }) {
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {*} param0.a
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function ff({ "a": b }) {
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {*} a
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function gg(a, { b }) {
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// * @param {boolean} a a's description
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param1
+// | * @param {*} param1.b
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function hh(a, { b }) {
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {*} param0.b
+// | * @param {...*} param0.c
+// | param {...*} a
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function ii({ b, ...c }, ...a) {}
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {...*} param0
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function jj(...{ length }) {}
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {...*} a
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function kk(...a) {}
+// function reallylongfunctionnameabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijkl(a) {}
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {*} [a]
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function ll(a = reallylongfunctionnameabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijkl("")) {}
+// }
+=== /tests/cases/fourslash/a.ts ===
+// /**
+// * @para
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param value
+// | param maximumFractionDigits
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function printValue(value, maximumFractionDigits) {}
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param param0
+// | param b
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function aa({ a = 1 }, b: string) {
+// a;
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | @abstract
+// | @access
+// | @alias
+// | @argument
+// | @async
+// | @augments
+// | @author
+// | @borrows
+// | @callback
+// | @class
+// | @classdesc
+// | @constant
+// | @constructor
+// | @constructs
+// | @copyright
+// | @default
+// | @deprecated
+// | @description
+// | @emits
+// | @enum
+// | @event
+// | @example
+// | @exports
+// | @extends
+// | @external
+// | @field
+// | @file
+// | @fileoverview
+// | @fires
+// | @function
+// | @generator
+// | @global
+// | @hideconstructor
+// | @host
+// | @ignore
+// | @implements
+// | @inheritdoc
+// | @inner
+// | @instance
+// | @interface
+// | @kind
+// | @lends
+// | @license
+// | @link
+// | @linkcode
+// | @linkplain
+// | @listens
+// | @member
+// | @memberof
+// | @method
+// | @mixes
+// | @module
+// | @name
+// | @namespace
+// | @overload
+// | @override
+// | @package
+// | @param
+// | @private
+// | @prop
+// | @property
+// | @protected
+// | @public
+// | @readonly
+// | @requires
+// | @returns
+// | @satisfies
+// | @see
+// | @since
+// | @static
+// | @summary
+// | @template
+// | @this
+// | @throws
+// | @todo
+// | @tutorial
+// | @type
+// | @typedef
+// | @var
+// | @variation
+// | @version
+// | @virtual
+// | @yields
+// | @param b
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function bb(b: string) {}
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param param0
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function cc({ b: { a, c } = { a: 1, c: 3 } }) {
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param param0
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function dd({ a: { b, c }, d: [e, f] }: { a: { b: number, c: number }, d: [string, string] }) {
+// }
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion2.baseline
@@ -0,0 +1,6011 @@
+=== /tests/cases/fourslash/b.js ===
+// /**
+// *
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | @abstract
+// | @access
+// | @alias
+// | @argument
+// | @async
+// | @augments
+// | @author
+// | @borrows
+// | @callback
+// | @class
+// | @classdesc
+// | @constant
+// | @constructor
+// | @constructs
+// | @copyright
+// | @default
+// | @deprecated
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+// | @emits
+// | @enum
+// | @event
+// | @example
+// | @exports
+// | @extends
+// | @external
+// | @field
+// | @file
+// | @fileoverview
+// | @fires
+// | @function
+// | @generator
+// | @global
+// | @hideconstructor
+// | @host
+// | @ignore
+// | @implements
+// | @inheritdoc
+// | @inner
+// | @instance
+// | @interface
+// | @kind
+// | @lends
+// | @license
+// | @link
+// | @linkcode
+// | @linkplain
+// | @listens
+// | @member
+// | @memberof
+// | @method
+// | @mixes
+// | @module
+// | @name
+// | @namespace
+// | @overload
+// | @override
+// | @package
+// | @param
+// | @private
+// | @prop
+// | @property
+// | @protected
+// | @public
+// | @readonly
+// | @requires
+// | @returns
+// | @satisfies
+// | @see
+// | @since
+// | @static
+// | @summary
+// | @template
+// | @this
+// | @throws
+// | @todo
+// | @tutorial
+// | @type
+// | @typedef
+// | @var
+// | @variation
+// | @version
+// | @virtual
+// | @yields
+// | @param {*} b
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function bb(b) {}
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {Object} [param0.b={ a: 1, c: 3 }]
+// | * @param {*} param0.b.a
+// | * @param {*} param0.b.c
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function cc({ b: { a, c } = { a: 1, c: 3 } }) {
+// }
+// /**
+// *
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {...*} a
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function dd(...a) {}
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {number} [a=3]
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function zz(a = 3) {}
+=== /tests/cases/fourslash/a.ts ===
+// /**
+// *
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | @abstract
+// | @access
+// | @alias
+// | @argument
+// | @async
+// | @augments
+// | @author
+// | @borrows
+// | @callback
+// | @class
+// | @classdesc
+// | @constant
+// | @constructor
+// | @constructs
+// | @copyright
+// | @default
+// | @deprecated
+// | @description
+// | @emits
+// | @enum
+// | @event
+// | @example
+// | @exports
+// | @extends
+// | @external
+// | @field
+// | @file
+// | @fileoverview
+// | @fires
+// | @function
+// | @generator
+// | @global
+// | @hideconstructor
+// | @host
+// | @ignore
+// | @implements
+// | @inheritdoc
+// | @inner
+// | @instance
+// | @interface
+// | @kind
+// | @lends
+// | @license
+// | @link
+// | @linkcode
+// | @linkplain
+// | @listens
+// | @member
+// | @memberof
+// | @method
+// | @mixes
+// | @module
+// | @name
+// | @namespace
+// | @overload
+// | @override
+// | @package
+// | @param
+// | @private
+// | @prop
+// | @property
+// | @protected
+// | @public
+// | @readonly
+// | @requires
+// | @returns
+// | @satisfies
+// | @see
+// | @since
+// | @static
+// | @summary
+// | @template
+// | @this
+// | @throws
+// | @todo
+// | @tutorial
+// | @type
+// | @typedef
+// | @var
+// | @variation
+// | @version
+// | @virtual
+// | @yields
+// | @param b
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function bb(b: string) {}
+ {
+ "marker": {
+ "fileName": "/tests/cases/fourslash/a.ts",
+ "position": 7,
+ "name": "b"
+ },
+ "item": {
+ "isGlobalCompletion": false,
+ "isMemberCompletion": false,
+ "isNewIdentifierLocation": false,
+ "entries": [
+ {
+ "name": "@abstract",
+ "kind": "",
+ "kindModifiers": "",
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+ {
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,7198 @@
+=== /tests/cases/fourslash/a.js ===
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {number} [a=3]
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function zz(a = 3) {}
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {number} [param0.a=3]
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function yy({ a = 3 }) {}
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {*} param0.a
+// | * @param {Object} param0.o
+// | * @param {*} param0.o.b
+// | * @param {*} param0.o.c
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function xx({ a, o: { b, c: [d, e = 1] }}) {}
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {*} param0.a
+// | * @param {Object} param0.o
+// | * @param {*} param0.o.b
+// | * @param {[number, boolean]} [param0.o.c=[1, true]]
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function ww({ a, o: { b, c: [d, e] = [1, true] }}) {}
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {(number | boolean)[]} [param0.a=[1, true]]
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function vv({ a = [1, true] }) {}
+// function random(a) { return a }
+// /**
+// * @p
+// ^
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// | abstract
+// | access
+// | alias
+// | argument
+// | async
+// | augments
+// | author
+// | borrows
+// | callback
+// | class
+// | classdesc
+// | constant
+// | constructor
+// | constructs
+// | copyright
+// | default
+// | deprecated
+// | description
+// | emits
+// | enum
+// | event
+// | example
+// | exports
+// | extends
+// | external
+// | field
+// | file
+// | fileoverview
+// | fires
+// | function
+// | generator
+// | global
+// | hideconstructor
+// | host
+// | ignore
+// | implements
+// | inheritdoc
+// | inner
+// | instance
+// | interface
+// | kind
+// | lends
+// | license
+// | link
+// | linkcode
+// | linkplain
+// | listens
+// | member
+// | memberof
+// | method
+// | mixes
+// | module
+// | name
+// | namespace
+// | overload
+// | override
+// | package
+// | param
+// | private
+// | prop
+// | property
+// | protected
+// | public
+// | readonly
+// | requires
+// | returns
+// | satisfies
+// | see
+// | since
+// | static
+// | summary
+// | template
+// | this
+// | throws
+// | todo
+// | tutorial
+// | type
+// | typedef
+// | var
+// | variation
+// | version
+// | virtual
+// | yields
+// | param {Object} param0
+// | * @param {*} [param0.a=random()]
+// | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// */
+// function uu({ a = random() }) {}
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000000000..8daa0ea15ecd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cases/fourslash/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion1.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// @allowJs: true
+// @Filename: a.ts
+//// /**
+//// * @para/*0*/
+//// */
+//// function printValue(value, maximumFractionDigits) {}
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*a*/
+//// */
+//// function aa({ a = 1 }, b: string) {
+//// a;
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// * /*b*/
+//// */
+//// function bb(b: string) {}
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*c*/
+//// */
+//// function cc({ b: { a, c } = { a: 1, c: 3 } }) {
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*d*/
+//// */
+//// function dd({ a: { b, c }, d: [e, f] }: { a: { b: number, c: number }, d: [string, string] }) {
+//// }
+// @Filename: b.js
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*ja*/
+//// */
+//// function aa({ a = 1 }, b) {
+//// a;
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// * /*jb*/
+//// */
+//// function bb(b) {}
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jc*/
+//// */
+//// function cc({ b: { a, c } = { a: 1, c: 3 } }) {
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jd*/
+//// */
+//// function dd({ a: { b, c }, d: [e, f] }) {
+//// }
+//// const someconst = "aa";
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*je*/
+//// */
+//// function ee({ [someconst]: b }) {
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jf*/
+//// */
+//// function ff({ "a": b }) {
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jg*/
+//// */
+//// function gg(a, { b }) {
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @param {boolean} a a's description
+//// * @p/*jh*/
+//// */
+//// function hh(a, { b }) {
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*ji*/
+//// */
+//// function ii({ b, ...c }, ...a) {}
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jj*/
+//// */
+//// function jj(...{ length }) {}
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jk*/
+//// */
+//// function kk(...a) {}
+//// function reallylongfunctionnameabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijkl(a) {}
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jl*/
+//// */
+//// function ll(a = reallylongfunctionnameabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijkl("")) {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cases/fourslash/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion2.ts b/tests/cases/fourslash/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion2.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f1cdff2015354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cases/fourslash/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion2.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// @allowJs: true
+// @Filename: a.ts
+//// /**
+//// * /*b*/
+//// */
+//// function bb(b: string) {}
+// @Filename: b.js
+//// /**
+//// * /*jb*/
+//// */
+//// function bb(b) {}
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jc*/
+//// */
+//// function cc({ b: { a, c } = { a: 1, c: 3 } }) {
+//// }
+//// /**
+//// *
+//// * @p/*jd*/
+//// */
+//// function dd(...a) {}
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*z*/
+//// */
+//// function zz(a = 3) {}
+ includeCompletionsWithSnippetText: true,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cases/fourslash/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion3.ts b/tests/cases/fourslash/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion3.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..034eefe579235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cases/fourslash/jsdocParameterTagSnippetCompletion3.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Infer types from initializer
+// @allowJs: true
+// @Filename: a.js
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*z*/
+//// */
+//// function zz(a = 3) {}
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*y*/
+//// */
+//// function yy({ a = 3 }) {}
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*x*/
+//// */
+//// function xx({ a, o: { b, c: [d, e = 1] }}) {}
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*w*/
+//// */
+//// function ww({ a, o: { b, c: [d, e] = [1, true] }}) {}
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*v*/
+//// */
+//// function vv({ a = [1, true] }) {}
+//// function random(a) { return a }
+//// /**
+//// * @p/*u*/
+//// */
+//// function uu({ a = random() }) {}
\ No newline at end of file