Home > Running the Test on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Following steps explain how to conduct the Speech Quality Assessment test on Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) according to the ITU-T Rec. P.808 [1]. It is required to perform the preparation step first. As a result you should have a directory named YOUR_PROJECT_NAME which contains:
: Customized HIT app to be used in AMT.YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_publish_batch.csv
: List of dynamic content to be used during publishing batch in AMT.YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_ccr_result_parser.cfg
: Customized configuration file to be used byresult_parser.py
You will use the first two files in this part.
Create an account on AMT
Prepare the development setup as explained here and get your AWS Access Key
Update the general configuration file (hereafter mturk.cfg) with your AWS Access Key (see mturk.cfg as an example).
Create a New Project for your test
Go to “Create” > “New Project” > “Survey Link” > “Create project”
Fill information in “1 – Enter Properties”, important ones:
- Setting up your survey
- Reward per response: It is recommended to pay more than the minimum wage of target country per hour.
- Number of respondents: It is the number of votes that you want to collect per clip.
- Time allotted per Worker: 1 Hour
- Worker requirements
- Add another criterion: HIT Approval Rate(%) greater than 98
- Add another criterion: Number of HITs Approved greater than 500
- Location: It is required that workers are native speakers of the language under study
- Setting up your survey
Save and go to “2 – Design Layout”:
Click on Source
Copy and paste the content of
here. -
Click on Source, then Save
Next, you should create a New Batch with Existing Project. That can be done using either the AMT website or API. Using the API makes it possible to apply the Assignment Review Policy. However when the HITs are created using the API, they will not be visible in the website (stand Dec.2019). Therefore all actions (like download results, approve/reject assignments, etc.) should be done using the API.
Go to “Create” > “New Batch with an Existing Project”, find your project and click on "Publish Batch"
Upload your csv file that contains list of dynamic content (
). -
Check the HITs and publish them.
Later, download the results from “Manage” > “YOUR_BATCH_NAME” > “Review Results” > “Download CSV”.
Update create_hit.cfg configuration file with hit_layout_id, [hit_type], and [create_hit].
Create a batch using following command
cd src python mturk_utils.py ^ --cfg mturk.cfg ^ --create_hit create_hit.cfg ^ --create_hit_input YOUR_PROJECT_NAME_publish_batch.csv
The script will create a csv file containing HITIds,HITTypeIds,HITGroupIds of created HITs (call it Batch_123_456.csv). This file is required for downloading the results.
Later, download the results
cd src python mturk_utils.py ^ --cfg mturk.cfg ^ --answers Batch_123_456.csv
When the Batch is finished, you are ready to continue with analyzing the results.
[1]. ITU-T Recommendation P. 808: Subjective evaluation of speech quality with a crowdsourcing approach, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, 2018.