# Overview If you're not looking to build the application and simply want to download it and start using it. All you really need for setup is the .NET Core pre-requisites. ## Get Application Inspector ### .NET Tool (recommended) #### Pre-Requisite - Download and install the .NET 6.0 [SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/) #### Install - Use the dotnet command `dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.CST.ApplicationInspector.CLI` See more in the [wiki](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInspector/wiki/7.-NuGet-Support) ### Platform Dependent Binary - Download Application Inspector by selecting the pre-built package for the operating system of choice shown under the Assets section of the [Releases](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInspector/releases) page and expand the files to your local system drive using the decompression utility of choice e.g. WinZip, 7zip, Gzip etc. ## Start Using It Nuget Tool: Run Application Inspector against your source code: `appinspector analyze -s path/to/src`. ## Getting Help You can also get help directly from the application by simply typing in the application name without a command or with a command to get the required and optional arguments for a given command. * `appinspector --help` - to get a list of available top level commands * `appinspector [command] --help` - to get a list of required and optional arguments to supply with the selected command