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<title>Flat Design Character Maker</title>
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<g id="body">
<g id="arms">
<path d=" M 352.657 274.503 L 352.784 274.503 C 368.697 274.503 381.616 287.422 381.616 303.335 L 381.616 655.62 C 381.616 671.532 368.697 684.451 352.784 684.451 L 352.657 684.451 C 336.744 684.451 323.825 671.532 323.825 655.62 L 323.825 303.335 C 323.825 287.422 336.744 274.503 352.657 274.503 Z M 163.033 274.503 L 163.16 274.503 C 179.073 274.503 191.992 287.422 191.992 303.335 L 191.992 655.62 C 191.992 671.532 179.073 684.451 163.16 684.451 L 163.033 684.451 C 147.121 684.451 134.202 671.532 134.202 655.62 L 134.202 303.335 C 134.202 287.422 147.121 274.503 163.033 274.503 Z " fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(252,194,151)" />
<g id="shirt">
<path d=" M 334.315 281.125 C 339.288 276.983 345.685 274.503 352.657 274.503 L 352.784 274.503 C 368.697 274.503 381.616 287.422 381.616 303.335 L 381.616 398 L 350.915 398 L 350.915 491.216 L 164.903 491.216 L 164.903 398 L 134.202 398 L 134.202 303.335 C 134.202 287.422 147.121 274.503 163.033 274.503 L 163.16 274.503 C 170.132 274.503 176.529 276.983 181.502 281.125 C 190.055 273.63 201.256 269.085 213.511 269.085 L 302.306 269.085 C 314.561 269.085 325.762 273.63 334.315 281.125 Z " fill="rgb(244,0,75)" />
<g id="pants">
<path d=" M 237.14 912 L 164.903 912 L 164.903 491.216 L 350.915 491.216 L 350.915 912 L 276.871 912 L 276.871 567.065 L 237.14 567.065 L 237.14 912 Z " fill="rgb(13,45,60)" />
<g id="shoes">
<path d=" M 390.645 912 C 390.645 889.075 370.01 870.463 344.594 870.463 C 319.177 870.463 298.542 889.075 298.542 912 L 390.645 912 Z M 217.275 912 C 217.275 889.075 196.64 870.463 171.223 870.463 C 145.807 870.463 125.172 889.075 125.172 912 L 217.275 912 Z " fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(244,0,75)" />
<g id="head">
<g id="ears">
<path d=" M 309.02 176.383 C 309.02 166.397 317.127 158.29 327.112 158.29 C 337.098 158.29 345.205 166.397 345.205 176.383 C 345.205 186.368 337.098 194.475 327.112 194.475 C 317.127 194.475 309.02 186.368 309.02 176.383 Z M 170.612 176.383 C 170.612 166.397 178.719 158.29 188.705 158.29 C 198.69 158.29 206.797 166.397 206.797 176.383 C 206.797 186.368 198.69 194.475 188.705 194.475 C 178.719 194.475 170.612 186.368 170.612 176.383 Z " fill-rule="evenodd" fill="rgb(246,145,120)" />
<g id="hair">
<path d=" M 296.233 91.348 C 299.463 85.435 301.299 78.653 301.299 71.446 C 301.299 48.48 282.653 29.834 259.686 29.834 L 198.172 29.834 C 175.205 29.834 156.559 48.48 156.559 71.446 C 156.559 86.489 164.558 99.678 176.524 106.998 C 168.6 115.124 163.796 125.8 163.796 137.484 C 163.796 162.947 186.611 183.62 214.714 183.62 L 308.34 183.62 C 336.443 183.62 359.258 162.947 359.258 137.484 C 359.258 112.021 336.443 91.348 308.34 91.348 L 296.233 91.348 Z " fill="rgb(16,45,60)" />
<g id="neck">
<path d="M 257.909 241.516 L 257.909 241.516 C 279.377 241.516 296.807 258.946 296.807 280.415 L 296.807 303.935 C 296.807 325.404 279.377 342.834 257.909 342.834 L 257.909 342.834 C 236.44 342.834 219.01 325.404 219.01 303.935 L 219.01 280.415 C 219.01 258.946 236.44 241.516 257.909 241.516 Z" fill="rgb(250, 146, 120)" />
<g id="face">
<path d="M 193.98 91.348 L 319.751 91.348 C 325.562 91.348 330.279 96.065 330.279 101.875 L 330.279 227.042 C 330.279 266.984 297.851 299.412 257.909 299.412 L 257.909 299.412 C 217.967 299.412 185.539 266.984 185.539 227.042 L 185.539 99.79 C 185.539 95.131 189.321 91.348 193.98 91.348 Z" fill="rgb(252, 192, 146)" />
<g id="mouth">
<path d=" M 301.031 243.325 C 302.978 238.307 304.044 232.863 304.044 227.175 L 211.773 227.175 C 211.773 232.863 212.839 238.307 214.787 243.325 L 301.031 243.325 Z " fill="rgb(252,254,253)" />
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<g id="facial-hair">
<path d=" M 257.266 214.774 C 262.369 214.772 267.456 211.58 267.456 211.834 C 267.456 233.634 247.209 249.834 225.409 249.834 C 213.092 249.834 198.632 234.699 191.409 225.834 C 211.7 225.383 235.693 226.892 247.204 211.834 C 248.243 211.948 252.761 214.776 257.266 214.774 Z " fill="rgba(255,255,255,0)"/><path d=" M 257.393 214.774 C 252.29 214.772 247.204 211.58 247.204 211.834 C 247.204 233.634 267.45 249.834 289.251 249.834 C 301.567 249.834 316.027 234.699 323.251 225.834 C 302.959 225.383 278.966 226.892 267.456 211.834 C 266.416 211.948 261.898 214.776 257.393 214.774 Z " fill="rgba(255,255,255,0)"/>
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<g id="eyebrows">
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<g id="glasses">
<path d=" M 339.409 168.9 L 176.409 168.9 L 176.409 156.481 L 339.409 156.481 L 339.409 168.9 Z " fill="rgb(255,255,255)" />
<path d=" M 187.802 158.918 L 187.802 174.079 C 187.802 191.241 201.71 205.152 218.875 205.152 C 236.033 205.152 249.946 191.241 249.946 174.079 L 249.946 158.918 L 187.802 158.918 Z " fill="rgb(46,189,231)" />
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<path d=" M 249.945 158.918 L 235.836 158.918 L 197.822 196.932 C 201.196 200.041 205.255 202.41 209.748 203.789 L 249.945 163.593 L 249.945 158.918 Z " fill="rgb(165,223,249)" />
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<path d=" M 327.835 174.078 L 327.835 168.9 L 291.953 204.785 C 293.522 205.022 295.128 205.153 296.763 205.153 C 313.923 205.153 327.835 191.242 327.835 174.078 Z " fill="rgb(165,223,249)" />
<path d=" M 210.371 201.433 L 210.464 201.46 C 213.194 202.298 216.019 202.718 218.873 202.718 C 234.666 202.718 247.512 189.871 247.512 174.078 L 247.512 161.353 L 190.231 161.353 L 190.231 174.078 C 190.231 174.93 190.276 175.829 190.371 176.815 C 190.391 176.984 190.412 177.154 190.438 177.323 L 190.491 177.71 C 190.565 178.304 190.648 178.89 190.76 179.47 C 190.816 179.78 190.885 180.086 190.961 180.387 C 191.106 181.026 191.235 181.535 191.376 182.036 C 191.486 182.403 191.595 182.763 191.713 183.114 C 191.87 183.587 192.046 184.057 192.226 184.526 L 192.297 184.698 C 192.411 184.996 192.528 185.293 192.653 185.578 C 192.856 186.037 193.077 186.48 193.301 186.925 L 193.493 187.308 C 193.59 187.511 193.686 187.712 193.8 187.912 C 194.113 188.482 194.457 189.022 194.803 189.565 C 195.094 190.014 195.403 190.449 195.718 190.878 L 195.976 191.238 C 196.05 191.346 196.126 191.451 196.203 191.563 L 196.478 191.902 C 197.356 193.004 198.372 194.085 199.495 195.12 L 200.402 195.955 C 200.441 195.987 200.476 196.017 200.508 196.048 L 200.787 196.275 C 201.369 196.753 201.972 197.194 202.585 197.619 L 203.029 197.929 C 203.667 198.36 204.323 198.75 204.991 199.121 L 205.494 199.393 C 206.177 199.759 206.881 200.1 207.599 200.408 L 207.99 200.563 C 208.713 200.863 209.445 201.133 210.188 201.372 L 210.371 201.433 Z M 218.873 207.583 C 216.031 207.583 213.21 207.227 210.467 206.516 L 210.414 206.571 L 208.767 206.024 C 207.873 205.74 207.011 205.421 206.146 205.065 L 205.671 204.877 C 204.879 204.535 204.07 204.146 203.213 203.691 L 202.635 203.38 C 201.836 202.935 201.08 202.476 200.336 201.98 L 199.815 201.622 C 199.095 201.121 198.394 200.606 197.718 200.055 L 197.434 199.819 C 196.976 199.436 196.571 199.083 196.174 198.718 L 194.375 197.06 L 194.371 197.067 L 194.309 197.003 L 194.315 196.998 L 192.664 194.944 C 192.436 194.658 192.221 194.357 192.006 194.059 L 191.779 193.737 C 191.414 193.238 191.057 192.732 190.717 192.204 C 190.307 191.57 189.911 190.93 189.543 190.265 C 189.393 190 189.257 189.721 189.121 189.446 L 188.959 189.12 C 188.697 188.599 188.436 188.074 188.2 187.537 C 188.047 187.187 187.905 186.831 187.763 186.473 L 187.701 186.304 C 187.484 185.757 187.28 185.209 187.095 184.651 C 186.952 184.231 186.828 183.815 186.702 183.391 C 186.532 182.808 186.384 182.205 186.244 181.603 C 186.134 181.121 186.048 180.757 185.979 180.384 C 185.85 179.704 185.75 179.017 185.659 178.32 L 185.621 178.006 C 185.585 177.762 185.549 177.517 185.528 177.271 C 185.421 176.133 185.366 175.087 185.366 174.078 L 185.366 156.482 L 252.381 156.482 L 252.381 174.078 C 252.381 192.553 237.349 207.583 218.873 207.583 Z " fill="rgb(255,255,255)" />
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<div class="categories fr">
<div class="category face"
<div class="category neck"
<div class="category hair"
<div class="category front-hair"
<div class="category ears"
<div class="category eyebrows"
<div class="category glasses"
<div class="category eyes"
<div class="category nose"
<div class="category facial-hair"
<div class="category mouth"
<div class="category head"
<div class="category body-types"
<div class="category shoes"
<div class="category background active"
<div class="features">
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178.136 C 185.749 185.676 188.362 192.605 192.722 198.078 L 228.291 162.511 L 185.749 162.511 Z " fill="rgb(165,223,249)"/><path d=" M 249.796 162.511 L 235.255 162.511 L 196.076 201.69 C 199.552 204.894 203.738 207.334 208.368 208.756 L 249.796 167.328 L 249.796 162.511 Z " fill="rgb(165,223,249)"/><path d=" M 266.023 162.511 L 266.023 178.136 C 266.023 185.694 268.645 192.635 273.019 198.113 L 308.621 162.511 L 266.023 162.511 Z " fill="rgb(165,223,249)"/><path d=" M 330.071 178.136 L 330.071 172.799 L 293.091 209.783 C 294.706 210.027 296.362 210.162 298.047 210.162 C 315.733 210.162 330.071 195.825 330.071 178.136 Z " fill="rgb(165,223,249)"/><path d=" M 209.01 206.327 L 209.105 206.357 C 211.92 207.219 214.831 207.654 217.773 207.654 C 234.05 207.654 247.288 194.413 247.288 178.136 L 247.288 165.019 L 188.254 165.019 L 188.254 178.136 C 188.254 179.014 188.297 179.939 188.397 180.956 C 188.418 181.131 188.439 181.307 188.466 181.478 L 188.522 181.878 C 188.598 182.49 188.684 183.095 188.797 183.692 C 188.857 184.011 188.926 184.326 189.004 184.64 C 189.153 185.296 189.289 185.822 189.433 186.34 C 189.546 186.716 189.659 187.087 189.781 187.448 C 189.943 187.936 190.123 188.423 190.31 188.903 L 190.382 189.082 C 190.5 189.387 190.618 189.695 190.749 189.987 C 190.958 190.46 191.184 190.918 191.417 191.377 L 191.616 191.77 C 191.715 191.979 191.813 192.189 191.931 192.394 C 192.255 192.979 192.61 193.539 192.965 194.098 C 193.266 194.56 193.583 195.008 193.906 195.45 L 194.173 195.82 C 194.249 195.932 194.328 196.042 194.407 196.154 L 194.69 196.506 C 195.597 197.643 196.643 198.757 197.799 199.823 L 198.735 200.683 C 198.775 200.717 198.812 200.745 198.843 200.778 L 199.132 201.013 C 199.734 201.506 200.353 201.962 200.985 202.398 L 201.442 202.717 C 202.101 203.162 202.777 203.564 203.465 203.944 L 203.984 204.227 C 204.687 204.603 205.413 204.954 206.153 205.273 L 206.557 205.432 C 207.301 205.739 208.055 206.02 208.822 206.265 L 209.01 206.327 Z M 217.773 212.667 C 214.843 212.667 211.936 212.3 209.109 211.566 L 209.055 211.623 L 207.355 211.059 C 206.436 210.766 205.546 210.438 204.657 210.071 L 204.165 209.877 C 203.348 209.525 202.515 209.123 201.632 208.656 L 201.036 208.335 C 200.212 207.876 199.433 207.404 198.669 206.891 L 198.13 206.524 C 197.389 206.007 196.667 205.476 195.97 204.909 L 195.677 204.666 C 195.205 204.269 194.788 203.905 194.377 203.529 L 192.523 201.821 L 192.521 201.828 L 192.456 201.763 L 192.461 201.757 L 190.76 199.644 C 190.525 199.346 190.302 199.033 190.081 198.728 L 189.848 198.399 C 189.472 197.884 189.105 197.362 188.753 196.816 C 188.332 196.165 187.923 195.503 187.544 194.817 C 187.389 194.545 187.249 194.259 187.108 193.973 L 186.942 193.636 C 186.673 193.101 186.402 192.561 186.16 192.006 C 186.002 191.643 185.856 191.278 185.71 190.909 L 185.646 190.736 C 185.421 190.172 185.212 189.608 185.02 189.034 C 184.874 188.6 184.746 188.17 184.617 187.734 C 184.441 187.131 184.287 186.511 184.144 185.89 C 184.032 185.395 183.941 185.019 183.869 184.635 C 183.738 183.934 183.634 183.224 183.54 182.507 L 183.501 182.184 C 183.466 181.932 183.427 181.681 183.406 181.425 C 183.296 180.252 183.239 179.175 183.239 178.136 L 183.239 160 L 252.306 160 L 252.306 178.136 C 252.306 197.177 236.813 212.667 217.773 212.667 Z " fill="rgb(0,102,132)"/><path d=" M 294.481 207.417 L 294.769 207.45 C 294.953 207.477 295.135 207.503 295.323 207.512 C 296.334 207.607 297.226 207.653 298.047 207.653 C 314.319 207.653 327.563 194.412 327.563 178.135 L 327.563 165.019 L 268.529 165.019 L 268.529 178.135 C 268.529 179.015 268.573 179.943 268.672 180.956 C 268.689 181.138 268.716 181.315 268.741 181.491 L 268.791 181.876 C 268.869 182.497 268.956 183.101 269.069 183.693 C 269.129 184.015 269.203 184.329 269.274 184.642 C 269.43 185.301 269.559 185.828 269.711 186.35 C 269.818 186.718 269.931 187.09 270.051 187.451 C 270.218 187.945 270.399 188.43 270.587 188.907 L 270.65 189.074 C 270.772 189.383 270.895 189.696 271.024 189.999 C 271.231 190.466 271.464 190.922 271.698 191.386 L 271.886 191.769 C 271.993 191.981 272.097 192.195 272.213 192.407 C 272.509 192.948 272.843 193.472 273.178 193.992 C 273.494 194.486 273.828 194.968 274.171 195.439 L 274.434 195.806 C 274.52 195.93 274.61 196.05 274.698 196.175 L 274.988 196.536 C 279.613 202.327 286.193 206.135 293.507 207.267 L 294.481 207.417 Z M 298.047 212.667 C 297.068 212.667 296.027 212.617 294.869 212.512 C 294.631 212.485 294.393 212.459 294.154 212.427 L 293.515 212.355 C 293.247 212.325 292.976 212.3 292.707 212.26 L 287.817 211.499 L 288.134 211.186 C 282.361 209.464 277.143 206.262 272.983 201.862 L 272.9 201.951 L 271.062 199.677 C 270.815 199.367 270.584 199.042 270.349 198.717 L 270.116 198.39 C 269.714 197.84 269.328 197.276 268.956 196.698 C 268.565 196.089 268.18 195.474 267.824 194.833 C 267.669 194.55 267.524 194.263 267.386 193.977 L 267.219 193.646 C 266.951 193.108 266.68 192.569 266.437 192.02 C 266.274 191.647 266.128 191.274 265.979 190.897 L 265.919 190.745 C 265.698 190.181 265.488 189.612 265.297 189.033 C 265.152 188.61 265.024 188.183 264.896 187.751 C 264.716 187.136 264.561 186.515 264.417 185.895 C 264.304 185.397 264.217 185.021 264.143 184.639 C 264.009 183.941 263.908 183.224 263.818 182.509 L 263.773 182.2 C 263.738 181.945 263.704 181.69 263.678 181.426 C 263.57 180.258 263.514 179.181 263.514 178.135 L 263.514 160.001 L 332.578 160.001 L 332.578 178.135 C 332.578 197.177 317.085 212.667 298.047 212.667 Z " fill="rgb(0,102,132)"/></g></g></svg>
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