Slides, code examples, and reference materials for my Introduction to Graph Databases with Neo4j talk at SunshinePHP 2016.
## Cypher Demo Instructions
1. Download and install Neo4j Community Edition.
1. Start Neo4j and navigate to http://localhost:7474 and follow the prompts.
1. Open your browser's
~~ * You can access your browser's localStorage using the Resources or Storage tab of your browser's Developer tools.~~
and replace the contents of neo4j.documents
with this and neo4j.folders
with this.1. Refresh the page, and the demo folders and favorites will be available in the Neo4j browser Favorites.
If you can't get that to work, you can also just copy and paste the queries from ecommerce.cql and seven-bridges.cql.
The libraries in these examples, and Neo4j itself, have changed over time. Please refer to my Lone Star PHP 2017 talk on this topic for up to date examples.
The slides for my original Sunshine PHP 2016 talk have been preserved in this repository for posterity.
- Slides: SSP2016-Intro-To-Graph-Databases-With-Neo4j.pdf