- For all custom functions the doc or node is the last param to the function making it more curry friendly
This is a breaking change! you have been warned...
- Changed the hasClassMatch function to use includes rather then find
- autoParse
- findAll
- findOne
- firstNodeByTag
- getAttribute
- getAttributes
- getClassList
- getNodeById
- getNodes
- getNodesByClass
- getNodesByTag
- getOptions
- getTextNodes
- hasClassMatch
- isDocumentHtml
- isIdMatch
- isTagMatch
- parse
- parseFragment
- prependChild
- removeAttribute
- replaceNode
- serialize
- setAttribute
- setNodeParent
- setOptions
- toAttrs
Functions from the treeAdapter with notes on changes:
- adoptAttributes
- appendChild
- createCommentNode
- createDocument
- createDocumentFragment
- createElement
- Includes default namespaceURI and empty attrs array
- detachNode
- getAttrList
- Defaults to an empty array
- getChildNodes
- Defaults to an empty array
- getCommentNodeContent
- getDocumentMode
- getDocumentTypeNodeName
- getDocumentTypeNodePublicId
- getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId
- getFirstChild
- getNamespaceURI
- getNodeSourceCodeLocation
- Added in newer versions of parse5 so default function will always return false
- getParentNode
- getTagName
- getTemplateContent
- getTextNodeContent
- insertBefore
- insertText
- insertTextBefore
- isCommentNode
- isDocumentTypeNode
- isElementNode
- isTextNode
- setDocumentMode
- setDocumentType
- setNodeSourceCodeLocation
- Added in newer versions of parse5 so default function will always return false
- setTemplateContent
- updateNodeSourceCodeLocation
- Added in newer versions of parse5 so default function will always return false