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mhtvsSFrpHdE edited this page Jan 20, 2023 · 8 revisions

How to compile

  1. Go to ThirdParty folder and look at things like *.version.txt,
    install these correspond version library to somewhere compiler can know.
  2. Go to prefetch folder and check,
    install correspond version Qt to somewhere compiler can know.
  3. If you want to run "collect minimal release of compiled binary" script, install correspond version python,
    otherwize python is not necessary to install.
  4. Build system depends on vscode,
    download and put these vscode config to your workspace folder.
  5. Rename c_cpp_propertiesExample.json to c_cpp_propertiesExample.json and modify path information inside.
  6. Rename launchExample.json to launch.json and modify path information inside.
  7. Open vscode, use build command (usually is Ctrl+Alt+B), select one of option you prefer.
    Qt build all release require python to success ("collect minimal release of compiled binary"),
    or the last step will fail, but it is safe to ignore.

Find compiled binary in one of these folders:

  • prefetch\qpp\build-prefetch-Desktop_x86_windows_mingw4_8_2_32bit-Debug
  • prefetch\qpp\build-prefetch-Desktop_x86_windows_mingw4_8_2_32bit-Release
  • ...
  • prefetch\qpp\Pack ("minimal release of compiled binary")

Compile option

These option can either modify compile DEFINES or the file itself directly.
Disable a feature equal to delete related code, so they won't even appear in compiled EXE file,
instead of do if-else statement at runtime.

If you modified after build, you may need to delete exist build completely and rebuild.
Or the build system may not be able to detect changes.

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