Because Rust has a rich type system, a programming logic and semantics are mostly expressed in types rather than in data/values, which is known as a "programming with types" concept. Often, this leads to situations where you need to express some type relations without having any values of those types. Here is where phantom types come in: they carry some semantics on type level, which invariants are checked by compiler, and are totally compiled out in runtime.
A phantom type parameter is simply a type parameter which is never used.
However, in Rust, this often causes the compiler to complain, and the solution is to add a "dummy" use by way of PhantomData
This is a quite common practice when you're writing a highly abstracted generics code. A real-world example (and somewhat scary) would be:
trait CommandGateway<C: Command> {
type Result;
fn command(&self, cmd: C) -> Self::Result;
// Here we need to abstract over some types
// to be able to use them in CommandGateway implementation.
pub struct Snapshotter<Repo, AggEv, Err> {
repo: Repo,
_aggregate_event: PhantomData<AggEv>,
_error: PhantomData<Err>,
impl<Cmd, Repo, AggEv, Err> CommandGateway<Cmd>
for Snapshotter<Repo, AggEv, Err>
Cmd: Command + 'static,
Cmd::Aggregate: VersionedAggregate
+ EventMessageSourced<
EventMeta<<Cmd::Aggregate as Aggregate>::Id>,
Repo: AggregateRepository<Cmd::Aggregate>
+ EventStore<
Event = AggEv,
EventMeta = EventMeta<<Cmd::Aggregate as Aggregate>::Id>,
> + Clone
+ 'static,
AggEv: AggregateEvent + 'static,
Err: From<
<Repo as AggregateRepository<Cmd::Aggregate>>::Error,
<Repo as EventStore<Cmd::Aggregate>>::Error,
> + 'static,
type Result = DynFuture<Option<Cmd::Aggregate>, Err>;
fn command(&self, cmd: Cmd) -> Self::Result {
let repo = self.repo.clone();
let fut = repo
.map(|agg| agg.unwrap_or_else(Cmd::Aggregate::initial_state))
.and_then(move |agg| {
.fold((agg, false), |(mut agg, _), ev| {
Ok((agg, true))
.map(move |(agg, changed)| (agg, changed, repo))
.and_then(|(agg, has_changed, repo)| {
if has_changed {
.map(move |_| Some(agg)),
} else {
For better understanding PhantomData
purpose, design, limitations and use cases, read through the following articles:
- Official
docs - Rust By Example: 14.9. Phantom type parameters
- Rustonomicon: 3.10. PhantomData
- Reddit: Why PhantomData
- RIP Tutorial: Using PhantomData as a Type Marker
- Sergey Potapov: Phantom Types in Rust
is transparent for auto traits, which means, for example, that PhantomData<usize>
is Send
and Sized
, while PhantomData<dyn Any>
is neither Send
nor Sized
In some situations this allows us to provide the exact semantics we need for a type (like invariance for a lifetime, for example).
In other situations we don't actually care about semantics of the phantom type parameter at all. Moreover, we don't want the substituted type to change auto traits implementations of the whole type in any way, preserving only the semantics of the actual contained data, as this may impose ergonomic problems to us:
struct Nonce<Of>(PhantomData<Of>, usize);
// This compiles OK, as `Nonce<()>` is `Send`.
let nonce: Nonce<()> = Nonce(PhantomData, 1);
thread::spawn(move || {
// This doesn't compile, as `Nonce<Rc<()>>` is not `Send`.
let nonce: Nonce<Rc<()>> = Nonce(PhantomData, 2);
thread::spawn(move || {
// This doesn't compile, as `dyn Any` is not `Sized`.
let nonce: Nonce<dyn Any> = Nonce(PhantomData, 3);
To omit such problems, let's just form the correct type inside PhantomData
, so we always have the desired auto traits implementations despite the substituted type:
struct Nonce<Of: ?Sized>(PhantomData<AtomicPtr<Box<Of>>>, usize);
// This compiles OK now, despite `Rc<()>` is not `Send`.
let nonce: Nonce<Rc<()>> = Nonce(PhantomData, 2);
thread::spawn(move || {
// This compiles OK now, as any `?Sized` type is allowed.
let nonce: Nonce<dyn Any> = Nonce(PhantomData, 3);
Interesting enough, despite the PhantomData
being a lang item, it's still possible to define a custom type without using the original PhantomData
, but behaving like the one. This is demonstrated quite fairly by the ghost
use ghost::phantom;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Crazy<'a, V: 'a, T> where &'a V: IntoIterator<Item = T>;
fn main() {
let _ = Crazy::<'static, Vec<String>, &'static String>;
// Lifetime elision.
let crazy = Crazy::<Vec<String>, &String>;
println!("{:?}", crazy);
For more detailed explanation, read through the following articles:
Estimated time: 1 day
Implement a Fact<T>
type which returns some random fact about T
type that Fact<T>
is implemented for.
let f: Fact<Vec<T>> = Fact::new();
println!("Fact about Vec: {}", f.fact());
println!("Fact about Vec: {}", f.fact());
Fact about Vec: Vec is heap-allocated.
Fact about Vec: Vec may re-allocate on growing.
After completing everything above, you should be able to answer (and understand why) the following questions:
- Why does
exists in Rust? Which problems does it solve? - How does
's transparency work in practise? - What alternatives of
do exist? When is it meaningful to use them?