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Tempo Tracing

Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 35 revisions

cLoki Pulse

cLoki Pulse offers experimental support for the Grafana Tempo API providing span ingestion and querying

Within cLoki, Tempo Spans/Traces are stored as tagged Logs and are accessible from both LogQL and Tempo APIs

Send Spans

cLoki implements a basic OpenTelemetry/Zipkin JSON receiver API to ingest trace data

curl -X POST http://localhost:3100/tempo/api/push -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '[{
 "id": "1234",
 "traceId": "d6e9329d67b6146b",
 "timestamp": '$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-16)',
 "duration": 1000,
 "name": "span from bash!",
 "tags": {
    "http.method": "GET",
    "http.path": "/api"
  "localEndpoint": {
    "serviceName": "shell script"
curl -X POST http://localhost:3100/tempo/api/push  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '[{
 "id": "5678",
 "traceId": "d6e9329d67b6146b",
 "parentId": "1234",
 "timestamp": '$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-16)',
 "duration": 1000,
 "name": "child span from bash!",
  "localEndpoint": {
    "serviceName": "shell script"


Tempo Spans


Tempo Logs


ClickHouse Tracing

ClickHouse creates trace spans for each query and some of the query execution stages, such as query planning or distributed queries. Using MVs the internal spans can be translated to ZipkinV2 JSON and sent to an OTLP collector such as cloki, jaeger or prometheus.


Create Materialized View

The following MV will push traces to the cloki /tempo API using the ClickHouse URL engine

CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW default.zipkin_spans
ENGINE = URL('', 'JSONEachRow')
SETTINGS output_format_json_named_tuples_as_objects = 1,
    output_format_json_array_of_rows = 1 AS
    lower(hex(reinterpretAsFixedString(trace_id))) AS traceId,
    lower(hex(parent_span_id)) AS parentId,
    lower(hex(span_id)) AS id,
    operation_name AS name,
    start_time_us AS timestamp,
    finish_time_us - start_time_us AS duration,
    cast(tuple('clickhouse'), 'Tuple(serviceName text)') AS localEndpoint,
        attribute.values[indexOf(attribute.names, 'db.statement')]),
        'Tuple("db.statement" text)') AS tags
FROM system.opentelemetry_span_log

Trace Events

Perform a few queries with tracing enabled:

clickhouse-client -h --opentelemetry_start_trace_probability=0.1

The following type events will be pushed:

 traceID: '97a156e95095e0e4c0f0f4dbb921244d',
 spanID: '19ce8d73f029e649',
 operationName: 'TCPHandler',
 references: [],
 startTime: '1641319910142576',
 startTimeUnixNano: 1641319910142576000,
 endTimeUnixNano: 1,
 duration: 12,
 tags: [ { key: 'db.statement', value: '', type: 'string' } ],
 logs: [],
 processID: 'p1',
 warnings: null,
 localEndpoint: { serviceName: 'clickhouse' },
 parentSpanID: '9654a4d5336d4c3e'

Tempo Example

Your traces should now be appearing in Grafana as well as cLoki using the {type="tempo"} tag


Loki Example

Since spans are also accessible as JSON Logs they can be used to power dashboard widgets through Loki datasources:

avg_over_time({traceId="a4040431298188d3c47a335f656f2350"} | json | unwrap duration[1s]) by (serviceName, operationName)


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