// File containing style for widgets that are shared across all other widgets ::-webkit-scrollbar width: 14px height: 14px background-color: transparent ::-webkit-scrollbar-corner background-color: WEBKIT_SCROLLER_BACKGROUND_COLOR ::-webkit-scrollbar:hover background-color: transparent ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical, ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:horizontal border-radius: 100px background-color: WEBKIT_SCROLLER_THUMB_BACKGROUND_COLOR border: 3px solid WEBKIT_SCROLLER_BACKGROUND_COLOR ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical:active, ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:horizontal:active background-color: WEBKIT_SCROLLER_THUMB_ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_COLOR input::-webkit-input-placeholder color: INPUT_PLACEHOLDER_COLOR; input:-moz-placeholder color: INPUT_PLACEHOLDER_COLOR input::-moz-placeholder color: INPUT_PLACEHOLDER_COLOR TRACE_LOG_EDITOR_Z_INDEX = 50 @font-face { font-family: monolith; src: url("../../public/Monolith.otf"); } @font-face { font-family: 'SpaceGrotesk'; src: url('../../public/Fonts/space_grotesk/SpaceGrotesk-VariableFont_wght.ttf') format('truetype'); } @font-face { font-family: "FiraCode"; src: url('../../public/Fonts/fira_code/FiraCode-VariableFont_wght.ttf') format('truetype'); } .hidden display: none !important // TODO: Maybe move to another file? .chart-line width: 100% height: 100% position: relative .chart-results-container height: inherit // width: fit-content position: relative .view-inactive display: none visibility: hidden .chartjs-render-monitor width: 100% !important height: 100% !important min-height: 170px html, body padding: 0 margin: 0 overflow: hidden body font-family: -apple-system, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif !important background-color: BACKGROUND_COLOR .separate-bar width: 0px height: 16px border-left: 1px solid DEBUG_SEPARATE_BAR_COLOR .wrapper input margin-left: 0 !important input font-family: "SpaceGrotesk" !important font-size: 14px !important font-style: normal !important font-weight: 400 !important color: TEXT_CONTENT_COLOR height: 28px // font-size: 17px !important border: 0 background-color: HEADER_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR width: calc(100% - 6px) margin-left: 8px !important margin-right: 8px margin-bottom: 5px !important border-radius: 6px padding-left: 24px padding-bottom: 0px !important padding-top: 0px !important overflow: hidden !important text-overflow: ellipsis !important white-space: nowrap !important border: 1px solid INPUT_BORDER_COLOR background-image: INPUT_DEFAULT_SEARCH_ICON background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: 8px center background-size: 12px 12px &:focus outline: 0px solid BORDERS_COLOR !important border: 1px solid INPUT_FOCUSED_BORDER_COLOR !important overflow: hidden !important text-overflow: ellipsis !important white-space: nowrap !important #root-container padding 0 position: fixed height: calc(100% - 66px) top: 38px z-index: 0 #ROOT background-color: BACKGROUND_COLOR color: TEXT_CONTENT_COLOR height: 100% width: 100vw position: relative #main background-color: BACKGROUND_COLOR font-size: 20px display: flex flex-wrap: wrap flex-direction: row width: 100% #dock height: 80% button background-color: BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR color: BUTTON_COLOR border: 0 border-radius: 1ex !important padding-left: 2ex padding-right: 2ex margin-left: 1ex !important margin-right: 1ex !important &:hover background-color: HOVERED_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_COLOR color: HOVERED_BUTTON_COLOR &:focus outline: 0 !important .highlight background-color: HIGHLIGHT_COLOR !important .value-expanded-compound::before content: '' position: absolute left: 14px top: 20px bottom: 0 width: 1px background-color: VALUE_TYPE_COLOR opacity: 0.2 .value-load-more-button width: 100% .component-container font-family: "FiraCode" !important font-size: 14px !important line-height: 24px !important font-weight: 400 !important width: 100% height: 100% box-shadow: inset 2px 0px 0px 0px LAYOUT_SPLITTER_COLOR &:focus outline: 0px .hovered opacity: 0.6 .panel font-size: 18px border-color: COLOR border-width: 1px border-style: solid overflow: hidden display: flex .r opacity: 1 .panel-width flex-basis 100% flex-direction column display flex width 100% .selector position: absolute opacity: 0.5 z-index: 22 background-color: #555 display: none .absolute-panel position: absolute .unselectable user-select: none #trace-query height: 18px font-size: 16px .dataTables_filter display: none #trace-q width: 100% .searched-token background-color: SEARCHED_TOKEN_COLOR .indeterminate-checkmark border: 1px solid BORDERS_COLOR border-radius: 2.5px display: flex position: absolute top: 5px left: 0 width: 15px height: 15px background-color: DROPDOWN_LIST_BACKGROUND_COLOR .indeterminate-checkmark::after content: "-" display: flex position: relative align-items: center transform: translateX(4px) .checkbox display:none width: 20px !important margin-left: 0 !important margin-right: 5 &::after content: "" position: absolute display: none .checkmark::after content: ""; position: absolute; display: none; input:checked ~ .checkmark:after display: block .code-tooltip display: block padding-left: 4px padding-right: 4px width: fit-content font-size: 14px line-height: 24px overflow-wrap: normal max-width: calc(100% - 8px) position: absolute background-color: PRIMARY_BASE z-index: 3 font-family: "FiraCode" margin-bottom: 0 list-style-type: none opacity: 0 visibility: hidden transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out white-space: normal pointer-events: none border-radius: 6px .active-line .excerpt-code color: ACTIVE_COLOR_FG !important background: ACTIVE_COLOR_BG border-radius: 4px width: fit-content padding-right: 4px li padding-left: 4px .checkmark border: 0.5px solid CHECKMARK_BORDERS_COLOR border-radius: 2.5px display:block position: absolute top: 6px left: 0 width: 14px height: 14px background-color: DROPDOWN_LIST_BACKGROUND_COLOR &::after left: 3.6px; top: 1.6px; width: 6px; height: 8px; border: solid DROPDOWN_CHECKMARK_COLOR; border-width: 0 2px 2px 0; border-radius: 2px -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); .dropdown-list border-radius: 6px background: DROPDOWN_LIST_FOCUSED_BACKGROUND_COLOR color: DROPDOWN_TEXT_BACKGROUND_COLOR display: flex flex-direction: column // border: 1px solid BORDERS_COLOR // padding-top: 5px // padding-left: 10px // padding-bottom: 5px // padding-right: 10px margin-top: 4px right: 0 min-width: fit-content position: relative z-index: TRACE_LOG_EDITOR_Z_INDEX + 7 user-select: none &-item position: relative color: DROPDOWN_TEXT_FOCUSED_COLOR user-select: none list-style-type: none width: 100% height: 24px // margin-bottom: 5px cursor: pointer overflow: hidden text-overflow: ellipsis white-space: nowrap font-weight: bold display: flex align-items: center justify-content: center .hamburger-dropdown + .dropdown-list.active width: fit-content .layout-buttons-container-wrapper outline: 4px solid PRIMARY_BASE .layout-buttons-container width: 28px !important height: 28px !important background-color: SECONDARY_BASE border-radius: 6px background-image: LAYOUT_TAB_NESTED_ICON background-repeat: no-repeat background-position: center margin-top: 2px cursor: pointer &:hover background-color: ACTIVE_LAYOUT_BUTTONS_BACKGROUND &.active background-image: ACTIVE_LAYOUT_TAB_NESTED_ICON background-color: ACTIVE_LAYOUT_BUTTONS_BACKGROUND .layout-dropdown width: fit-content; position: absolute; top: 32px; right: 0px; background-color: DROPDOWN_BASE border-radius: 6px font-family: "SpaceGrotesk" font-size: 14px line-height: 24px color: PRIMARY_TEXT_COLOR font-weight: 400 padding: 4px .layout-dropdown-node border-radius: 4px padding-left: 4px padding-right: 4px &:hover background-color: ACTIVE_MENU_BACKGROUND .custom-tooltip display: block position: absolute font-family: "SpaceGrotesk" top: 100% background-color: TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND color: PRIMARY_TEXT_COLOR padding: 5px 10px font-size: 14px border-radius: 4px white-space: nowrap box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) opacity: 0 visibility: hidden transition: opacity 0.3s ease, visibility 0.3s ease, top 0.3s ease pointer-events: none text-align: start font-size: 12px line-height: 16px &.active opacity: 1 visibility: visible top: -100% height: 24px right: 4px &:after content: ''; position: absolute; top: 100% left: unset right: 4px border-width: 8px border-style: solid border-color: TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND transparent transparent transparent &:after content: ''; position: absolute; bottom: 100% left: calc(50% - 8px) border-width: 8px border-style: solid border-color: transparent transparent TOOLTIP_BACKGROUND transparent .debug-button:hover > .custom-tooltip .eventLog-medium-control-button:hover > .custom-tooltip #command-query:hover > .custom-tooltip .add-to-scratchpad-button:hover > .custom-tooltip .run-trace-button:hover > .custom-tooltip opacity: 1 visibility: visible top: calc(100% + 5px) transition-delay: 1s .copy-file-path:hover > custom-tooltip opacity: 1 .run-trace-button .custom-tooltip right: 0px &:after left: 90% .eventLog-medium-control-button .custom-tooltip overflow-wrap: normal white-space: normal .custom-noir-icon::before content: url("../../public/noir_logo_dark_theme.svg") display: block width: 16px height: 16px position: absolute transform: translate(4px, 4px) .empty-overlay display: flex width: inherit height: inherit justify-content: center align-items: center font-family: 'FiraCode' font-size: 14px padding-left: 12px padding-right: 12px text-align: center white-space: break-spaces .jstree-default-contextmenu display: none !important visibility: hidden !important