All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed order status update due to error in value rounding
- Update
version to 2.10.1
- Import SDK files with vendor without using
composer install
- Visualization of installments with interest on the order confirmation screen for the buyer
- New payment method: PSE (Only Colombia)
- Using
to make payment calls to the Mercado Pago API
- Adjusting texts on the configuration screen
- Changes the endpoints that the plugin calls to create payment, preferences and obtaining payment-methods.
- Changed endpoints:
- Updated copyright to 2023
- Added validation to ensure that PHP files are executed in the PrestaShop context
- Added .htaccess file in the root folder, to prevent someone from listing the files of the module, and direct execution of PHP file
- Changed endpoint from v1/payment_methods to v1/bifrost/payment-methods
- Removed function used as mock to add payment places related to paycash
- Improved js selector that gets button element, finish order
- Fixed php notice on order creation
- Error log changed to information log in notifications
- Removed tags used for translation and adapted related HTML tags
- Changed Json encode/decode functions from Tools to native functions
- Updated Tools::redirectLink to Tools::redirect
- Added validation for null, empty or invalid merchant_order_id
- PSE return page
- Sanitize id's from get methods
- validateOrder or createOrder with API Data.
- Same templates sanitized by javascript method
- Use in query parameters pSQL e bqSQL functions
- Customer log messages
- Added compatibility with Mercado Pago discounts
- Updated npm packages
- Updated composer packages
- Fixed validateOrder on createOrder method using cart total instead of payments total sum
- Fixed Wallet Button discount value to avoid fraud status
- Fixed round to MLC (Chile) and MCO (Colombia) on notification getTotal method
- Fixed checkout ticket validation to MLU (Uruguay)
- Added wallet button to checkout custom
- Added security code validation to checkout custom
- Added deprecation banner for version 1.6
- Migrated SDK JS from v1 to v2
- Adjusted logos from checkouts
- Adjusted translations
- Translations
- Fixed quotes in translation strings
- Added paycash as a payment method for Mexico
- Added Pix as a new payment method for Brazil
- Updated copyright to 2022
- Updated Mercado Pago's images
- Fixed ps_versions_compliancy variable order
- Added device fingerprint at checkout
- Fixed payment methods ATM Mexico
- Changed the structure of fields sent to Mercado Pago
- Fixed create mpmodule table version on plugin update
- Reversed the credential configuration order
- Removed meliplaces, pix, account money payments from Ticket and Checkout Pro (These payments don't work yet)
- Check total order price x mercado pago total price and add item with difference
- Added source_news to receive only one type of notification
- Added plugin version to logs on install hook
- Added new features to improve security
- Added payment fraud status and rules to update orders
- Added rule on notification to update order payment transaction total
- Removed cart_id as query param to improve security
- Removed unused evaluation modal
- Fixed modal javascript on Checkout Pro for PS 1.6
- Fixed cart total on CustomCheckout to show correct values with automatic cart rules
- Fixed disableFinishOrderButton method on custom card JS
- Improved security on admin forms
- Changed notification status responses to avoid unnecessary mercadopago notifications
- Removed log files with PII data
- Migrated logs from plugin file to Prestashop Logger
- Verify order amount vs paid amount when is approved status notification
- Added the prefix in the upgrade table
- Check paid amount before change order status
- Set amount from Mercado Pago response on order_payments
- Remove visibility from const to be compatible with PHP7.0
- Added admin tab to view or download the plugin log
- Added plugin version o notification response
- Renamed from Checkout Mercado Pago for Checkout Pro
- Fixed getIssuers method on custom-card.js
- Improved security (added access token in the header for all calls to Mercado Livre and Mercado Pago endpoints)
- Added new endpoint to validate Access Token to substitute old validation process
- Added logs by plugin version
- Added try catch in the updateTransactionId method
- Added more logs in the notification methods
- Added validation to verify that the cart total is greater than zero in the validateOrderState method
- Added logs for database failures
- Fixed homologation flow
- Refactor update order status
- Add rule to validate backorder status
- JS files versioning
- JS files minification
- CSS files versioning
- CSS files minification
- Code Standards for JS files
- Code Standards for CSS files
- Code Standards for PHP files
- Fix splitted orders update
- Fix getConditionAndTerms on custom checkout validations
- Fix getNotificationResponse to static and avoid unnecessary request to MP Payments API
- Move checkouts classes from /model to /checkouts
- Create new models for order_state, order_state_lang, cart_rule and cart_rule_rule
- We added status map for Notification
- We fixed statement_descriptor: from null to ''
- We fixed document number mask
- We fixed notification update order flow
- We fixed the problem after removing Mercado Envíos
- We removed Mercado Envíos default configurations
- In this version you must paste the public_key of sandbox and production to be able to sell. Before updating the plugin, activate the maintenance mode and do some tests to check that nothing breaks
- New translations for Chile and Uruguay.
- Custom Checkout with:
- Binary mode
- Discount for paying with Mercado Pago.
- Ticket Checkout with:
- Select available payment methods.
- Choose the expiration date.
- Discount for paying with Mercado Pago.
- We fixed the mobile layout of the Mercado Pago Checkout.
- We fixed the creation of the order, allowing the function to recover the value of the customer_secure_key.
- Mobile layout
- Now the Mercado Pago Checkout works through a modal: your customers can complete the purchase without leaving the site.
- We renew the plugin settings screen.
- We renew the plugin code structure.
- We merged the plugin versions for PS1.6 and PS1.7.
- Mercado Envíos.
- Discount coupons.
- Installment calculator.