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Welcome to MQTT-Client-Framework

MQTT-Client-Framework is Objective-C native MQTT Framework

You can read introduction to learn more about framework.

MQTT-Client-Framework is tested with a long list of brokers:

  • mosquitto
  • paho
  • rabbitmq
  • hivemq
  • rsmb
  • mosca
  • vernemq
  • emqtt
  • moquette
  • ActiveMQ
  • Apollo
  • CloudMQTT
  • aws
  • hbmqtt (MQTTv311 only, limitations)
  • aedes
  • flespi


Create a new client and connect to a broker:

#import "MQTTClient.h"

MQTTCFSocketTransport *transport = [[MQTTCFSocketTransport alloc] init]; = @"";
transport.port = 1883;
MQTTSession *session = [[MQTTSession alloc] init];
session.transport = transport;
[session connectWithConnectHandler:^(NSError *error) {
	// Do some work

Subscribe to a topic:

[session subscribeToTopic:@"example/#" atLevel:MQTTQosLevelExactlyOnce subscribeHandler:^(NSError *error, NSArray<NSNumber *> *gQoss) {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Subscription failed %@", error.localizedDescription);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Subscription sucessfull! Granted Qos: %@", gQoss);

In your MQTTSession delegate, add the following to receive messages for the subscribed topics:

- (void)newMessage:(MQTTSession *)session data:(NSData *)data onTopic:(NSString *)topic qos:(MQTTQosLevel)qos retained:(BOOL)retained mid:(unsigned int)mid {
    // New message received in topic

Publish a message to a topic:

[session publishData:someData onTopic:@"example/#" retain:NO qos:MQTTQosLevelAtMostOnce publishHandler:^(NSError *error) {



Add this to your Podfile:

pod 'MQTTClient'

which is a short for:

pod 'MQTTClient/Min'
pod 'MQTTClient/Manager'

The Manager subspec includes the MQTTSessionManager class.

If you want to use MQTT over Websockets:

pod 'MQTTClient/Websocket'

If you want to do your logging with CocoaLumberjack (recommended):

pod 'MQTTClient/MinL'
pod 'MQTTClient/ManagerL'
pod 'MQTTClient/WebsocketL'


In your Cartfile:

github "novastone-media/MQTT-Client-Framework"


Git submodule

  1. Add MQTT-Client-Framework as a git submodule into your top-level project directory or simply copy whole folder
  2. Find MQTTClient.xcodeproj and drag it into the file navigator of your app project.
  3. In Xcode, navigate to the target configuration window by clicking on the blue project icon, and selecting the application target under the "Targets" heading in the sidebar.
  4. Under "General" panel go to "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" and add MQTTClient.framework


  1. Download MQTT-Client-Framework
  2. Build it and you should find MQTTClient.framework under "Products" group.
  3. Right click on it and select "Show in Finder" option.
  4. Just drag and drop MQTTClient.framework to your project


This project was originally written by Christoph Krey.