Construct an ascii character map of the world. Each character represents one province. Use the following characters to vary terrain:
. , \ space ocean
m M mountain
d D desert
p P plain
f F forest
; ~ " : sea lane
s S swamp
- steppe
o random (30% forest/plain, 20% mountain, 10% swamp/desert)
? hidden province
# impassable region (will be a "hole" in the map)
* % city
Hidden Provinces
Take care when placing ?
The terrain type will be inferred from one of the neighboring squares.
Create a Regions file of the form:
AA Name of region AA
AB Name of region AB
aa Name of ocean aa
zz Name of ocean zz
Do not use the letter o
in ocean/sea codes, since o
represents plains on the map.
I would have used another character besides o
for plains, but none looked as good visually.
Name regions and oceans by placing the two-letter code for them somewhere in the region. Again, take care when placing the two-letter codes, as the terrain type of the two squares taken up by the code will be inferred from neighboring provinces.
Delineate seas by varying the character used to represent them. In this way, the first sea name will not flood-fill the entire ocean, since it will be stopped at the border.
For example:
|~~~~~~........ ,,,,,,,|
| ,,,,,,|
|~~~sb~~~~...... as ,,cs,,|
|~~~~~~~~~...... ,,,,,|
sa Sea of Athens
sb Sea of Boetia
as Aedras Sea
cs Carthas Sea
Spaces, ~
, ,
, and .
may be used to represent seas.
Run the map generator:
goly generate map --map-file _map_name_ --loc-file _loc_file_name_
The loc_file_name is the Olympia database libdir/loc
The map_name should be your ASCII character map file.
The output will contain useful information about land continents as well as any warnings issued during map generation.
Although the Olympia map will wrap at the edges, for the purposes of flood-fill algorithms the map generator will stop at the edges.
A *
may be placed on land regions to indicate that a named city should go there.
Additional random cities will be scattered across the map.
City names will be read from the "Cities" file.