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OLED MENU for MicroPython

Project currently under development

The aim of this project is to create an easy-to-control MicroPython system based on a 128 x 64 OLED screen and a clickable rotary encoder.

Oled Menu presentation


Examples of Oled Menu

  • Not blocking by design
  • One level with unlimited entries
  • Updatable at runtime (eg: changing label)
  • Focus (surrounding rectangle entry) moved by rotating the encoder
  • Focused entry is selected by clicking the encoder
  • Inverted effect on entry when clicked (750ms, not blocking)
  • Button click debouncing
  • Enable property (avoids selection of disabled entries)
  • Various type of menu items:
    • Label only
    • Range : change an integer throught a range of values
    • Combo : change a value throught a list-of-entry
    • Screen : allow the main app to display/draw its own screen until the user press the button (display back the menu)

Range selection

When clicking the Combo menu entry, it will displays the possible values.

Range selection

Turn the encoder right/left to change the value.

Click the encoder to confirm the value.

Combo selection

Combo selection

When clicking the Combo menu entry, it will displays the possible values.

Combo selection

The sign ">" indicates the current selection.

Turn the button right/left to change to move the focus.

Click the encoder button to confirm the value and exits combo.


Prior to run the examples you will need to install the OLED Menu library and its dependencies

On a WiFi capable plateform:

>>> import mip
>>> mip.install("github:mchobby/micropython-oled-menu")

Or via the mpremote utility :

mpremote mip install github:mchobby/micropython-oled-menu


Raspberry-Pi Pico

This wiring use Monochrome 1.3" 128x64 OLED graphic display - STEMMA QT / Qwiic and Encodeur + LED RGB, Grove from M5Stack.

Oled Menu with Pico

Testing - simple and range selection

This example shows how to define a menu and how to navigate the menu, update an integer value (see preheat).

Finally, it implement the main loop program loop (while) including Update of menu, test of selected entry and processing of the user tasks.

from machine import SoftI2C, Pin
from oledmenu import *

# Oled display requires a SoftI2C to work properly
i2c = SoftI2C(sda=Pin(6), scl=Pin(7)) # I2C(1) : GP6=SDA, GP7=SCL

menu = OLED_MENU( i2c );

# code, Label
menu.add_label( "start", "Start Oven" )
menu.add_label( "stop" , "Stop Oven" , enabled=False )
menu.add_range( "preheat" , "PreHeat %s C", 25, 180, 5, 50 ) # Min, Max, Step, default
menu.add_label( "t1", "test1" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t2", "test2" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t3", "test3" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t4", "test4" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t5", "test5" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t6", "test6" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t7", "test7" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t8", "test8" ) # code, Label

# initialize the menu

while True:
	if menu.update(): # true when entry selected
		entry = menu.selected # will reset selection
		if entry:
			print( "%s selected" % entry )

		# Enable entry "Stop Oven" when "test3" is clicked
		if entry and entry.code=="t3":

Which produce the follwoing result in the REPL session while selecting the various menu entries.

<preheat "PreHeat 50 C"> selected
<preheat "PreHeat 115 C"> selected
<t1 "test1"> selected
<t2 "test2"> selected
<t3 "test3"> selected - selection among possible values

from machine import SoftI2C, Pin
from oledmenu import *

# Oled display requires a SoftI2C to work properly
i2c = SoftI2C(sda=Pin(6), scl=Pin(7)) # I2C(1) : GP6=SDA, GP7=SCL

menu = OLED_MENU( i2c );

# code, Label
menu.add_label( "start", "Start Oven" )
menu.add_label( "t1", "test1" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t2", "test2" ) # code, Label
# Menu Code & Label (%s replaced by combo label),
#    combo entries (list of (code,label) tuples),
#    default_code
menu.add_combo( "combo4", "Mode: %s",
	[("v1", "value 1"),("v2", "value 2"),("v3", "value 3"),("v4", "value 4"),("v5", "value 5"),("v6", "value 6"),("v7", "value 7"),("v8", "value 8")],
	"v8" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t3", "test3" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t5", "test5" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t6", "test6" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t7", "test7" ) # code, Label
menu.add_label( "t8", "test8" ) # code, Label


while True:
	if menu.update(): # true when entry selected
		entry = menu.selected # will reset selection
		if entry:
			print( "%s selected" % entry )

		if entry and entry.code=="combo4":
			print( "Combo selection is '%s' " % menu.by_code("combo4").cargo.value )
			print( "  +-> with label '%s'" % menu.by_code("combo4").cargo.label )
	# Process other tasks here

Which produce the following in the REPL output (with various combo & menu entry selection).

<combo4 "Mode: v5"> selected
Combo selection is 'v5'
  +-> with label 'value 5'
<t2 "test2"> selected
<t3 "test3"> selected
<combo4 "Mode: v1"> selected
Combo selection is 'v1'
  +-> with label 'value 1'

Supported devices