From 4933cdb1f2887eb6785d20bb01c86d577a22c9da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: math1985 Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2015 01:50:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Resolve bugs related to COALESCE problems * Make sure conditions are checked in both WHERE and COALESCE Checking the condition in the WHERE class is necessary for performance. Checking the condition in the COALESCE is necessary to prevent unrendered tags blocking rendering of tags further down in the COALESCE. See also the discussion [here]( This is an improvement of #1038. This resolves #985, resolves #1029, resolves #1336. * Give amenity priority over shop. This resolves #963. * Give tourism priority over amenity, shop, leisure, landuse, man_made, natural, and place. This resolves #1269, resolves first issue of #1232. --- project.mml | 12 ++-- project.yaml | 198 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-) diff --git a/project.mml b/project.mml index e319b68fd4..b319cf45ae 100644 --- a/project.mml +++ b/project.mml @@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || aeroway,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || amenity,\n 'leisure_' || leisure,\n 'landuse_' || landuse,\n 'man_made_' || man_made,\n 'natural_' || \"natural\",\n 'place_' || place,\n 'tourism_' || tourism,\n 'military_' || military,\n 'waterway_' || waterway,\n 'historic_' || historic,\n 'lock_' || lock,\n 'highway_'|| highway,\n 'power_' || power\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n religion,\n denomination,\n \"generator:source\",\n power_source\n FROM planet_osm_polygon\n WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL\n OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'picnic_site', 'caravan_site', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'information', 'chalet')\n OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals')\n OR man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill')\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'picnic_table', 'golf_course', 'miniature_golf')\n OR aeroway IN ('aerodrome', 'helipad')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring', 'tree')\n OR (power = 'generator' AND (\"generator:source\" = 'wind' OR power_source = 'wind'))\n ORDER BY way_area desc\n) AS amenity_points_poly", + "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END,\n 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END,\n 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END,\n 'natural_' || CASE WHEN \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring') THEN \"natural\" ELSE NULL END,\n 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END,\n 'highway_'|| CASE WHEN highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals') THEN highway ELSE NULL END,\n 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('generator') THEN power ELSE NULL END\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n religion,\n denomination,\n \"generator:source\",\n power_source\n FROM planet_osm_polygon\n WHERE aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome')\n OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site')\n OR amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison')\n OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table')\n OR man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring')\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals')\n OR (power = 'generator' AND (\"generator:source\" = 'wind' OR power_source = 'wind'))\n ORDER BY way_area desc\n) AS amenity_points_poly", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || aeroway,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || amenity,\n 'leisure_' || leisure,\n 'landuse_' || landuse,\n 'man_made_' || man_made,\n 'natural_' || \"natural\",\n 'place_' || place,\n 'tourism_' || tourism,\n 'military_' || military,\n 'waterway_' || waterway,\n 'historic_' || historic,\n 'lock_' || lock,\n 'highway_' || highway,\n 'power_' || power\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n religion,\n denomination,\n \"generator:source\",\n power_source\n FROM planet_osm_point\n WHERE shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR amenity IS NOT NULL\n OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'picnic_site', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'information', 'chalet')\n OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals', 'ford')\n OR man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'power_wind', 'windmill')\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR waterway = 'lock'\n OR lock = 'yes'\n OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'slipway', 'picnic_table', 'golf_course', 'miniature_golf')\n OR aeroway IN ('aerodrome', 'helipad')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring', 'tree', 'cave_entrance')\n OR (power = 'generator' AND (\"generator:source\" = 'wind' OR power_source = 'wind'))\n ) AS amenity_points", + "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END,\n 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table', 'slipway') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END,\n 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END,\n 'natural_' || CASE WHEN \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring') THEN \"natural\" ELSE NULL END,\n 'waterway_' || CASE WHEN waterway IN ('lock') THEN waterway ELSE NULL END,\n 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END,\n 'lock_' || CASE WHEN lock IN ('yes') THEN lock ELSE NULL END,\n 'highway_'|| CASE WHEN highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals', 'ford') THEN highway ELSE NULL END,\n 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('generator') THEN power ELSE NULL END\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n religion,\n denomination,\n \"generator:source\",\n power_source\n FROM planet_osm_point\n WHERE aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome')\n OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site')\n OR amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison')\n OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table', 'slipway')\n OR man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring', 'cave_entrance')\n OR waterway = 'lock'\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR lock = 'yes'\n OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals', 'ford')\n OR (power = 'generator' AND (\"generator:source\" = 'wind' OR power_source = 'wind'))\n ) AS amenity_points", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT way, highway, height, width, refs FROM\n (SELECT\n way, highway,\n array_length(refs,1) AS height,\n (SELECT MAX(char_length(ref)) FROM unnest(refs) AS u(ref)) AS width,\n array_to_string(refs, E'\\n') AS refs\n FROM (\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(highway, aeroway) AS highway,\n string_to_array(ref, ';') AS refs\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential') OR aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway'))\n AND ref IS NOT NULL\n ) AS p) AS q\n WHERE height <= 4 AND width <= 11) AS roads_text_ref", + "table": "(SELECT way, highway, height, width, refs FROM\n (SELECT\n way, highway,\n array_length(refs,1) AS height,\n (SELECT MAX(char_length(ref)) FROM unnest(refs) AS u(ref)) AS width,\n array_to_string(refs, E'\\n') AS refs\n FROM (\n SELECT\n way,\n COALESCE(\n CASE WHEN highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential') THEN highway ELSE NULL END,\n CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END\n ) AS highway,\n string_to_array(ref, ';') AS refs\n FROM planet_osm_line\n WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential') OR aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway'))\n AND ref IS NOT NULL\n ) AS p) AS q\n WHERE height <= 4 AND width <= 11) AS roads_text_ref", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -1663,7 +1663,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": " (SELECT way, way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS way_pixels,\n COALESCE('landuse_' || landuse, 'natural_' || \"natural\", 'boundary_' || boundary) AS feature,\n name,\n way_area,\n CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building\n FROM planet_osm_polygon\n WHERE (landuse IN ('forest')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('wood', 'glacier', 'sand', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock')\n OR boundary IN ('national_park'))\n AND building IS NULL\n ORDER BY way_area DESC\n ) AS text_poly_low_zoom", + "table": " (SELECT way, way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS way_pixels,\n COALESCE(\n 'landuse_' || CASE WHEN landuse IN ('forest') THEN landuse ELSE NULL END,\n 'natural_' || CASE WHEN \"natural\" IN ('wood', 'glacier', 'sand', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock') THEN \"natural\" ELSE NULL END,\n 'boundary_' || CASE WHEN boundary IN ('national_park') THEN boundary ELSE NULL END\n ) AS feature,\n name,\n way_area,\n CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building\n FROM planet_osm_polygon\n WHERE (landuse IN ('forest')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('wood', 'glacier', 'sand', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock')\n OR boundary IN ('national_park'))\n AND building IS NULL\n ORDER BY way_area DESC\n ) AS text_poly_low_zoom", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS way_pixels,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || aeroway,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || amenity,\n 'leisure_' || leisure,\n 'landuse_' || landuse,\n 'man_made_' || man_made,\n 'natural_' || \"natural\",\n 'place_' || place,\n 'tourism_' || tourism,\n 'military_' || military,\n 'waterway_' || waterway,\n 'historic_' || historic,\n 'highway_' || highway,\n 'power_' || power,\n 'boundary_' || boundary\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n name,\n ref,\n way_area,\n CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building\n FROM planet_osm_polygon\n WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL\n OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR leisure IS NOT NULL\n OR landuse IS NOT NULL\n OR tourism IS NOT NULL\n OR \"natural\" IS NOT NULL\n OR man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill')\n OR place = 'island'\n OR place = 'islet'\n OR military IS NOT NULL\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR power IS NOT NULL\n OR aeroway IS NOT NULL\n OR highway IN ('services', 'rest_area')\n OR boundary = 'national_park'\n ORDER BY way_area desc\n) AS text_poly", + "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS way_pixels,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END,\n 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END,\n 'landuse_' || CASE WHEN landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military') THEN landuse ELSE NULL END,\n 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END,\n 'natural_' || CASE WHEN \"natural\" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier') THEN \"natural\" ELSE NULL END,\n 'place_' || CASE WHEN place IN ('island', 'islet') THEN place ELSE NULL END,\n 'military_' || CASE WHEN military IN ('danger_area') THEN military ELSE NULL END,\n 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END,\n 'highway_' || CASE WHEN highway IN ('services', 'rest_area') THEN highway ELSE NULL END,\n 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation') THEN power ELSE NULL END,\n 'boundary_' || CASE WHEN boundary IN ('national_park') THEN boundary ELSE NULL END\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n name,\n ref,\n way_area,\n CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building\n FROM planet_osm_polygon\n WHERE aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome')\n OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo')\n OR amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist')\n OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina')\n OR landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military')\n OR man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier')\n OR place IN ('island', 'islet')\n OR military IN ('danger_area')\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR highway IN ('services', 'rest_area')\n OR power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation')\n OR boundary IN ('national_park')\n ORDER BY way_area desc\n) AS text_poly", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", @@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ "srs": "+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext +no_defs +over", "Datasource": { "extent": "-20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508", - "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n NULL as way_pixels,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || aeroway,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || amenity,\n 'leisure_' || leisure,\n 'landuse_' || landuse,\n 'man_made_' || man_made,\n 'natural_' || \"natural\",\n 'place_' || place,\n 'tourism_' || tourism,\n 'military_' || military,\n 'waterway_' || waterway,\n 'historic_' || historic,\n 'highway_' || highway,\n 'power_' || power,\n 'boundary_' || boundary\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n (CASE WHEN \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle') OR tourism = 'alpine_hut' OR amenity = 'shelter' THEN CASE WHEN ele IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN name IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT(name, E'\\n', ele) ELSE ele END ELSE name END ELSE name END) AS name,\n ref,\n NULL AS way_area,\n CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building\n FROM planet_osm_point\n WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL\n OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR leisure IS NOT NULL\n OR landuse IS NOT NULL\n OR tourism IS NOT NULL\n OR \"natural\" IS NOT NULL\n OR man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill')\n OR place = 'island'\n OR place = 'islet'\n OR military IS NOT NULL\n OR aeroway IS NOT NULL\n OR waterway = 'lock'\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR power IS NOT NULL\n OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'services', 'rest_area')\n OR boundary = 'national_park'\n ) AS text", + "table": "(SELECT\n way,\n NULL AS way_pixels,\n COALESCE(\n 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END,\n 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END,\n 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END,\n 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END,\n 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END,\n 'landuse_' || CASE WHEN landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military') THEN landuse ELSE NULL END,\n 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END,\n 'natural_' || CASE WHEN \"natural\" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier') THEN \"natural\" ELSE NULL END,\n 'place_' || CASE WHEN place IN ('island', 'islet') THEN place ELSE NULL END,\n 'military_' || CASE WHEN military IN ('danger_area') THEN military ELSE NULL END,\n 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END,\n 'highway_' || CASE WHEN highway IN ('services', 'rest_area') THEN highway ELSE NULL END,\n 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation') THEN power ELSE NULL END,\n 'boundary_' || CASE WHEN boundary IN ('national_park') THEN boundary ELSE NULL END,\n 'waterway_' || CASE WHEN waterway IN ('lock') THEN waterway ELSE NULL END\n ) AS feature,\n access,\n (CASE WHEN \"natural\" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle') OR tourism = 'alpine_hut' OR amenity = 'shelter' THEN CASE WHEN ele IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN name IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT(name, E'\\n', ele) ELSE ele END ELSE name END ELSE name END) AS name,\n ref,\n NULL AS way_area,\n CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building\n FROM planet_osm_point\n WHERE aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome')\n OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo')\n OR amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist')\n OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes')\n OR leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina')\n OR landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military')\n OR man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill')\n OR \"natural\" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier')\n OR place IN ('island', 'islet')\n OR military IN ('danger_area')\n OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site')\n OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'services', 'rest_area')\n OR power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation')\n OR boundary IN ('national_park')\n OR waterway = 'lock'\n ) AS text", "geometry_field": "way", "type": "postgis", "key_field": "", diff --git a/project.yaml b/project.yaml index 7ef3d7be8e..12bfed0782 100644 --- a/project.yaml +++ b/project.yaml @@ -1334,21 +1334,16 @@ Layer: (SELECT way, COALESCE( - 'aeroway_' || aeroway, - 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, - 'amenity_' || amenity, - 'leisure_' || leisure, - 'landuse_' || landuse, - 'man_made_' || man_made, - 'natural_' || "natural", - 'place_' || place, - 'tourism_' || tourism, - 'military_' || military, - 'waterway_' || waterway, - 'historic_' || historic, - 'lock_' || lock, - 'highway_'|| highway, - 'power_' || power + 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END, + 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END, + 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END, + 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, + 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END, + 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END, + 'natural_' || CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring') THEN "natural" ELSE NULL END, + 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END, + 'highway_'|| CASE WHEN highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals') THEN highway ELSE NULL END, + 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('generator') THEN power ELSE NULL END ) AS feature, access, religion, @@ -1356,15 +1351,15 @@ Layer: "generator:source", power_source FROM planet_osm_polygon - WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL + WHERE aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome') + OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site') + OR amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison') OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') - OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'picnic_site', 'caravan_site', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'information', 'chalet') - OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals') + OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table') OR man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill') + OR "natural" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring') OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') - OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'picnic_table', 'golf_course', 'miniature_golf') - OR aeroway IN ('aerodrome', 'helipad') - OR "natural" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring', 'tree') + OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals') OR (power = 'generator' AND ("generator:source" = 'wind' OR power_source = 'wind')) ORDER BY way_area desc ) AS amenity_points_poly @@ -1382,21 +1377,18 @@ Layer: (SELECT way, COALESCE( - 'aeroway_' || aeroway, - 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, - 'amenity_' || amenity, - 'leisure_' || leisure, - 'landuse_' || landuse, - 'man_made_' || man_made, - 'natural_' || "natural", - 'place_' || place, - 'tourism_' || tourism, - 'military_' || military, - 'waterway_' || waterway, - 'historic_' || historic, - 'lock_' || lock, - 'highway_' || highway, - 'power_' || power + 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END, + 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END, + 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END, + 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, + 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table', 'slipway') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END, + 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END, + 'natural_' || CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring') THEN "natural" ELSE NULL END, + 'waterway_' || CASE WHEN waterway IN ('lock') THEN waterway ELSE NULL END, + 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END, + 'lock_' || CASE WHEN lock IN ('yes') THEN lock ELSE NULL END, + 'highway_'|| CASE WHEN highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals', 'ford') THEN highway ELSE NULL END, + 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('generator') THEN power ELSE NULL END ) AS feature, access, religion, @@ -1404,17 +1396,17 @@ Layer: "generator:source", power_source FROM planet_osm_point - WHERE shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') - OR amenity IS NOT NULL - OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'picnic_site', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'information', 'chalet') - OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals', 'ford') - OR man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'power_wind', 'windmill') - OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') + WHERE aeroway IN ('helipad', 'aerodrome') + OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'hostel', 'hotel', 'motel', 'information', 'museum', 'viewpoint', 'picnic_site') + OR amenity IN ('shelter', 'atm', 'bank', 'bar', 'bicycle_rental', 'bus_station', 'cafe', 'car_sharing', 'cinema', 'fire_station', 'fuel', 'hospital', 'embassy', 'library', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'parking', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist', 'place_of_worship', 'police', 'post_box', 'post_office', 'pub', 'biergarten', 'recycling', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'fast_food', 'telephone', 'emergency_phone', 'theatre', 'toilets', 'drinking_water', 'prison') + OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') + OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'picnic_table', 'slipway') + OR man_made IN ('mast', 'water_tower', 'lighthouse', 'windmill') + OR "natural" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring', 'cave_entrance') OR waterway = 'lock' + OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') OR lock = 'yes' - OR leisure IN ('water_park', 'playground', 'slipway', 'picnic_table', 'golf_course', 'miniature_golf') - OR aeroway IN ('aerodrome', 'helipad') - OR "natural" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'spring', 'tree', 'cave_entrance') + OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'traffic_signals', 'ford') OR (power = 'generator' AND ("generator:source" = 'wind' OR power_source = 'wind')) ) AS amenity_points properties: @@ -1504,7 +1496,10 @@ Layer: FROM ( SELECT way, - COALESCE(highway, aeroway) AS highway, + COALESCE( + CASE WHEN highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential') THEN highway ELSE NULL END, + CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END + ) AS highway, string_to_array(ref, ';') AS refs FROM planet_osm_line WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential') OR aeroway IN ('runway', 'taxiway')) @@ -1573,7 +1568,11 @@ Layer: <<: *osm2pgsql table: |2- (SELECT way, way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS way_pixels, - COALESCE('landuse_' || landuse, 'natural_' || "natural", 'boundary_' || boundary) AS feature, + COALESCE( + 'landuse_' || CASE WHEN landuse IN ('forest') THEN landuse ELSE NULL END, + 'natural_' || CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('wood', 'glacier', 'sand', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock') THEN "natural" ELSE NULL END, + 'boundary_' || CASE WHEN boundary IN ('national_park') THEN boundary ELSE NULL END + ) AS feature, name, way_area, CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building @@ -1600,21 +1599,20 @@ Layer: way, way_area/NULLIF(!pixel_width!::real*!pixel_height!::real,0) AS way_pixels, COALESCE( - 'aeroway_' || aeroway, - 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, - 'amenity_' || amenity, - 'leisure_' || leisure, - 'landuse_' || landuse, - 'man_made_' || man_made, - 'natural_' || "natural", - 'place_' || place, - 'tourism_' || tourism, - 'military_' || military, - 'waterway_' || waterway, - 'historic_' || historic, - 'highway_' || highway, - 'power_' || power, - 'boundary_' || boundary + 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END, + 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END, + 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END, + 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, + 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END, + 'landuse_' || CASE WHEN landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military') THEN landuse ELSE NULL END, + 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END, + 'natural_' || CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier') THEN "natural" ELSE NULL END, + 'place_' || CASE WHEN place IN ('island', 'islet') THEN place ELSE NULL END, + 'military_' || CASE WHEN military IN ('danger_area') THEN military ELSE NULL END, + 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END, + 'highway_' || CASE WHEN highway IN ('services', 'rest_area') THEN highway ELSE NULL END, + 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation') THEN power ELSE NULL END, + 'boundary_' || CASE WHEN boundary IN ('national_park') THEN boundary ELSE NULL END ) AS feature, access, name, @@ -1622,21 +1620,20 @@ Layer: way_area, CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building FROM planet_osm_polygon - WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL + WHERE aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome') + OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo') + OR amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist') OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') - OR leisure IS NOT NULL - OR landuse IS NOT NULL - OR tourism IS NOT NULL - OR "natural" IS NOT NULL + OR leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina') + OR landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military') OR man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill') - OR place = 'island' - OR place = 'islet' - OR military IS NOT NULL + OR "natural" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier') + OR place IN ('island', 'islet') + OR military IN ('danger_area') OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') - OR power IS NOT NULL - OR aeroway IS NOT NULL OR highway IN ('services', 'rest_area') - OR boundary = 'national_park' + OR power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation') + OR boundary IN ('national_park') ORDER BY way_area desc ) AS text_poly properties: @@ -1652,23 +1649,23 @@ Layer: table: |- (SELECT way, - NULL as way_pixels, + NULL AS way_pixels, COALESCE( - 'aeroway_' || aeroway, - 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN NOT shop IS NULL THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, - 'amenity_' || amenity, - 'leisure_' || leisure, - 'landuse_' || landuse, - 'man_made_' || man_made, - 'natural_' || "natural", - 'place_' || place, - 'tourism_' || tourism, - 'military_' || military, - 'waterway_' || waterway, - 'historic_' || historic, - 'highway_' || highway, - 'power_' || power, - 'boundary_' || boundary + 'aeroway_' || CASE WHEN aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome') THEN aeroway ELSE NULL END, + 'tourism_' || CASE WHEN tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo') THEN tourism ELSE NULL END, + 'amenity_' || CASE WHEN amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist') THEN amenity ELSE NULL END, + 'shop_' || CASE WHEN shop IN ('supermarket', 'bakery', 'butcher', 'clothes', 'fashion', 'convenience', 'department_store', 'doityourself', 'florist', 'hairdresser', 'car', 'car_repair', 'bicycle', 'mall') THEN shop WHEN shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') THEN 'other' ELSE NULL END, + 'leisure_' || CASE WHEN leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina') THEN leisure ELSE NULL END, + 'landuse_' || CASE WHEN landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military') THEN landuse ELSE NULL END, + 'man_made_' || CASE WHEN man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill') THEN man_made ELSE NULL END, + 'natural_' || CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier') THEN "natural" ELSE NULL END, + 'place_' || CASE WHEN place IN ('island', 'islet') THEN place ELSE NULL END, + 'military_' || CASE WHEN military IN ('danger_area') THEN military ELSE NULL END, + 'historic_' || CASE WHEN historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') THEN historic ELSE NULL END, + 'highway_' || CASE WHEN highway IN ('services', 'rest_area') THEN highway ELSE NULL END, + 'power_' || CASE WHEN power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation') THEN power ELSE NULL END, + 'boundary_' || CASE WHEN boundary IN ('national_park') THEN boundary ELSE NULL END, + 'waterway_' || CASE WHEN waterway IN ('lock') THEN waterway ELSE NULL END ) AS feature, access, (CASE WHEN "natural" IN ('peak', 'volcano', 'saddle') OR tourism = 'alpine_hut' OR amenity = 'shelter' THEN CASE WHEN ele IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN name IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT(name, E'\n', ele) ELSE ele END ELSE name END ELSE name END) AS name, @@ -1676,22 +1673,21 @@ Layer: NULL AS way_area, CASE WHEN building = 'no' OR building IS NULL THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS is_building FROM planet_osm_point - WHERE amenity IS NOT NULL + WHERE aeroway IN ('gate', 'apron', 'helipad', 'aerodrome') + OR tourism IN ('alpine_hut', 'hotel', 'motel', 'hostel', 'chalet', 'guest_house', 'camp_site', 'caravan_site', 'theme_park', 'museum', 'attraction', 'zoo') + OR amenity IN ('pub', 'restaurant', 'food_court', 'cafe', 'fast_food', 'biergarten', 'bar', 'library', 'theatre', 'courthouse', 'townhall', 'cinema', 'parking', 'police', 'fire_station', 'place_of_worship', 'grave_yard', 'shelter', 'bank', 'embassy', 'fuel', 'bus_station', 'prison', 'university', 'school', 'college', 'kindergarten', 'hospital', 'pharmacy', 'doctors', 'dentist') OR shop IN ('accessories', 'alcohol', 'antique', 'antiques', 'appliance', 'art', 'baby_goods', 'bag', 'bags', 'bakery', 'bathroom_furnishing', 'beauty', 'bed', 'betting', 'beverages', 'bicycle', 'boat', 'bookmaker', 'books', 'boutique', 'builder', 'building_materials', 'butcher', 'camera', 'car', 'car_parts', 'car_repair', 'car_service', 'carpet', 'charity', 'cheese', 'chemist', 'chocolate', 'clothes', 'coffee', 'communication', 'computer', 'confectionery', 'convenience', 'copyshop', 'cosmetics', 'craft', 'curtain', 'dairy', 'deli', 'delicatessen', 'department_store', 'discount', 'dive', 'doityourself', 'dry_cleaning', 'e-cigarette', 'electrical', 'electronics', 'energy', 'erotic', 'estate_agent', 'fabric', 'farm', 'fashion', 'fish', 'fishing', 'fishmonger', 'flooring', 'florist', 'food', 'frame', 'frozen_food', 'funeral_directors', 'furnace', 'furniture', 'gallery', 'gambling', 'games', 'garden_centre', 'gas', 'general', 'gift', 'glaziery', 'greengrocer', 'grocery', 'hairdresser', 'hardware', 'health', 'health_food', 'hearing_aids', 'herbalist', 'hifi', 'hobby', 'household', 'houseware', 'hunting', 'ice_cream', 'insurance', 'interior_decoration', 'jewellery', 'jewelry', 'kiosk', 'kitchen', 'laundry', 'leather', 'lighting', 'locksmith', 'lottery', 'mall', 'market', 'massage', 'medical', 'medical_supply', 'mobile_phone', 'money_lender', 'motorcycle', 'motorcycle_repair', 'music', 'musical_instrument', 'newsagent', 'office_supplies', 'optician', 'organic', 'outdoor', 'paint', 'pastry', 'pawnbroker', 'perfumery', 'pet', 'pets', 'pharmacy', 'phone', 'photo', 'photo_studio', 'photography', 'pottery', 'printing', 'radiotechnics', 'real_estate', 'religion', 'rental', 'salon', 'scuba_diving', 'seafood', 'second_hand', 'sewing', 'shoe_repair', 'shoes', 'shopping_centre', 'solarium', 'souvenir', 'sports', 'stationery', 'supermarket', 'tailor', 'tanning', 'tattoo', 'tea', 'ticket', 'tiles', 'tobacco', 'toys', 'trade', 'travel_agency', 'tyres', 'vacuum_cleaner', 'variety_store', 'video', 'video_games', 'watches', 'wholesale', 'wine', 'winery', 'yes') - OR leisure IS NOT NULL - OR landuse IS NOT NULL - OR tourism IS NOT NULL - OR "natural" IS NOT NULL + OR leisure IN ('swimming_pool', 'water_park', 'miniature_golf', 'golf_course', 'sports_centre', 'stadium', 'track', 'pitch', 'playground', 'park', 'recreation_ground', 'common', 'garden', 'nature_reserve', 'marina') + OR landuse IN ('reservoir', 'basin', 'recreation_ground', 'conservation', 'village_green', 'quarry', 'vineyard', 'orchard', 'cemetery', 'residential', 'garages', 'meadow', 'grass', 'allotments', 'forest', 'farmyard', 'farm', 'farmland', 'retail', 'industrial', 'railway', 'commercial', 'brownfield', 'landfill', 'construction', 'military') OR man_made IN ('lighthouse', 'windmill') - OR place = 'island' - OR place = 'islet' - OR military IS NOT NULL - OR aeroway IS NOT NULL - OR waterway = 'lock' + OR "natural" IN ('wood', 'peak', 'volcano', 'saddle', 'cave_entrance', 'water', 'lake', 'mud', 'wetland', 'marsh', 'bay', 'spring', 'scree', 'shingle', 'bare_rock', 'sand', 'heath', 'grassland', 'scrub', 'beach', 'glacier') + OR place IN ('island', 'islet') + OR military IN ('danger_area') OR historic IN ('memorial', 'archaeological_site') - OR power IS NOT NULL OR highway IN ('bus_stop', 'services', 'rest_area') - OR boundary = 'national_park' + OR power IN ('station', 'generator', 'sub_station', 'substation') + OR boundary IN ('national_park') + OR waterway = 'lock' ) AS text properties: minzoom: 10