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File metadata and controls

91 lines (66 loc) · 3.69 KB


ES6 Module Transpiler - Extendable multi-step FileResolver


ES6 Module Transpiler es6-module-transpiler is an experimental compiler that allows you to write your JavaScript using a subset of the current ES6 module syntax, and compile it into various formats.

When used as a library in an importing node module it is required that one or more FileResolvers be provided. es6-module-transpiler-resolver-factory makes it easier to extend FileResolver and perform custom logic for doing things such as resolving paths and manipulating ASTs.


Build tools

Since this resolver is a plugin for es6-module-transpiler, you can use it with any existing build tool that supports es6-module-transpiler as the underlying engine to transpile the ES6 modules.

You just need to make sure that es6-module-transpiler-resolver-factory is accessible for those tools, and pass the proper resolvers option thru the es6-module-transpiler's configuration.


You should use the hooked resolver with the transpiler as a library:

var transpiler      = require("es6-module-transpiler");
var BundleFormatter = transpiler.formatters.bundle;
var Container       = transpiler.Container;
var ResolverFactory  = require("es6-module-transpiler-resolver-factory");

var container = new Container({
  resolvers: [new ResolverFactory(["lib/"])],
  formatter: new BundleFormatter()



You can also extend the ResolverFactory and provide overrides for each step:

var ResolverFactory = require("es6-module-transpiler-resolver-factory");
var ESNextResolver  = ResolverFactory.extend({
    translate : function(source, load) {
        var ast = recast.parse(source, {
            sourceFileName : path.basename(load.resolvedPath)

        // Run the ast through the esnext transformer before the module transformer
        return esnext.transform(ast);

var container = new Container({
  resolvers: [new ESNextResolver(["lib/"])],
  formatter: new BundleFormatter()

Resolver Steps

es6-module-transpiler-resolver-factory will go through a series of steps to resolve to a module instance. These steps are named such as to parallel the ES6 Loader hooks.

Each step function will always receive a load object as it's last parameter. This object tracks meta data about the module as it progresses from step to step.

  • resolver.locate(importedPath, load) Resolves importedPath imported by the given module fromModule to a resolvedPath to be used in the fetch operation
  • resolver.fetch(resolvedPath, load) Retrieves module source from location resolvedPath
  • resolver.translate(source, load) Parses module source into an es6-module-transpiler compatible ast
  • resolver.instantiate(ast, load) Creates a Module instance and assigns it the ast

load object

  • load.fromModule The importing module
  • load.importedPath The path used by the importing module
  • load.container The container these modules belong to
  • load.resolver The resolver instance
  • load.resolvedPath The fully resolved path
  • load.source The raw module source
  • load.ast A recast compatible AST produced from the module source
  • load.module An instance of es6-module-transpile/lib/module


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Thanks, and enjoy living in the ES6 future!