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File metadata and controls

304 lines (210 loc) · 11.8 KB


This is for the ultra-impatient and assumes:

  • have conda already, if not read Step 1 and 2.
  • have a licence to FontAwesome-Pro, if not read Step 3
  • dont care about VENUS or gene name route, if not read Step 4
  • you want to use sqlite, not postgres. if not read Step 5
  • dont care about static downloads, if not read step 6

Install modules in a folder called michelanglo:

mkdir michelanglo
cd michelanglo/
git clone --recursive app
git clone analysis
git clone transpiler
cd analysis
python3 install
#python3 & #do this to get protein data. else:
mkdir ../analysis
mkdir ../analysis/reference
touch ../analysis/reference/pdb_chain_uniprot.tsv
# end of hacky way round.
cd ../transpiler
python3 install
cd ../app
python3 install
npm i puppeteer # installs puppeteer, but you will have to decide about the chromium sandboxing
npm i fs-extra
## For Jquery to be added to the offline download it needs to be compiled.
cd app/michelanglo_app/static/ThirdParty/jquery
npm run build
# do not want sqlite? change the env variable accordingly and read below
cp demo.db mike.db
PROTEIN_DATA='../protein-data' SECRETCODE='needed-for-remote-reset' SQL_URL='sqlite:///mike.db' SLACK_WEBHOOK='' python3 > ../mike.log 2>&1

The last command runs it (to run in dev mode add --d). The admin user in the demo.db file is admin with password admin. Additional adding the env var SENTRY_DNS_MICHELANGLO='https://[email protected]/xxx' will send errors. The Slack webhook isn't optional, but giving a dummy value will just make errors, but not crash it.


This is why there are many commands to copy.

** Do not jump the gun and git clone recursively** this repository without altering FontAwesome Pro requirement if needed (see below).


Michelanglo has lots of moving parts... diagram


Python 3.7: This repo uses f-strings and the author is unwilling to make it backwards compatible. DB: Postgres is more robust and secure than SQLite. But if you are just running this for yourself, be lazy & go SQLite.


  • Mako-templated HTML
  • NGL
  • JQuery
  • Boostrap 4.3
  • FontAwesome Pro
  • Bootstrap Tour (mod)

FontAwesome: I have a pro licence, but a free version is available. So a wee change is required to .gitmodules (see below).

Step 1. Prerequisites

Linux packages. apt for Ubuntu, yum for CentOS.

sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm

And either...

sudo apt install sqlite


sudo apt install postgres

Mac packages

brew install nodejs
brew install npm
brew install wget


brew install sqlite


brew install postgres

Installing postgres on a networked windows machine is a satanic endevour. Consider a Docker container with Alpine, a VM with Ubuntu, Rasperry pi with Raspian (use Berryconda) or an old smartphone with AfterMarketOS. All the documentation here works on Ubuntu, CentOS and MacOS and everything in Windows it is a bit trickier. But the excecutables will have .exe suffixes and are in Scripts folder C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\Scripts\pip3.exe say for your regular install, your virtual env will be wherever you put it.

Step 2. Python

This app requires Python3 compiled PyMOL. The best option is using Conda. Otherwise it needs to be compiled (instructions). So the best bet is to install anaconda3:

bash -b
conda init
conda config --set auto_activate_base true
conda update conda

If you want to make env —your call

conda create -n env python=3.7 anaconda
conda activate env

Install what you need:

conda install -c schrodinger pymol
conda install -c conda-forge -y biopython
#conda install -c conda-forge -y rdkit

Step 3. Clone the required repos

Step 3.1 MichelaNGLo specific

For fetching proteins, michelanglo_app requires

Both the protein module and Michelanglo require a PyMOL manipulation script, whcih is separate as the protein parsing module works without Michelanglo. for more.

mkdir michelanglo
cd michelanglo/
git clone protein-analysis
cd protein-module
python3 install
git clone transpiler
cd ../transpiler
python3 install

Step 3.2 FontAwesome

Do you have FontAwesome Pro?

git clone --recursive app
cd ../app
python3 install

Installing it isn't needed for normal operations, just esthetics.


git clone app
sed -i 's/Font-Awesome-Pro\.git/Font-Awesome\.git/g' .gitmodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
python3 install

Note that you'll also need to change all instances of the class far with fas in the templates by adding <script>$('.far').addClass('fas').removeClass('far')</script> near the bottom of templates/layout_components/layout.mako (There is a common giving more info within there). The option of searching Font-Awesome-Pro or FA5 in GitHub is not recommended as these public forks are in violation of copyright of a small startup team not a megacorporation.

Step 4. Generate the data

It also uses a protein module to allow gene name querying.

This module uses a lot of data. That unfortunately I cannot keep as a repo for you to download. However. This step is optional: if not done, gene retrieval will not work.

This module has lots of cool stuff. I might be worth your while checking it out.


Also, if you plan to mod Michelanglo do not clone the protein module in Michelanglo or your IDE will go extremely slow.

To get everything...

cd ../protein-module

This will save all the data it will download and parse to this folder. This will take a whole day. For licencing issues, Phosphosite plus data needs to be downloaded manually.

However, if there is a species you are interested in, email me and I can save you the bother.

Step 5. Create the database

The database needs starting, for SQLite make a copy of demo.db or do the following:

touch mike.db
SQL_URL=sqlite:///mike.db alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init"
SQL_URL=sqlite:///mike.db alembic -c development.ini upgrade head

If using postgres the environment variable needs to be SQL_URL=postgresql://name_of_owner_user_you_made_for_the_db_that_is_not_postgres:its_password@localhost:5432/name_of_db

Obviously, nothing ever goes smoothly. If you get an error with the second line (the upgrade) edit the file michelanglo_app/alembic/versions/ if you get:

  • an error about explicit contraint names: change all sa.Boolean() to sa.Boolean(create_constraint=False). SQLite does not know about Booleans.
  • ... ?

For a more robust system, use postgres (as used in our version).

Step 6. NPM

In order to get thumbnails of the protein in the galleries, or for when you share your protein on Twitter or Facebook, nodejs with puppeteer is required. Facebook

npm install puppeteer
npm install fs-extra

Also, some of the submodules in michelanglo_app/static/ThirdParty need building —JQuery. But this is only required for static offline downloads.

Step 7. Run

Environment variables

Having an config file with sensitive data on GitHub is a no-no, so there are two options. The first is copying the config file and amend it.

cp production.ini actual.ini
python --config actual.ini > ../mike.log 2>&1

The other is to use environment variables, which will override the config. To pass an environment variable to a command one can do

FOO=foo command arg1 arg2;

The variable $FOO will be available within the command run, but not outside. There are lots of env variables usable and for some reason I decided to obey conventions, so here is the mapping:

config name environ name
michelanglo.protein_data_folder MICHELANGLO_PROTEIN_DATA
michelanglo.user_data_folder MICHELANGLO_USER_DATA
michelanglo.secretcode MICHELANGLO_SECRETCODE
sqlalchemy.url MICHELANGLO_SQL_URL
sentry.data_source_name MICHELANGLO_SENTRY_DNS
puppeteer.executablePath PUPPETEER_CHROME
slack.webhook SLACK_WEBHOOK
michelanglo.admin_email MICHELANGLO_ADMIN_EMAIL
michelanglo.server_email MICHELANGLO_SERVER_EMAIL

These are:

Where did you put the protein


code is used to give the command to reset mike:




(opt) Sentry


Slack webhook to keep you in the loop. Note that to get a slack webhook you don't go in your normal page, but in


So a bash variable is declared without spaces a="hello world" and then you can call it echo $a. These will not be available outside of the current session, unless you export $a. Alternative you can run the application you want to feed the env variable without leaving a trace(ish) by a="hello world" python myscript


Ghosts in the machine

Run the script and make a user called admin. This is a one time only option. The users trashcan gets generated automatically when a guest makes a view and is blacklisted along with guest and Anonymous.

Did you turn it off and on again?

Set up a system daemon (as done in the SGC server), or a cron job to make sure it comes back upon system failure. Also, the serves on port 8088.


For Venus is required. PyRosetta is for academic use only and the username and password is obtained from

curl -u $PYROSETTAUSER:$PYROSETTAPASSWORD -o /content/a.tar.bz2
tar -xf a.tar.bz2
pip3 install -e PyRosetta4.Release.python3.8.ubuntu.release-295/setup/
rm a.tar.bz2