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File metadata and controls

554 lines (434 loc) · 18.2 KB



First and formost, when using the module in a notebook, it is best to use the view method to see the results. Fragmenstein has a helper function to monkey patch py3Dmol to make it easier to use. It also has a nglview helper function, but that module has stopped working with the latest JupyterLab.

import py3Dmol
from fragmenstein import Victor, Igor
from fragmenstein.display import py3Dmol_monkey_patch, divergent_colors

hit1: Chem.Mol = ...
smiles: str = ...
template: str = Path(...).read_text()
name: str = ...

vicky = Victor([hit1], pdb_block=template), long_name=name)

colors = divergent_colors[3]
view = py3Dmol.view()
for i, mol in enumerate(vicky.hits):
    color = colors[i+1]
    view.add_mol(carbon_color=color, mol=mol, opacity=0.7)
# show the minimised:
view.add_mol(carbon_color=colors[0], mol=vicky.minimized_mol, opacity=1) #name='LIG', 
# show the unmimised
view.add_mol(carbon_color=colors[0],, opacity=1) #name='LIG', 


Place a SMILES pattern according to one or more parent hits with Monster (no minimisation).

from fragmenstein import Monster
from typing import Sequence

hits: Sequence[Chem.Mol] = ...
smiles : str = 'CCO'
monster = Monster(hits=hits)


from fragmenstein import Victor, Igor

hits: Sequence[Chem.Mol] = ...
smiles : str = 'CCO'
victor = Victor(hits=hits, pdb_filename='foo.pdb')'CCO')

For a lengthier example see example notes or documentation.

Demo data

Some demo data is provided in the demo submodule.

from fragmenstein.demo import MPro, Mac1

pdbblock: str = Mac1.get_template()
hitname: str = ...
for hitname in Mac1.get_hit_list():

To use SAR-COV-2 MPro as a test bed, the following may be helpful:

  • fragmenstein.MProVictor, a derived class (of Victor), with various presents specific for MPro.
  • fragemenstein.get_mpro_template(), returns the PDB block (str) of MPro
  • fragemenstein.get_mpro_molblock(xnumber), returns the mol block (str) of a MPro hit from Fragalysis
  • fragemenstein.get_mpro_mol(xnumber), as above but returns a Chem.Mol instance.

For the matched sets of derivative hits to reference hits see the manuscript's data repository.


Victor is the main configuration entrypoint to the module.


set logging to stdout

import logging

or to file

import logging
Victor.enable_logfile('test.log', logging.INFO)

the Logger instance is Victor.journal, and it captures rdkit and pyrosetta logs if enable_stdout or enable_logfile are called with the argument capture set to True (default) or the method capture_logs is called directly.


Pyrosetta needs to be initialised as normal

import pyrosetta
pyrosetta.init(extra_options='-no_optH false -mute all -ignore_unrecognized_res false -load_PDB_components false')

The ignore_unrecognized_res controls whether to raise an error if a residue can be loaded. While load_PDB_components stop the PDB defined database from being loaded, which is handy as it prevents weird errors (e.g. there is a PDB ligand called LIG)

Alternatively, a cleaner way can be using a helper function in the pyrosetta-help module

import pyrosetta
from pyrosetta_help import make_option_string
extras = make_option_string(no_optH=False,

If you want to just use Monster and do not have pyrosetta installed for licencing reasons, the following works fine.

from fragmenstein import Monster

If you have pyrosetta installed, but want to mimic this behaviour (??)

import sys
sys.modules['pyrosetta'] = None
# this raises on `import pyrosetta` a ModuleNotFoundError

Output path

set working path

Victor.work_path = 'test'


Create mol files of reference hits given a single PDB file return the RDKit Chem.Mol molecule with covalent as *

mol = Victor.extract_mol(name='x01234',

To parse a whole folder (flat) of PDBs and get a dictionary of names -> Chem.Mol

mols = Victor.extract_mols(folder='PDBs',
                           smilesdex={'x01234': 'CCO'}, # optional
                           ligand_resn= 'LIG',
                           regex_name='x(\d+)', # optional regex to run get rid of fluff
                           proximityBonding=False, # change this to True if you lack CONECT entries (disconnected ligand)

To have a gander

from rdkit import Chem

NB. there is a Victor method called from_files, this is for restarting a run precariously from the saves and has nothing to do with these.

NB2. One thing to be vigilant for is that the ligands are in superposed/aligned protein. Fragmenstein does nothing to ensure this is true as multichain protein etc. make everything harder and it does not require much effort at all to fix (see Troubleshooting).


Like in a docking experiment, the template/receptor protein conformer is important even if sidechains and backbones can move. To minimise with Pyrosetta, it is best to minimise a ligand bond protein and remove the ligand afterwards.

The ligand needs to be parameterised first. Example (for more see rdkit_to_params)

from rdkit_to_params import Params

params = Params.from_smiles_w_pdbfile(pdb_file='5BV6_clean.pdb',

Have a gander to see all is good using NGL (for py3DMol see below):

import nglview

Load pose:

from typing import *

def get_pose(pdb_filename: str,
             params_filenames: Optional[List[str]]) -> pyrosetta.Pose:
    """A fxn to load a pose, with a list of params"""
    pose = pyrosetta.Pose()
    if params_filenames and isinstance(params_filenames, pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_string):
        pyrosetta.generate_nonstandard_residue_set(pose, params_filenames)
    if params_filenames and isinstance(params_filenames, list):
        params_filenames2 = pyrosetta.rosetta.utility.vector1_string()
        pyrosetta.generate_nonstandard_residue_set(pose, params_filenames2)
    pyrosetta.rosetta.core.import_pose.pose_from_file(pose, pdb_filename)
    return pose

pose = get_pose(pdb_filename='5BV6_clean.pdb',

Igor has a function to relax against ED (taken from here)

from fragmenstein import Igor
Igor.relax_with_ED(pose, 'map.ccp4')


Victor has two modes, merge and place. Say we extracted hit_a and hit_b as Chem.Mol instances:

victor = Victor(hits=[hits_a, hit_b], pdb_filename='template.pdb')
#'CCO') # to place.

Using code from here one could inspect the starting hits in NGLView in the notebook etc.



One could see the numbers with:


Or individual values


Stitched monsters and analogues-by-catalogue

The stitched merger may not be a catalogue compound, hence the need to jump into catalogue. If home-synthesis or CRO time available, then the retrosynthesis might reveal what building blocks are problematic (cf. number of steps predicted in Reaxys, Manifold, AiZynthFinder, etc.).

With fragments (<250 Da) a single change can alter Tanimoto scores significantly. Hence why I personally opt for a graph edit distance (GED) approach. Calculating GED is not trivial, but NextMove Software's SmallWorld has a method to do it. So I opt for that.

import pandas as pd
from fragmenstein import Laboratory

mergers: pd.DataFrame = ...  # a DataFrame with the columns 'smiles', 'name', 'hits', see above

results: pd.DataFrame = Laboratory.sw_search(mergers, '_manual', sw_dist=5, sw_length=50, sw_db='REAL-Database-22Q1.smi.anon')

The DB name can be retrieved dynamically:

from smallworld_api import SmallWorld


Actually, behind the scenes, this calls happens, with various safeguards and error handling:

from smallworld_api import SmallWorld

sws = SmallWorld()
sws.search_many([...], db=sws.REAL_dataset, ...)


Laboratory uses Victor, but uses a class attribute .Victor pointing to the Victor class, when running. Likewise, Victor has .Monster. There is no Igor equivalent as the Igor calls by Victor are far from generic.

There are some empty methods aimed at easier subclassing:

  • Monster.post_ff_addition_step —called after the MMFF forcefield is added in the Monster.mmff_minimize method
  • Victor.post_monster_step -called in the Victor._calculate_*_chem methods after the Monster is stitched together
  • Victor.post_params_step - called in the Victor._calculate_*_thermo methods after the Params are added
  • Victor.pre_igor_step - called in the Victor._calculate_*_thermo methods before the Igor setup is started
  • Victor.pose_mod_step - called in the Victor._calculate_*_thermo methods after the pose in loaded, an alternative to pose_fx
  • Victor.post_igor_step - called in the Victor._calculate_*_thermo methods after the Igor minimisation is finished


Ligand not in template

If the ligand is not in the template, then the ∆∆G will be zero. This often happens when the template was energy minimised, but was not re-aligned to the original pose, and as a result it drifted away from the ligand.

Doing a 'redocking' placement is always a sane way to start (place a compound based on itself). For a small XChem hit, we are talking about -5 kcal/mol circa.

Too many results

The ∆∆G (kcal/mol) is not that you would get if the compound were in the spot in with the energy minimum (as in docking). It is nearby there, hopefully. But can be used for reducing the list of results. Given that linking two indole-sized compounds is already in the 250-300 dalton range, sorting by ligand efficiency (ratio of ∆∆G over number of heavy atoms) is best (good: 0.4 kcal/mol/HA upwards)


To see the Pyrosetta pose

import nglview as nv

view = nv.show_rosetta(victor.igor.pose)

If there is something like this: farway Then it means that the PDB where the molecule was extracted is in a different from the template. To fix, before extracting or before using a template align them in say PyMOL (align command). Just remember than PyMOL strips LINK entries making covalents non-covalent (unless proximityBonding=True is used in the extraction, which is not recommended). Doing it within python:

import pymol2

with pymol2.PyMOL() as pymol:
    pymol.cmd.load('minimized.pdb', 'mini')
    pymol.cmd.load('x01234_refined.pdb', 'hit')
    pymol.cmd.align('mini', 'hit and chain A')'moved.pdb', 'mini')


The SMILES provided needs to be given formal charges to match the protonation at pH 7. Namely,

  • *C(=O)O will yield a carboxylic acid, while *C(=O)[O-] a carboxylate (conjugate base).
  • *N will yield a base (*[NH2]), while *[N+] or *[NH3+], will yield the conjugate acid.
  • *OP(=O)(O)O will yield phosphoric acid *OP(=O)([OH])[OH], while *OP(=O)([O-])[O-] will yield a phosphate.

There are modules and tools to correct the protonation at pH 7. Also, there are several paper suggesting isosteres.

Hydrogen in hits

Another issue may arise when hydrogens are present in the hits somehow.

If the calculations fail along a step the compounds can be inspected, but these are not victor.minimised_mol

If an error happens polishing up the minimised molecule from pyrosetta:

ligand = victor.igor.mol_from_pose()
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
ligand = AllChem.RemoveAllHs(ligand)

If the error happens during Igor, but Monster worked fine, the ligand is in Additionally if the issue is with one of the atoms and the indices are required there is a debug focused method in Monster:

mol =

That is taken!

If either the ligand name ligand_resn (default: LIG) or the ligand_resi (default 1B) appear in the template it will fail.

ValueError: Residue 20A already exists in structure

If the issue slipped through, say Igor is being accessed manually, an error like Atom 'C1 0' not found. This is because the constraint file has the residue number as a PDB number (1B), which gets converted internally to the pose number and pose number 0 means it does not exist. Therefore make sure to there are no shared names or specify a free name/index.

victor = Victor(hits=[atp], pdb_filename='1ATP_apo.pdb',
                ligand_resi='1Z', ligand_resn='ATP'

There are a few residue names that should not be taken. Such as PTMs, ACE etc. Additionally, I don't know why but the residue name cannot be XXX (which is expected to be an amino acid).

Equal solutions

If the solution is not ideal, you may want to check other equally valid solutions, which are stored in monster.mol_options.



See covalents


A problem is that the combined molecules may not be enamine purchasable. So the placed molecule could be a purchaseable. So getting a positioned mol

from fragmenstein import Monster
from rdkit import Chem

monster = Monster(hits=[hits_a, hit_b])
smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(monster.positioned_mol)

Using enamine-real-search API

from search import EnamineSession

session = EnamineSession()
similarity_results = session.similarity_search(smiles=smiles, threshold=0.1)
victor = Victor(hits=[hits_a, hit_b], pdb_filename='template.pdb') # to place.


To make an interactive page in Michelanglo, like this example. one can use the michelanglo_api (pip name is michelanglo-api). The data is stored in a github repo. For a detailed example see pipeline.

First, make sure to keep the results of the operations

data = []

data.append({**victor.summarise(), 'mol': victor.minimised_mol})

Then make a table of the results

from rdkit.Chem import PandasTools
import pandas as pd

scores = pd.DataFrame(data)

then make or get a Michelanglo page

from michelanglo_api import MikeAPI
mike = MikeAPI('username', 'password')
page = mike.convert_pdb('6WOJ') # make new
# or...
#p = mike.get_page('xxxxxxxx')  # retrieve old

Fix up... etc.

page.description = 'Hello world. '
page.loadfun = ''
page.columns_viewport = 6
page.columns_text = 6

Add the data to the page and GitHub:

folder = 'folder_name_within_repo'
# make a smaller table and json store it
scores['filename'] = page.pandas_to_mols(scores, targetfolder)
headers = ['filename', 'regarded', '∆∆G', 'comRMSD']
mini = scores.loc[~scores.filename.isna()][headers]  # filename None has some issue.
# make a table
page.make_fragment_table(metadata=dict(zip(headers, ['name', 'used hits', '∆∆G', 'RMSD'],
               protein_sele='145:A', # show this on protein. NGL selection
               sort_col=2, #sort by column index 2. ∆∆G
               sort_dir='asc', #asc or desc
               template_row=-1, # is the template a file called `template.pdb` (-1) or a filename in the row n?
               fragment_row=1, # the inspiration fragments (-1 for none). The names must match with or without a .mol.
# commit changes with github


In addition to extracting a hit, the extract_mol code can work with waters.

hit = Victor.extract_mol(name='x1234',
                         ligand_resn = 'LIG')

waters = Victor.extract_mol(name='water',
                 ligand_resn = 'HOH')

This waters molecule will have disconnected waters. These can be combined as a single object (hits=[hit, waters]) or split up (hits=[hit, *waters]) with

waters = Chem.GetMolFrags(waters, asMols=True, sanitizeFrags=False)

One thing to note is that it may be best to use joining_cutoff=3 and the keep_all=False