Module mici.adapters
+Methods for adaptively setting algorithmic parameters of transitions.
++Expand source code +Browse git +
+"""Methods for adaptively setting algorithmic parameters of transitions."""
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
+from math import exp, log
+import numpy as np
+from mici.errors import IntegratorError, AdaptationError
+from mici.matrices import (
+ PositiveDiagonalMatrix, DensePositiveDefiniteMatrix)
+class Adapter(ABC):
+ """Abstract adapter for implementing schemes to adapt transition parameters.
+ Adaptation schemes are assumed to be based on updating a collection of
+ adaptation variables (collectively termed the adapter state here) after
+ each chain transition based on the sampled chain state and/or statistics of
+ the transition such as an acceptance probability statistic. After completing
+ a chain of one or more adaptive transitions, the final adapter state may be
+ used to perform a final update to the transition parameters.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def initialize(self, chain_state, transition):
+ """Initialize adapter state prior to starting adaptive transitions.
+ Args:
+ chain_state (mici.states.ChainState): Initial chain state adaptive
+ transition will be started from. May be used to calculate
+ initial adapter state but should not be mutated by method.
+ transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being
+ adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be
+ updated in-place by the method.
+ Returns:
+ adapt_state (Dict[str, Any]): Initial adapter state.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition):
+ """Update adapter state after sampling transition being adapted.
+ Args:
+ adapt_state (Dict[str, Any]): Current adapter state. Entries will
+ be updated in-place by the method.
+ chain_state (mici.states.ChainState): Current chain state following
+ sampling from transition being adapted. May be used to calculate
+ adapter state updates but should not be mutated by method.
+ trans_stats (Dict[str, numeric]): Dictionary of statistics
+ associated with transition being adapted. May be used to
+ calculate adapter state updates but should not be mutated by
+ method.
+ transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being
+ adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be
+ updated in-place by the method.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition):
+ """Update transition parameters based on final adapter state or states.
+ Optionally, if multiple adapter states are available, e.g. from a set of
+ independent adaptive chains, then these adaptation information from all
+ the chains may be combined to set the transition parameter(s).
+ Args:
+ adapt_state (Dict[str, Any] or List[Dict[str, Any]]): Final adapter
+ state or a list of adapter states. Arrays / buffers associated
+ with the adapter state entries may be recycled to reduce memory
+ usage - if so the corresponding entries will be removed from
+ the adapter state dictionary / dictionaries.
+ transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being
+ adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects will be
+ updated in-place by the method.
+ """
+class DualAveragingStepSizeAdapter(Adapter):
+ """Dual averaging integrator step size adapter.
+ Implementation of the dual algorithm step size adaptation algorithm
+ described in [1], a modified version of the stochastic optimisation scheme
+ of [2]. By default the adaptation is performed to control the `accept_prob`
+ statistic of an integration transition to be close to a target value but
+ the statistic adapted on can be altered by changing the `adapt_stat_func`.
+ References:
+ 1. Hoffman, M.D. and Gelman, A., 2014. The No-U-turn sampler:
+ adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.
+ Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), pp.1593-1623.
+ 2. Nesterov, Y., 2009. Primal-dual subgradient methods for convex
+ problems. Mathematical programming 120(1), pp.221-259.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, adapt_stat_target=0.8, adapt_stat_func=None,
+ log_step_size_reg_target=None,
+ log_step_size_reg_coefficient=0.05, iter_decay_coeff=0.75,
+ iter_offset=10, max_init_step_size_iters=100):
+ """
+ Args:
+ adapt_stat_target (float): Target value for the transition statistic
+ being controlled during adaptation.
+ adapt_stat_func (Callable[[Dict[str, numeric]], numeric]): Function
+ which given a dictionary of transition statistics outputs the
+ value of the statistic to control during adaptation. By default
+ this is set to a function which simply selects the 'accept_stat'
+ value in the statistics dictionary.
+ log_step_size_reg_target (float or None): Value to regularize the
+ controlled output (logarithm of the integrator step size)
+ towards. If `None` set to `log(10 * init_step_size)` where
+ `init_step_size` is the initial 'reasonable' step size found by
+ a coarse search as recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
+ This has the effect of giving the dual averaging algorithm a
+ tendency towards testing step sizes larger than the initial
+ value, with typically integrating with a larger step size having
+ a lower computational cost.
+ log_step_size_reg_coefficient (float): Coefficient controlling
+ amount of regularisation of controlled output (logarithm of the
+ integrator step size) towards `log_step_size_reg_target`.
+ Defaults to 0.05 as recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
+ iter_decay_coeff (float): Coefficient controlling exponent of
+ decay in schedule weighting stochastic updates to smoothed log
+ step size estimate. Should be in the interval (0.5, 1] to ensure
+ asymptotic convergence of adaptation. A value of 1 gives equal
+ weight to the whole history of updates while setting to a
+ smaller value increasingly highly weights recent updates, giving
+ a tendency to 'forget' early updates. Defaults to 0.75 as
+ recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
+ iter_offset (int): Offset used for the iteration based weighting of
+ the adaptation statistic error estimate. Should be set to a
+ non-negative value. A value > 0 has the effect of stabilising
+ early iterations. Defaults to the value of 10 as recommended in
+ Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
+ max_init_step_size_iters (int): Maximum number of iterations to use
+ in initial search for a reasonable step size with an
+ `AdaptationError` exception raised if a suitable step size is
+ not found within this many iterations.
+ """
+ self.adapt_stat_target = adapt_stat_target
+ if adapt_stat_func is None:
+ def adapt_stat_func(stats): return stats['accept_stat']
+ self.adapt_stat_func = adapt_stat_func
+ self.log_step_size_reg_target = log_step_size_reg_target
+ self.log_step_size_reg_coefficient = log_step_size_reg_coefficient
+ self.iter_decay_coeff = iter_decay_coeff
+ self.iter_offset = iter_offset
+ self.max_init_step_size_iters = max_init_step_size_iters
+ def initialize(self, chain_state, transition):
+ integrator = transition.integrator
+ system = transition.system
+ adapt_state = {
+ 'iter': 0,
+ 'smoothed_log_step_size': 0.,
+ 'adapt_stat_error': 0.,
+ }
+ init_step_size = (self._find_and_set_init_step_size(
+ chain_state, system, integrator) if integrator.step_size is None
+ else integrator.step_size)
+ if self.log_step_size_reg_target is None:
+ adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] = log(10 * init_step_size)
+ else:
+ adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] = (
+ self.log_step_size_reg_target)
+ return adapt_state
+ def _find_and_set_init_step_size(self, state, system, integrator):
+ """Find initial step size by coarse search using single step statistics.
+ Adaptation of Algorithm 4 in Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
+ Compared to the Hoffman and Gelman algorithm, this version makes two
+ changes:
+ 1. The absolute value of the change in Hamiltonian over a step being
+ larger or smaller than log(2) is used to determine whether the step
+ size is too big or small as opposed to the value of the equivalent
+ Metropolis accept probability being larger or smaller than 0.5.
+ Although a negative change in the Hamiltonian over a step of
+ magnitude more than log(2) will lead to an accept probability of 1
+ for the forward move, the corresponding reversed move will have an
+ accept probability less than 0.5, and so a change in the
+ Hamiltonian over a step of magnitude more than log(2) irrespective
+ of the sign of the change is indicative of the minimum acceptance
+ probability over both forward and reversed steps being less than
+ 0.5.
+ 2. To allow for integrators for which an integrator step may fail due
+ to e.g. a convergence error in an iterative solver, the step size
+ is also considered to be too big if any of the step sizes tried in
+ the search result in a failed integrator step, with in this case
+ the step size always being decreased on subsequent steps
+ irrespective of the initial Hamiltonian error, until a integrator
+ step successfully completes and the absolute value of the change in
+ Hamiltonian is below the threshold of log(2) (corresponding to a
+ minimum acceptance probability over forward and reversed steps of
+ 0.5).
+ """
+ init_state = state.copy()
+ h_init = system.h(init_state)
+ integrator.step_size = 1
+ delta_h_threshold = log(2)
+ for s in range(self.max_init_step_size_iters):
+ try:
+ state = integrator.step(init_state)
+ delta_h = abs(h_init - system.h(state))
+ if s == 0:
+ step_size_too_big = delta_h > delta_h_threshold
+ if (step_size_too_big and delta_h <= delta_h_threshold) or (
+ not step_size_too_big and delta_h > delta_h_threshold):
+ return integrator.step_size
+ elif step_size_too_big:
+ integrator.step_size /= 2
+ else:
+ integrator.step_size *= 2
+ except IntegratorError:
+ step_size_too_big = True
+ integrator.step_size /= 2
+ raise AdaptationError(
+ f'Could not find reasonable initial step size in '
+ f'{self.max_init_step_size_iters} iterations (final step size '
+ f'{integrator.step_size}). A very large final step size may '
+ f'indicate that the target distribution is improper such that the '
+ f'negative log density is flat in one or more directions while a '
+ f'very small final step size may indicate that the density function'
+ f' is insufficiently smooth at the point initialized at.')
+ def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition):
+ adapt_state['iter'] += 1
+ error_weight = 1 / (self.iter_offset + adapt_state['iter'])
+ adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] *= (1 - error_weight)
+ adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] += error_weight * (
+ self.adapt_stat_target - self.adapt_stat_func(trans_stats))
+ smoothing_weight = (1 / adapt_state['iter'])**self.iter_decay_coeff
+ log_step_size = adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] - (
+ adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] * adapt_state['iter']**0.5 /
+ self.log_step_size_reg_coefficient)
+ adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size'] *= (1 - smoothing_weight)
+ adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size'] += (
+ smoothing_weight * log_step_size)
+ transition.integrator.step_size = exp(log_step_size)
+ def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition):
+ if isinstance(adapt_state, dict):
+ transition.integrator.step_size = exp(
+ adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size'])
+ else:
+ transition.integrator.step_size = sum(
+ exp(a['smoothed_log_step_size'])
+ for a in adapt_state) / len(adapt_state)
+class OnlineVarianceMetricAdapter(Adapter):
+ """Diagonal metric adapter using online variance estimates.
+ Uses Welford's algorithm [1] to stably compute an online estimate of the
+ sample variances of the chain state position components during sampling. If
+ online estimates are available from multiple independent chains, the final
+ variance estimate is calculated from the per-chain statistics using the
+ parallel / batched incremental variance algorithm described by Chan et al.
+ [2]. The variance estimates are optionally regularized towards a common
+ scalar value, with increasing weight for small number of samples, to
+ decrease the effect of noisy estimates for small sample sizes, following the
+ approach in Stan [3]. The metric matrix representation is set to a diagonal
+ matrix with diagonal elements corresponding to the reciprocal of the
+ (regularized) variance estimates.
+ References:
+ 1. Welford, B. P., 1962. Note on a method for calculating corrected sums
+ of squares and products. Technometrics, 4(3), pp. 419–420.
+ 2. Chan, T. F., Golub, G. H., LeVeque, R. J., 1979. Updating formulae and
+ a pairwise algorithm for computing sample variances. Technical Report
+ STAN-CS-79-773, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University.
+ 3. Carpenter, B., Gelman, A., Hoffman, M.D., Lee, D., Goodrich, B.,
+ Betancourt, M., Brubaker, M., Guo, J., Li, P. and Riddell, A., 2017.
+ Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical
+ Software, 76(1).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reg_iter_offset=5, reg_scale=1e-3):
+ """
+ Args:
+ reg_iter_offset (int): Iteration offset used for calculating
+ iteration dependent weighting between regularisation target and
+ current covariance estimate. Higher values cause stronger
+ regularisation during initial iterations. A value of zero
+ corresponds to no regularisation; this should only be used if
+ the sample covariance is guaranteed to be positive definite.
+ reg_scale (float): Positive scalar defining value variance estimates
+ are regularized towards.
+ """
+ self.reg_iter_offset = reg_iter_offset
+ self.reg_scale = reg_scale
+ def initialize(self, chain_state, transition):
+ return {
+ 'iter': 0,
+ 'mean': np.zeros_like(chain_state.pos),
+ 'sum_diff_sq': np.zeros_like(chain_state.pos)
+ }
+ def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition):
+ # Use Welford (1962) incremental algorithm to update statistics to
+ # calculate online variance estimate
+ #
+ # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Welford's_online_algorithm
+ adapt_state['iter'] += 1
+ pos_minus_mean = chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean']
+ adapt_state['mean'] += pos_minus_mean / adapt_state['iter']
+ adapt_state['sum_diff_sq'] += pos_minus_mean * (
+ chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'])
+ def _regularize_var_est(self, var_est, n_iter):
+ """Update variance estimates by regularizing towards common scalar.
+ Performed in place to prevent further array allocations.
+ """
+ if self.reg_iter_offset is not None and self.reg_iter_offset != 0:
+ var_est *= n_iter / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter)
+ var_est += self.reg_scale * (
+ self.reg_iter_offset / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter))
+ def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition):
+ if isinstance(adapt_state, dict):
+ n_iter = adapt_state['iter']
+ var_est = adapt_state.pop('sum_diff_sq')
+ else:
+ # Use Chan et al. (1979) parallel variance estimation algorithm
+ # to combine per-chain statistics
+ #
+ # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Parallel_algorithm
+ for i, a in enumerate(adapt_state):
+ if i == 0:
+ n_iter = a['iter']
+ mean_est = a.pop('mean')
+ var_est = a.pop('sum_diff_sq')
+ else:
+ n_iter_prev = n_iter
+ n_iter += a['iter']
+ mean_diff = mean_est - a['mean']
+ mean_est *= n_iter_prev
+ mean_est += a['iter'] * a['mean']
+ mean_est /= n_iter
+ var_est += a['sum_diff_sq']
+ var_est += mean_diff**2 * (a['iter'] * n_iter_prev) / n_iter
+ if n_iter < 2:
+ raise AdaptationError(
+ 'At least two chain samples required to compute a variance '
+ 'estimates.')
+ var_est /= (n_iter - 1)
+ self._regularize_var_est(var_est, n_iter)
+ transition.system.metric = PositiveDiagonalMatrix(var_est).inv
+class OnlineCovarianceMetricAdapter(Adapter):
+ """Dense metric adapter using online covariance estimates.
+ Uses Welford's algorithm [1] to stably compute an online estimate of the
+ sample covariane matrix of the chain state position components during
+ sampling. If online estimates are available from multiple independent
+ chains, the final covariance matrix estimate is calculated from the
+ per-chain statistics using a covariance variant due to Schubert and Gertz
+ [2] of the parallel / batched incremental variance algorithm described by
+ Chan et al. [3]. The covariance matrix estimates are optionally regularized
+ towards a scaled identity matrix, with increasing weight for small number of
+ samples, to decrease the effect of noisy estimates for small sample sizes,
+ following the approach in Stan [4]. The metric matrix representation is set
+ to a dense positive definite matrix corresponding to the inverse of the
+ (regularized) covariance matrix estimate.
+ References:
+ 1. Welford, B. P., 1962. Note on a method for calculating corrected sums
+ of squares and products. Technometrics, 4(3), pp. 419–420.
+ 2. Schubert, E. and Gertz, M., 2018. Numerically stable parallel
+ computation of (co-)variance. ACM. p. 10. doi:10.1145/3221269.3223036.
+ 3. Chan, T. F., Golub, G. H., LeVeque, R. J., 1979. Updating formulae and
+ a pairwise algorithm for computing sample variances. Technical Report
+ STAN-CS-79-773, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University.
+ 4. Carpenter, B., Gelman, A., Hoffman, M.D., Lee, D., Goodrich, B.,
+ Betancourt, M., Brubaker, M., Guo, J., Li, P. and Riddell, A., 2017.
+ Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical
+ Software, 76(1).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, reg_iter_offset=5, reg_scale=1e-3):
+ """
+ Args:
+ reg_iter_offset (int): Iteration offset used for calculating
+ iteration dependent weighting between regularisation target and
+ current covariance estimate. Higher values cause stronger
+ regularisation during initial iterations.
+ reg_scale (float): Positive scalar defining value variance estimates
+ are regularized towards.
+ """
+ self.reg_iter_offset = reg_iter_offset
+ self.reg_scale = reg_scale
+ def initialize(self, chain_state, transition):
+ dim_pos = chain_state.pos.shape[0]
+ dtype = chain_state.pos.dtype
+ return {
+ 'iter': 0,
+ 'mean': np.zeros(shape=(dim_pos,), dtype=dtype),
+ 'sum_diff_outer': np.zeros(shape=(dim_pos, dim_pos), dtype=dtype)
+ }
+ def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition):
+ # Use Welford (1962) incremental algorithm to update statistics to
+ # calculate online covariance estimate
+ #
+ # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Online
+ adapt_state['iter'] += 1
+ pos_minus_mean = chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean']
+ adapt_state['mean'] += pos_minus_mean / adapt_state['iter']
+ adapt_state['sum_diff_outer'] += pos_minus_mean[None, :] * (
+ chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'])[:, None]
+ def _regularize_covar_est(self, covar_est, n_iter):
+ """Update covariance estimate by regularising towards identity.
+ Performed in place to prevent further array allocations.
+ """
+ covar_est *= (n_iter / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter))
+ covar_est_diagonal = np.einsum('ii->i', covar_est)
+ covar_est_diagonal += self.reg_scale * (
+ self.reg_iter_offset / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter))
+ def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition):
+ if isinstance(adapt_state, dict):
+ n_iter = adapt_state['iter']
+ covar_est = adapt_state.pop('sum_diff_outer')
+ else:
+ # Use Schubert and Gertz (2018) parallel covariance estimation
+ # algorithm to combine per-chain statistics
+ for i, a in enumerate(adapt_state):
+ if i == 0:
+ n_iter = a['iter']
+ mean_est = a.pop('mean')
+ covar_est = a.pop('sum_diff_outer')
+ else:
+ n_iter_prev = n_iter
+ n_iter += a['iter']
+ mean_diff = mean_est - a['mean']
+ mean_est *= n_iter_prev
+ mean_est += a['iter'] * a['mean']
+ mean_est /= n_iter
+ covar_est += a['sum_diff_outer']
+ covar_est += np.outer(mean_diff, mean_diff) * (
+ a['iter'] * n_iter_prev) / n_iter
+ if n_iter < 2:
+ raise AdaptationError(
+ 'At least two chain samples required to compute a variance '
+ 'estimates.')
+ covar_est /= (n_iter - 1)
+ self._regularize_covar_est(covar_est, n_iter)
+ transition.system.metric = DensePositiveDefiniteMatrix(covar_est).inv
+class Adapter +(*args, **kwargs) +
+Abstract adapter for implementing schemes to adapt transition parameters.
+Adaptation schemes are assumed to be based on updating a collection of +adaptation variables (collectively termed the adapter state here) after +each chain transition based on the sampled chain state and/or statistics of +the transition such as an acceptance probability statistic. After completing +a chain of one or more adaptive transitions, the final adapter state may be +used to perform a final update to the transition parameters.
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+class Adapter(ABC): + """Abstract adapter for implementing schemes to adapt transition parameters. + + Adaptation schemes are assumed to be based on updating a collection of + adaptation variables (collectively termed the adapter state here) after + each chain transition based on the sampled chain state and/or statistics of + the transition such as an acceptance probability statistic. After completing + a chain of one or more adaptive transitions, the final adapter state may be + used to perform a final update to the transition parameters. + """ + + @abstractmethod + def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + """Initialize adapter state prior to starting adaptive transitions. + + Args: + chain_state (mici.states.ChainState): Initial chain state adaptive + transition will be started from. May be used to calculate + initial adapter state but should not be mutated by method. + transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being + adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be + updated in-place by the method. + + Returns: + adapt_state (Dict[str, Any]): Initial adapter state. + """ + + @abstractmethod + def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + """Update adapter state after sampling transition being adapted. + + Args: + adapt_state (Dict[str, Any]): Current adapter state. Entries will + be updated in-place by the method. + chain_state (mici.states.ChainState): Current chain state following + sampling from transition being adapted. May be used to calculate + adapter state updates but should not be mutated by method. + trans_stats (Dict[str, numeric]): Dictionary of statistics + associated with transition being adapted. May be used to + calculate adapter state updates but should not be mutated by + method. + transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being + adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be + updated in-place by the method. + """ + + @abstractmethod + def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + """Update transition parameters based on final adapter state or states. + + Optionally, if multiple adapter states are available, e.g. from a set of + independent adaptive chains, then these adaptation information from all + the chains may be combined to set the transition parameter(s). + + Args: + adapt_state (Dict[str, Any] or List[Dict[str, Any]]): Final adapter + state or a list of adapter states. Arrays / buffers associated + with the adapter state entries may be recycled to reduce memory + usage - if so the corresponding entries will be removed from + the adapter state dictionary / dictionaries. + transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being + adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects will be + updated in-place by the method. + """
- abc.ABC +
+ +Methods
+def initialize(self, chain_state, transition) +
+Initialize adapter state prior to starting adaptive transitions.
+- Initial chain state adaptive +transition will be started from. May be used to calculate +initial adapter state but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
+- Initial adapter state. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+@abstractmethod +def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + """Initialize adapter state prior to starting adaptive transitions. + + Args: + chain_state (mici.states.ChainState): Initial chain state adaptive + transition will be started from. May be used to calculate + initial adapter state but should not be mutated by method. + transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being + adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be + updated in-place by the method. + + Returns: + adapt_state (Dict[str, Any]): Initial adapter state. + """
+ +def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition) +
+Update adapter state after sampling transition being adapted.
+- Current adapter state. Entries will +be updated in-place by the method. +
+- Current chain state following +sampling from transition being adapted. May be used to calculate +adapter state updates but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Dictionary of statistics +associated with transition being adapted. May be used to +calculate adapter state updates but should not be mutated by +method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+@abstractmethod +def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + """Update adapter state after sampling transition being adapted. + + Args: + adapt_state (Dict[str, Any]): Current adapter state. Entries will + be updated in-place by the method. + chain_state (mici.states.ChainState): Current chain state following + sampling from transition being adapted. May be used to calculate + adapter state updates but should not be mutated by method. + trans_stats (Dict[str, numeric]): Dictionary of statistics + associated with transition being adapted. May be used to + calculate adapter state updates but should not be mutated by + method. + transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being + adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be + updated in-place by the method. + """
+ +def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition) +
+Update transition parameters based on final adapter state or states.
+Optionally, if multiple adapter states are available, e.g. from a set of +independent adaptive chains, then these adaptation information from all +the chains may be combined to set the transition parameter(s).
] orList
+- Final adapter +state or a list of adapter states. Arrays / buffers associated +with the adapter state entries may be recycled to reduce memory +usage - if so the corresponding entries will be removed from +the adapter state dictionary / dictionaries. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects will be +updated in-place by the method. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+@abstractmethod +def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + """Update transition parameters based on final adapter state or states. + + Optionally, if multiple adapter states are available, e.g. from a set of + independent adaptive chains, then these adaptation information from all + the chains may be combined to set the transition parameter(s). + + Args: + adapt_state (Dict[str, Any] or List[Dict[str, Any]]): Final adapter + state or a list of adapter states. Arrays / buffers associated + with the adapter state entries may be recycled to reduce memory + usage - if so the corresponding entries will be removed from + the adapter state dictionary / dictionaries. + transition (mici.transitions.Transition): Markov transition being + adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects will be + updated in-place by the method. + """
+ +class DualAveragingStepSizeAdapter +(adapt_stat_target=0.8, adapt_stat_func=None, log_step_size_reg_target=None, log_step_size_reg_coefficient=0.05, iter_decay_coeff=0.75, iter_offset=10, max_init_step_size_iters=100) +
+Dual averaging integrator step size adapter.
+Implementation of the dual algorithm step size adaptation algorithm +described in [1], a modified version of the stochastic optimisation scheme +of [2]. By default the adaptation is performed to control the
+statistic of an integration transition to be close to a target value but +the statistic adapted on can be altered by changing theadapt_stat_func
- Hoffman, M.D. and Gelman, A., 2014. The No-U-turn sampler: +adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. +Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), pp.1593-1623. +
- Nesterov, Y., 2009. Primal-dual subgradient methods for convex +problems. Mathematical programming 120(1), pp.221-259. +
+- Target value for the transition statistic +being controlled during adaptation. +
+- Function +which given a dictionary of transition statistics outputs the +value of the statistic to control during adaptation. By default +this is set to a function which simply selects the 'accept_stat' +value in the statistics dictionary. +
+- Value to regularize the
+controlled output (logarithm of the integrator step size)
+towards. If
set tolog(10 * init_step_size)
where +init_step_size
is the initial 'reasonable' step size found by +a coarse search as recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014). +This has the effect of giving the dual averaging algorithm a +tendency towards testing step sizes larger than the initial +value, with typically integrating with a larger step size having +a lower computational cost.
+ log_step_size_reg_coefficient
+- Coefficient controlling
+amount of regularisation of controlled output (logarithm of the
+integrator step size) towards
. +Defaults to 0.05 as recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
+ iter_decay_coeff
+- Coefficient controlling exponent of +decay in schedule weighting stochastic updates to smoothed log +step size estimate. Should be in the interval (0.5, 1] to ensure +asymptotic convergence of adaptation. A value of 1 gives equal +weight to the whole history of updates while setting to a +smaller value increasingly highly weights recent updates, giving +a tendency to 'forget' early updates. Defaults to 0.75 as +recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014). +
+- Offset used for the iteration based weighting of +the adaptation statistic error estimate. Should be set to a +non-negative value. A value > 0 has the effect of stabilising +early iterations. Defaults to the value of 10 as recommended in +Hoffman and Gelman (2014). +
+- Maximum number of iterations to use
+in initial search for a reasonable step size with an
exception raised if a suitable step size is +not found within this many iterations.
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+class DualAveragingStepSizeAdapter(Adapter): + """Dual averaging integrator step size adapter. + + Implementation of the dual algorithm step size adaptation algorithm + described in [1], a modified version of the stochastic optimisation scheme + of [2]. By default the adaptation is performed to control the `accept_prob` + statistic of an integration transition to be close to a target value but + the statistic adapted on can be altered by changing the `adapt_stat_func`. + + + References: + + 1. Hoffman, M.D. and Gelman, A., 2014. The No-U-turn sampler: + adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. + Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), pp.1593-1623. + 2. Nesterov, Y., 2009. Primal-dual subgradient methods for convex + problems. Mathematical programming 120(1), pp.221-259. + """ + + def __init__(self, adapt_stat_target=0.8, adapt_stat_func=None, + log_step_size_reg_target=None, + log_step_size_reg_coefficient=0.05, iter_decay_coeff=0.75, + iter_offset=10, max_init_step_size_iters=100): + """ + Args: + adapt_stat_target (float): Target value for the transition statistic + being controlled during adaptation. + adapt_stat_func (Callable[[Dict[str, numeric]], numeric]): Function + which given a dictionary of transition statistics outputs the + value of the statistic to control during adaptation. By default + this is set to a function which simply selects the 'accept_stat' + value in the statistics dictionary. + log_step_size_reg_target (float or None): Value to regularize the + controlled output (logarithm of the integrator step size) + towards. If `None` set to `log(10 * init_step_size)` where + `init_step_size` is the initial 'reasonable' step size found by + a coarse search as recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014). + This has the effect of giving the dual averaging algorithm a + tendency towards testing step sizes larger than the initial + value, with typically integrating with a larger step size having + a lower computational cost. + log_step_size_reg_coefficient (float): Coefficient controlling + amount of regularisation of controlled output (logarithm of the + integrator step size) towards `log_step_size_reg_target`. + Defaults to 0.05 as recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014). + iter_decay_coeff (float): Coefficient controlling exponent of + decay in schedule weighting stochastic updates to smoothed log + step size estimate. Should be in the interval (0.5, 1] to ensure + asymptotic convergence of adaptation. A value of 1 gives equal + weight to the whole history of updates while setting to a + smaller value increasingly highly weights recent updates, giving + a tendency to 'forget' early updates. Defaults to 0.75 as + recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014). + iter_offset (int): Offset used for the iteration based weighting of + the adaptation statistic error estimate. Should be set to a + non-negative value. A value > 0 has the effect of stabilising + early iterations. Defaults to the value of 10 as recommended in + Hoffman and Gelman (2014). + max_init_step_size_iters (int): Maximum number of iterations to use + in initial search for a reasonable step size with an + `AdaptationError` exception raised if a suitable step size is + not found within this many iterations. + """ + self.adapt_stat_target = adapt_stat_target + if adapt_stat_func is None: + def adapt_stat_func(stats): return stats['accept_stat'] + self.adapt_stat_func = adapt_stat_func + self.log_step_size_reg_target = log_step_size_reg_target + self.log_step_size_reg_coefficient = log_step_size_reg_coefficient + self.iter_decay_coeff = iter_decay_coeff + self.iter_offset = iter_offset + self.max_init_step_size_iters = max_init_step_size_iters + + def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + integrator = transition.integrator + system = transition.system + adapt_state = { + 'iter': 0, + 'smoothed_log_step_size': 0., + 'adapt_stat_error': 0., + } + init_step_size = (self._find_and_set_init_step_size( + chain_state, system, integrator) if integrator.step_size is None + else integrator.step_size) + if self.log_step_size_reg_target is None: + adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] = log(10 * init_step_size) + else: + adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] = ( + self.log_step_size_reg_target) + return adapt_state + + def _find_and_set_init_step_size(self, state, system, integrator): + """Find initial step size by coarse search using single step statistics. + + Adaptation of Algorithm 4 in Hoffman and Gelman (2014). + + Compared to the Hoffman and Gelman algorithm, this version makes two + changes: + + 1. The absolute value of the change in Hamiltonian over a step being + larger or smaller than log(2) is used to determine whether the step + size is too big or small as opposed to the value of the equivalent + Metropolis accept probability being larger or smaller than 0.5. + Although a negative change in the Hamiltonian over a step of + magnitude more than log(2) will lead to an accept probability of 1 + for the forward move, the corresponding reversed move will have an + accept probability less than 0.5, and so a change in the + Hamiltonian over a step of magnitude more than log(2) irrespective + of the sign of the change is indicative of the minimum acceptance + probability over both forward and reversed steps being less than + 0.5. + 2. To allow for integrators for which an integrator step may fail due + to e.g. a convergence error in an iterative solver, the step size + is also considered to be too big if any of the step sizes tried in + the search result in a failed integrator step, with in this case + the step size always being decreased on subsequent steps + irrespective of the initial Hamiltonian error, until a integrator + step successfully completes and the absolute value of the change in + Hamiltonian is below the threshold of log(2) (corresponding to a + minimum acceptance probability over forward and reversed steps of + 0.5). + """ + init_state = state.copy() + h_init = system.h(init_state) + integrator.step_size = 1 + delta_h_threshold = log(2) + for s in range(self.max_init_step_size_iters): + try: + state = integrator.step(init_state) + delta_h = abs(h_init - system.h(state)) + if s == 0: + step_size_too_big = delta_h > delta_h_threshold + if (step_size_too_big and delta_h <= delta_h_threshold) or ( + not step_size_too_big and delta_h > delta_h_threshold): + return integrator.step_size + elif step_size_too_big: + integrator.step_size /= 2 + else: + integrator.step_size *= 2 + except IntegratorError: + step_size_too_big = True + integrator.step_size /= 2 + raise AdaptationError( + f'Could not find reasonable initial step size in ' + f'{self.max_init_step_size_iters} iterations (final step size ' + f'{integrator.step_size}). A very large final step size may ' + f'indicate that the target distribution is improper such that the ' + f'negative log density is flat in one or more directions while a ' + f'very small final step size may indicate that the density function' + f' is insufficiently smooth at the point initialized at.') + + def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + adapt_state['iter'] += 1 + error_weight = 1 / (self.iter_offset + adapt_state['iter']) + adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] *= (1 - error_weight) + adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] += error_weight * ( + self.adapt_stat_target - self.adapt_stat_func(trans_stats)) + smoothing_weight = (1 / adapt_state['iter'])**self.iter_decay_coeff + log_step_size = adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] - ( + adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] * adapt_state['iter']**0.5 / + self.log_step_size_reg_coefficient) + adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size'] *= (1 - smoothing_weight) + adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size'] += ( + smoothing_weight * log_step_size) + transition.integrator.step_size = exp(log_step_size) + + def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + if isinstance(adapt_state, dict): + transition.integrator.step_size = exp( + adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size']) + else: + transition.integrator.step_size = sum( + exp(a['smoothed_log_step_size']) + for a in adapt_state) / len(adapt_state)
- Adapter +
- abc.ABC +
+def initialize(self, chain_state, transition) +
+Initialize adapter state prior to starting adaptive transitions.
+- Initial chain state adaptive +transition will be started from. May be used to calculate +initial adapter state but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
+- Initial adapter state. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + integrator = transition.integrator + system = transition.system + adapt_state = { + 'iter': 0, + 'smoothed_log_step_size': 0., + 'adapt_stat_error': 0., + } + init_step_size = (self._find_and_set_init_step_size( + chain_state, system, integrator) if integrator.step_size is None + else integrator.step_size) + if self.log_step_size_reg_target is None: + adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] = log(10 * init_step_size) + else: + adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] = ( + self.log_step_size_reg_target) + return adapt_state
+ +def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition) +
+Update adapter state after sampling transition being adapted.
+- Current adapter state. Entries will +be updated in-place by the method. +
+- Current chain state following +sampling from transition being adapted. May be used to calculate +adapter state updates but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Dictionary of statistics +associated with transition being adapted. May be used to +calculate adapter state updates but should not be mutated by +method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + adapt_state['iter'] += 1 + error_weight = 1 / (self.iter_offset + adapt_state['iter']) + adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] *= (1 - error_weight) + adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] += error_weight * ( + self.adapt_stat_target - self.adapt_stat_func(trans_stats)) + smoothing_weight = (1 / adapt_state['iter'])**self.iter_decay_coeff + log_step_size = adapt_state['log_step_size_reg_target'] - ( + adapt_state['adapt_stat_error'] * adapt_state['iter']**0.5 / + self.log_step_size_reg_coefficient) + adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size'] *= (1 - smoothing_weight) + adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size'] += ( + smoothing_weight * log_step_size) + transition.integrator.step_size = exp(log_step_size)
+ +def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition) +
+Update transition parameters based on final adapter state or states.
+Optionally, if multiple adapter states are available, e.g. from a set of +independent adaptive chains, then these adaptation information from all +the chains may be combined to set the transition parameter(s).
] orList
+- Final adapter +state or a list of adapter states. Arrays / buffers associated +with the adapter state entries may be recycled to reduce memory +usage - if so the corresponding entries will be removed from +the adapter state dictionary / dictionaries. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects will be +updated in-place by the method. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + if isinstance(adapt_state, dict): + transition.integrator.step_size = exp( + adapt_state['smoothed_log_step_size']) + else: + transition.integrator.step_size = sum( + exp(a['smoothed_log_step_size']) + for a in adapt_state) / len(adapt_state)
+ +class OnlineVarianceMetricAdapter +(reg_iter_offset=5, reg_scale=0.001) +
+Diagonal metric adapter using online variance estimates.
+Uses Welford's algorithm [1] to stably compute an online estimate of the +sample variances of the chain state position components during sampling. If +online estimates are available from multiple independent chains, the final +variance estimate is calculated from the per-chain statistics using the +parallel / batched incremental variance algorithm described by Chan et al. +[2]. The variance estimates are optionally regularized towards a common +scalar value, with increasing weight for small number of samples, to +decrease the effect of noisy estimates for small sample sizes, following the +approach in Stan [3]. The metric matrix representation is set to a diagonal +matrix with diagonal elements corresponding to the reciprocal of the +(regularized) variance estimates.
- Welford, B. P., 1962. Note on a method for calculating corrected sums +of squares and products. Technometrics, 4(3), pp. 419–420. +
- Chan, T. F., Golub, G. H., LeVeque, R. J., 1979. Updating formulae and +a pairwise algorithm for computing sample variances. Technical Report +STAN-CS-79-773, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University. +
- Carpenter, B., Gelman, A., Hoffman, M.D., Lee, D., Goodrich, B., +Betancourt, M., Brubaker, M., Guo, J., Li, P. and Riddell, A., 2017. +Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical +Software, 76(1). +
+- Iteration offset used for calculating +iteration dependent weighting between regularisation target and +current covariance estimate. Higher values cause stronger +regularisation during initial iterations. A value of zero +corresponds to no regularisation; this should only be used if +the sample covariance is guaranteed to be positive definite. +
+- Positive scalar defining value variance estimates +are regularized towards. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+class OnlineVarianceMetricAdapter(Adapter): + """Diagonal metric adapter using online variance estimates. + + Uses Welford's algorithm [1] to stably compute an online estimate of the + sample variances of the chain state position components during sampling. If + online estimates are available from multiple independent chains, the final + variance estimate is calculated from the per-chain statistics using the + parallel / batched incremental variance algorithm described by Chan et al. + [2]. The variance estimates are optionally regularized towards a common + scalar value, with increasing weight for small number of samples, to + decrease the effect of noisy estimates for small sample sizes, following the + approach in Stan [3]. The metric matrix representation is set to a diagonal + matrix with diagonal elements corresponding to the reciprocal of the + (regularized) variance estimates. + + References: + + 1. Welford, B. P., 1962. Note on a method for calculating corrected sums + of squares and products. Technometrics, 4(3), pp. 419–420. + 2. Chan, T. F., Golub, G. H., LeVeque, R. J., 1979. Updating formulae and + a pairwise algorithm for computing sample variances. Technical Report + STAN-CS-79-773, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University. + 3. Carpenter, B., Gelman, A., Hoffman, M.D., Lee, D., Goodrich, B., + Betancourt, M., Brubaker, M., Guo, J., Li, P. and Riddell, A., 2017. + Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical + Software, 76(1). + """ + + def __init__(self, reg_iter_offset=5, reg_scale=1e-3): + """ + Args: + reg_iter_offset (int): Iteration offset used for calculating + iteration dependent weighting between regularisation target and + current covariance estimate. Higher values cause stronger + regularisation during initial iterations. A value of zero + corresponds to no regularisation; this should only be used if + the sample covariance is guaranteed to be positive definite. + reg_scale (float): Positive scalar defining value variance estimates + are regularized towards. + """ + self.reg_iter_offset = reg_iter_offset + self.reg_scale = reg_scale + + def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + return { + 'iter': 0, + 'mean': np.zeros_like(chain_state.pos), + 'sum_diff_sq': np.zeros_like(chain_state.pos) + } + + def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + # Use Welford (1962) incremental algorithm to update statistics to + # calculate online variance estimate + # + # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Welford's_online_algorithm + adapt_state['iter'] += 1 + pos_minus_mean = chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'] + adapt_state['mean'] += pos_minus_mean / adapt_state['iter'] + adapt_state['sum_diff_sq'] += pos_minus_mean * ( + chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean']) + + def _regularize_var_est(self, var_est, n_iter): + """Update variance estimates by regularizing towards common scalar. + + Performed in place to prevent further array allocations. + """ + if self.reg_iter_offset is not None and self.reg_iter_offset != 0: + var_est *= n_iter / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter) + var_est += self.reg_scale * ( + self.reg_iter_offset / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter)) + + def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + if isinstance(adapt_state, dict): + n_iter = adapt_state['iter'] + var_est = adapt_state.pop('sum_diff_sq') + else: + # Use Chan et al. (1979) parallel variance estimation algorithm + # to combine per-chain statistics + # + # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Parallel_algorithm + for i, a in enumerate(adapt_state): + if i == 0: + n_iter = a['iter'] + mean_est = a.pop('mean') + var_est = a.pop('sum_diff_sq') + else: + n_iter_prev = n_iter + n_iter += a['iter'] + mean_diff = mean_est - a['mean'] + mean_est *= n_iter_prev + mean_est += a['iter'] * a['mean'] + mean_est /= n_iter + var_est += a['sum_diff_sq'] + var_est += mean_diff**2 * (a['iter'] * n_iter_prev) / n_iter + if n_iter < 2: + raise AdaptationError( + 'At least two chain samples required to compute a variance ' + 'estimates.') + var_est /= (n_iter - 1) + self._regularize_var_est(var_est, n_iter) + transition.system.metric = PositiveDiagonalMatrix(var_est).inv
- Adapter +
- abc.ABC +
+def initialize(self, chain_state, transition) +
+Initialize adapter state prior to starting adaptive transitions.
+- Initial chain state adaptive +transition will be started from. May be used to calculate +initial adapter state but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
+- Initial adapter state. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + return { + 'iter': 0, + 'mean': np.zeros_like(chain_state.pos), + 'sum_diff_sq': np.zeros_like(chain_state.pos) + }
+ +def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition) +
+Update adapter state after sampling transition being adapted.
+- Current adapter state. Entries will +be updated in-place by the method. +
+- Current chain state following +sampling from transition being adapted. May be used to calculate +adapter state updates but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Dictionary of statistics +associated with transition being adapted. May be used to +calculate adapter state updates but should not be mutated by +method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + # Use Welford (1962) incremental algorithm to update statistics to + # calculate online variance estimate + # + # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Welford's_online_algorithm + adapt_state['iter'] += 1 + pos_minus_mean = chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'] + adapt_state['mean'] += pos_minus_mean / adapt_state['iter'] + adapt_state['sum_diff_sq'] += pos_minus_mean * ( + chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'])
+ +def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition) +
+Update transition parameters based on final adapter state or states.
+Optionally, if multiple adapter states are available, e.g. from a set of +independent adaptive chains, then these adaptation information from all +the chains may be combined to set the transition parameter(s).
] orList
+- Final adapter +state or a list of adapter states. Arrays / buffers associated +with the adapter state entries may be recycled to reduce memory +usage - if so the corresponding entries will be removed from +the adapter state dictionary / dictionaries. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects will be +updated in-place by the method. +
+++Expand source code +Browse git +
+def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + if isinstance(adapt_state, dict): + n_iter = adapt_state['iter'] + var_est = adapt_state.pop('sum_diff_sq') + else: + # Use Chan et al. (1979) parallel variance estimation algorithm + # to combine per-chain statistics + # + # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Parallel_algorithm + for i, a in enumerate(adapt_state): + if i == 0: + n_iter = a['iter'] + mean_est = a.pop('mean') + var_est = a.pop('sum_diff_sq') + else: + n_iter_prev = n_iter + n_iter += a['iter'] + mean_diff = mean_est - a['mean'] + mean_est *= n_iter_prev + mean_est += a['iter'] * a['mean'] + mean_est /= n_iter + var_est += a['sum_diff_sq'] + var_est += mean_diff**2 * (a['iter'] * n_iter_prev) / n_iter + if n_iter < 2: + raise AdaptationError( + 'At least two chain samples required to compute a variance ' + 'estimates.') + var_est /= (n_iter - 1) + self._regularize_var_est(var_est, n_iter) + transition.system.metric = PositiveDiagonalMatrix(var_est).inv
+ +class OnlineCovarianceMetricAdapter +(reg_iter_offset=5, reg_scale=0.001) +
+Dense metric adapter using online covariance estimates.
+Uses Welford's algorithm [1] to stably compute an online estimate of the +sample covariane matrix of the chain state position components during +sampling. If online estimates are available from multiple independent +chains, the final covariance matrix estimate is calculated from the +per-chain statistics using a covariance variant due to Schubert and Gertz +[2] of the parallel / batched incremental variance algorithm described by +Chan et al. [3]. The covariance matrix estimates are optionally regularized +towards a scaled identity matrix, with increasing weight for small number of +samples, to decrease the effect of noisy estimates for small sample sizes, +following the approach in Stan [4]. The metric matrix representation is set +to a dense positive definite matrix corresponding to the inverse of the +(regularized) covariance matrix estimate.
- Welford, B. P., 1962. Note on a method for calculating corrected sums +of squares and products. Technometrics, 4(3), pp. 419–420. +
- Schubert, E. and Gertz, M., 2018. Numerically stable parallel +computation of (co-)variance. ACM. p. 10. doi:10.1145/3221269.3223036. +
- Chan, T. F., Golub, G. H., LeVeque, R. J., 1979. Updating formulae and +a pairwise algorithm for computing sample variances. Technical Report +STAN-CS-79-773, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University. +
- Carpenter, B., Gelman, A., Hoffman, M.D., Lee, D., Goodrich, B., +Betancourt, M., Brubaker, M., Guo, J., Li, P. and Riddell, A., 2017. +Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical +Software, 76(1). +
+- Iteration offset used for calculating +iteration dependent weighting between regularisation target and +current covariance estimate. Higher values cause stronger +regularisation during initial iterations. +
+- Positive scalar defining value variance estimates +are regularized towards. +
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+class OnlineCovarianceMetricAdapter(Adapter): + """Dense metric adapter using online covariance estimates. + + Uses Welford's algorithm [1] to stably compute an online estimate of the + sample covariane matrix of the chain state position components during + sampling. If online estimates are available from multiple independent + chains, the final covariance matrix estimate is calculated from the + per-chain statistics using a covariance variant due to Schubert and Gertz + [2] of the parallel / batched incremental variance algorithm described by + Chan et al. [3]. The covariance matrix estimates are optionally regularized + towards a scaled identity matrix, with increasing weight for small number of + samples, to decrease the effect of noisy estimates for small sample sizes, + following the approach in Stan [4]. The metric matrix representation is set + to a dense positive definite matrix corresponding to the inverse of the + (regularized) covariance matrix estimate. + + + References: + + 1. Welford, B. P., 1962. Note on a method for calculating corrected sums + of squares and products. Technometrics, 4(3), pp. 419–420. + 2. Schubert, E. and Gertz, M., 2018. Numerically stable parallel + computation of (co-)variance. ACM. p. 10. doi:10.1145/3221269.3223036. + 3. Chan, T. F., Golub, G. H., LeVeque, R. J., 1979. Updating formulae and + a pairwise algorithm for computing sample variances. Technical Report + STAN-CS-79-773, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University. + 4. Carpenter, B., Gelman, A., Hoffman, M.D., Lee, D., Goodrich, B., + Betancourt, M., Brubaker, M., Guo, J., Li, P. and Riddell, A., 2017. + Stan: A probabilistic programming language. Journal of Statistical + Software, 76(1). + """ + + def __init__(self, reg_iter_offset=5, reg_scale=1e-3): + """ + Args: + reg_iter_offset (int): Iteration offset used for calculating + iteration dependent weighting between regularisation target and + current covariance estimate. Higher values cause stronger + regularisation during initial iterations. + reg_scale (float): Positive scalar defining value variance estimates + are regularized towards. + """ + self.reg_iter_offset = reg_iter_offset + self.reg_scale = reg_scale + + def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + dim_pos = chain_state.pos.shape[0] + dtype = chain_state.pos.dtype + return { + 'iter': 0, + 'mean': np.zeros(shape=(dim_pos,), dtype=dtype), + 'sum_diff_outer': np.zeros(shape=(dim_pos, dim_pos), dtype=dtype) + } + + def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + # Use Welford (1962) incremental algorithm to update statistics to + # calculate online covariance estimate + # + # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Online + adapt_state['iter'] += 1 + pos_minus_mean = chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'] + adapt_state['mean'] += pos_minus_mean / adapt_state['iter'] + adapt_state['sum_diff_outer'] += pos_minus_mean[None, :] * ( + chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'])[:, None] + + def _regularize_covar_est(self, covar_est, n_iter): + """Update covariance estimate by regularising towards identity. + + Performed in place to prevent further array allocations. + """ + covar_est *= (n_iter / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter)) + covar_est_diagonal = np.einsum('ii->i', covar_est) + covar_est_diagonal += self.reg_scale * ( + self.reg_iter_offset / (self.reg_iter_offset + n_iter)) + + def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + if isinstance(adapt_state, dict): + n_iter = adapt_state['iter'] + covar_est = adapt_state.pop('sum_diff_outer') + else: + # Use Schubert and Gertz (2018) parallel covariance estimation + # algorithm to combine per-chain statistics + for i, a in enumerate(adapt_state): + if i == 0: + n_iter = a['iter'] + mean_est = a.pop('mean') + covar_est = a.pop('sum_diff_outer') + else: + n_iter_prev = n_iter + n_iter += a['iter'] + mean_diff = mean_est - a['mean'] + mean_est *= n_iter_prev + mean_est += a['iter'] * a['mean'] + mean_est /= n_iter + covar_est += a['sum_diff_outer'] + covar_est += np.outer(mean_diff, mean_diff) * ( + a['iter'] * n_iter_prev) / n_iter + if n_iter < 2: + raise AdaptationError( + 'At least two chain samples required to compute a variance ' + 'estimates.') + covar_est /= (n_iter - 1) + self._regularize_covar_est(covar_est, n_iter) + transition.system.metric = DensePositiveDefiniteMatrix(covar_est).inv
- Adapter +
- abc.ABC +
+def initialize(self, chain_state, transition) +
+Initialize adapter state prior to starting adaptive transitions.
+- Initial chain state adaptive +transition will be started from. May be used to calculate +initial adapter state but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
+- Initial adapter state. +
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+def initialize(self, chain_state, transition): + dim_pos = chain_state.pos.shape[0] + dtype = chain_state.pos.dtype + return { + 'iter': 0, + 'mean': np.zeros(shape=(dim_pos,), dtype=dtype), + 'sum_diff_outer': np.zeros(shape=(dim_pos, dim_pos), dtype=dtype) + }
+ +def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition) +
+Update adapter state after sampling transition being adapted.
+- Current adapter state. Entries will +be updated in-place by the method. +
+- Current chain state following +sampling from transition being adapted. May be used to calculate +adapter state updates but should not be mutated by method. +
+- Dictionary of statistics +associated with transition being adapted. May be used to +calculate adapter state updates but should not be mutated by +method. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects may be +updated in-place by the method. +
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+def update(self, adapt_state, chain_state, trans_stats, transition): + # Use Welford (1962) incremental algorithm to update statistics to + # calculate online covariance estimate + # + # Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#Online + adapt_state['iter'] += 1 + pos_minus_mean = chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'] + adapt_state['mean'] += pos_minus_mean / adapt_state['iter'] + adapt_state['sum_diff_outer'] += pos_minus_mean[None, :] * ( + chain_state.pos - adapt_state['mean'])[:, None]
+ +def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition) +
+Update transition parameters based on final adapter state or states.
+Optionally, if multiple adapter states are available, e.g. from a set of +independent adaptive chains, then these adaptation information from all +the chains may be combined to set the transition parameter(s).
] orList
+- Final adapter +state or a list of adapter states. Arrays / buffers associated +with the adapter state entries may be recycled to reduce memory +usage - if so the corresponding entries will be removed from +the adapter state dictionary / dictionaries. +
+- Markov transition being +adapted. Attributes of the transition or child objects will be +updated in-place by the method. +
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+def finalize(self, adapt_state, transition): + if isinstance(adapt_state, dict): + n_iter = adapt_state['iter'] + covar_est = adapt_state.pop('sum_diff_outer') + else: + # Use Schubert and Gertz (2018) parallel covariance estimation + # algorithm to combine per-chain statistics + for i, a in enumerate(adapt_state): + if i == 0: + n_iter = a['iter'] + mean_est = a.pop('mean') + covar_est = a.pop('sum_diff_outer') + else: + n_iter_prev = n_iter + n_iter += a['iter'] + mean_diff = mean_est - a['mean'] + mean_est *= n_iter_prev + mean_est += a['iter'] * a['mean'] + mean_est /= n_iter + covar_est += a['sum_diff_outer'] + covar_est += np.outer(mean_diff, mean_diff) * ( + a['iter'] * n_iter_prev) / n_iter + if n_iter < 2: + raise AdaptationError( + 'At least two chain samples required to compute a variance ' + 'estimates.') + covar_est /= (n_iter - 1) + self._regularize_covar_est(covar_est, n_iter) + transition.system.metric = DensePositiveDefiniteMatrix(covar_est).inv