This is the place to keep track of good articles about vim tweaks, usage, tips, plugins and whatever else I used to help me through the process of switching over to vim.
General, basic and/or advanced Vim usage tips.
- Welcome to Vim - video introduction (28 mins)
- How I boosted my Vim - initial configs, pathogen for plugin management, syntax highlighting, key mapping for shortcuts
- Sharing Vim Tricks - search/replace, ways to insert, motion commands, file navigation
- More about Vim - tabs, multiple files, viewports, file explorer
- Dotvim - Vim config by astrails, lots of interesting ideas and useful plugins list
- Vim tips for intermediate users - relative line numbers, save work on focus lost, vertical buffers
- VimAwesome - directory of existent Vim plugins, quite helpful to search/discover top plugins
- TComment - comment toggler, adapts to file types and even embeded syntax
- NERDTree - filesystem explorer, really useful. Make sure you get to know it's shortcuts.
- Vim-ToggleMouse - Toggles mouse between vim and terminal by pressing