diff --git a/spec.html b/spec.html
index ffc2a7bda13..61a24a2a2af 100644
--- a/spec.html
+++ b/spec.html
@@ -10440,6 +10440,27 @@
Static Semantics: CodePointAt ( _string_, _position_ )
+ Static Semantics: StringIndexOf ( _string_, _searchValue_, _fromIndex_ )
+ The abstract operation StringIndexOf takes arguments _string_ (a String), _searchValue_ (a String), and _fromIndex_ (a non-negative integer). It performs the following steps when called:
+ 1. Assert: Type(_string_) is String.
+ 1. Assert: Type(_searchValue_) is String.
+ 1. Assert: ! IsNonNegativeInteger(_fromIndex_) is *true*.
+ 1. Let _len_ be the length of _string_.
+ 1. If _searchValue_ is the empty String and _fromIndex_ ≤ _len_, return _fromIndex_.
+ 1. Let _searchLen_ be the length of _searchValue_.
+ 1. If there exists any integer _k_ such that _fromIndex_ ≤ _k_ ≤ _len_ - _searchLen_ and for all nonnegative integers _j_ less than _searchLen_, the code unit at index _k_ + _j_ within _string_ is the same as the code unit at index _j_ within _searchValue_, let _pos_ be the smallest (closest to *-∞*) such integer. Otherwise, let _pos_ be -1.
+ 1. Return _pos_.
+ If _searchValue_ is empty and _fromIndex_ is less than or equal to the length of _string_, this algorithm returns _fromIndex_. An empty _searchValue_ is effectively found at every position within a string, including after the last code unit.
+ This algorithm always returns -1 if _fromIndex_ > the length of _string_.
Static Semantics: UTF16DecodeString ( _string_ )
The abstract operation UTF16DecodeString takes argument _string_ (a String). It returns the sequence of Unicode code points that results from interpreting _string_ as UTF-16 encoded Unicode text as described in . It performs the following steps when called:
@@ -30031,7 +30052,7 @@ String.prototype.indexOf ( _searchString_ [ , _position_ ] )
1. Let _len_ be the length of _S_.
1. Let _start_ be min(max(_pos_, 0), _len_).
1. Let _searchLen_ be the length of _searchStr_.
- 1. Return the smallest possible integer _k_ not smaller than _start_ such that _k_ + _searchLen_ is not greater than _len_, and for all nonnegative integers _j_ less than _searchLen_, the code unit at index _k_ + _j_ within _S_ is the same as the code unit at index _j_ within _searchStr_; but if there is no such integer _k_, return the value -1.
+ 1. Return ! StringIndexOf(_S_, _searchStr_, _start_).
The `indexOf` function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its *this* value be a String object. Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
@@ -30384,6 +30405,50 @@ Runtime Semantics: GetSubstitution ( _matched_, _str_, _position_, _captures
+ String.prototype.replaceAll ( _searchValue_, _replaceValue_ )
+ When the `replaceAll` method is called with arguments _searchValue_ and _replaceValue_, the following steps are taken:
+ 1. Let _O_ be ? RequireObjectCoercible(*this* value).
+ 1. If _searchValue_ is neither *undefined* nor *null*, then
+ 1. Let _isRegExp_ be ? IsRegExp(_searchValue_).
+ 1. If _isRegExp_ is *true*, then
+ 1. Let _flags_ be ? Get(_searchValue_, *"flags"*).
+ 1. Perform ? RequireObjectCoercible(_flags_).
+ 1. If ? ToString(_flags_) does not contain *"g"*, throw a *TypeError* exception.
+ 1. Let _replacer_ be ? GetMethod(_searchValue_, @@replace).
+ 1. If _replacer_ is not *undefined*, then
+ 1. Return ? Call(_replacer_, _searchValue_, « _O_, _replaceValue_ »).
+ 1. Let _string_ be ? ToString(_O_).
+ 1. Let _searchString_ be ? ToString(_searchValue_).
+ 1. Let _functionalReplace_ be IsCallable(_replaceValue_).
+ 1. If _functionalReplace_ is *false*, then
+ 1. Set _replaceValue_ to ? ToString(_replaceValue_).
+ 1. Let _searchLength_ be the length of _searchString_.
+ 1. Let _advanceBy_ be max(1, _searchLength_).
+ 1. Let _matchPositions_ be a new empty List.
+ 1. Let _position_ be ! StringIndexOf(_string_, _searchString_, 0).
+ 1. Repeat, while _position_ is not -1,
+ 1. Append _position_ to the end of _matchPositions_.
+ 1. Set _position_ to ! StringIndexOf(_string_, _searchString_, _position_ + _advanceBy_).
+ 1. Let _endOfLastMatch_ be 0.
+ 1. Let _result_ be the empty String.
+ 1. For each _position_ in _matchPositions_, do
+ 1. If _functionalReplace_ is *true*, then
+ 1. Let _replacement_ be ? ToString(? Call(_replaceValue_, *undefined*, « _searchString_, _position_, _string_ »)).
+ 1. Else,
+ 1. Assert: Type(_replaceValue_) is String.
+ 1. Let _captures_ be a new empty List.
+ 1. Let _replacement_ be ! GetSubstitution(_searchString_, _string_, _position_, _captures_, *undefined*, _replaceValue_).
+ 1. Let _stringSlice_ be the substring of _string_ consisting of the code units from _endOfLastMatch_ (inclusive) up to _position_ (exclusive).
+ 1. Set _result_ to the string-concatenation of _result_, _stringSlice_, and _replacement_.
+ 1. Set _endOfLastMatch_ to _position_ + _searchLength_.
+ 1. If _endOfLastMatch_ < the length of _string_, then
+ 1. Set _result_ to the string-concatenation of _result_ and the substring of _string_ consisting of the code units from _endOfLastMatch_ (inclusive) up through the final code unit of _string_ (inclusive).
+ 1. Return _result_.
String.prototype.search ( _regexp_ )
When the `search` method is called with argument _regexp_, the following steps are taken: