diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 739fbff..19ab411 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,3 +10,12 @@ Forwarders are contracts on the host domain, where the governance of the protoco
Executors serve as admins of the bridged domain instances of the protocol.
They are responsible for storying the queue of proposals passed from the host domain governance and their execution.
They manage bridged domain protocol instance using standard payload pattern.
## ✍️ Architecture Diagram
![Architecture Diagram](/diagram.png)
+## 🤝 Contribution Guidelines
+In order to add governance relay infrastructure for a new domain, perform the following steps:
+1. Go to [XChain Helpers](https://github.com/marsfoundation/xchain-helpers) repository and add a proper domain helper abstracting away the process of passing messages between host domain and your bridged domain.
+2. Add proper `CrosschainForwarder` to the `/src/forwarders` directory and proper `BridgeExecutor` to the `/src/executors` directory. Follow currently used naming convention.
+3. If there are any dependencies required, copy them into `/src/dependencies/` directory.
+4. Add a new test file for your domain to the `/test` directory. Inherit `CrosschainTestBase` and add tests specific to your domain to the test suite. All of the tests have to pass. Follow linting and naming convention used in other test files.
+5. Use proper labeling for your open PR (always set adequate priority and status)
+6. Get an approving review from at least one of three designated reviewers - **@hexonaut**, **@lucas-manuel** or **@barrutko**
+7. Enjoy governance messages being passed through the bridge to your domain! 🎉