var p6_3 = function(s) { var generateColor; var calendarColor; var homeColor; var principlesColor; var arrowColor; var challenge; var seen; s.setup = function() { generateColor = '#FFFFFF'; calendarColor = '#FFFFFF'; homeColor = '#e61dff'; principlesColor = '#e61dff'; arrowColor = '#e61dff'; challenge = collective_challenges[Math.floor(Math.random() * collective_challenges.length)]; seen = false; //Canvas s.createCanvas(s.displayWidth, s.displayHeight); s.background('#731DD3'); s.noStroke(); s.textFont('Futura'); s.fill(homeColor); s.textStyle(s.BOLD); s.textSize(12); }; s.draw = function() { if('#p6_3').style('display') == 'block') { // console.log("Sixth Principle – Part 3"); //Background s.background('#731DD3'); s.textAlign(s.LEFT); //Page number s.fill('#FFFFFF'); s.textFont('Futura'); s.textStyle(s.BOLD); s.textSize(16); s.text('6 / 7', 20, s.windowHeight - 20); //Menu s.noStroke(); s.fill(homeColor); s.textSize(12); s.text('i n i c i o', s.windowWidth/2 - 110, 30); s.rect(s.windowWidth/2 - 68, 35, 12, 6); s.fill(principlesColor); s.text('p r i n c i p i o s', s.windowWidth/2, 30); s.rect(s.windowWidth/2 + 86, 35, 12, 6); //Title s.textAlign(s.CENTER); s.textStyle(s.NORMAL); s.fill('#e61dff'); s.textSize(35); s.text('RETO', s.windowWidth/2, s.windowHeight/5); s.textStyle(s.BOLD); s.textSize(70); s.text('COLECTIVO', s.windowWidth/2, s.windowHeight/5 + 70); //Challenge s.noStroke(); s.textFont('Futura'); s.fill('#FFFFFF'); s.textSize(37); s.text(, s.windowWidth/2 - 400, s.windowHeight/2 - 100, 800, 600); //Calendar s.textStyle(s.BOLD); s.fill('#ff83ff'); s.rect(s.windowWidth/2 - 170, s.windowHeight/2 + 115, 340, 50); s.fill(calendarColor); s.textSize(20); s.text('PUBLICAR EN FACEBOOK', s.windowWidth/2, s.windowHeight/2 + 148); //Generate s.textStyle(s.BOLD); s.fill('#e61dff'); s.rect(s.windowWidth/2 - 100, s.windowHeight/2 + 188, 200, 50); s.fill(generateColor); s.textSize(20); s.text('GENERAR OTRO', s.windowWidth/2, s.windowHeight/2 + 220); //Arrow s.fill(arrowColor); var mx = s.windowWidth/2 - 10; var my = s.windowHeight - 60; s.noStroke(); s.beginShape(); s.vertex(mx, my); s.vertex(mx + 20, my); s.vertex(mx + 20, my + 20); s.vertex(mx + 30, my + 20); s.vertex(mx + 10, my + 40); s.vertex(mx - 10, my + 20); s.vertex(mx, my + 20); s.vertex(mx, my); s.endShape(s.CLOSE); } }; s.mouseInsideArrow = function() { var mx = s.windowWidth/2 - 10;; var my = s.windowHeight - 60; //Check if the mouse is inside the arrow's rectangle var dx = s.mouseX - mx; var dy = s.mouseY - my; if(0 < dx && dx < 20 && 0 < dy && dy < 20) { return true; } else { //Check if the mouse is inside the arrow's left triangle var lx = Math.abs(s.mouseX - mx + 10); var ly = Math.abs(s.mouseY - my - 20); if(lx < 20 && ly < 20 && lx > ly) { return true; } else { //Check if the mouse is inside the arrow's right triangle var rx = 20 - Math.abs(s.mouseX - mx - 10); var ry = Math.abs(s.mouseY - my - 20); if(rx < 20 && ry < 20 && rx > ry) { return true; } return false; } } }; s.mouseInsideHome = function() { var hx1 = s.windowWidth/2 - 110; var hx2 = s.windowWidth/2 - 50; var hy1 = 10; var hy2 = 50; if( s.mouseX > hx1 && s.mouseX < hx2 && s.mouseY > hy1 && s.mouseY < hy2 ) { return true; } else { return false; } }; s.mouseInsidePrinciples = function() { var hx1 = s.windowWidth/2; var hx2 = s.windowWidth/2 + 100; var hy1 = 10; var hy2 = 50; if( s.mouseX > hx1 && s.mouseX < hx2 && s.mouseY > hy1 && s.mouseY < hy2 ) { return true; } else { return false; } }; s.mouseInsideGenerate = function() { var hx1 = s.windowWidth/2 - 100; var hx2 = s.windowWidth/2 + 100; var hy1 = s.windowHeight/2 + 188; var hy2 = s.windowHeight/2 + 238; if( s.mouseX > hx1 && s.mouseX < hx2 && s.mouseY > hy1 && s.mouseY < hy2 ) { return true; } else { return false; } }; s.mouseInsideCalendar = function() { s.rect(s.windowWidth/2 - 170, s.windowHeight/2 + 115, 340, 50); var hx1 = s.windowWidth/2 - 170; var hx2 = s.windowWidth/2 + 170; var hy1 = s.windowHeight/2 + 115; var hy2 = s.windowHeight/2 + 165; if( s.mouseX > hx1 && s.mouseX < hx2 && s.mouseY > hy1 && s.mouseY < hy2 ) { return true; } else { return false; } }; s.mouseClicked = function() { if(s.mouseInsideArrow()){; } else if(s.mouseInsideGenerate()){ s.another(); } else if(s.mouseInsideCalendar()) { s.share(); } else if(s.mouseInsideHome()) { s.home(); } else if(s.mouseInsidePrinciples()) { s.first(); } }; s.mouseMoved = function() { if(s.mouseInsideArrow()){ s.cursor(s.HAND); arrowColor = '#FFFFFF'; } else if(s.mouseInsideGenerate()){ s.cursor(s.HAND); generateColor = '#731DD3'; } else if(s.mouseInsideCalendar()) { s.cursor(s.HAND); calendarColor = '#731DD3'; } else if(s.mouseInsideHome()) { homeColor = '#FFFFFF'; s.cursor(s.HAND); } else if(s.mouseInsidePrinciples()) { principlesColor = '#FFFFFF'; s.cursor(s.HAND); } else { s.cursor(s.ARROW); homeColor = '#E61DFF'; principlesColor = '#E61DFF'; generateColor = '#ffffff'; calendarColor = '#ffffff'; arrowColor = '#E61DFF'; } }; s.another = function() { challenge = collective_challenges[Math.floor(Math.random() * collective_challenges.length)]; }; s.share = function() { FB.ui({ method: 'share', quote: `Mi reto es: ${}`, hashtag: '#TOD_S', href: '' }, function(response){ // Debug response (optional) console.log(response); }); }; = function() {'#p6_4').show();'#p6_3').hide(); }; // s.done = function() { //'#p6_4').show(); //'#p6_3').hide(); // }; s.home = function() {'#home').show();'#p6_3').hide(); }; s.first = function() {'#p1_1').show();'#p6_3').hide(); }; } var p6_3 = new p5(p6_3, 'p6_3');