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Backend Input Validator

The Backend Input Validator is a PHP library to be used in the Backend of your website. The objective of this library is to provide a simple, easy to use and low code system for validating text or file uploads in your website Backend APIs. Which is very common in all types of websites, such as registration forms for example.

This library, when used in conjunction with Frontend Input Validator, provides EXTREMELY easy way to validate user/client inputs in the Frontend or Backend of your website.

How it works?

The operation of this API is very simple. There are several ways to validate entries received on POST, GET or UPLOAD. But normally, what we do a lot is get the input we want from POST or GET, and then we program our logic to validate each field... More or less like this...


//Get the inputs from client...
$userName = $_POST["name"] ?? "";
$nickName = $_POST["nickname"] ?? "";

//Now, runs the validation logic...
if($userName != "" && strlen($userName) <= 12 /*...*/)
    //and continues...

The big problem with this is that it can be VERY annoying. Not to mention the amount of code we need to repeat in each PHP API, the tests we need to do, the chances of having bugs or unexpected things and etc...

It was with these problems in mind that this library was created. It was created to facilitate the validation of client inputs in PHP APIs in a uniform, easy, non-repetitive way, and that uses little code. Using this library you will have two methods available for your PHP codes. The GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() method and the ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid() method.


This method has the task of validating inputs that arrive through GET and POST. It is quite easy to use this method. See sample code below...


//Receive the processed inputs...
$nickname = InputValidator::GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid($_POST["nickname"], "STRING", array(
            ), null);
$age = InputValidator::GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid($_POST["age"], "INT", array(
       ), null);

//Check if all fields is valid
if (is_null($nickname) == false && is_null($age) == false){

    //... run the API logic...

if (is_null($nickname) == true || is_null($age) == true)
    //... show the invalid inputs error...


Now let's understand the code! To validate a value using this library, you must call method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() and then pass the following parameters...

  • 1st - The value to be validated. You must pass $_POST[] or $_GET[], including the name of the POST/GET field you expect to get the value.
  • 2nd - The type of value you expect to get from the field. Of course the value is always a text value, however sometimes we expect content of a certain type. For example, in an Age field, we expect a numerical value only, so it is necessary to inform the type of value you expect from this field. If you inform that you expect a value of type INT, and the field contains a text, it will not be considered valid by the library. Currently, the value types supported by the library are STRING, INT, FLOAT, and BOOL.
  • 3rd - The Validation Parameters. They act as "rules" that you tell method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() to take into account in validation. For example, Parameter "allowEmpty"=>false will cause an empty value to be considered invalid, Parameter "allowLetters"=>false will cause a value that contains letters to be considered invalid, and so on. Later you will see a table with all Validation Parameters supported by this library.
  • 4th - We will talk about this parameter later in this documentation...

After calling this method and informing all these parameters, it can return you one of the following things...

  • NULL - The method will return a NULL value if the field that you validated did not pass the validation, taking into account the Validation Parameters that you entered.
  • The Value - The method will return the value exactly as it was inside the $_POST[] or $_GET[], which means that the field value passed the validation!

So, basically if the method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() returns you the value of $_POST[]/$_GET[], it means that the value is valid, but if the method returns you NULL, it means that the value of $_POST[]/$_GET[] was invalid.

Example: Let's say we need to validate an age that is in $_POST["age"]. We want an empty entry or an age less than 13 to be considered INVALID. For that, we can use the following code...

//Get the validation result into the "$age" variable
$age = InputValidator::GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid($_POST["age"], "INT", array(
    ), null);

//If '$_POST["age"]' is   "  "          then "$age" will be   "NULL"  (INVALID)...
//If '$_POST["age"]' is   "24"          then "$age" will be   "24"    (VALID)...
//If '$_POST["age"]' is   "7"           then "$age" will be   "NULL"  (INVALID)...
//If '$_POST["age"]' is   "some text"   then "$age" will be   "NULL"  (INVALID)...
//and so on...

Now, let's talk about the 4th parameter...

As you may know, if you plan to use input sent from a client in an SQL query, you must escape the string. For this we normally use PHP mysqli_real_escape_string() method. Here comes the 4th parameter of method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid()!

If you created a connection to a MySQL or MariaDB database using mysqli_connect() you should have a variable resulting from the connection. If you pass your connection to the 4th parameter of method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid(), it will already return you an automatically escaped string, IF the string is considered valid! See example below...


//Do connection to MySQL/MariaDB
$connection = mysqli_connect("", "mariadb", "databasePassword123", "db_name", "3306");

//Do the validation of $_POST["message"] to get a escaped string if the value from it is valid...
//$_POST["message"] content is: [       Hi! My name is "Luan"!       ]
$messageToSend = InputValidator::GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid($_POST["message"], "STRING", array(
    ), $connection);

//$messageToSend content is:    [      Hi! My name is \"Luan\"!      ]


Remembering that, this 4th parameter is completely optional. If you just inform NULL for this 4th parameter, method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() will return you a normal string, without escaping it. It will just do the normal job of validating the input, as in the examples above in this documentation.

Validation Parameters

These are all validation parameters supported by method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() at the moment.

Parameter Works On Type Description
allowEmpty STRING Defines whether an empty Field should be allowed or not allowed. Requires a Bool value.
minChars STRING Defines the minimum amount of characters that the Field must have. Requires a Int value.
maxChars STRING Defines the maximum amount of characters that the Field must have. Requires a Int value.
allowNumbers STRING Defines if the Field can or cannot have numbers. Requires a Bool value.
allowLetters STRING Defines if the Field may or may not have letters. This includes letters from A to Z and also letters that have accents (eg Á, Ç, Ñ etc). Requires a Bool value.
allowSpace STRING Defines if the Field can or cannot have spaces. Requires a Bool value.
allowLineBreak STRING Defines if the Field can or cannot have line breaks. Requires a Bool value.
specialCharsAllowed STRING Defines whether the Field should allow special characters, and if so, which characters will be allowed. You can use the value "none" to not allow any special characters, for example: '"specialCharsAllowed"=>"none"'. If you only want to allow some special characters, you can enter them in a list using the character "," as a separator, for example '"specialCharsAllowed"=>"@,#,&"'. If you want to include the "," character in this list of allowed characters, instead of typing the "," character, type the word "comma". Requires a String value.
customRegex STRING With this parameter you can define a custom Regex that will be used together with the other Validation Parameters to validate the Field. The Regex must be in the format "/regex/". Without a Flag letter at the end. For example '"customRegex"=>"/^[0-9]*$/"'. You can use a regex when you want the field to be validated to also obey a certain form or pattern. Requires a String value.
minNumberValue INT or FLOAT Defines the minimum value (in numeral) that is allowed in the Field. Requires a Int or Float value.
maxNumberValue INT or FLOAT Defines the maximum value (in numeral) that is allowed in the Field. Requires a Int or Float value.
allowNumberZero INT or FLOAT Defines if the zero numeral should be allowed or not in the Field. Requires a Bool value.
allowNumberNegative INT or FLOAT Defines if negative numerals should be allowed in the Field. Requires a Bool value.
allowNumberPositive INT or FLOAT Defines if positive numerals should be allowed in the Field. Requires a Bool value.
mustBe BOOL Defines whether the Boolean value in the Field must be TRUE or FALSE to be considered valid. For example '"mustBe"=>"true"'. Requires a String value.

If you have a validation parameter suggestion, please send it through the "Issues" tab, your suggestion will be very welcome!

Some quick Regex!

Before we move on to the ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid() method, here are some quick Regex that can be used to validate Values that come out of commonly used Inputs in HTML such as "<input type="email" />", "<input type="date" />" etc!

<!-- DATE -->
<input type="date" />
<!-- produces values formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD" -->
<!-- /^\d{4}\-(0[1-9]|1[012])\-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/ -->

<input type="datetime-local" />
<!-- produces values formatted as "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM" -->
<!-- /(19|20)[0-9][0-9]-(0[0-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|([12][0-9]|3[01]))T([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]/ -->

<!-- EMAIL -->
<input type="email" />
<!-- produces values formatted as "[email protected]" -->
<!-- /^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/ -->

<!-- MONTH -->
<input type="month" />
<!-- produces values formatted as "YYYY-MM" -->
<!-- /([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2]))/ -->

<!-- TIME -->
<input type="time" />
<!-- produces values formatted as "HH:MM" -->
<!-- /^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/ -->

<!-- URL -->
<input type="url" />
<!-- produces values formatted as "" -->
<!-- /((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www.|[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[\+~%\/.\w-_]*)?\??(?:[-\+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[\w]*))?)/ -->

<!-- WEEK -->
<input type="week" />
<!-- produces values formatted as "YYYY-WNN" -->
<!-- /^(\d{4})-W(0[1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3])$/ -->


Finally we come to method ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid()! This method has the incredible task of validating files uploaded by UPLOAD (available through $_FILES[]) to your PHP Backend.

This method works VERY similarly to method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid(), with a few minor differences, so if you haven't read the explanation of method GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() above, I strongly recommend that you read it before proceeding.

To validate a uploaded file using this library, you must call method ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid() and then pass the following parameters...

  • 1st - The file to be validated. You must pass $_FILES[], including the name of the HTTP field that the file was uploaded.
  • 2nd - Here, you must pass an Absolute Path to the directory you want the uploaded file be moved to, if it passes validation.
  • 3rd - The Validation Parameters. Here you must inform the Validation Parameters you want to use to validate the file, exactly as you saw in the explanation on how to use the GetHttpFieldValueIfIsValid() method. The difference is that the ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid() method uses different Validation Parameters. You'll see them all just below.

After calling this method and informing all these parameters, it can return you one of the following things...

  • NULL - The method will return a NULL value if the file that you validated did not pass the validation, taking into account the Validation Parameters that you entered.
  • FILE PATH - If the file was validated and passed validation, it will be automatically moved to the destination directory informed in the 2nd parameter of the method and the path to the validated uploaded file will be returned to you!

Example: Let's say we need to validate an uploaded file that is in $_FILES[profilePhoto]. We need the file extension to be just PNG or JPG, the maximum size should be 5MB. We can use the following code...

//Get the validation result into the "$photo" variable
$photo = InputValidator::ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid($_FILES["profilePhoto"], "/var/www/", array(
         ), null);

//If '$_FILES["profilePhoto"]' is a PNG image with -5MB then "$photo" will be "/var/www/" (VALID)...
//If '$_FILES["profilePhoto"]' is a BMP image then "$photo" will be "NULL" (INVALID)...
//and so on...

NOTE: After method ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid() moves the valid file to the destination directory, the filename is retained. Therefore, after you receive the path to the newly uploaded file returned by this method, you should rename it to a unique name so that if another file with the same name is uploaded to your site, it will not overwrite an existing file when moved to the same destination directory!

Validation Parameters

These are all validation parameters supported by method ReceiveUploadedFileFromClientIfIsValid() at the moment.

Parameter Description
allowedExtensions Defines the allowed extensions for the uploaded file in the Field. To inform the allowed extensions, you must pass a list that uses the character "," as a separator. For example: '"allowedExtensions"=>"mp4,txt,cs,mp3,png,jpg"'. Requires a String value.
mustBeRealImageFile Determines whether the uploaded file should be a real image file. Requires a Bool value
maxFileSizeInKb Defines the maximum valid size for the uploaded file. The size is given in Kibibytes (bytes / 1024). Requires a Int value.

If you have a validation parameter suggestion, please send it through the "Issues" tab, your suggestion will be very welcome!

That's all you need to understand about the library! :)

How to use?

First you need to clone this repository. Open the downloaded file and go to the "Backend-Input-Validator-Source" folder then copy the "backend-input-validator.php" file and place it somewhere on your website.

The next step is to reference the library in your PHP script so that you can use the library's code within your PHP code. To do this, place the code below at the beginning of your PHP scripts where you plan to use this library. But remember to change the path to correctly reference the PHP library file!




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If you liked this Library and found it useful for your projects, please consider making a donation (if possible). This would make it even more possible for me to create and continue to maintain projects like this, but if you cannot make a donation, it is still a pleasure for you to use it! Thanks! 😀


Created with ❤ by Marcos Tomaz