// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in the project root for license information.

#include <pch.h>
#include <common.h>
#include "ItemsRepeater.common.h"
#include "ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures.h"
#include "ItemsRepeater.h"
#include "layout.h"

// Pixel delta by which to inflate the cache buffer on each side.  Rather than fill the entire
// cache buffer all at once, we chunk the work to make the UI thread more responsive.  We inflate
// the cache buffer from 0 to a max value determined by the Maximum[Horizontal,Vertical]CacheLength
// properties.
constexpr double CacheBufferPerSideInflationPixelDelta = 40.0;

ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures(ItemsRepeater* owner) :
    // ItemsRepeater is not fully constructed yet. Don't interact with it.

winrt::UIElement ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::SuggestedAnchor() const
    // The element generated during the ItemsRepeater.MakeAnchor call has precedence over the next tick.
    winrt::UIElement suggestedAnchor = m_makeAnchorElement.get();
    winrt::UIElement owner = *m_owner;

    if (!suggestedAnchor)
        const auto anchorElement =
            m_scroller ?
            m_scroller.get().CurrentAnchor() :

        if (anchorElement)
            // We can't simply return anchorElement because, in case of nested Repeaters, it may not
            // be a direct child of ours, or even an indirect child. We need to walk up the tree starting
            // from anchorElement to figure out what child of ours (if any) to use as the suggested element.
            auto child = anchorElement;
            auto parent = CachedVisualTreeHelpers::GetParent(child).as<winrt::UIElement>();
            while (parent)
                if (parent == owner)
                    suggestedAnchor = child;

                child = parent;
                parent = CachedVisualTreeHelpers::GetParent(parent).as<winrt::UIElement>();

    return suggestedAnchor;

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::HorizontalCacheLength(double value)
    if (m_maximumHorizontalCacheLength != value)
        m_maximumHorizontalCacheLength = value;

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::VerticalCacheLength(double value)
    if (m_maximumVerticalCacheLength != value)
        m_maximumVerticalCacheLength = value;

winrt::Rect ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::GetLayoutVisibleWindowDiscardAnchor() const
    auto visibleWindow = m_visibleWindow;

    if (HasScroller())
        visibleWindow.X += m_layoutExtent.X + m_expectedViewportShift.X + m_unshiftableShift.X;
        visibleWindow.Y += m_layoutExtent.Y + m_expectedViewportShift.Y + m_unshiftableShift.Y;

    return visibleWindow;

winrt::Rect ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::GetLayoutVisibleWindow() const
    auto visibleWindow = m_visibleWindow;

    if (m_makeAnchorElement && m_isAnchorOutsideRealizedRange)
        // The anchor is not necessarily laid out yet. Its position should default
        // to zero and the layout origin is expected to change once layout is done.
        // Until then, we need a window that's going to protect the anchor from
        // getting recycled.

        // Also, we only want to mess with the realization rect iff the anchor is not inside it.
        // If we fiddle with an anchor that is already inside the realization rect,
        // shifting the realization rect results in repeater, layout and scroller thinking that it needs to act upon StartBringIntoView.
        // We do NOT want that!

        visibleWindow.X = 0.0f;
        visibleWindow.Y = 0.0f;
    else if (HasScroller())
        visibleWindow.X += m_layoutExtent.X + m_expectedViewportShift.X + m_unshiftableShift.X;
        visibleWindow.Y += m_layoutExtent.Y + m_expectedViewportShift.Y + m_unshiftableShift.Y;

    return visibleWindow;

winrt::Rect ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::GetLayoutRealizationWindow() const
    auto realizationWindow = GetLayoutVisibleWindow();
    if (HasScroller())
        realizationWindow.X -= static_cast<float>(m_horizontalCacheBufferPerSide);
        realizationWindow.Y -= static_cast<float>(m_verticalCacheBufferPerSide);
        realizationWindow.Width += static_cast<float>(m_horizontalCacheBufferPerSide) * 2.0f;
        realizationWindow.Height += static_cast<float>(m_verticalCacheBufferPerSide) * 2.0f;

    return realizationWindow;

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::SetLayoutExtent(winrt::Rect extent)
    m_expectedViewportShift.X += m_layoutExtent.X - extent.X;
    m_expectedViewportShift.Y += m_layoutExtent.Y - extent.Y;

    // We tolerate viewport imprecisions up to 1 pixel to avoid invaliding layout too much.
    if (std::abs(m_expectedViewportShift.X) > 1.f || std::abs(m_expectedViewportShift.Y) > 1.f)
        REPEATER_TRACE_INFO(L"%ls: \tExpecting viewport shift of (%.0f,%.0f) \n",
            GetLayoutId().data(), m_expectedViewportShift.X, m_expectedViewportShift.Y);

        // There are cases where we might be expecting a shift but not get it. We will
        // be waiting for the effective viewport event but if the scroll viewer is not able
        // to perform the shift (perhaps because it cannot scroll in negative offset),
        // then we will end up not realizing elements in the visible 
        // window. To avoid this, we register to layout updated for this layout pass. If we 
        // get an effective viewport, we know we have a new viewport and we unregister from
        // layout updated. If we get the layout updated handler, then we know that the 
        // scroller was unable to perform the shift and we invalidate measure and unregister
        // from the layout updated event.
        if (!m_layoutUpdatedRevoker)
            m_layoutUpdatedRevoker = m_owner->LayoutUpdated(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnLayoutUpdated });

    m_layoutExtent = extent;
    m_pendingViewportShift = m_expectedViewportShift;

    // We just finished a measure pass and have a new extent.
    // Let's make sure the scrollers will run its arrange so that they track the anchor.
    if (m_scroller)

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnLayoutChanged(bool isVirtualizing)
    m_managingViewportDisabled = !isVirtualizing;

    m_layoutExtent = {};
    m_expectedViewportShift = {};
    m_pendingViewportShift = {};

    if (m_managingViewportDisabled)
    else if (!m_effectiveViewportChangedRevoker)
        m_effectiveViewportChangedRevoker = m_owner->EffectiveViewportChanged(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnEffectiveViewportChanged });

    m_unshiftableShift = {};

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnElementPrepared(const winrt::UIElement& element)
    // If we have an anchor element, we do not want the
    // scroll anchor provider to start anchoring some other element.

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnElementCleared(const winrt::UIElement& element)

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnOwnerMeasuring()
    // This is because of a bug that causes effective viewport to not 
    // fire if you register during arrange.
    // Bug 17411076: EffectiveViewport: registering for effective viewport in arrange should invalidate viewport

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnOwnerArranged()
    m_expectedViewportShift = {};

    if (!m_managingViewportDisabled)
        // This is because of a bug that causes effective viewport to not 
        // fire if you register during arrange.
        // Bug 17411076: EffectiveViewport: registering for effective viewport in arrange should invalidate viewport
        // EnsureScroller();

        if (HasScroller())
            const double maximumHorizontalCacheBufferPerSide = m_maximumHorizontalCacheLength * m_visibleWindow.Width / 2.0;
            const double maximumVerticalCacheBufferPerSide = m_maximumVerticalCacheLength * m_visibleWindow.Height / 2.0;

            const bool continueBuildingCache =
                m_horizontalCacheBufferPerSide < maximumHorizontalCacheBufferPerSide ||
                m_verticalCacheBufferPerSide < maximumVerticalCacheBufferPerSide;

            if (continueBuildingCache)
                m_horizontalCacheBufferPerSide += CacheBufferPerSideInflationPixelDelta;
                m_verticalCacheBufferPerSide += CacheBufferPerSideInflationPixelDelta;

                m_horizontalCacheBufferPerSide = std::min(m_horizontalCacheBufferPerSide, maximumHorizontalCacheBufferPerSide);
                m_verticalCacheBufferPerSide = std::min(m_verticalCacheBufferPerSide, maximumVerticalCacheBufferPerSide);

                // Since we grow the cache buffer at the end of the arrange pass,
                // we need to register work even if we just reached cache potential.

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnLayoutUpdated(winrt::IInspectable const& sender, winrt::IInspectable const& args)
    if (m_managingViewportDisabled)

    // We were expecting a viewport shift but we never got one and we are not going to in this
    // layout pass. We likely will never get this shift, so lets assume that we are never going to get it and
    // adjust our expected shift to track that. One case where this can happen is when there is no scrollviewer
    // that can scroll in the direction where the shift is expected.
    if (m_pendingViewportShift.X != 0 || m_pendingViewportShift.Y != 0)
        REPEATER_TRACE_INFO(L"%ls: \tLayout Updated with pending shift %.0f %.0f- invalidating measure \n",

        // Assume this is never going to come.
        m_unshiftableShift.X += m_pendingViewportShift.X;
        m_unshiftableShift.Y += m_pendingViewportShift.Y;
        m_pendingViewportShift = {};
        m_expectedViewportShift = {};


void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnMakeAnchor(const winrt::UIElement& anchor, const bool isAnchorOutsideRealizedRange)
    m_isAnchorOutsideRealizedRange = isAnchorOutsideRealizedRange;

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnBringIntoViewRequested(const winrt::BringIntoViewRequestedEventArgs args)
    if (!m_managingViewportDisabled)
        // We do not animate bring-into-view operations where the anchor is disconnected because
        // it doesn't look good (the blank space is obvious because the layout can't keep track
        // of two realized ranges while the animation is going on).
        if (m_isAnchorOutsideRealizedRange)

        // During the time between a bring into view request and the element coming into view we do not
        // want the anchor provider to pick some anchor and jump to it. Instead we want to anchor on the
        // element that is being brought into view. We can do this by making just that element as a potential
        // anchor candidate and ensure no other element of this repeater is an anchor candidate.
        // Once the layout pass is done and we render the frame, the element will be in frame and we can
        // switch back to letting the anchor provider pick a suitable anchor.

        // get the targetChild - i.e the immediate child of this repeater that is being brought into view.
        // Note that the element being brought into view could be a descendant.
        const auto targetChild = GetImmediateChildOfRepeater(args.TargetElement());

        // Make sure that only the target child can be the anchor during the bring into view operation.
        for (const auto& child : m_owner->Children())
            if (child.CanBeScrollAnchor() && child != targetChild)

        // Register to rendering event to go back to how things were before where any child can be the anchor.
        m_isBringIntoViewInProgress = true;
        if (!m_renderingToken)
            winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::CompositionTarget compositionTarget{ nullptr };
            m_renderingToken = compositionTarget.Rendering(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnCompositionTargetRendering });

winrt::UIElement ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::GetImmediateChildOfRepeater(winrt::UIElement const& descendant)
    winrt::UIElement targetChild = descendant;
    winrt::UIElement parent = CachedVisualTreeHelpers::GetParent(descendant).as<winrt::UIElement>();
    while (parent != nullptr && parent != static_cast<winrt::DependencyObject>(*m_owner))
        targetChild = parent;
        parent = CachedVisualTreeHelpers::GetParent(parent).as<winrt::UIElement>();

    if (!parent)
        throw winrt::hresult_error(E_FAIL, L"OnBringIntoViewRequested called with args.target element not under the ItemsRepeater that recieved the call");

    return targetChild;

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnCompositionTargetRendering(const winrt::IInspectable& /*sender*/, const winrt::IInspectable& /*args*/)


    m_isBringIntoViewInProgress = false;

    // Now that the item has been brought into view, we can let the anchor provider pick a new anchor.
    for (const auto& child : m_owner->Children())
        if (!child.CanBeScrollAnchor())
            auto info = ItemsRepeater::GetVirtualizationInfo(child);
            if (info->IsRealized() && info->IsHeldByLayout())

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::ResetScrollers()
    m_ensuredScroller = false;

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnCacheBuildActionCompleted()
    if (!m_managingViewportDisabled)

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnEffectiveViewportChanged(winrt::FrameworkElement const& sender, winrt::EffectiveViewportChangedEventArgs const& args)
    REPEATER_TRACE_INFO(L"%ls: \tEffectiveViewportChanged event callback \n", GetLayoutId().data());

    m_pendingViewportShift = {};
    m_unshiftableShift = {};
    if (m_visibleWindow == winrt::Rect())
        // We got cleared.
        m_layoutExtent = {};

    // We got a new viewport, we dont need to wait for layout updated anymore to 
    // see if our request for a pending shift was handled.

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::EnsureScroller()
    if (!m_ensuredScroller)

        auto parent = CachedVisualTreeHelpers::GetParent(*m_owner);
        while (parent)
            if (const auto scroller = parent.try_as<winrt::Controls::IScrollAnchorProvider>())

            parent = CachedVisualTreeHelpers::GetParent(parent);

        if (!m_scroller)
            // We usually update the viewport in the post arrange handler. But, since we don't have
            // a scroller, let's do it now.
        else if (!m_managingViewportDisabled)
            m_effectiveViewportChangedRevoker = m_owner->EffectiveViewportChanged(winrt::auto_revoke, { this, &ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::OnEffectiveViewportChanged });

        m_ensuredScroller = true;

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::UpdateViewport(winrt::Rect const& viewport)
    const auto previousVisibleWindow = m_visibleWindow;
    REPEATER_TRACE_INFO(L"%ls: \tEffective Viewport: (%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)->(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f). \n",
        previousVisibleWindow.X, previousVisibleWindow.Y, previousVisibleWindow.Width, previousVisibleWindow.Height,
        viewport.X, viewport.Y, viewport.Width, viewport.Height);

    const auto& currentVisibleWindow = viewport;

    if (-currentVisibleWindow.X <= ItemsRepeater::ClearedElementsArrangePosition.X &&
        -currentVisibleWindow.Y <= ItemsRepeater::ClearedElementsArrangePosition.Y)
        REPEATER_TRACE_INFO(L"%ls: \tViewport is invalid. visible window cleared. \n", GetLayoutId().data());
        // We got cleared.
        m_visibleWindow = {};
        REPEATER_TRACE_INFO(L"%ls: \tUsed Viewport: (%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f)->(%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f). \n",
            previousVisibleWindow.X, previousVisibleWindow.Y, previousVisibleWindow.Width, previousVisibleWindow.Height,
            currentVisibleWindow.X, currentVisibleWindow.Y, currentVisibleWindow.Width, currentVisibleWindow.Height);
        m_visibleWindow = currentVisibleWindow;


void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::ResetCacheBuffer()
    m_horizontalCacheBufferPerSide = 0.0;
    m_verticalCacheBufferPerSide = 0.0;

    if (!m_managingViewportDisabled)
        // We need to start building the realization buffer again.

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::ValidateCacheLength(double cacheLength)
    if (cacheLength < 0.0 || std::isinf(cacheLength) || std::isnan(cacheLength))
        throw winrt::hresult_invalid_argument(L"The maximum cache length must be equal or superior to zero.");

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::RegisterCacheBuildWork()
    if (m_owner->Layout() &&
        // We capture 'owner' (a strong refernce on ItemsRepeater) to make sure ItemsRepeater is still around
        // when the async action completes. By protecting ItemsRepeater, we also ensure that this instance
        // of ViewportManager (referenced by 'this' pointer) is valid because the lifetime of ItemsRepeater
        // and ViewportManager is the same (see ItemsRepeater::m_viewportManager).
        // We can't simply hold a strong reference on ViewportManager because it's not a COM object.
        auto strongOwner = m_owner->get_strong();
            m_owner->Dispatcher().RunIdleAsync([this, strongOwner](const winrt::IdleDispatchedHandlerArgs&)

void ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::TryInvalidateMeasure()
    // Don't invalidate measure if we have an invalid window.
    if (m_visibleWindow != winrt::Rect())
        // We invalidate measure instead of just invalidating arrange because
        // we don't invalidate measure in UpdateViewport if the view is changing to
        // avoid layout cycles.
        REPEATER_TRACE_INFO(L"%ls: \tInvalidating measure due to viewport change. \n", GetLayoutId().data());

winrt::hstring ViewportManagerWithPlatformFeatures::GetLayoutId() const
    if (auto layout = m_owner->Layout())
        return layout.as<Layout>()->LayoutId();

    return winrt::hstring{};