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About Me |
Marcelo Moreira |
(Almost) All about me... |
2013-05-22 07:35:00 -0700 |
My name is Marcelo Moreira. I currently work as a Cloud DevOps Engineer for Sony Network Entertainment International, most specifically for Playstation 4 Infrastructure.
If you're reading this, you're probably a friend whom I somehow managed to trick or coerced into giving me some page hits ;-)
Can't live without:
- Git - for version control
- Ubuntu Linux - OS of choice for pretty much everything
- Python - great language: where has it been all these years ?!?!?! I started using it a few years ago. I just wish I have started sooner.
- Chef - I work on a Chef shop... Plus, I really like it as a configuration management platform. Although, it lacks a few orchestration features...
- Ansible - in my opinion, the greatest configuration management & orchestration tool out there.
Could live without, but have to use:
- Redhat Linux - use it at work because sometimes I just have to. Seriously, not a big fan...
- Ruby - some of the folks I work with are crazy for it.
You can find me on: