set nocompatible " Disable vi-compatibility set t_Co=256 execute pathogen#infect() colorscheme jellybeans set background=dark set guioptions-=T " Removes top toolbar set guioptions-=r " Removes right hand scroll bar set go-=L " Removes left hand scroll bar set linespace=15 set showmode " always show what mode we're currently editing in set nowrap " don't wrap lines set tabstop=4 " a tab is four spaces set smarttab set tags=tags set softtabstop=4 " when hitting <BS>, pretend like a tab is removed, even if spaces set expandtab " expand tabs by default (overloadable per file type later) set shiftwidth=4 " number of spaces to use for autoindenting set shiftround " use multiple of shiftwidth when indenting with '<' and '>' set backspace=indent,eol,start " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode set autoindent " always set autoindenting on set copyindent " copy the previous indentation on autoindenting set relativenumber set number " always show line numbers set ignorecase " ignore case when searching set smartcase " ignore case if search pattern is all lowercase, set timeout timeoutlen=200 ttimeoutlen=100 set visualbell " don't beep set noerrorbells " don't beep set autowrite "Save on buffer switch set mouse=a set incsearch "incremental dynamic search.. set hlsearch "highlight search results set smartindent syntax on filetype indent on filetype plugin on " " Color Picker Stuff.. ;) imap <F5> <Esc>:ColorPicker<Cr>a vmap <F5> <Del><Esc>h:ColorPicker<Cr>a "using delete/backspace key to remove the hlsearch nmap <silent> <BS> :nohlsearch<CR> "Taboo remembering tabe names in session option set sessionoptions+=tabpages,globals "JsLint Settings.. let jshint2_read = 1 let jshint2_save = 1 let jshint2_maxheight = 12 let jshint2_minheight = 3 " jshint validation nnoremap <silent><F1> :JSHint<CR> inoremap <silent><F1> <C-O>:JSHint<CR> vnoremap <silent><F1> :JSHint<CR> " show next jshint error nnoremap <silent><F2> :lnext<CR> inoremap <silent><F2> <C-O>:lnext<CR> vnoremap <silent><F2> :lnext<CR> " show previous jshint error nnoremap <silent><F3> :lprevious<CR> inoremap <silent><F3> <C-O>:lprevious<CR> vnoremap <silent><F3> :lprevious<CR> " Well it's about time we do some notes :let g:notes_directories = ['~/Documents/Notes', '~/bin/gitfiles/notes'] "Vimux stuff map <Leader>tt :call VimuxRunCommand("clear; npm start ", 0)<CR> "Color toggle map <leader>b :ToggleBg<CR> "search with more characters without escapes.. nnoremap / /\v "colortoggle stuff.. map <silent> <F5> :call gruvbox#bg_toggle()<CR> imap <silent> <F5> <ESC>:call gruvbox#bg_toggle()<CR>a vmap <silent> <F5> <ESC>:call gruvbox#bg_toggle()<CR>gv "Yeah changing the map leader key to comma. It's easier that way. let mapleader = "," let g:mapleader = "," " Map J and K keys to move through tabs... " nmap K gt nmap J gT " " " Fast saves nmap <leader>w :w!<cr> " " Fast quit, Boy i'm really lazy nmap <leader>q :q!<cr> " " Down is really the next line nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk " ""Easy escaping to normal model imap jj <esc> " Mapping redo.. this could be a bad practise but then nmap rr :redo<cr> " " "Auto change directory to match current file ,cd " nnoremap ,cd :cd %:p:h<CR>:pwd<CR> " " "easier window navigation " Open splits nmap vs :vsplit<cr> nmap sp :split<cr> " "Moving through buffers nmap <C-h> :bprev<cr> nmap <C-l> :bnext<cr> "Moving through splits -- This is commented to allow buffers! "nmap <C-H> <C-w>h "--- I allowed buffers cause i could just deal with "nmap <C-L> <C-w>l " --- fullscreen and when in split Ctrl + w-l/h isn't that "hard! " " "Resize vsplit " nmap <C-v> :vertical resize +5<cr> " nmap 25 :vertical resize 40<cr> " nmap 50 <c-w>= " nmap 75 :vertical resize 120<cr> " nmap <leader>1 :NERDTreeToggle<cr> " " "Load the current buffer in Chrome " nmap ,c :!open -a Google\ Chrome<cr> " " "Show (partial) command in the status line set showcmd " " " Create split below nmap :sp :rightbelow sp<cr> "Music! nnoremap <Leader>m :CtrlPMpc<CR> "Some basic settings let g:ctrlp_mpc_cmd = 'mpc --port 6601 --host' "Okay Disable if you love the good old swap backup files, i don't enjoy 'em "PLus Cool boys use Git! set nobackup set noswapfile "OKay folding stuff set foldmethod=syntax set foldlevelstart=1 let javaScript_fold=1 " JavaScript let perl_fold=1 " Perl let php_folding=1 " PHP let r_syntax_folding=1 " R let ruby_fold=1 " Ruby let sh_fold_enabled=1 " sh let vimsyn_folding='af' " Vim script let xml_syntax_folding=1 " XML "Status line stuffs.. fun! <SID>SetStatusLine() "let l:s1="%-3.3n\\ %f\\ %h%m%r%w" this thing is so verbose i hate it! let l:s2="[%{strlen(&filetype)?&filetype:'?'},%{&encoding},%{&fileformat}]" let l:s3="%=\\ 0x%-8B\\ \\ %-14.(%l,%c%V%)\\ %<%P" execute "set statusline=" . l:s2 . l:s3 endfun set laststatus=2 call <SID>SetStatusLine() let g:airline_theme='base16color' set encoding=utf-8 "Another vim-airline stuff function! AccentDemo() let keys = ['D','a','d','d','y'] for k in keys call airline#parts#define_text(k, k) endfor call airline#parts#define_accent('D', 'red') call airline#parts#define_accent('a', 'green') call airline#parts#define_accent('d', 'blue') call airline#parts#define_accent('d', 'yellow') call airline#parts#define_accent('y', 'orange') let g:airline_section_a = airline#section#create(keys) endfunction autocmd VimEnter * call AccentDemo() " vim-airline if !exists('g:airline_symbols') let g:airline_symbols = {} endif let g:airline_left_sep = '' let g:airline_left_alt_sep = '' let g:airline_right_sep = '' let g:airline_right_alt_sep = '' let g:airline_symbols.branch = '' let g:airline_symbols.readonly = '' let g:airline_symbols.linenr = '' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_sep = '' let g:airline#extensions#tabline#left_alt_sep = '' let g:airline#extensions#branch#enabled = 1 let g:airline#extensions#branch#empty_message = '' let g:airline#extensions#hunks#enabled = 1 let g:airline#extensions#hunks#non_zero_only = 0 let g:airline#extensions#hunks#hunk_symbols = ['+', '~', '-'] set errorformat=%A%f:%l:\ %m,%-Z%p^,%-C%.%# set errorformat=%f:%l:%c:%*\d:%*\d:%*\s%m call airline#themes#base16#refresh() " " autocmd cursorhold * set nohlsearch " autocmd cursormoved * set hlsearch " " " Remove search results " command! H let @/="" " " " If you prefer the Omni-Completion tip window to close when a selection is " " made, these lines close it on movement in insert mode or when leaving " " insert mode " autocmd CursorMovedI * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif " autocmd InsertLeave * if pumvisible() == 0|pclose|endif " " " Edit todo list for project " nmap ,todo :e todo.txt<cr> " " " Create/edit file in the current directory " nmap :ed :edit %:p:h/ " " " VimuxCommands and stuff.. " " fap stuff.. map <F8> :exec '!mplayer $(youtube-dl -g ' . shellescape(getline('.')) . ')' <CR><CR> " " " Using persistence Undo.... set undodir=$HOME/.Vim_undo_files set undolevels=5000 if has('persistent_undo') set undofile endif " " Now Using tabs for autocompletion in vim : commands. " Whenever tab now, vim will show a list, and longest & full will try to " suggest some for me.. ;) Pretty cool huh!? set wildmode=list:longest,full " " Cursors .. some guidence.. set cursorline set cursorcolumn " Wish i set cursorcolumn too " " Panes zooming code from " "This function turns Rolodex Vim on or off for the current tab "If turning off, it sets all windows to equal height function! ToggleRolodexTab() if exists("t:rolodex_tab") > 0 unlet t:rolodex_tab call ClearRolodexSettings() execute "normal \<C-W>=" else let t:rolodex_tab = 1 call SetRolodexSettings() endif endfunction "This function clears the Rolodex Vim settings and restores the previous values function! ClearRolodexSettings() "Assume if one exists they all will if exists("g:remember_ea") > 0 let &equalalways=g:remember_ea let &winheight=g:remember_wh let &winminheight=g:remember_wmh let &helpheight=g:remember_hh endif endfunction "This function set the Rolodex Vim settings and remembers the previous values for later function! SetRolodexSettings() if exists("t:rolodex_tab") > 0 let g:remember_ea=&equalalways let g:remember_wh=&winheight let g:remember_wmh=&winminheight let g:remember_hh=&helpheight set noequalalways winminheight=0 winheight=9999 helpheight=9999 endif endfunction "These two autocmds make Vim change the settings whenever a new tab is selected "We have to use TabLeave to always clear them. If we try and turn them off "in TabEnter, it is too late ( I think, since WinEnter has already been called and triggered the display) au TabLeave * call ClearRolodexSettings() au TabEnter * call SetRolodexSettings() "With this mapping, F2 toggles a tab to be Rolodex style noremap <F2> :call ToggleRolodexTab()<CR> "======================= Some other Zooming function =================== "This one isn't a per tab basis.. ======================================= "toggles whether or not the current window is automatically zoomed function! ToggleMaxWins() if exists('g:windowMax') au! maxCurrWin wincmd = unlet g:windowMax else augroup maxCurrWin " au BufEnter * wincmd _ | wincmd | " " only max it vertically au! WinEnter * wincmd _ augroup END do maxCurrWin WinEnter let g:windowMax=1 endif endfunction "nnoremap <Leader>m :call ToggleMaxWins()<CR> "Well i'm commenting this because i'm now using another function with F2 "keycode "also i need <Leader>m for my music :-P "Comment with filetypes .... yei.. "Javascript Groups augroup JavascriptCmd autocmd Filetype javascript nnoremap <leader>c I//<esc> autocmd Filetype javascript nnoremap <leader>f O/*<esc>o*/<esc> augroup END "html-autocmd autocmd Filetype html nnoremap <leader>c I<!--<esc>A--><esc> "wrapping inserts set wrap set linebreak set showbreak=>>\ "Scrolling effects set scrolloff=10 "The wild menu, for autocompleting vim commands set wildmenu "fzf stuffs " " This is the default extra key bindings let g:fzf_action = { \ 'ctrl-t': 'tab split', \ 'ctrl-x': 'split', \ 'ctrl-v': 'vsplit' } " Default fzf layout " - down / up / left / right " - window (nvim only) let g:fzf_layout = { 'down': '~40%' } " Advanced customization using autoload functions autocmd VimEnter * command! Colors \ call fzf#vim#colors({'left': '15%', 'options': '--reverse --margin 30%,0'}) " Mapping selecting mappings nmap <leader><tab> <plug>(fzf-maps-n) xmap <leader><tab> <plug>(fzf-maps-x) omap <leader><tab> <plug>(fzf-maps-o) " Insert mode completion imap <c-x><c-k> <plug>(fzf-complete-word) imap <c-x><c-f> <plug>(fzf-complete-path) imap <c-x><c-j> <plug>(fzf-complete-file-ag) imap <c-x><c-l> <plug>(fzf-complete-line) " Advanced customization using autoload functions inoremap <expr> <c-x><c-k> fzf#vim#complete#word({'left': '15%'}) "Make sentence function, I swear I don't know what it does.. "butt.. Looks awesome, btw ( you see what i did there .. ) hehehe.. function! s:make_sentence(lines) return substitute(join(a:lines), '^.', '\=toupper(submatch(0))', '').'.' endfunction inoremap <expr> <c-x><c-s> fzf#complete({ \ 'source': 'cat /usr/share/dict/words', \ 'reducer': function('<sid>make_sentence'), \ 'options': '--multi --reverse --margin 15%,0', \ 'left': 20}) "React js/jsx stuff let g:jsx_ext_required = 0 let g:jsx_pragma_required = 0 "Pencil stuff function! Prose() call pencil#init() " call lexical#init() " call litecorrect#init() " call textobj#quote#init() " call textobj#sentence#init() " manual reformatting shortcuts nnoremap <buffer> <silent> Q gqap xnoremap <buffer> <silent> Q gq nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <leader>Q vapJgqap " force top correction on most recent misspelling nnoremap <buffer> <c-s> [s1z=<c-o> inoremap <buffer> <c-s> <c-g>u<Esc>[s1z=`]A<c-g>u " replace common punctuation iabbrev <buffer> -- – iabbrev <buffer> --- — iabbrev <buffer> << « iabbrev <buffer> >> » " open most folds setlocal foldlevel=6 endfunction " automatically initialize buffer by file type autocmd FileType md,markdown,mkd,text call Prose() " invoke manually by command for other file types command! -nargs=0 Prose call Prose() " WatchForChanges sets autocommands that are triggered while in *any* buffer. " If you want vim to only check for changes to that buffer while editing the buffer " that is being watched, use WatchForChangesWhileInThisBuffer instead. " command! -bang WatchForChanges :call WatchForChanges(@%, {'toggle': 1, 'autoread': <bang>0}) command! -bang WatchForChangesWhileInThisBuffer :call WatchForChanges(@%, {'toggle': 1, 'autoread': <bang>0, 'while_in_this_buffer_only': 1}) command! -bang WatchForChangesAllFile :call WatchForChanges('*', {'toggle': 1, 'autoread': <bang>0}) " WatchForChanges function " function! WatchForChanges(bufname, ...) " Figure out which options are in effect if a:bufname == '*' let id = 'WatchForChanges'.'AnyBuffer' " If you try to do checktime *, you'll get E93: More than one match for * is given let bufspec = '' else if bufnr(a:bufname) == -1 echoerr "Buffer " . a:bufname . " doesn't exist" return end let id = 'WatchForChanges'.bufnr(a:bufname) let bufspec = a:bufname end if len(a:000) == 0 let options = {} else if type(a:1) == type({}) let options = a:1 else echoerr "Argument must be a Dict" end end let autoread = has_key(options, 'autoread') ? options['autoread'] : 0 let toggle = has_key(options, 'toggle') ? options['toggle'] : 0 let disable = has_key(options, 'disable') ? options['disable'] : 0 let more_events = has_key(options, 'more_events') ? options['more_events'] : 1 let while_in_this_buffer_only = has_key(options, 'while_in_this_buffer_only') ? options['while_in_this_buffer_only'] : 0 if while_in_this_buffer_only let event_bufspec = a:bufname else let event_bufspec = '*' end let reg_saved = @" "let autoread_saved = &autoread let msg = "\n" " Check to see if the autocommand already exists redir @" silent! exec 'au '.id redir END let l:defined = (@" !~ 'E216: No such group or event:') " If not yet defined... if !l:defined if l:autoread let msg = msg . 'Autoread enabled - ' if a:bufname == '*' set autoread else setlocal autoread end end silent! exec 'augroup '.id if a:bufname != '*' "exec "au BufDelete ".a:bufname . " :silent! au! ".id . " | silent! augroup! ".id "exec "au BufDelete ".a:bufname . " :echomsg 'Removing autocommands for ".id."' | au! ".id . " | augroup! ".id exec "au BufDelete ".a:bufname . " execute 'au! ".id."' | execute 'augroup! ".id."'" end exec "au BufEnter ".event_bufspec . " :checktime ".bufspec exec "au CursorHold ".event_bufspec . " :checktime ".bufspec exec "au CursorHoldI ".event_bufspec . " :checktime ".bufspec " The following events might slow things down so we provide a way to disable them... " vim docs warn: " Careful: Don't do anything that the user does " not expect or that is slow. if more_events exec "au CursorMoved ".event_bufspec . " :checktime ".bufspec exec "au CursorMovedI ".event_bufspec . " :checktime ".bufspec end augroup END let msg = msg . 'Now watching ' . bufspec . ' for external updates...' end " If they want to disable it, or it is defined and they want to toggle it, if l:disable || (l:toggle && l:defined) if l:autoread let msg = msg . 'Autoread disabled - ' if a:bufname == '*' set noautoread else setlocal noautoread end end " Using an autogroup allows us to remove it easily with the following " command. If we do not use an autogroup, we cannot remove this " single :checktime command " augroup! checkforupdates silent! exec 'au! '.id silent! exec 'augroup! '.id let msg = msg . 'No longer watching ' . bufspec . ' for external updates.' elseif l:defined let msg = msg . 'Already watching ' . bufspec . ' for external updates' end echo msg let @"=reg_saved endfunction """""""""" PSQL stuff.. ************************ au BufRead /tmp/psql.edit.* set syntax=sql