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executable file
121 lines (87 loc) · 4.26 KB

My Dotfiles

The Setup

Window Manager

i3wm –> <3 Window Manager
i3-blocks –> <3 i3 status menu bar
conky –> Yeah, my ex status panes / menu stuffs
nitrogen –> Background Images manager
xclip –> Clipboard!

window manager

Coding Environment

tmux –> Terminal Manager
vim-nox –> <3 Cutest Text Editor
ranger –> Terminal File manager
powerline –> Cute bars on Terminal and Vim

Useful Vim Plugins

vim-pathogen –> Plugin Manager Yeah, I haven't evolved yet (U can check on vim-vundle)
vim-airline –> Lighter powerline bars for vim
vim-airline-themes –> Yeah, you need this to change themes on those bars
vim-devicons –> Places some cute icons on vim bars & NerdTree
vim-webdevicons –> Yeah, I do Icons a lot
toboo.vim –> I can name my Tabs with this cute plugin
vim-nerdtree –> Yeah, It's a file structure view (Pretty cool)
vim-vinegar –> kinda like nerdtree but it's simpler!
vim-surround –> Creates, Changes & deletes surrounded text with tags/quotes
vim-gruvbox –> Light & Dark theme
vim-watchforchanges –> It updates vim's buffers when receiving an update
vim-autoread –> Not sure if I'm using this or the above one
vim-commentary –> Tries to comment text according to filetype
vim-colortoggle –> changes colors for multi-colored themes
vim-notes –> <3 lets you write notes in a semi markdown syntax
vim-zoomWin –> Lets you vertically zoom your windows, tab independent
vim-fzf –> Fuzzy finder plugin for vim, it's pretty neat
vim-loremipsum –> Gives that placeholder text

There is lots of vim-syntax'ed plugins, I'm won't post them here you can just do vim-jsx or vim-node or vim-rb, vim-py and get the particular syntax plugin yoo looking for.


Music & Videos

mpd –> <3 Music Server
ncmpcpp –> <3 Curses Music player (mpd client)
mpc –> <3 Terminal mpd client
pacmixer –> Pulseaudio Curses Mixer
youtube-dl –> Terminal youtube downloder
cmus –> Terminal Music player
pianobar –> music player
cava –> Gives Nice Music Visualizers with custom colors

Music Setup

Cli Browsers

mutt –> Terminal Email Reader
w3m –> Terminal Browser with Images!
elinks –> Advanced Terminal Browser That I usually don't use
lynx –> Yeah, I just added this here to look cool

Useful Tools in IRC

weechat –> <3 Terminal IRC client
bitlbee –> <3 facebook, twitter, gitter & discord protocol for weechat
urlview –> <3 sends urls sent from IRC to desired $BROWSER
pastebinit –> Yeah, I'm way past this (using ptpb now) But hey, it pastes stuff


transmission-cli –> Bittorrent client
transmission-remote-cli –> Console client for Transmission bittorrent above
torrtux –> <3 Searches thepiratesbay for a torrent in the terminal, ncurse based!


Videos Production

openshoot –> Yeah, it crashes a lot, not sure why I placed it first
kdenlive –> Beautiful, less complicated video editor I use
handbrake –> I use this for video compressing, but it can be advanced
ffmpeg –> Yeah, I only use this to increase my audio volume, but a dependency in other apps
inkscape –> Use it for Vector Images and most of my banners
Audacity –> Use it for my Audio Editing, it's simple

kdenlive rendering


newsbeuter –> Terminal news thing that I almost never use
IRC freenode/##news –> The closest I come to reading news

System Management

rsync –> Backup
samba –> Windows Clients Management
mongodb –> Schemaless logs
mysql –> Planned logs
htop –> Process Monitoring
bmon –> Network Monitoring

bmon network manager


  • Archlinux The Linux Distribution I'm using
  • Archwiki For detailed documentation on most software used
  • AUR For some software mentioned in this repo
  • Gotbletu For some scripts used in this repo and more

Alright Peace!