Contributions to this project are done under the BSD 3-Clause license. Please use this license for any new files and mark that file with a SPDX license notice at the top of the file as in:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Whenever this is missing from the file header (at the top of the file), please add the line in its own commit.
When developing this project, the following tools are necessary:
- Git
- Node.js >= 12
- NPM >= 8.5
We suggest the versions here to be taken as absolute minimum versions.
There are a few common tasks you will encounter, such as needing to lint the code and check that
the extension still builds. We automate these via npm
- Configuring the build environment:
npm install
- Building the code:
npm run compile
- Linting the code:
npm run lint
- Building the extension:
npm run installDevExtension
Note: installDevExtension does install the extension in VSCode for testing free-standing of the source.
Note: All commits must be signed/verified. This is an additional security measure to verify the source of every commit.
You can read more about commit signature verification from Github Docs.
- Fork and clone the repository
- Create a new branch:
git switch -c type/branch-name
- Make your change
- Push to your fork (
git push -u
) - Submit a pull request
If you wish to fix a bug, type
in the new branch name should be fix
, otherwise if you wish to implement
a new feature, type
should be feature
- Ensure you have our repo as a remote (
git remote add upstream
) - Switch back to
(git switch main
/git checkout main
) - Pull to ensure you're up to date (
git pull upstream
) - Push to your fork (
git push
) - Continue at 2. in the steps for first time
Additionally, please write good and descriptive commit messages that both summarise the change and, if necessary, expand on the summary using description lines. "More AST types" is, while terse and correct, an example of a bad commit message. "server/ast: Implemented an AST type for template scopes" is an example of a better commit message.
When writing commit messages, please prefix the component being modified by taking the path to the component
relative to the directory of your working copy, chopping off the src/
component, then appending a ":" after.
Examples of this are:
- "src/client/providers/semanticTokens.ts" -> "client/providers: "
- "src/server/ast/values.ts" -> "server/ast: "
- "src/providers/semanticTokens.ts" -> "providers: "
If the file is not in the src/ directory then either supply a purpose (eg "linting: ", "github: "), or use the tag "misc: " for the commit
We would like to be able to look back through the commit history and tell what happened, when, and why without having to dig into the commit descriptions as this improves the general Git experience and everyone's lives.
Try to keep commits focused on a single, small, atomic change to ease review, and aid the process if we end up having
to git bisect
through your changes, or git revert
in the extreme case something seriously broke.
We use rebasing to merge pull requests, so please keep this in mind.
As mentioned at the top of this file, contributions made to this code base must be made under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause license.
When contributing to existing code, we ask that you update the copyright and authorship notice at the top of the files touched with any authorship information you wish to provide in SPDX format. This is so that you get proper attribution.
When making an original contribution, copyright by default falls to you. However, if you wish to hand copyright over, then
please use the SPDX line SPDX-FileCopyrightText: [year] The Mangrove Language
, replacing [year] with the current year.
If you wrote the file and wish to be attributed as having done so, regardless of copyright, please add the SPDX line
SPDX-FileContributor: Written by [Your Name/Handle] <[Email Address]>
If you modified a file and wish to be attributed for that, please add the SPDX line
SPDX-FileContributor: Modified by [Your Name/Handle] <[Email Address]>
These lines must go after the SPDX-License-Identifier line but before anything else in the rest of the file (excluding shebangs for shell scripts). They will be used to automatically build contribution and attribution lists.