Do not use it in Production, testnet only.
Monorepo consists of:
- (RollDown) Gasp ETH Contract: Smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain that receives ERC20 token deposits and withdrawal requests.
- Gasp Sequencer: Decentralized service that reads updates from the Gasp ETH Contract and submits transactions with the information to the collator. It also monitors other sequencers for malicious activity and submits cancel requests before the dispute period ends for deposits.
- Gasp Collator (Gasp blockchain node): Responsible for building blockchain blocks on the Gasp L2 network built in Rust and Substrate framework. Based on information received from the sequencer, can also execute deposits and withdrawal requests.
- Gasp Updater: Monitors finished tasks on Eigen Layer and submits its results to (RollDown) Gasp ETH Contract
- Aggregator & Task Manager: Gasp runs an off-chain service that generates "tasks" and aggregates tasks processed by Eigen Layer operators. In our case, it will generate a task to finalize every 100th block. The Aggregator will sign the Ethereum TX to the Eigen ETH Contract. This service is a centralized off-chain worker.
- ** Gasp AVS - (Eigen Operator - AVS):** Collection of decentralized AVS operators that handle tasks. In our case, the task will be “Merkle root verification” and “operator list change”. Operators will sign the results and provide it to the aggregator. The operator will also finalise the block by re-executing it.
- Eigen ETH Contracts: Smart contracts (approx. 15) that handle the storage Merkle Roots and actual Operator Lists with coresponding BLS aggregated keys and stakes.
- You will need foundry to run local testnet.
curl -L | bash
- You will need Rust toolchain
url --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- You will need golang toolchain with zap-pretty
go install
You will need docker-compose
You will need proto and moon to build Docker image if you want to run spin up local environment via Docker Compose.
bash <(curl -fsSL
proto install moon
This simple session illustrates the basic flow of the AVS. The makefile commands are hardcoded for a single gasp-avs. For more gasp-avss you would need to modify setup script to distribute mock ERC20 tokens and deposit into AVS per gasp-avs. See 0_AnvilSetup.s.sol script for more info.
Init submodules and update deps,
git submodule init
git submodule update
Start anvil in a separate terminal:
make start-anvil-chain-with-el-and-avs-deployed
The above command starts a local anvil chain from a saved state with eigenlayer and mangata-avs contracts already deployed (but no gasp-avs registered).
Then start the aggregator:
make start-avs-aggregator
And lately, the gasp-avs,
make start-gasp-avs
- update eigen layer dependant submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
In the root folder run:
Running moon :build-image-local
is essential before running docker compose up -d --wait
For MacOS users with M1/M2 series processors parameter Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
should be turned OFF in your Docker Desktop configurations
# build docker images
moon :build-image-local
# start local environment
docker compose up -d
Modify source code, then run next commands:
moon :build-image-local
docker compose up -d
docker compose down -v
The architecture of the AVS contains:
- Eigenlayer core contracts
- AVS contracts
- ServiceManager which will eventually contain slashing logic but for M2 is just a placeholder.
- TaskManager which contains task creation and task response logic.
- Set of registry contracts to manage gasp-avss opted in to this avs
- Task Generator
- in a real world scenario, this could be a separate entity, but for this simple demo, the aggregator also acts as the task generator
- Aggregator
- aggregates BLS signatures from gasp-avss and posts the aggregated response to the task manager
- For this simple demo, the aggregator is not an gasp-avs, and thus does not need to register with eigenlayer or the AVS contract. It's IP address is simply hardcoded into the gasp-avs' config.
- Gasp AVSs
- Execute a block sent to the task manager by the task generator, sign it, and send it to the aggregator
A task generator (in our case, same as the aggregator) publishes tasks once every regular interval (say 10 blocks, you are free to set your own interval) to the Mangata contract's createNewTask function. Each task specifies an integer
for which it wants the currently opted-in Gasp AVSs to execute it.createNewTask
also takesquorumNumbers
which requests that each listed quorum (we only use quorumNumber 0) needs to reach at least thresholdPercentage of Gasp AVS signatures. -
A registry contract is deployed that allows any eigenlayer Gasp AVS with at least 1 delegated mockerc20 token to opt-in to this AVS and also de-register from this AVS.
[Gasp AVS] The Gasp AVSs who are currently opted-in with the AVS need to read the task number from the Task contract, execute the block, sign on that computed result (over the BN254 curve) and send their taskResponse and signature to the aggregator.
[Aggregator] The aggregator collects the signatures from the Gasp AVSs and aggregates them using BLS aggregation. If any response passes the quorumThresholdPercentage set by the task generator when posting the task, the aggregator posts the aggregated response to the Task contract.
If a response was sent within the response window, we enter the [Dispute resolution] period.
- Not yet implemented
Every AVS node implementation is required to abide by the Eigenlayer AVS Node Specification. We suggest reading through the whole spec, including the keys management section, but the hard requirements are currently only to:
- implement the AVS Node API
- implement the eigen prometheus metrics
Work in progress for the current implementation of Gasp AVS.
AVS Registry contracts have a stale view of Gasp AVS shares in the delegation manager contract. In order to update their stake table, they need to periodically call the StakeRegistry.updateStakes() function. We are currently using internal script to get Gasp AVS adresses and call the contract manually.
See the integration tests README for more details.
- Ensure you have Docker Compose installed
- Run
docker compose up -d
command from the root of the repository