Last modification: 1.06.2021
Chip description The PCA9557 is 8-bit I/O expander. It consists of one 8-bit configuration (inputor output selection),input port,output port,and polarity inversion (active-high) registers.
- list of PCA9557 chip registers and their statuses
- PCA9557 - main chip class
- PCA9557.read_register - read status of one register
- PCA9557.write_register - write new value to chip register
- PCA9557.sw_reset - software Reset CHIP
- PCA9557.port_init - initialize pseudo registers _iport (all input ports) and _oport (all output ports)
- PCA9557.set_io - setting of port configuration (I as input pin) and (O as output pin)
- PCA9557.set_invert - setting of inversion only for input pins (I as inverted) and (N as normal use or not inverted)
- PCA9557.set_io_name - add to pseudo registers _iport and _oport PIN name for ease managing for developer
- PCA9557.reset_inputs - set _iport pseudo register to Init status
- PCA9557.reset_outputs - set _oport pseudo register to Init status
- PCA9557.read_input_port - in loop reading of input PINS and set _iport register which maintains changed values ( Set for reached threshold ) and ( Unset for losing threshold)
- PCA9557.write_output_port - write output value into output PIN and update _oport register ( Low for 0V ) and (High for 3.3 - 5V )
- PCA9557.port_display - show in log current status of _iport and _oport pseudo registers (PIN Name, Status, Inversion, Direction)
- PCA9557.port_show_name - actualise _oport and _iport registers under current status of INPUT and OUTPUT registers. ( 'i' update only _iport, 'o' update only _oport, 'io' update both)
for internal use:
- PCA9557.set_bit - change bit in byte to 1
- PCA9557.get_bit - read bit in byte
- PCA9557.unset_bit - change bit in byte to 0
see script located in python_test_scripts directory
set logging:
set for INFO level logging. possible used DEBUG, ERROR loogin script will produce log pca9557.log
initialize chip:
sens = pca9557.PCA9557()
sw reset:
ret = sens.sw_reset() # make sw reset of chip !!necessary command before start CHIP connecting!!
default setting of REGISTERs
return value: (<ret>)
- ret = 0 -> correct setting REGISTERS, ret > 0 -> issue during setting
read from register:
value = sens.read_register(register = <command>)[0]
register parameter is name of chip register ('REGISTER0-3')
return value: (<8bit value>, <ret>)
- first return parameter is content of register
- ret = 0 -> correct writing into register, ret > 0 -> issue during reading process
write to register:
ret = sens.write_register(register = <command>, value = <variable>)
register parameter is name of chip register ('REGISTER0-3'), value is 8bit value written into register
return value: (<ret>)
- ret = 0 -> correct writing into register, ret > 0 -> issue during writing process
initialize pseudo registers _iport (all input ports) and _oport (all output ports) both registers are object registe that you can directly manage which are set to default values during object init. it's array of 8 items (for each PIN one array)
[10,Sleep,'X-------',NI] #[<pin number>,<pin status>,<pin name>,<pin inversion>
<pin number>
- from 0 - 7 coresponded to chip pin number P0-P7, default value 10 means no existing pin
<pin status>
- Sleep - INPUT-OUTPUT (pin is not initialized) -> could not read or write to it
- Init - INPUT-OUTPUT (pin is initialized) -> prepared for reading or writing to it
- Measure - INPUT (prepared for measure input pin)
- Threshold - INPUT (pin reached threshold value)
- High - OUTPUT (pin set to logical value 1)
- Low - OUTPUT (pin set to logical value 0)
<pin name>
- INPUT-OUTPUT use word without space and other special characters, only _ character is accepted
<pin inversion>
- Invert - INPUT pin is inverted
- Normal - INPUT pin si not inverted
- NoAppl - OUTPUT inversion is not applicable
Values of pin statuses are constant of library sub port_init is called internally by port_io sub, but could be used also externally
return value: (0)
- 0 -> correctly initialized
# example
setting of port configuration (I as input pin) and (O as output pin) at end of def is called port_init()
return value: (<mask_byte>,<ret>)
- mask_byte - byte O->0, I->1 used for REGISTER3 (is already set in def)
- ret = 0 -> correct writing into register, ret > 0 -> issue during reading process
setting of inversion only for input pins (I as inverted) and (N as normal use or not inverted)
return value: (<mask_byte>,<ret>)
- mask_byte - byte N->0, I->1 used for REGISTER3 (is already set in def)
- ret = 0 -> correct writing into register, ret > 0 -> issue during reading process
sens.set_io_name(port_arr = [[0,'LED1'],[1,'LED2'],[2,'BUT_RIG_DWN'],[3,'BUT_RIG_UP'],
add to pseudo registers _iport and _oport PIN name for ease managing for developer
- array: 8 items
- <port_number> (0-7)
- <port_name> 'string'
return value: (0)
- 0 -> correctly initialized
set _iport pseudo register to Init status
- set _iport register set all named inputs to default status status ['Init']
set _oport pseudo register to Init status
- set _oport register set all named outputs to default status status ['Init']
interrupt = sens.read_input_port(thr = 'Unset', mtime = 6, offset = 0.5)
in loop reading of input PINS and set _iport register which maintains changed values ( Set for reached threshold ) and ( Unset for losing threshold)
- mtime = max time of loop length in [seconds]
- offset = waiting time after catching first input threshold (waiting for multiple touching inputs) in [seconds]
PIN | Name | Status | Note |
2 | BUT_RIG_DWN | Measure | |
3 | BUT_RIG_UP | Measure | |
4 | BUT_LFT_DWN | Threshold | <- catched pin |
5 | BUT_LFT_UP | Measure |
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN0: 2 : 3 : BUT_RIG_DWN
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN1: 3 : 3 : BUT_RIG_UP
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Loop:0 -> PIN4: BUT_LFT_DWN ... pushed
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN2: 4 : 4 : BUT_LFT_DWN
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN3: 5 : 3 : BUT_LFT_UP
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN4: 10 : 20 : X-------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN5: 10 : 20 : X-------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN6: 10 : 20 : X-------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN7: 10 : 20 : X-------
return value: (<_iport>)
- array of values [<pin_number>,<pin_status>,<pin_name>]
write_output_port (status = <pin_output_status>, pin = <pin_name>)
sens.write_output_port (status = pca9557.Low, pin = 'LED1')
write output value into output PIN and update _oport register ( Low for 0V ) and (High for 3.3 - 5V )
- status = pin output status
- Low = 0V
- High = 3.3 - 5V
return value: (<_oport>,<ret>)
- array of values [<pin_number>,<pin_status>,<pin_name>]
- ret = 0 -> correct writing into register, ret > 0 -> issue during reading process
Show current status of _iport and _oport pseudo registers that collect more information about PINs (no actual status, but last actualised or measured or set).
- For pins:
- Name:
- User defined name, no space char allowed
- Status:
- Sleep - not initialized
- Init - initialized and waiting for Input action
- Thresh. - threshold measure means reached Set or Unset at INPUT pins - ( Inversion will replace reaching Set as 0 at INPUT pin, or as 1 at INPUT pin when normal inversion )
- Invert:
- NoAppl - when PIN is set as OUTPUT inversion mode is not used (Not Applicable)
- Invert - INPUT pin is inverted, threshold is 1->0
- Normal - INPUT pin is in normal, threshold is 0->1
- Name:
PIN | Name | Status | Invert | Direction |
PIN0 | LED1 | High | NoApl | OUTPUT |
PIN1 | LED2 | Low | NoApl | OUTPUT |
PIN2 | BUT_RIG_DWN | Thresh. | Normal | INPUT |
PIN3 | BUT_RIG_UP | Init | Normal | INPUT |
PIN4 | BUT_LFT_DWN | Init | Normal | INPUT |
PIN5 | BUT_LFT_UP | Init | Invert | INPUT |
PIN6 | DIS_RST | Init | NoApl | OUTPUT |
PIN7 | D/C | Init | NoApl | OUTPUT |
- PIN0-1 and PIN6-7 are OUTPUTs,
- PIN2-5 are INPUTs, buttons
- PIN0-1 are LED pins used for LED lighting, LED1 is ligh is dimmed, LED2 light is off
- PIN2 detect pushed button
- PIN3-5 buttons are not pushed, PIN5 check status 1->0
- PIN6 and PIN7 was not currently set and are off (Low value is difault value), status will change after writing new status in _oport
output of test script:
pi@raspberrypi:~/ecomet_i2c_raspberry_tools $ python3
3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44)
[GCC 8.3.0]
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Start logging ...
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Show Ports:
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN0: LED1 : OUTPUT : 3
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN1: LED2 : OUTPUT : 3
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN2: BUT_RIG_DWN : INPUT : 2
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN3: BUT_RIG_UP : INPUT : 2
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN4: BUT_LFT_DWN : INPUT : 2
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN5: BUT_LFT_UP : INPUT : 2
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN6: DIS_RST : OUTPUT : 3
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN7: D/C : OUTPUT : 3
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Push 10 times any Button ....
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN0: 2 : 3 : BUT_RIG_DWN
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN1: 3 : 3 : BUT_RIG_UP
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Loop:0 -> PIN4: BUT_LFT_DWN ... pushed
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN2: 4 : 4 : BUT_LFT_DWN
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN3: 5 : 3 : BUT_LFT_UP
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN4: 10 : 20 : X-------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN5: 10 : 20 : X-------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN6: 10 : 20 : X-------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN7: 10 : 20 : X-------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Show Ports:
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN Name Status Invert Direction
ecomet.pca9557: INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN0: LED1 : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN1: LED2 : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN2: BUT_RIG_DWN : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN3: BUT_RIG_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN4: BUT_LFT_DWN : Thresh. : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN5: BUT_LFT_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN6: DIS_RST : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN7: D/C : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Show Ports:
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN Name Status Invert Direction
ecomet.pca9557: INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN0: LED1 : Low : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN1: LED2 : High : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN2: BUT_RIG_DWN : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN3: BUT_RIG_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN4: BUT_LFT_DWN : Thresh. : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN5: BUT_LFT_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN6: DIS_RST : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN7: D/C : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Show Ports:
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN Name Status Invert Direction
ecomet.pca9557: INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN0: LED1 : High : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN1: LED2 : Low : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN2: BUT_RIG_DWN : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN3: BUT_RIG_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN4: BUT_LFT_DWN : Thresh. : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN5: BUT_LFT_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN6: DIS_RST : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN7: D/C : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO Show Ports:
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN Name Status Invert Direction
ecomet.pca9557: INFO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN0: LED1 : High : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN1: LED2 : High : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN2: BUT_RIG_DWN : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN3: BUT_RIG_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN4: BUT_LFT_DWN : Thresh. : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN5: BUT_LFT_UP : Init : Normal : INPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN6: DIS_RST : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
ecomet.pca9557: INFO PIN7: D/C : Init : NotApl : OUTPUT
R0 = 63
R1 = 3
R2 = 0
R3 = 60
Note: for more details look into