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" -"Attention: Captcha is case sensitive.","Achtung: Beim Captcha Groß- und Kleinschreibung beachten." -"A user with the same user name or email aleady exists.","Ein Benutzer mit demselben Benutzernamen oder derselben E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits vorhanden." -"API Key","API-Schlüssel" -"API Key Confirmation","Bestätigung API-Schlüssel" -"ASCII","ASCII" -"Abandoned Carts","Aufgegebene Einkaufswagen" -"About the calendar","Über den Kalender" -"Access Denied","Zugriff verweigert" -"Access denied","Zugriff verweigert" -"Access denied.","Zugriff verweigert." -"Account Created in:","Konto erstellt in:" -"Account Created on (%s):","Konto erstellt am (%s):" -"Account Created on:","Konto erstellt am:" -"Account Information","Kontoinformationen" -"Account Status","Kontostatus" -"Account status","Kontostatus" -"Action","Aktion" -"Actions","Aktionen" -"Actions XML","Aktionen XML" -"Active","Aktiv" -"Add","Hinzufügen" -"Add \Exception","Ausnahme hinzufügen" -"Add Field Mapping","Feldzuordnung hinzufügen" -"Add Field with URL:","Feld mit folgender URL hinzufügen:" -"Add New","Neues hinzufügen" -"Add New Image","Neues Bild hinzufügen" -"Add New Profile","Neues Profil hinzufügen" -"Add New Role","Neue Rolle hinzufügen" -"Add New Template","Neue Vorlage hinzufügen" -"Add New URL Rewrite","Neues URL-Rewrite hinzufügen" -"Add New User","Neuen Benutzer hinzufügen" -"Add New Variable","Neue Variable hinzufügen" -"Add Products","Produkte hinzufügen" -"Add URL Rewrite","URL-Rewrite hinzufügen" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Category","URL-Rewrite für eine Kategorie hinzufügen" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Product","URL-Rewrite für ein Produkt hinzufügen" -"Add after","Hinzufügen nach" -"Additional Cache Management","Verwaltung von zusätzlichem Cache" -"Address Type:","Adressentyp:" -"Admin","Admin" -"Advanced Admin Section","Erweiterter Admin-Bereich" -"Advanced Profiles","Erweiterte Profile" -"Advanced Section","Erweiterter Bereich" -"All","Alle" -"All Allowed Countries","Alle erlaubten Länder" -"All Cache","Alle Caches" -"All Files","Alle Dateien" -"All Reviews","Alle Beurteilungen" -"All Store Views","Alle Ladenansichten" -"All Websites","Alle Websites" -"All countries","Alle Länder" -"All fields","Alle Felder" -"All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Alle verfügbaren Preise wurden geladen, bitte klicken sie auf ""Speichern"" um diese zu übernehmen." -"All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Alle Preise wurden geladen, bitte klicken sie auf ""Speichern"" um diese zu übernehmen." -"All valid rates have been saved.","Alle gültigen Tarife wurden gespeichert." -"Always (during development)","Immer (während der Entwicklung)" -"Amounts","Beträge" -"An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages.","Während der Synchronisation der Speichermedien ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Beim Leeren des JavaScript/CSS-Caches ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while clearing the image cache.","Beim Leeren des Bild-Caches ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite.","Beim Löschen des URL-Rewrites ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again.","Beim Löschen der E-Mail-Vorlagendaten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Überprüfen Sie das Protokoll und versuchen Sie es erneut." -"An error occurred while deleting record(s).","Ein Fehler ist bei der Eintragungslöschung aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while deleting this role.","Beim Löschen dieser Rolle ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while deleting this set.","Beim Löschen dieser Menge ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while deleting this template.","Beim Löschen dieser Vorlage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache","Beim Fertigstellen des Vorgangs ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Aktualisieren Sie den Cache." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status.","Beim erneuten Aufbau des CatalogInventory-Bestandsstatus ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index.","Beim erneuten Aufbau des Katalogindexes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category.","Beim erneuten Aufbau der Flat Catalog-Kategorie ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog.","Beim erneuten Aufbau des Flat Product Catalog ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the search index.","Beim erneuten Aufbau des Suchindexes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites.","Beim Aktualisieren der Katalog-Rewrites ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices.","Beim Aktualisieren der Layered Navigation-Indizes ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites.","Während des Neuladens der umgeschriebenen Kataloge ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices.","Während des Neuladens der Layered Navigation ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite.","Beim Speichern des URL-Rewrites ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while saving account.","Beim Speichern des Kontos ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while saving review.","Beim Speichern der Bewertung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while saving the customer.","Beim Speichern des Kunden ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while saving this configuration:","Beim Speichern der Konfiguration ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while saving this role.","Beim Speichern dieser Rolle ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while saving this template.","Beim Speichern dieser Vorlage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"An error occurred while updating the selected review(s).","Beim Aktualisieren der ausgewählten Beurteilung(en) ist ein Fehler aufgetreten." -"Any","Beliebig" -"Any Attribute Set","Attributmenge beliebig" -"Any Group","Gruppe beliebig" -"Any Status","Status beliebig" -"Any Store","Laden beliebig" -"Any Type","Typ beliebig" -"Any Visibility","Sichtbarkeit beliebig" -"Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders.","Sämtliche seit dem Backup erstellten Daten gehen verloren, einschließlich der Administratoren, Kunden und Bestellungen." -"Archive file name:","Dateinamen archivieren:" -"Are you sure that you want to delete this template?","Diese Vorlage wirklich löschen?" -"Are you sure that you want to strip tags?","Tags wirklich entfernen?" -"Are you sure you want to do this?","Diesen Vorgang wirklich ausführen?" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?","Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten?" -"Area","Bereich" -"As low as:","Unterster Wert:" -"Assigned","Zugewiesen" -"Attribute Set Name:","Name der Attributmenge:" -"Attributes","Attribute" -"Automatic","Automatisch" -"Average","Durchschnittlicher Bestellungsbetrag" -"Average Orders","Bestellungen durchschnittlich" -"BINARY","BINÄR" -"Back","Zurück" -"Back to Login","Zurück zur Anmeldung" -"Backup","Sichern" -"Backup Name","Backup-Name" -"Backup options","Backup-Optionen" -"Backups","Sicherungskopien" -"Base currency","Basiswährung" -"Bcc","Bcc" -"Bestsellers","Am meisten verkauft" -"Billing Address","Rechnungsanschrift" -"Billing Address: ","Rechnungsanschrift:" -"Billing Agreement","Rechnungsvereinbarung" -"Billing Agreements","Rechnungsvereinbarungen" -"Block Information","Information sperren" -"Both (without and with tax)","Beides (mit und ohne Steuern)" -"Both IPN and PDT","Sowohl IPN als auch PDT" -"Browse Files...","Dateien durchsuchen ..." -"Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved.","Bündelung mit dynamischer Preisgebung darf keine benutzerdefinierten Optionen enthalten. Optionen werden nicht gespeichert." -"CMS","CMS" -"CRITICAL","kritisch" -"CSV","CSV" -"CSV / Tab separated","CSV / Tab-getrennt" -"Cache Control","Cache-Steuerung" -"Cache Control (beta)","Cache-Steuerung (beta)" -"Cache Management","Cache-Verwaltung" -"Cache Type","Cache-Typ" -"Cancel","Abbrechen" -"Cannot add new comment.","Neuer Kommentar kann nicht hinzugefügt werden." -"Cannot add tracking number.","Trackingnummer kann nicht hinzugefügt werden." -"Cannot create an invoice without products.","Rechnung kann nicht ohne Produkte erstellt werden." -"Cannot create credit memo for the order.","Gutschrift für die Bestellung kann nicht erstellt werden." -"Cannot delete the design change.","Designänderung kann nicht gelöscht werden." -"Cannot delete tracking number.","Trackingnummer kann nicht gelöscht werden." -"Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice.","Lieferung für die Bestellung kann nicht von der Rechnung getrennt erfolgen." -"Cannot do shipment for the order.","Lieferung für die Bestellung kann nicht ausgeführt werden." -"Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number.","Lieferung kann nicht initialisiert werden - Trackingnummer hinzugefügt." -"Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number.","Lieferung kann nicht initialisiert werden - Trackingnummer gelöscht." -"Cannot load track with retrieving identifier.","Track kann nicht mit Abrufkennzeichen geladen werden." -"Cannot retrieve tracking number detail.","Trackingnummerdetail kann nicht abgerufen werden." -"Cannot save shipment.","Lieferung kann nicht gespeichert werden." -"Cannot save the credit memo.","Die Gutschrift kann nicht gespeichert werden." -"Cannot send shipment information.","Die Lieferdaten können nicht gesendet werden." -"Cannot update item quantity.","Artikelmenge kann nicht aktualisiert werden." -"Cannot update the item\'s quantity.","Artikelmenge kann nicht aktualisiert werden." -"Catalog","Katalog" -"Catalog Price Rules","Katalogpreisregeln" -"Catalog Rewrites","Katalog-Rewrites" -"Categories","Kategorien" -"Category:","Kategorie:" -"Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here.","Chart ist deaktiviert. Wenn Sie den Chart aktivieren wollen, klicken Sie hier ." -"Checkbox","Kontrollkästchen" -"Child Transactions","Kindertransaktionen" -"Choose Store View:","Shopansicht auswählen:" -"Choose an attribute","Ein Attribut auswählen" -"Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","Gewählte Kategorie ist mit keiner Webseite verbunden, ein Überschreiben der URL ist nicht möglich." -"Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","Gewähltes Produkt ist mit keiner Webseite verbunden, ein Überschreiben der URL ist nicht möglich." -"Clear","Auswahl aufheben" -"Close","Schließen" -"Comment text field cannot be empty.","Das Textfeld für Kommentare darf nicht leer sein." -"Complete","Abgeschlossen" -"Configuration","Konfiguration" -"Confirm New Password","Neues Passwort bestätigen" -"Confirmed email:","Bestätigte E-Mail-Adresse:" -"Connect with the Magento Community","Mit der Magento-Community verbinden" -"Continue","Weiter" -"Continuous","Durchgängig" -"Convert to Plain Text","In unformatierten Text konvertieren" -"Cookie (unsafe)","Cookie (unsicher)" -"Country","Land" -"Country:","Land:" -"Coupons","Coupons" -"Create","Erstellen" -"Create DB Backup","DB-Sicherungskopie erstellen" -"Create New Attribute","Neues Attribut erstellen" -"Create URL Rewrite:","URL-Rewrite erstellen:" -"Created At","Erstellt um" -"Credit Card %s","Kreditkarten" -"Credit Memo History","Gutschriftverlauf" -"Credit Memo Totals","Gutschriftensummen" -"Credit Memos","Gutschriften" -"Credit memo #%s comment added","Gutschrift #%s Kommentar hinzugefügt" -"Credit memo #%s created","Gutschrift #%s erstellt" -"Credit memo\'s total must be positive.","Die Summe aller Gutschriften muss positiv sein." -"Currency","Währung" -"Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s.","Währung ""%s"" wird verwendet als %s in %s." -"Currency Information","Währungsdaten" -"Currency Setup Section","Bereich für Währungseinstellung" -"Current Configuration Scope:","Aktueller Konfigurationsumfang:" -"Current Month","Aktueller Monat" -"Custom","Benutzerdefiniert" -"Custom Variable ""%s""","Benutzerdefinierte Variable ""% s""" -"Custom Variables","Benutzerdefinierte Variablen" -"Customer","Kunde" -"Customer Group:","Kundengruppe:" -"Customer Groups","Kundengruppen" -"Customer","Kundenname" -"Customer Reviews","Kundenbeurteilungen" -"Customer Shopping Carts","Einkaufswagen von Kunden" -"Customer Since:","Kunde seit:" -"Customer Tax Classes","Kundensteuerklassen" -"Customer with the same email already exists.","Ein Kunde mit derselben E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits vorhanden." -"Customers","Kunden" -"Customers by Orders","Kunden nach Anzahl der Bestellungen" -"Customers by Orders Total","Kunden nach Summe der Bestellungen" -"DHTML Date/Time Selector","DHTML Datums-/Uhrzeitauswahltool" -"Dashboard","Dashboard" -"Data Format","Datenformat" -"Data transfer:","Datenübertragung:" -"Database","Datenbank" -"Date","Datum" -"Date & Time","Datum & Uhrzeit" -"Added","Hinzugefügt am (Datum)" -"Updated","Aktualisiert am (Datum)" -"Date selection:","Datumsauswahl:" -"Date selector","Datumsauswahltool" -"Day","Tag" -"Decimal separator:","Dezimaltrennzeichen:" -"Default (Admin) Values","Standardwerte (Admin)" -"Default Billing Address","Standardrechnungsadresse" -"Default Config","Standardkonfig." -"Default Template from Locale","Standardvorlage von Gebietsschema" -"Default Values","Standardwerte" -"Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies.","Im Display angezeigte Währung ""% s"" ist nicht in zugelassenen Währungen verfügbar." -"Default scope","Standardumfang" -"Delete","Löschen" -"Delete %s","%s löschen" -"Delete %s '%s'","%s '%s' löschen" -"Delete File","Datei löschen" -"Delete Image","Bild löschen" -"Delete Profile","Profil löschen" -"Delete Role","Rolle löschen" -"Delete Store","Laden löschen" -"Delete Store View","Ladenansicht löschen" -"Delete Template","Vorlage löschen" -"Delete User","Benutzer löschen" -"Delete Website","Website löschen" -"Description","Beschreibung" -"Design","Design" -"Design Section","Design-Bereich" -"Details","Details" -"Developer Section","Entwicklerbereich" -"Direction:","Richtung:" -"Disable","Deaktivieren" -"Disabled","Deaktiviert" -"Display %s first","%s zuerst anzeigen" -"Display default currency","Standardwährung anzeigen" -"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details.","Vertrieb unter GNU LGPL. Zu Details siehe %s." -"Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?","Parallelprozess wirklich BEENDEN und neuen Indexerstellungsprozess starten?" -"Do you really want to proceed?","Möchten Sie wirklich fortfahren?" -"Download","Download" -"Downloads","Downloads" -"Drag to move","Zum Verschieben ziehen" -"Drop-down","Dropdown" -"Edit","Bearbeiten" -"Edit Design Change","Designänderung bearbeiten" -"Edit Email Template","E-Mail-Vorlage bearbeiten" -"Edit Order","Ordner bearbeiten" -"Edit Queue","Warteschlange bearbeiten" -"Edit Review","Bewertung aufbereiten" -"Edit Role","Rolle bearbeiten" -"Edit Store View","Ladenansicht bearbeiten" -"Edit System Template","Systemvorlage bearbeiten" -"Edit Template","Vorlage bearbeiten" -"Edit URL Rewrite","URL-Rewrite bearbeiten" -"Edit User","Nutzer aufbereiten" -"Edit User '%s'","Benutzer '%s' bearbeiten" -"Edit Website","Website bearbeiten" -"Email","E-Mail" -"Email Address:","Email-Adresse:" -"Email Preview","E-Mail-Vorschau" -"Email to a Friend","E-Mail an einen Freund" -"Email:","E-Mail:" -"Enable","Aktivieren" -"Enabled","Aktiviert" -"Enclose Values In:","Werte einschließen in:" -"Entity Attributes","Entitätenattribute" -"Entity Type","Entitätstyp" -"Entity type:","Art der Organisation:" -"Error","Fehler" -"Excel XML","Excel-XML" -"Excl. Tax","Ausschl. Steuer" -"Exclude media folder from backup","Medienordner vom Backup ausnehmen" -"Export","Export" -"Export CSV","CSV exportieren" -"Export Filters","Filter exportieren" -"Export to:","Exportieren an:" -"Export:","Export:" -"FTP Host","FTP-Host" -"FTP Host[:Port]","FTP Host[:Port]" -"FTP Login","FTP Login" -"FTP Password","FTP Passwort" -"FTP credentials","FTP-Berechtigungen" -"Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s"".","Kein Produkt in den Warenkorb von ID ""% s"" gelegt." -"Failed to cancel the billing agreement.","Stornierung der Zahlungsvereinbarung fehlgeschlagen." -"Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Leeren des JavaScript/CSS-Caches fehlgeschlagen." -"Failed to delete the billing agreement.","Aufheben der Zahlungsvereinbarung fehlgeschlagen." -"Failed to update the profile.","Aktualisierung des Profils fehlgeschlagen." -"Field","Feld" -"Field Mapping","Feldzuordnung" -"File","Datei" -"File Information","Dateiinformation" -"File System","Dateisystem" -"File mode","Dateimodus" -"File name:","Dateiname:" -"File size should be more than 0 bytes","Dateigröße sollte mehr als 0 Byte betragen." -"Finished profile execution.","Profilausführung fertig." -"First Invoice Created Date","Erstellungsdatum der ersten Rechnung" -"First Name","Vorname" -"First Name is required field.","Vorname ist ein Pflichtfeld." -"First Name:","Vorname:" -"Fixed","Feststehend" -"Flush Catalog Images Cache","Katalogbildercache leeren" -"Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache","JavaScript/CSS-Cache leeren" -"For category","Für Kategorie" -"For latest version visit: %s","Neueste Version siehe: %s" -"For product","Für Produkt" -"Forgot Admin Password","Admin-Passwort vergessen" -"Forgot your password?","Passwort vergessen?" -"Forgot your user name or password?","Haben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen oder Ihr Passwort vergessen?" -"From","von" -"GLOBAL","ALLGEMEIN" -"Gb","GB" -"General Information","Allgemeine Angaben" -"General Section","Allgemeiner Bereich" -"Get Image Base64","Get Image Base64" -"Get help for this page","Hilfe zu dieser Seite einholen" -"Global Attribute","Allgemeines Attribut" -"Global Record Search","Globale Eintragssuche" -"Global Search","Allgemeine Suche" -"Go Today","Heute aktiv werden" -"Go to messages inbox","Zum Posteingang" -"Go to notifications","Zu den Benachrichtigungen" -"Google Base","Google Base" -"Google Sitemaps","Google Sitemaps" -"Grand Total","Rechnungsbetrag" -"Grid (default) / List","Tabelle (Standard)/Liste" -"Grid Only","Grid Only" -"Group:","Gruppe:" -"Guest","Gast" -"HTTP (unsecure)","HTTP (unsicher)" -"HTTPS (SSL)","HTTPS (SSL)" -"Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs","Helfen Sie uns, Magento sauber zu halten - Melden Sie alle Fehler" -"Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates.","Helfereigenschaften sollten nicht in den benutzerdefinierten Layoutaktualisierungen verwendet werden." -"Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface.","Hilfsfunktion für Wiedergabemöglichkeiten richtet erforderliche Schnittstelle nicht ein." -"Home","Startseite" -"ID","ID" -"ID Path","ID-Pfad" -"IP Address","IP-Adresse" -"IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only","Nur IPN (Sofortzahlungsbenachrichtigung)" -"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","Wenn ein Konto mit %s verknüpft ist, erhalten Sie eine E-Mail mit einem Link für das Resetten Ihres Passworts." -"If this message persists, please contact the store owner.","Wenn diese Meldung weiterhin angezeigt wird, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Ladeneigentümer." -"Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)","Bilder (.gif, .jpg, .png)" -"Images Cache","Bildercache" -"Import","Importieren" -"Import Service","Importdienst" -"Import and Export","Importieren und exportieren" -"Import and Export Tax Rates","Steuersätze importieren und exportieren" -"Import/Export","Importieren/Exportieren" -"Import/Export Advanced","Import/Export Erweitert" -"Import/Export Profile","Profil importieren/exportieren" -"Important: ","Wichtig:" -"Imported %s records","Importierte %s Datensätze" -"In","In" -"In Database:","In Datenbank:" -"In File:","In Datei:" -"Inactive","Inaktiv" -"Incl. Tax","Einschl. Steuern" -"Incoming Message","Eingehende Nachricht" -"Insert Variable...","Variable einfügen..." -"Interactive","Interaktiv" -"Interface Locale: %s","Interface Locale: %s" -"Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.","Ungültiger Formularschlüssel. Aktualisieren Sie die Seite." -"Invalid Import Service Specified","Ungültiger Importdienst angegeben" -"Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file).","Ungültige POST-Daten (prüfen Sie die Einstellungen für post_max_size und upload_max_filesize in Ihrer php.ini-Datei)." -"Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.","Ungültiger Geheimschlüssel. Aktualisieren Sie die Seite." -"Invalid User Name or Password.","Benutzername oder Passwort ungültig." -"Invalid directory: %s","Ungültiges Verzeichnis: %s" -"Invalid email address ""%s"".","Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse ""%s""." -"Invalid email address.","Ungültige E-Mail-Adresse." -"Invalid file: %s","Ungültige Datei: %s" -"Invalid input data for %s => %s rate","Ungültige Eingabedaten für %s => %s Rate" -"Invalid parent block for this block","Ungültiger Elternblock für diesen Block" -"Invalid parent block for this block.","Ungültiger übergeordneter Block für diesen Block." -"Invalid password reset token.","Ungültiger Token für das Resetten des Passworts." -"Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces.","Ungültiger Absendername ""%s"". Bitte verwenden Sie nur lesbare Zeichen und Leerzeichen." -"Invalid timezone","Ungültige Zeitzone" -"Invalidated","Ungültig gemacht" -"Inventory Stock Status","Vorratsbestand Status" -"Invoice #%s comment added","Rechnung #%s - Kommentar hinzugefügt" -"Invoice #%s created","Rechnung #%s erstellt" -"Invoice History","Rechnungsverlauf" -"Invoice Totals","Rechnungssummen" -"Invoice canceling error.","Fehler beim Stornieren der Rechnung." -"Invoice capturing error.","Fehler beim Erfassen der Rechnung." -"Invoice voiding error.","Fehler beim Ungültigmachen der Rechnung." -"Invoices","Rechnungen" -"Is Closed","Ist geschlossen" -"Issue Number","Ausstellnummer" -"Items","Elemente" -"JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.","JavaScript scheint in Ihrem Browser deaktiviert zu sein." -"JavaScript/CSS","JavaScript/CSS" -"JavaScript/CSS Cache","JavaScript/CSS-Cache" -"Kb","KB" -"Last 24 Hours","Letzte 24 Stunden" -"Last 5 Orders","Letzte 5 Bestellungen" -"Last 5 Search Terms","Letzte 5 Suchbegriffe" -"Last 7 Days","Letzte 7 Tage" -"Last Credit Memo Created Date","Datum der letzten Gutschrifterstellung" -"Last Invoice Created Date","Datum der letzten Rechnungserstellung" -"Last Logged In (%s):","Zuletzt angemeldet (%s):" -"Last Logged In:","Letzte Anmeldung:" -"Last Name","Nachname" -"Last Name is required field.","Das Feld 'Nachname' muss ausgefüllt werden." -"Last Name:","Nachname:" -"Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here.","Zuletzt aktualisiert: %s. Um die Statistiken von gestern zu aktualisieren, klicken Sie hier." -"Latest Message:","Neueste Meldung:" -"Layered Navigation Indices","Layered Navigation-Indizes" -"Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed.","Layered Navigation Indices wurden aktualisiert." -"Leave empty to use tax identifier","Frei lassen, um Steuernummer einzusetzen" -"Lifetime Sales","Gesamtumsatz" -"Lifetime statistics have been updated.","Lebenslange Statistik wurde aktualisiert." -"Links","Links" -"Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product.","Links mit verknüpften Produkten werden nur beibehalten, nachdem das aktuelle Produkt gespeichert wurde." -"List (default) / Grid","Liste (Standard)/Tabelle" -"List Only","Nur Liste" -"Load Template","Vorlage laden" -"Load default template","Standardvorlage laden" -"Loading...","Laden ..." -"Local Server","Lokaler Server" -"Local/Remote Server","Lokaler Server/Remote-Server" -"Locale","Gebietsschema" -"Log Out","Abmelden" -"Log in to Admin Panel","Beim Admin-Panel anmelden" -"Log into Magento Admin Page","Bei der Magento Admin-Seite anmelden" -"Logged in as %s","Angemeldet als %s" -"Login","Login" -"Low Stock","Vorratsbestand niedrig" -"MAJOR","größer" -"MINOR","KLEINER" -"MS Excel XML","MS Excel XML" -"Magento Admin","Magento Admin" -"Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel","Magento Commerce - Verwaltungspanel" -"Magento Connect","Magento Connect" -"Magento Connect Manager","Magento Connect-Manager" -"Magento Logo","Magento-Logo" -"Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc.","Magento ist ein Warenzeichen von X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc." -"Magento root directory","Magento-Rootverzeichnis" -"Magento ver. %s","Magento Version %s" -"Magento® is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc.Page not found.
","Page not found.
" -"Attention: Captcha is case sensitive.","Attention: Captcha is case sensitive." -"A user with the same user name or email aleady exists.","A user with the same user name or email aleady exists." -"API Key","API Key" -"API Key Confirmation","API Key Confirmation" -"ASCII","ASCII" -"Abandoned Carts","Abandoned Carts" -"About the calendar","About the calendar" -"Access Denied","Access Denied" -"Access denied","Access denied" -"Access denied.","Access denied." -"Account Created in:","Account Created in:" -"Account Created on (%s):","Account Created on (%s):" -"Account Created on:","Account Created on:" -"Account Information","Account Information" -"Account Status","Account Status" -"Account status","Account status" -"Action","Action" -"Actions","Actions" -"Actions XML","Actions XML" -"Active","Active" -"Add","Add" -"Add \Exception","Add \Exception" -"Add Field Mapping","Add Field Mapping" -"Add Field with URL:","Add Field with URL:" -"Add New","Add New" -"Add New Image","Add New Image" -"Add New Profile","Add New Profile" -"Add New Role","Add New Role" -"Add New Template","Add New Template" -"Add New URL Rewrite","Add New URL Rewrite" -"Add New User","Add New User" -"Add New Variable","Add New Variable" -"Add Products","Add Products" -"Add URL Rewrite","Add URL Rewrite" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Category","Add URL Rewrite for a Category" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Product","Add URL Rewrite for a Product" -"Add after","Add after" -"Additional Cache Management","Additional Cache Management" -"Address Type:","Address Type:" -"Admin","Admin" -"Advanced Admin Section","Advanced Admin Section" -"Advanced Profiles","Advanced Profiles" -"Advanced Section","Advanced Section" -"All","All" -"All Allowed Countries","All Allowed Countries" -"All Cache","All Cache" -"All Files","All Files" -"All Reviews","All Reviews" -"All Store Views","All Store Views" -"All Websites","All Websites" -"All countries","All countries" -"All fields","All fields" -"All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply" -"All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply" -"All valid rates have been saved.","All valid rates have been saved." -"Always (during development)","Always (during development)" -"Amounts","Amounts" -"An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages.","An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages." -"An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache.","An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache." -"An error occurred while clearing the image cache.","An error occurred while clearing the image cache." -"An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite.","An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite." -"An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again.","An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again." -"An error occurred while deleting record(s).","An error occurred while deleting record(s)." -"An error occurred while deleting this role.","An error occurred while deleting this role." -"An error occurred while deleting this set.","An error occurred while deleting this set." -"An error occurred while deleting this template.","An error occurred while deleting this template." -"An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache","An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status.","An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index.","An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category.","An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog.","An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the search index.","An error occurred while rebuilding the search index." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites.","An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices.","An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices." -"An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites.","An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites." -"An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices.","An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices." -"An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite.","An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite." -"An error occurred while saving account.","An error occurred while saving account." -"An error occurred while saving review.","An error occurred while saving review." -"An error occurred while saving the customer.","An error occurred while saving the customer." -"An error occurred while saving this configuration:","An error occurred while saving this configuration:" -"An error occurred while saving this role.","An error occurred while saving this role." -"An error occurred while saving this template.","An error occurred while saving this template." -"An error occurred while updating the selected review(s).","An error occurred while updating the selected review(s)." -"Any","Any" -"Any Attribute Set","Any Attribute Set" -"Any Group","Any Group" -"Any Status","Any Status" -"Any Store","Any Store" -"Any Type","Any Type" -"Any Visibility","Any Visibility" -"Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders.","Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders." -"Archive file name:","Archive file name:" -"Are you sure that you want to delete this template?","Are you sure that you want to delete this template?" -"Are you sure that you want to strip tags?","Are you sure that you want to strip tags?" -"Are you sure you want to do this?","Are you sure you want to do this?" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?","Are you sure you want to proceed?" -"Area","Area" -"As low as:","As low as:" -"Assigned","Assigned" -"Attribute Set Name:","Attribute Set Name:" -"Attributes","Attributes" -"Automatic (equalize price ranges)","Automatic (equalize price ranges)" -"Automatic (equalize product counts)","Automatic (equalize product counts)" -"Average","Average" -"Average Orders","Average Orders" -"BINARY","BINARY" -"Back","Back" -"Back to Login","Back to Login" -"Backup","Backup" -"Backup Name","Backup Name" -"Backup options","Backup options" -"Backups","Backups" -"Base currency","Base currency" -"Bcc","Bcc" -"Bestsellers","Bestsellers" -"Billing Address","Billing Address" -"Billing Address: ","Billing Address: " -"Billing Agreement","Billing Agreement" -"Billing Agreements","Billing Agreements" -"Block Information","Block Information" -"Both (without and with tax)","Both (without and with tax)" -"Both IPN and PDT","Both IPN and PDT" -"Browse Files...","Browse Files..." -"Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved.","Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved." -"CMS","CMS" -"CRITICAL","CRITICAL" -"CSV","CSV" -"CSV / Tab separated","CSV / Tab separated" -"Cache Control","Cache Control" -"Cache Control (beta)","Cache Control (beta)" -"Cache Management","Cache Management" -"Cache Type","Cache Type" -"Cancel","Cancel" -"Cannot add new comment.","Cannot add new comment." -"Cannot add tracking number.","Cannot add tracking number." -"Cannot create an invoice without products.","Cannot create an invoice without products." -"Cannot create credit memo for the order.","Cannot create credit memo for the order." -"Cannot delete the design change.","Cannot delete the design change." -"Cannot delete tracking number.","Cannot delete tracking number." -"Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice.","Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice." -"Cannot do shipment for the order.","Cannot do shipment for the order." -"Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number.","Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number." -"Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number.","Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number." -"Cannot load track with retrieving identifier.","Cannot load track with retrieving identifier." -"Cannot retrieve tracking number detail.","Cannot retrieve tracking number detail." -"Cannot save shipment.","Cannot save shipment." -"Cannot save the credit memo.","Cannot save the credit memo." -"Cannot send shipment information.","Cannot send shipment information." -"Cannot update item quantity.","Cannot update item quantity." -"Cannot update the item\'s quantity.","Cannot update the item\'s quantity." -"Card Verification Number","Card Verification Number" -"Catalog","Catalog" -"Catalog Price Rules","Catalog Price Rules" -"Catalog Rewrites","Catalog Rewrites" -"Categories","Categories" -"Category:","Category:" -"Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here.","Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here." -"Checkbox","Checkbox" -"Child Transactions","Child Transactions" -"Choose Store View:","Choose Store View:" -"Choose an attribute","Choose an attribute" -"Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible." -"Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible." -"Clear","Clear" -"Close","Close" -"Comment text field cannot be empty.","Comment text field cannot be empty." -"Complete","Complete" -"Configuration","Configuration" -"Confirm New Password","Confirm New Password" -"Confirmed email:","Confirmed email:" -"Connect with the Magento Community","Connect with the Magento Community" -"Continue","Continue" -"Convert to Plain Text","Convert to Plain Text" -"Cookie (unsafe)","Cookie (unsafe)" -"Country","Country" -"Country:","Country:" -"Coupons","Coupons" -"Create","Create" -"Create DB Backup","Create DB Backup" -"Create New Attribute","Create New Attribute" -"Create URL Rewrite:","Create URL Rewrite:" -"Created At","Created At" -"Credit Card %s","Credit Card %s" -"Credit Card Number","Credit Card Number" -"Credit Card Number: xxxx-%s","Credit Card Number: xxxx-%s" -"Credit Card Type","Credit Card Type" -"Credit Card Type: %s","Credit Card Type: %s" -"Credit Memo History","Credit Memo History" -"Credit Memo Totals","Credit Memo Totals" -"Credit Memos","Credit Memos" -"Credit memo #%s comment added","Credit memo #%s comment added" -"Credit memo #%s created","Credit memo #%s created" -"Credit memo\'s total must be positive.","Credit memo\'s total must be positive." -"Currency","Currency" -"Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s.","Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s." -"Currency Information","Currency Information" -"Currency Setup Section","Currency Setup Section" -"Current Configuration Scope:","Current Configuration Scope:" -"Current Month","Current Month" -"Custom","Custom" -"Custom Variable ""%s""","Custom Variable ""%s""" -"Custom Variables","Custom Variables" -"Customer","Customer" -"Customer Group:","Customer Group:" -"Customer Groups","Customer Groups" -"Customer","Customer" -"Customer Reviews","Customer Reviews" -"Customer Shopping Carts","Customer Shopping Carts" -"Customer Since:","Customer Since:" -"Customer Tax Classes","Customer Tax Classes" -"Customer with the same email already exists.","Customer with the same email already exists." -"Customers","Customers" -"Customers by Orders","Customers by Orders" -"Customers by Orders Total","Customers by Orders Total" -"DHTML Date/Time Selector","DHTML Date/Time Selector" -"Dashboard","Dashboard" -"Data Format","Data Format" -"Data transfer:","Data transfer:" -"Database","Database" -"Date","Date" -"Date & Time","Date & Time" -"Added","Added" -"Updated","Updated" -"Date selection:","Date selection:" -"Date selector","Date selector" -"Day","Day" -"Decimal separator:","Decimal separator:" -"Default (Admin) Values","Default (Admin) Values" -"Default Billing Address","Default Billing Address" -"Default Config","Default Config" -"Default Template from Locale","Default Template from Locale" -"Default Values","Default Values" -"Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies.","Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies." -"Default scope","Default scope" -"Delete","Delete" -"Delete %s","Delete %s" -"Delete %s '%s'","Delete %s '%s'" -"Delete File","Delete File" -"Delete Image","Delete Image" -"Delete Profile","Delete Profile" -"Delete Role","Delete Role" -"Delete Store","Delete Store" -"Delete Store View","Delete Store View" -"Delete Template","Delete Template" -"Delete User","Delete User" -"Delete Website","Delete Website" -"Description","Description" -"Design","Design" -"Design Section","Design Section" -"Details","Details" -"Developer Section","Developer Section" -"Direction:","Direction:" -"Disable","Disable" -"Disabled","Disabled" -"Display %s first","Display %s first" -"Display default currency","Display default currency" -"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details.","Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details." -"Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?","Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?" -"Do you really want to proceed?","Do you really want to proceed?" -"Download","Download" -"Downloads","Downloads" -"Drag to move","Drag to move" -"Drop-down","Drop-down" -"Edit","Edit" -"Edit Design Change","Edit Design Change" -"Edit Email Template","Edit Email Template" -"Edit Order","Edit Order" -"Edit Queue","Edit Queue" -"Edit Review","Edit Review" -"Edit Role","Edit Role" -"Edit Store View","Edit Store View" -"Edit System Template","Edit System Template" -"Edit Template","Edit Template" -"Edit URL Rewrite","Edit URL Rewrite" -"Edit User","Edit User" -"Edit User '%s'","Edit User '%s'" -"Edit Website","Edit Website" -"Email","Email" -"Email Address:","Email Address:" -"Email Preview","Email Preview" -"Email to a Friend","Email to a Friend" -"Email:","Email:" -"Enable","Enable" -"Enabled","Enabled" -"Enclose Values In:","Enclose Values In:" -"Entity Attributes","Entity Attributes" -"Entity Type","Entity Type" -"Entity type:","Entity type:" -"Error","Error" -"Excel XML","Excel XML" -"Excl. Tax","Excl. Tax" -"Exclude media folder from backup","Exclude media folder from backup" -"Expiration Date","Expiration Date" -"Expiration Date: %s/%s","Expiration Date: %s/%s" -"Export","Export" -"Export CSV","Export CSV" -"Export Filters","Export Filters" -"Export to:","Export to:" -"Export:","Export:" -"FTP Host","FTP Host" -"FTP Host[:Port]","FTP Host[:Port]" -"FTP Login","FTP Login" -"FTP Password","FTP Password" -"FTP credentials","FTP credentials" -"Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s"".","Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s""." -"Failed to cancel the billing agreement.","Failed to cancel the billing agreement." -"Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache." -"Failed to delete the billing agreement.","Failed to delete the billing agreement." -"Failed to update the profile.","Failed to update the profile." -"Field","Field" -"Field Mapping","Field Mapping" -"File","File" -"File Information","File Information" -"File System","File System" -"File mode","File mode" -"File name:","File name:" -"File size should be more than 0 bytes","File size should be more than 0 bytes" -"Finished profile execution.","Finished profile execution." -"First Invoice Created Date","First Invoice Created Date" -"First Name","First Name" -"First Name is required field.","First Name is required field." -"First Name:","First Name:" -"Fixed","Fixed" -"Flush Catalog Images Cache","Flush Catalog Images Cache" -"Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache","Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache" -"For category","For category" -"For latest version visit: %s","For latest version visit: %s" -"For product","For product" -"Forgot Admin Password","Forgot Admin Password" -"Forgot your password?","Forgot your password?" -"Forgot your user name or password?","Forgot your user name or password?" -"From","From" -"GLOBAL","GLOBAL" -"Gb","Gb" -"General Information","General Information" -"General Section","General Section" -"Get Image Base64","Get Image Base64" -"Get help for this page","Get help for this page" -"Global Attribute","Global Attribute" -"Global Record Search","Global Record Search" -"Global Search","Global Search" -"Go Today","Go Today" -"Go to messages inbox","Go to messages inbox" -"Go to notifications","Go to notifications" -"Google Base","Google Base" -"Google Content","Google Content" -"Google Sitemaps","Google Sitemaps" -"Grand Total","Grand Total" -"Grid (default) / List","Grid (default) / List" -"Grid Only","Grid Only" -"Group:","Group:" -"Guest","Guest" -"HTTP (unsecure)","HTTP (unsecure)" -"HTTPS (SSL)","HTTPS (SSL)" -"Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs","Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs" -"Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates.","Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates." -"Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface.","Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface." -"Home","Home" -"ID","ID" -"ID Path","ID Path" -"IP Address","IP Address" -"IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only","IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only" -"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password." -"If this message persists, please contact the store owner.","If this message persists, please contact the store owner." -"Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)","Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)" -"Images Cache","Images Cache" -"Import","Import" -"Import Service","Import Service" -"Import and Export","Import and Export" -"Import and Export Tax Rates","Import and Export Tax Rates" -"Import/Export","Import/Export" -"Import/Export Advanced","Import/Export Advanced" -"Import/Export Profile","Import/Export Profile" -"Important: ","Important: " -"Imported %s records","Imported %s records" -"In","In" -"In Database:","In Database:" -"In File:","In File:" -"Inactive","Inactive" -"Incl. Tax","Incl. Tax" -"Incoming Message","Incoming Message" -"Insert Variable...","Insert Variable..." -"Interactive","Interactive" -"Interface Locale: %s","Interface Locale: %s" -"Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.","Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page." -"Invalid Import Service Specified","Invalid Import Service Specified" -"Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file).","Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file)." -"Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.","Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page." -"Invalid User Name or Password.","Invalid User Name or Password." -"Invalid directory: %s","Invalid directory: %s" -"Invalid email address ""%s"".","Invalid email address ""%s""." -"Invalid email address.","Invalid email address." -"Invalid file: %s","Invalid file: %s" -"Invalid input data for %s => %s rate","Invalid input data for %s => %s rate" -"Invalid parent block for this block","Invalid parent block for this block" -"Invalid parent block for this block.","Invalid parent block for this block." -"Invalid password reset token.","Invalid password reset token." -"Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces.","Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces." -"Invalid timezone","Invalid timezone" -"Invalidated","Invalidated" -"Inventory Stock Status","Inventory Stock Status" -"Invoice #%s comment added","Invoice #%s comment added" -"Invoice #%s created","Invoice #%s created" -"Invoice History","Invoice History" -"Invoice Totals","Invoice Totals" -"Invoice canceling error.","Invoice canceling error." -"Invoice capturing error.","Invoice capturing error." -"Invoice voiding error.","Invoice voiding error." -"Invoices","Invoices" -"Is Closed","Is Closed" -"Issue Number","Issue Number" -"Items","Items" -"JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.","JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser." -"JavaScript/CSS","JavaScript/CSS" -"JavaScript/CSS Cache","JavaScript/CSS Cache" -"Kb","Kb" -"Last 24 Hours","Last 24 Hours" -"Last 5 Orders","Last 5 Orders" -"Last 5 Search Terms","Last 5 Search Terms" -"Last 7 Days","Last 7 Days" -"Last Credit Memo Created Date","Last Credit Memo Created Date" -"Last Invoice Created Date","Last Invoice Created Date" -"Last Logged In (%s):","Last Logged In (%s):" -"Last Logged In:","Last Logged In:" -"Last Name","Last Name" -"Last Name is required field.","Last Name is required field." -"Last Name:","Last Name:" -"Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here.","Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here." -"Latest Message:","Latest Message:" -"Layered Navigation Indices","Layered Navigation Indices" -"Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed.","Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed." -"Leave empty to use tax identifier","Leave empty to use tax identifier" -"Lifetime Sales","Lifetime Sales" -"Lifetime statistics have been updated.","Lifetime statistics have been updated." -"Links","Links" -"Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product.","Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product." -"List (default) / Grid","List (default) / Grid" -"List Only","List Only" -"Load Template","Load Template" -"Load default template","Load default template" -"Loading...","Loading..." -"Local Server","Local Server" -"Local/Remote Server","Local/Remote Server" -"Locale","Locale" -"Log Out","Log Out" -"Log in to Admin Panel","Log in to Admin Panel" -"Log into Magento Admin Page","Log into Magento Admin Page" -"Logged in as %s","Logged in as %s" -"Login","Login" -"Low Stock","Low Stock" -"MAJOR","MAJOR" -"MINOR","MINOR" -"MS Excel XML","MS Excel XML" -"Magento Admin","Magento Admin" -"Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel","Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel" -"Magento Connect","Magento Connect" -"Magento Connect Manager","Magento Connect Manager" -"Magento Logo","Magento Logo" -"Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc.","Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc." -"Magento root directory","Magento root directory" -"Magento ver. %s","Magento ver. %s" -"Magento® is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc.Page not found.
","Página no encontrada.
" -"Attention: Captcha is case sensitive.","Atención: Captcha es sensible al uso de mayúsculas y minúsculas." -"A user with the same user name or email aleady exists.","Ya existe un usuario con el mismo nombre de usuario o correo electrónico." -"API Key","Clave API" -"API Key Confirmation","Confirmación de Clave API" -"ASCII","ASCII" -"Abandoned Carts","Carros Abandonados" -"About the calendar","Sobre el calendario" -"Access Denied","Acceso denegado" -"Access denied","Acceso denegado" -"Access denied.","Acceso denegado" -"Account Created in:","Cuenta Creada en:" -"Account Created on (%s):","Cuenta Creada en (%s):" -"Account Created on:","Cuenta Creada en:" -"Account Information","Información de Cuenta" -"Account Status","Estado de la cuenta" -"Account status","Estado de la cuenta" -"Action","Acción" -"Actions","Acciones" -"Actions XML","Acciones XML" -"Active","Activo" -"Add","Agregar" -"Add \Exception","Añadir Excepción" -"Add Field Mapping","Añadir Mapeo de Campo" -"Add Field with URL:","Añadir Campo con URL:" -"Add New","Añadir Nuevo" -"Add New Image","Añadir Nueva Imagen" -"Add New Profile","Añadir Nuevo Perfil" -"Add New Role","Añadir Nuevo Papel" -"Add New Template","Agregar nueva plantilla" -"Add New URL Rewrite","Añadir Nueva Reescritura de URL" -"Add New User","Añadir Nuevo Usuario" -"Add New Variable","Añadir Nueva Variable" -"Add Products","Añadir productos" -"Add URL Rewrite","Añadir Reescritura de URL" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Category","Añadir Reescritura de URL para una Categoría" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Product","Añadir Reescritura de URL para un Producto" -"Add after","Añadir después" -"Additional Cache Management","Gestión de Caché Adicional" -"Address Type:","Tipo de dirección:" -"Admin","Administrar" -"Advanced Admin Section","Sección de Adminsitración Avanzada" -"Advanced Profiles","Perfiles Avanzados" -"Advanced Section","Sección Avanzada" -"All","Todo" -"All Allowed Countries","Todos los Paises Aceptados" -"All Cache","Todo Cache" -"All Files","Todos los Archivos" -"All Reviews","Todas las Revisiones" -"All Store Views","Todas las vistas de tienda" -"All Websites","Todos los Sitios Web" -"All countries","Todos los países" -"All fields","Todos los campos" -"All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Todas las tarifas posibles se recuperaron, por favor, haz clic en ""Guardar"" para aplicarlas." -"All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Todas las tarifas se recuperaron. por favor, haz clic en ""Guardar"" para aplicarlas" -"All valid rates have been saved.","Todas las tarifas válidas han sido guardadas" -"Always (during development)","Siempre (durante el desarrollo)" -"Amounts","Cantidades" -"An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages.","Ha ocurrido un error mientras se sincronizaban los soportes audiovisuales." -"An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Un error ocurrió mientras se borraba el cache de JavaScript/CSS." -"An error occurred while clearing the image cache.","Un error ocurrió mientras se borraba el cache de imagen" -"An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite.","Ha habido un error al borrar la URL, reescribela." -"An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again.","Un error ocurrió mientras se borraba la plantilla de datos de e-mail. Por favor revisa el usuario e intente otra vez." -"An error occurred while deleting record(s).","Ha habido un error al borrar el(los) historial(es)." -"An error occurred while deleting this role.","Un error ocurrió mientras se borraba esta función." -"An error occurred while deleting this set.","Un error ocurrió mientras se borraba este modelo." -"An error occurred while deleting this template.","Un error ocurrió mientras se borraba esta plantilla." -"An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache","Un error ocurrió mientras se finalizaba el proceso. Por favor actualice el cache." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status.","Un error ocurrió mientras se reconstruia el estado del catálogo-inventario" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index.","Un error ocurrió mientras se reconstruía el índice del catálogo." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category.","Un error ocurrió mientras se reconstruía la categoría catálogo." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog.","Un error ocurrió mientras se reconstruía el catálogo de producto." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the search index.","Un error ocurrió mientras se reconstruía el índice buscador." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites.","Un error ocurrió mientras se actualizaba los correcciones en el catálogo." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices.","Se produjo un error al actualizar los índices de navegación por capas." -"An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites.","Ha ocurrido un error al actualizar la reescritura de los catálogos." -"An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices.","Ha ocurrido un error al actualizar los índices de navegación por capas." -"An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite.","Ha habido un error al guardar la URL, reescribela." -"An error occurred while saving account.","Se produjo un error al guardar la cuenta" -"An error occurred while saving review.","Ha habido un error al guardar la reseña." -"An error occurred while saving the customer.","Se produjo un error al guardar el cliente." -"An error occurred while saving this configuration:","Se produjo un error al guardar esta configuración:" -"An error occurred while saving this role.","Se produjo un error al guardar esta profesión." -"An error occurred while saving this template.","Se produjo un error al salvar este modelo." -"An error occurred while updating the selected review(s).","Se produjo un error al actualizar la(s) revisión(es) seleccionada(s)." -"Any","Cualquier" -"Any Attribute Set","Cualquier Atributo Establecido." -"Any Group","Todos los grupos" -"Any Status","Todos los estados" -"Any Store","Cualquier Tienda." -"Any Type","Todos los tipos" -"Any Visibility","Todas las visualizaciones" -"Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders.","Cualquier archivo creado desde la creación de la copia de seguridad se perderá, incluyendo usuarios administradores, clientes y pedidos." -"Archive file name:","Nombre del archivo:" -"Are you sure that you want to delete this template?","¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta plantilla?" -"Are you sure that you want to strip tags?","¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar las etiquetas?" -"Are you sure you want to do this?","¿Estás seguro de querer hacer esto?" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?","¿Estás seguro de que quieres continuar?" -"Area","Área" -"As low as:","Tan bajo como:" -"Assigned","Asignado" -"Attribute Set Name:","Nombre del conjunto de atributos:" -"Attributes","Atributos" -"Automatic","Automático" -"Average","Cantidad orden media" -"Average Orders","Órdenes promedias" -"BINARY","BINARIO" -"Back","Volver" -"Back to Login","Volver a Conexión" -"Backup","Copia de respaldo" -"Backup Name","Nombre de la copia de seguridad" -"Backup options","Opciones de la copia de seguridad" -"Backups","Copias de seguridad" -"Base currency","Moneda base" -"Bcc","CO" -"Bestsellers","Los más vendidos" -"Billing Address","Dirección de facturación" -"Billing Address: ","Dirección de facturación:" -"Billing Agreement","Acuerdo de facturación" -"Billing Agreements","Contratos de facturación" -"Block Information","Información de bloque" -"Both (without and with tax)","Ambos (con y sin impuestos)" -"Both IPN and PDT","Tanto IPN como PDT" -"Browse Files...","Examinar archivos..." -"Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved.","Un lote con precio dinámico no puede incluir opciones personalizadas. No se grabarán las opciones." -"CMS","CMS" -"CRITICAL","crítico" -"CSV","CSV" -"CSV / Tab separated","CSV / separado por tabuladores" -"Cache Control","Control de memoria caché" -"Cache Control (beta)","Control de memoria caché (beta)" -"Cache Management","Gestión de Caché." -"Cache Type","Tipo de memoria caché" -"Cancel","Cancelar" -"Cannot add new comment.","No se puede agregar un nuevo comentario." -"Cannot add tracking number.","No se puede agregar un número de seguimiento." -"Cannot create an invoice without products.","No se puede crear una factura sin productos." -"Cannot create credit memo for the order.","No se puede crear una nota de crédito para el pedido." -"Cannot delete the design change.","No se puede eliminar el cambio de diseño." -"Cannot delete tracking number.","No se puede eliminar el número de seguimiento." -"Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice.","No se pueden hacer envíos para el pedido independientemente de la factura." -"Cannot do shipment for the order.","No se pueden hacer envíos para el pedido." -"Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number.","No se puede inicializar el envío para agregar el número de seguimiento." -"Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number.","No se puede inicializar el envío para eliminar el número de seguimiento." -"Cannot load track with retrieving identifier.","No se puede cargar el seguimiento con el identificador de recuperación." -"Cannot retrieve tracking number detail.","No se puede recuperar el detalle del número de seguimiento." -"Cannot save shipment.","No se puede guardar el envío." -"Cannot save the credit memo.","No se puede guardar la nota de crédito." -"Cannot send shipment information.","No se puede enviar información del envío." -"Cannot update item quantity.","No se puede actualizar la cantidad de artículos." -"Cannot update the item\'s quantity.","No se puede actualizar la cantidad del artículo." -"Catalog","Catálogo" -"Catalog Price Rules","Catálogo de Normas sobre Precios" -"Catalog Rewrites","Reescrituras de catálogo" -"Categories","Categorías" -"Category:","Categoría:" -"Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here.","Tabla deshabilitada. Si quere habilitar la tabla, pulse here." -"Checkbox","Casilla de verificación" -"Child Transactions","Transacciones hija" -"Choose Store View:","Selecciona Vista de la Tienda:" -"Choose an attribute","Elija un atributo" -"Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","La categoría elegida no está asociada con ninguna página web, así que no es posible reescribir la url." -"Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","El producto elegido no está asociado con ninguna página web, así que no es posible reescribir la url." -"Clear","Limpiar" -"Close","cerrar" -"Comment text field cannot be empty.","El campo de texto de comentarios no puede quedar vacío." -"Complete","Completo" -"Configuration","Configuración" -"Confirm New Password","Confirmar Nueva Contraseña" -"Confirmed email:","Correo electrónico confirmado:" -"Connect with the Magento Community","Conectarse con la comunidad Magento" -"Continue","Continuar" -"Continuous","Continuo" -"Convert to Plain Text","Convertir a texto sin formato" -"Cookie (unsafe)","Cookie (no segura)" -"Country","País" -"Country:","País:" -"Coupons","Cupones" -"Create","Crear." -"Create DB Backup","Crear Copia de Seguridad de la Base de Datos" -"Create New Attribute","Crear Nuevo Atributo" -"Create URL Rewrite:","Crear Reestructura de URL:" -"Created At","Creado en" -"Credit Card %s","%s de la tarjeta de crédito" -"Credit Memo History","Historial de facturas rectificativas" -"Credit Memo Totals","Total de las facturas rectificativas" -"Credit Memos","Facturas rectificativas" -"Credit memo #%s comment added","%s Comentario añadido en la nota de crédito" -"Credit memo #%s created","Creada nota de crédito #%s" -"Credit memo\'s total must be positive.","El total de la nota de crédito debe ser positivo." -"Currency","Divisa" -"Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s.","Moneda ""%s"" es usada como %s en %s." -"Currency Information","Información sobre la Divisa" -"Currency Setup Section","Sección de Configuración de Divisa" -"Current Configuration Scope:","Rango de configuración actual:" -"Current Month","Mes Actual" -"Custom","Personalizado" -"Custom Variable ""%s""","""%s"" customizados variables" -"Custom Variables","Variables personalizadas" -"Customer","Cliente" -"Customer Group:","Grupo de clientes:" -"Customer Groups","Grupos de Cliente" -"Customer","Nombre del Cliente" -"Customer Reviews","Revisiones de Cliente" -"Customer Shopping Carts","Carritos de la Compra del Cliente" -"Customer Since:","Cliente desde:" -"Customer Tax Classes","Tipos de impuestos del cliente" -"Customer with the same email already exists.","Ya existe un cliente con el mismo correo electrónico." -"Customers","Clientes" -"Customers by Orders","Clientes por número de pedidos." -"Customers by Orders Total","Clientes por total de pedidos" -"DHTML Date/Time Selector","Selector de fecha/hora DHTML" -"Dashboard","Panel de control" -"Data Format","Formato de la fecha" -"Data transfer:","Transferencia de datos:" -"Database","Base de datos" -"Date","Fecha" -"Date & Time","Fecha y Hora" -"Added","Añadido el día" -"Updated","Fecha de actualización" -"Date selection:","Elección de la fecha:" -"Date selector","Selector de fechas" -"Day","Día" -"Decimal separator:","Separador de decimales:" -"Default (Admin) Values","Valores iniciales (de admin.)" -"Default Billing Address","Dirección de Facturación por Defecto" -"Default Config","Configuración por Defecto" -"Default Template from Locale","Configuración Regional de la Plantilla por Defecto" -"Default Values","Valores por Defecto" -"Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies.","""%s"" de la moneda por defecto no disponible en monedas permitdas." -"Default scope","Ámbito por defecto." -"Delete","Eliminar" -"Delete %s","Borrar %s" -"Delete %s '%s'","Borrar %s '%s'" -"Delete File","Borrar Archivo" -"Delete Image","Borrar Imagen" -"Delete Profile","Borrar Perfil" -"Delete Role","Borrar Rol" -"Delete Store","Eliminar tienda" -"Delete Store View","Eliminar vista de la tienda" -"Delete Template","Eliminar plantilla" -"Delete User","Borrar Usuario" -"Delete Website","Eliminar página web" -"Description","Descripción" -"Design","Diseño" -"Design Section","Sección de diseño" -"Details","Detalles" -"Developer Section","Sección para desarrolladores" -"Direction:","Dirección:" -"Disable","Desactivar" -"Disabled","Deshabilitado" -"Display %s first","Mostrar %s primero" -"Display default currency","Mostrar moneda predeterminada" -"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details.","Distribuido según la LGPL de GNU. Para más información véase %s." -"Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?","¿Desea anular todos los procesos paralelos y comenzar un nuevo proceso de indexación?" -"Do you really want to proceed?","¿De verdad que quieres seguir?" -"Download","Descargar" -"Downloads","Descargas." -"Drag to move","Arrastrar para mover" -"Drop-down","Desplegable" -"Edit","Editar" -"Edit Design Change","Editar Diseñar cambio" -"Edit Email Template","Editar plantilla de correo electrónico" -"Edit Order","Editar pedido" -"Edit Queue","Editar cola" -"Edit Review","Editar Comentario" -"Edit Role","Modificar el rol" -"Edit Store View","Editar vista de la tienda" -"Edit System Template","Editar plantilla del sistema" -"Edit Template","Editar plantilla" -"Edit URL Rewrite","Editar Reescritura de URL" -"Edit User","Editar Usuario" -"Edit User '%s'","Modificar usuario «%s»" -"Edit Website","Editar página web" -"Email","Correo electrónico" -"Email Address:","Dirección de Correo Electrónico:" -"Email Preview","Vista previa de email" -"Email to a Friend","Escribir un Email a un amigo" -"Email:","Email:" -"Enable","Habilitar" -"Enabled","Habilitado" -"Enclose Values In:","Adjuntar valores en:" -"Entity Attributes","Atributos de la Entidad" -"Entity Type","Tipo de Entidad" -"Entity type:","Tipo de entidad:" -"Error","Error" -"Excel XML","Excel XML" -"Excl. Tax","Impuestos no incluidos" -"Exclude media folder from backup","Excluir carpetas de archivos multimedia para la copia de seguridad" -"Export","Exportar" -"Export CSV","Exportar CSV" -"Export Filters","Exportar Filtros" -"Export to:","Exportar a:" -"Export:","Exportar:" -"FTP Host","Servidor FTP" -"FTP Host[:Port]","Servidor FTP[:Puerto]" -"FTP Login","Inicio de sesión FTP" -"FTP Password","Contraseña FTP" -"FTP credentials","Credenciales FTP" -"Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s"".","Fallo en añadir producto a la cesta por ""%s"" de id." -"Failed to cancel the billing agreement.","No se pudo cancelar el acuerdo de pago." -"Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache.","No se pudo borrar la memoria caché de JavaScript/CSS." -"Failed to delete the billing agreement.","No se pudo eliminar el acuerdo de pago." -"Failed to update the profile.","No se ha podido actualizar el perfil." -"Field","Campo" -"Field Mapping","Mapeo del área" -"File","Archivo" -"File Information","Información de Archivo" -"File System","Sistema de archivos" -"File mode","Modo de archivo" -"File name:","Nombre del archivo:" -"File size should be more than 0 bytes","El tamaño del archivo debe ser mayor a 0 bytes" -"Finished profile execution.","Ejecución del perfil finalizada" -"First Invoice Created Date","Fecha de Creación de la Primera Factura" -"First Name","Nombre" -"First Name is required field.","El campo Nombre es obligatorio." -"First Name:","Nombre:" -"Fixed","Fijo" -"Flush Catalog Images Cache","Limpiar la caché de imágenes de catálogo" -"Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache","Limpiar la caché del JavaScrip/CSS" -"For category","Para la categoría" -"For latest version visit: %s","Para la última versión visita: %s" -"For product","Para el producto" -"Forgot Admin Password","Ha olvidado la contraseña de Administrador" -"Forgot your password?","¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?" -"Forgot your user name or password?","¿Ha olvidado el usuario o la contraseña?" -"From","desde" -"GLOBAL","GLOBAL" -"Gb","Gb" -"General Information","Información general" -"General Section","Sección general" -"Get Image Base64","Obtener imagen Base64" -"Get help for this page","Consiga ayuda para esta página" -"Global Attribute","Atributo global" -"Global Record Search","Búsqueda de registro global" -"Global Search","Búsqueda global" -"Go Today","Ir a Hoy" -"Go to messages inbox","Ir al buzón de entrada de mensajes" -"Go to notifications","Ir a notificaciones" -"Google Base","Google Base" -"Google Sitemaps","Google Sitemaps" -"Grand Total","Suma total" -"Grid (default) / List","Cuadrícula (por omisión) / lista" -"Grid Only","Solo cuadrícula" -"Group:","Grupo:" -"Guest","Invitado" -"HTTP (unsecure)","HTTP (inseguro)" -"HTTPS (SSL)","HTTPS (SSL)" -"Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs","Ayúdanos a Mantener Magento Saludable - Informar de Todos los Errores" -"Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates.","Los atributos del asistente no se deberían utilizar en las actualizaciones de diseños personalizados." -"Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface.","El asistente para la ejecución de opciones no implementa la interfaz solicitada." -"Home","Inicio" -"ID","Identificación" -"ID Path","Ruta de la ID" -"IP Address","Dirección IP" -"IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only","Sólo IPN (notificación de pago instantánea)" -"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","Si hay una cuenta asociada con %s recibirás un correo electrónico con un enlace para reiniciar tu contraseña." -"If this message persists, please contact the store owner.","Si persiste este mensaje póngase en contacto con el dueño de la tienda." -"Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)","Imágenes (.gif, .jpg, .png)" -"Images Cache","Caché de Imágenes" -"Import","Importar" -"Import Service","Importar servicio" -"Import and Export","Importación y exportación" -"Import and Export Tax Rates","Impuestos de importación y exportación" -"Import/Export","Importación/exportación" -"Import/Export Advanced","Importar/Exportar Avanzados" -"Import/Export Profile","Perfil de importación/exportación" -"Important: ","Importante:" -"Imported %s records","Registros importados de %s" -"In","En" -"In Database:","En base de datos:" -"In File:","En el Archivo:" -"Inactive","Inactivo" -"Incl. Tax","Impuestos incluidos" -"Incoming Message","Mensaje nuevo" -"Insert Variable...","Insertar variable..." -"Interactive","Interactivo" -"Interface Locale: %s","Configuración regional de interfaz: %s" -"Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.","Clave de Formulario No Válida. Por favor, actualice la página." -"Invalid Import Service Specified","Se Especificó un Servicio de Importación No Válido." -"Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file).","Datos introducidos no válidos (compruebe la configuración de entrada_tamaño_máximo y carga_tamañodearchivo_máximo en su archivo php.ini)." -"Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.","Clave Secreta No Válida. Por favor, actualice la página." -"Invalid User Name or Password.","La contraseña o nombre usuario no son correctos." -"Invalid directory: %s","Directorio inválido: %s" -"Invalid email address ""%s"".","Dirección de mail ""%s"" no válida." -"Invalid email address.","Dirección de correo electrónico no válida." -"Invalid file: %s","Archivo no válido: %s" -"Invalid input data for %s => %s rate","Datos de entrada no válidos para %s => %s tasa" -"Invalid parent block for this block","Bloque principal no válido para este bloque" -"Invalid parent block for this block.","Bloque padre no válido para este bloque." -"Invalid password reset token.","La contraseña no es correcta, reinicia el token." -"Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces.","Nombre de remitente ""%s"" no válido. Por favor, utilice solo caracteres visibles y espacios." -"Invalid timezone","Zona horaria no válida" -"Invalidated","Invalidado" -"Inventory Stock Status","Estado de Existencias de Inventario" -"Invoice #%s comment added","Comentario de factura #%s añadido" -"Invoice #%s created","Factura #%s creada" -"Invoice History","Historial de Facturas" -"Invoice Totals","Total de la factura" -"Invoice canceling error.","Error de cancelación de factura." -"Invoice capturing error.","Error de captura de factura." -"Invoice voiding error.","Error de anulación de factura." -"Invoices","Facturas" -"Is Closed","Está cerrado" -"Issue Number","Número de Emisión" -"Items","Artículos." -"JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.","Puede que JavaScript esté deshabilitado en tu navegador." -"JavaScript/CSS","JavaScript/CSS" -"JavaScript/CSS Cache","JavaScript/CSS Caché" -"Kb","Kb" -"Last 24 Hours","Últimas 24 Horas" -"Last 5 Orders","Últimos 5 pedidos." -"Last 5 Search Terms","Últimas 5 búsquedas." -"Last 7 Days","Últimos 7 Días" -"Last Credit Memo Created Date","Fecha de Creación de la Última Factura de Abono" -"Last Invoice Created Date","Fecha de Creación de la Última Factura" -"Last Logged In (%s):","Última conexión (%s):" -"Last Logged In:","Último inicio de sesión:" -"Last Name","Apellido" -"Last Name is required field.","El campo Apellido es obligatorio." -"Last Name:","Apellido:" -"Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here.","Última actualización: %s. Para refrescar las estadísticas del último día, pinche aquí." -"Latest Message:","Último mensaje:" -"Layered Navigation Indices","Índices de Navegación en Capas" -"Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed.","Los índices de la navegación por capas se han refrescado." -"Leave empty to use tax identifier","Deje en blanco para identificación fiscal" -"Lifetime Sales","Ventas de por vida" -"Lifetime statistics have been updated.","Se actualizaron las estadísticas de vigencia." -"Links","Enlaces" -"Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product.","Los enlaces a los productos relacionados sólo quedarán registrados tras guardar el producto actual." -"List (default) / Grid","Lista (por defecto) / cuadrícula" -"List Only","Lista Solamente" -"Load Template","Cargar Plantilla" -"Load default template","Cargar plantilla por defecto" -"Loading...","Cargando..." -"Local Server","Servidor local" -"Local/Remote Server","Servidor local/remoto" -"Locale","Configuración regional" -"Log Out","Cerrar sesión" -"Log in to Admin Panel","Iniciar Sesión en el Panel de Administración" -"Log into Magento Admin Page","Iniciar Sesión en la Página de Administración de Magento" -"Logged in as %s","Sesión iniciada como %s" -"Login","Iniciar sesión" -"Low Stock","Existencias Bajas" -"MAJOR","mayor" -"MINOR","MENOR" -"MS Excel XML","MS Excel XML" -"Magento Admin","Administración de Magento" -"Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel","Magento Commerce - Panel de administración" -"Magento Connect","Magento Connect" -"Magento Connect Manager","Administrador de Magento Connect" -"Magento Logo","Logotipo de Magento" -"Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc.","Magento es una marca registrada de X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc." -"Magento root directory","Directorio raíz Magento" -"Magento ver. %s","Magento versión %s" -"Magento® is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc.Page not found.
","Page not found.
" -"Attention: Captcha is case sensitive.","Attention:Captcha est sensible à la casse." -"A user with the same user name or email aleady exists.","Un utilisateur avec le même nom d'utilisateur ou le même email existe déjà." -"API Key","Clé API" -"API Key Confirmation","Confirmation Clé API" -"ASCII","ASCII" -"Abandoned Carts","Paniers abandonnés" -"About the calendar","Au sujet du calendrier" -"Access Denied","Accès refusé" -"Access denied","Accès refusé" -"Access denied.","Accès refusé." -"Account Created in:","Compte créé dans:" -"Account Created on (%s):","Compte créé sur (%s):" -"Account Created on:","Compte créé sur:" -"Account Information","Informations du compte" -"Account Status","Statut Compte" -"Account status","Statut du compte" -"Action","Action" -"Actions","Action" -"Actions XML","Actions XML" -"Active","Actif" -"Add","Ajouter" -"Add \Exception","Ajouter \Exception" -"Add Field Mapping","Ajouter Mappage Champ" -"Add Field with URL:","Ajouter Champ avec URL:" -"Add New","Ajouter nouveau" -"Add New Image","Ajouter Nouvelle Image" -"Add New Profile","Ajouter Nouveau Profil" -"Add New Role","Ajouter Nouveau Rôle" -"Add New Template","Ajouter un nouveau modèle" -"Add New URL Rewrite","Ajouter Réécriture Nouvelle URL" -"Add New User","Ajouter Nouvel Utilisateur" -"Add New Variable","Ajouter Nouvelle Variable" -"Add Products","Ajouter produits" -"Add URL Rewrite","Ajouter Réécriture URL" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Category","Ajouter Réécriture URL pour une Catégorie" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Product","Ajouter Réécriture URL pour un Produit" -"Add after","Ajouter après" -"Additional Cache Management","Gestion Cache Additionnel" -"Address Type:","Type d'Adresse:" -"Admin","Admin" -"Advanced Admin Section","Section Avancée Administrateur" -"Advanced Profiles","Profils Avancés" -"Advanced Section","Section Avancée" -"All","Tous" -"All Allowed Countries","Tous les Pays Possibles" -"All Cache","Tout le Cache" -"All Files","Tous les Fichiers" -"All Reviews","Tous les avis" -"All Store Views","Toutes les vues de la boutique" -"All Websites","Tous les sites web" -"All countries","Tous les pays" -"All fields","Tous les champs" -"All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Tous les taux possibles ont été estimés, veuillez cliquer sur ""Enregistrer"" pour appliquer" -"All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Tous les taux ont été estimés, cliquez sur ""Enregistrer"" pour appliquer" -"All valid rates have been saved.","Tous les taux valides ont été sauvegardés." -"Always (during development)","Toujours (durant le développement)" -"Amounts","Montants" -"An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages.","Une erreur est survenue lors de la synchronisation." -"An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression du cache JavaScript/CSS." -"An error occurred while clearing the image cache.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression du cache de l'image." -"An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite.","Un erreur s'est produite lors de l'effacement de URL de réécriture." -"An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression des données du modèle d'email. Consultez le journal des erreurs et réessayez." -"An error occurred while deleting record(s).","Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'effacement des enregistrements." -"An error occurred while deleting this role.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de ce rôle." -"An error occurred while deleting this set.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de ce jeu." -"An error occurred while deleting this template.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la suppression de ce modèle." -"An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la finalisation du processus. Rafraîchissez le cache" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la reconstitution du Statut de l'Inventaire du Stock du Catalogue." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la la reconstitution de l'indexation du catalogue." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la reconstitution de la catégorie du flat catalog" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la reconstitution du flat catalog produit." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the search index.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la reconstitution de l'index de recherche." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites.","Une erreur s'est produite lors du rafraîchissement des réécritures catalogue." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices.","Une erreur s'est produite lors du rafraîchissement des indices de navigation multicouches." -"An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites.","Une erreur est survenue lors de l'actualisation des catalogues." -"An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices.","Une erreur est survenue lors de l'actualisation des indices de navigation;" -"An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de l'URL de réécriture." -"An error occurred while saving account.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde du compte." -"An error occurred while saving review.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de la vérification." -"An error occurred while saving the customer.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde du client." -"An error occurred while saving this configuration:","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de cette configuration:" -"An error occurred while saving this role.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de ce rôle." -"An error occurred while saving this template.","Une erreur s'est produite lors de la sauvegarde de ce modèle." -"An error occurred while updating the selected review(s).","Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'actualisation des commentaires sélectionnés." -"Any","Indifférent" -"Any Attribute Set","N'importe quel jeu d'attributs." -"Any Group","N'importe quel groupe." -"Any Status","N'importe quel Statut" -"Any Store","N'importe quelle Boutique" -"Any Type","N'importe quel Type" -"Any Visibility","N'importe quelle Visibilité" -"Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders.","Toutes les données crées depuis la sauvegarde seront perdues, y compris les utilisateurs-administrateurs, les clients et les commandes." -"Archive file name:","Nom du fichier d'archive:" -"Are you sure that you want to delete this template?","Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce modèle ?" -"Are you sure that you want to strip tags?","Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir enlever les tags?" -"Are you sure you want to do this?","Êtes-vous sûrs de vouloir faire celà?" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?","Etes-vous certain(e) de vouloir continuer?" -"Area","Zone" -"As low as:","Aussi bas que :" -"Assigned","Assigné" -"Attribute Set Name:","Nom du jeu d'attributs:" -"Attributes","Attributs" -"Automatic","Automatique" -"Average","Montant Moyen des Commandes" -"Average Orders","Commandes moyennes" -"BINARY","BINAIRE" -"Back","Retour" -"Back to Login","Retour à la connexion" -"Backup","Sauvegarde" -"Backup Name","Nom de la sauvegarde" -"Backup options","Options de sauvegarde" -"Backups","Sauvegardes" -"Base currency","Monnaie de base" -"Bcc","Liste des destinataires cachée." -"Bestsellers","Meilleures ventes" -"Billing Address","Adresse de facturation" -"Billing Address: ","Adresse de facturation :" -"Billing Agreement","Accord de facturation" -"Billing Agreements","Accords de facturation" -"Block Information","Bloquer l'information" -"Both (without and with tax)","Les deux (avec et sans les taxes)" -"Both IPN and PDT","IPN et PDT" -"Browse Files...","Parcourir..." -"Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved.","Les ensembles comprenant une tarification dynamique ne peuvent pas comprendre d'option personnalisée. Les options ne seront pas enregistrées." -"CMS","CMS" -"CRITICAL","critique" -"CSV","CSV (valeurs séparées par des virgules)" -"CSV / Tab separated","CSV / Séparé par onglets" -"Cache Control","Cache-control" -"Cache Control (beta)","Cache-control (beta)" -"Cache Management","Gestion du cache" -"Cache Type","Type de cache" -"Cancel","Annuler" -"Cannot add new comment.","Impossible d'ajouter un nouveau commentaire." -"Cannot add tracking number.","Impossible d'ajouter un numéro de suivi." -"Cannot create an invoice without products.","Impossible de créer une facture sans produit." -"Cannot create credit memo for the order.","Impossible de créer la note de crédit pour la commande." -"Cannot delete the design change.","Impossible de supprimer la modification du design." -"Cannot delete tracking number.","Impossible de supprimer le numéro de suivi." -"Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice.","Impossible d'effectuer l'envoi et la facture de la commande séparément." -"Cannot do shipment for the order.","Impossible d'effectuer l'envoi pour la commande." -"Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number.","Impossible d'initialiser l'envoi pour ajouter un numéro de suivi." -"Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number.","Impossible d'initialiser l'envoi pour supprimer un numéro de suivi." -"Cannot load track with retrieving identifier.","Ne peut pas récupérer l'identifiant pour charger le suivi" -"Cannot retrieve tracking number detail.","Impossible de récupérer le détail du numéro de suivi." -"Cannot save shipment.","Impossible d'enregistrer l'envoi." -"Cannot save the credit memo.","Impossible d'enregistrer la note de crédit." -"Cannot send shipment information.","Impossible d'envoyer les informations sur l'envoi." -"Cannot update item quantity.","Impossible de mettre à jour la quantité d'articles." -"Cannot update the item\'s quantity.","Impossible de mettre à jour la quantité de cet article." -"Catalog","Catalogue" -"Catalog Price Rules","Règles de prix du catalogue" -"Catalog Rewrites","Réécritures catalogue" -"Categories","Catégories" -"Category:","Catégorie :" -"Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here.","Graphique désactivé. Si vous souhaitez l'activer, cliquez ici." -"Checkbox","Case à cocher" -"Child Transactions","Transactions enfant" -"Choose Store View:","Sélectionner la vue de la boutique :" -"Choose an attribute","Choisir un attribut" -"Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","La catégorie choisie n'est associée à aucun site Web, la réécriture de l'URL n'est donc pas possible." -"Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","Le produit choisi n'est associé à aucun site Web, la réécriture de l'URL n'est donc pas possible." -"Clear","Effacer" -"Close","fermer" -"Comment text field cannot be empty.","Le champ de texte du commentaire ne peut pas être vide." -"Complete","Terminer" -"Configuration","Configuration" -"Confirm New Password","Confirmer le nouveau mot de passe" -"Confirmed email:","E-mail confirmé :" -"Connect with the Magento Community","Connexion avec Magento Community" -"Continue","Continuer" -"Continuous","Continu(e)" -"Convert to Plain Text","Convertir en texte intégral" -"Cookie (unsafe)","Cookie (dangereux)" -"Country","Pays" -"Country:","Pays :" -"Coupons","Coupons" -"Create","Créer" -"Create DB Backup","Créer une sauvegarde de la base de données" -"Create New Attribute","Créer un nouvel attribut" -"Create URL Rewrite:","Créer une réécriture d'URL :" -"Created At","Créé à" -"Credit Card %s","Carte bancaire %s" -"Credit Memo History","Historique des notes de crédit" -"Credit Memo Totals","Total des notes de crédit" -"Credit Memos","Avoirs" -"Credit memo #%s comment added","Commentaire ajouté à la note de crédit #%s" -"Credit memo #%s created","Note de crédit #%s créée" -"Credit memo\'s total must be positive.","Le total des notes de crédit doit être positif." -"Currency","Monnaie" -"Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s.","La monnaie ""%s"" est utilisée comme %s dans %s." -"Currency Information","Informations sur la devise" -"Currency Setup Section","Section d'installation de devises" -"Current Configuration Scope:","Portée actuelle des options :" -"Current Month","Mois actuel" -"Custom","Personnalisé" -"Custom Variable ""%s""","Variable personnalisée ""%s""" -"Custom Variables","Variables sur mesure" -"Customer","Client" -"Customer Group:","Groupe de clients :" -"Customer Groups","Groupes de clients" -"Customer","Nom du client" -"Customer Reviews","Avis du client" -"Customer Shopping Carts","Panier du client" -"Customer Since:","Client depuis :" -"Customer Tax Classes","Classes de taxe client" -"Customer with the same email already exists.","Un client avec le même e-mail existe déjà." -"Customers","Clients" -"Customers by Orders","Clients par nombre de commandes" -"Customers by Orders Total","Clients par total des commandes" -"DHTML Date/Time Selector","Sélecteur de date/heure DHTML" -"Dashboard","Tableau de bord" -"Data Format","Format des données" -"Data transfer:","Transfert de données :" -"Database","Base de données" -"Date","Date" -"Date & Time","Date & Heure" -"Added","Date ajoutée" -"Updated","Date de mise à jour" -"Date selection:","Sélection de la date :" -"Date selector","Sélecteur de date" -"Day","Jour" -"Decimal separator:","Séparateur de décimales :" -"Default (Admin) Values","Valeurs par défaut (Admin)" -"Default Billing Address","Adresse de facturation par défaut" -"Default Config","Config par défaut" -"Default Template from Locale","Modèle par défaut de Locale" -"Default Values","Valeurs par défaut" -"Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies.","Monnaie d'affichage apr défaut ""%s"" ne fait pas partie des monnaies autorisées." -"Default scope","Portée par défaut" -"Delete","Supprimer" -"Delete %s","Supprimer %s" -"Delete %s '%s'","Supprimer %s '%s'" -"Delete File","Supprimer fichier" -"Delete Image","Supprimer l'image" -"Delete Profile","Supprimer profil" -"Delete Role","Supprimer modèle" -"Delete Store","Supprimer le magasin" -"Delete Store View","Supprimer la vue du magasin" -"Delete Template","Supprimer le modèle" -"Delete User","Supprimer utilisateur" -"Delete Website","Supprimer le site" -"Description","Description" -"Design","Design" -"Design Section","Section de design" -"Details","Détails" -"Developer Section","Section développeur" -"Direction:","Direction :" -"Disable","Désactiver" -"Disabled","Désactivé" -"Display %s first","Afficher %s en premier" -"Display default currency","Afficher la devise par défaut" -"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details.","Distribué sous la licence GNU LGPL. Voir %s pour plus de détails." -"Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?","Voulez-vous vraiment ARRÊTER les processus parallèles et commencer un nouveau processus d'indexation ?" -"Do you really want to proceed?","Voulez-vous vraiment continuer?" -"Download","Téléchargement" -"Downloads","Téléchargements" -"Drag to move","Faire glisser pour déplacer" -"Drop-down","Menu déroulant" -"Edit","Modifier" -"Edit Design Change","Éditer les changements de design" -"Edit Email Template","Modifier le modèle d'e-mail" -"Edit Order","Modifier la commande" -"Edit Queue","Modifier la file d'attente" -"Edit Review","Modifier le rapport" -"Edit Role","Modifier modèle" -"Edit Store View","Éditer la vue du magasin" -"Edit System Template","Modifier modèle système" -"Edit Template","Modifier le modèle" -"Edit URL Rewrite","Modifier la réécriture d'URL" -"Edit User","Modifier l'utilisateur" -"Edit User '%s'","Modifier l'utilisateur '%s'" -"Edit Website","Éditer le site web" -"Email","Email" -"Email Address:","Adresse e-mail:" -"Email Preview","Prévisualisation de l'e-mail" -"Email to a Friend","Envoyer à un ami par email" -"Email:","Email :" -"Enable","Activer" -"Enabled","Actif" -"Enclose Values In:","Joindre les valeurs dans :" -"Entity Attributes","Attributs de l'entité" -"Entity Type","Type d'entité" -"Entity type:","Type d'entité :" -"Error","Erreur" -"Excel XML","Excel XML" -"Excl. Tax","Taxe non comprise" -"Exclude media folder from backup","Exclure les fichiers médias de la sauvegarde" -"Export","Exporter" -"Export CSV","Exporter en CSV" -"Export Filters","Filtres d'exportation" -"Export to:","Exporter vers" -"Export:","Exporter:" -"FTP Host","Hôte FTP" -"FTP Host[:Port]","Hôte FTP [:Port]" -"FTP Login","Connexion FTP" -"FTP Password","Mot de passe FTP" -"FTP credentials","Certificats FTP" -"Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s"".","Echec de l'ajout du produit au panier ""%s""" -"Failed to cancel the billing agreement.","L'annulation du tarif précédemment accepté a échoué." -"Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Échec de l'effacement du cache JavaScript/CSS." -"Failed to delete the billing agreement.","L'effacement du tarif précédemment accepté a échoué." -"Failed to update the profile.","Échec de la mise à jour du profil." -"Field","Champ" -"Field Mapping","Mappage de champ" -"File","Fichier" -"File Information","Informations du fichier" -"File System","Système de fichier" -"File mode","Mode de fichier" -"File name:","Nom de fichier :" -"File size should be more than 0 bytes","La taille du fichier doit dépasser 0 bytes." -"Finished profile execution.","Exécution du profil terminée." -"First Invoice Created Date","Date de création de la première facture" -"First Name","Prénom" -"First Name is required field.","Il est obligatoire de remplir le champ du prénom." -"First Name:","Prénom :" -"Fixed","Fixé" -"Flush Catalog Images Cache","Effacer le cache image du catalogue" -"Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache","Effacer le cache JavaScript/CSS" -"For category","Pour la catégorie" -"For latest version visit: %s","Pour la version de la dernière visite: %s" -"For product","Pour le produit" -"Forgot Admin Password","Mot de passe administrateur oublié" -"Forgot your password?","Mot de passe oublié ?" -"Forgot your user name or password?","Mot de passe ou nom d'utilisateur oublié ?" -"From","de" -"GLOBAL","GLOBAL" -"Gb","La G.B." -"General Information","Informations générales" -"General Section","Section générale" -"Get Image Base64","Encoder les images en base 64" -"Get help for this page","Obtenir de l'aide pour cette page" -"Global Attribute","Attribut global" -"Global Record Search","Enregistrement global des recherches" -"Global Search","Recherche globale" -"Go Today","Aller à aujourd'hui" -"Go to messages inbox","Aller à la boite de réception" -"Go to notifications","Aller aux notifications" -"Google Base","Google Base" -"Google Sitemaps","Google Sitemaps" -"Grand Total","Total final" -"Grid (default) / List","Grille (par défaut) / Liste" -"Grid Only","Grille uniquement" -"Group:","Groupe :" -"Guest","Invité" -"HTTP (unsecure)","HTTP (non-sécurisé)" -"HTTPS (SSL)","HTTPS (SSL) (Secure Socket Layer: confidentialité, intégrité, authentification)" -"Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs","Aidez-nous à maintenir le bon fonctionnement de Magento: signalez tout dysfonctionnement." -"Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates.","Les attributs helper ne doivent pas être utilisés dans les mises à jour des dispositions personnalisées." -"Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface.","Helper pour le rendu des options n'implante pas l'interface requise." -"Home","Accueil" -"ID","ID" -"ID Path","ID du chemin" -"IP Address","Adresse IP" -"IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only","NPI (Notification de Paiement Instantanée) seulement" -"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","S'il y a un compte associé à %s, vous recevrez un courriel contenant un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe." -"If this message persists, please contact the store owner.","Si ce message persiste, veuillez contacter le propriétaire de la boutique." -"Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)","Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)" -"Images Cache","Cache d'image" -"Import","Importer" -"Import Service","Service d'importation" -"Import and Export","Importation et exportation" -"Import and Export Tax Rates","Taux d'imposition des importations et des exportations." -"Import/Export","Import/Export" -"Import/Export Advanced","Importation/exportation avancée" -"Import/Export Profile","Profil Import/Export" -"Important: ","Important :" -"Imported %s records","Enregistrements %s importés" -"In","Dans" -"In Database:","Dans la base de données :" -"In File:","Dans le fichier:" -"Inactive","Désactivé" -"Incl. Tax","Taxe comprise" -"Incoming Message","Message entrant" -"Insert Variable...","Insérez une variable" -"Interactive","Interactif" -"Interface Locale: %s","Interface locale: %s" -"Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.","Forme de clé invalide. Veuillez rafraîchir la page." -"Invalid Import Service Specified","Le service d'importation spécifié est invalide" -"Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file).","POST data invalide (veuillez vérifier les réglages post_max_size et upload_max_filesize dans votre fichier php.ini)." -"Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.","Clé secrète invalide. Veuillez rafraîchir la page." -"Invalid User Name or Password.","Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide." -"Invalid directory: %s","Répertoire invalide: %s" -"Invalid email address ""%s"".","Adresse email invalide ""%s""" -"Invalid email address.","Adresse email invalide." -"Invalid file: %s","Fichier invalide : %s" -"Invalid input data for %s => %s rate","Données entrées invalides pour %s => %s du tarif" -"Invalid parent block for this block","Bloc parent invalide pour ce bloc" -"Invalid parent block for this block.","Bloc parent invalide pour ce bloc." -"Invalid password reset token.","Preuve de réinitialisation de mot de passe invalide." -"Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces.","Nom de l'expéditeur invalide ""%s"". Veuillez n'utiliser que des caractères visibles et des espaces" -"Invalid timezone","Fuseau horaire invalide" -"Invalidated","Invalidé" -"Inventory Stock Status","Statut de l'inventaire des stocks" -"Invoice #%s comment added","Ajout d'un commentaire sur la facture #%s" -"Invoice #%s created","La facture #%s a été créée." -"Invoice History","Historique des factures" -"Invoice Totals","Totaux de facture" -"Invoice canceling error.","Erreur d'annulation de la facture." -"Invoice capturing error.","Erreur de capture de la facture." -"Invoice voiding error.","Erreur d'annulation de la facture." -"Invoices","Factures" -"Is Closed","Est fermé" -"Issue Number","Numéro de livraison" -"Items","Articles" -"JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.","Le JavaScript semble être désactivé sur votre navigateur." -"JavaScript/CSS","JavaScript/CSS" -"JavaScript/CSS Cache","Cache JavaScript/CSS" -"Kb","Kb" -"Last 24 Hours","Dernières 24 Heures" -"Last 5 Orders","5 Dernières Commandes" -"Last 5 Search Terms","5 Derniers Termes de Recherche" -"Last 7 Days","Ces 7 derniers jours" -"Last Credit Memo Created Date","Date du dernier avoir créé" -"Last Invoice Created Date","Date de la dernière facture créée" -"Last Logged In (%s):","Dernière connexion (%s):" -"Last Logged In:","Dernière connexion en:" -"Last Name","Nom" -"Last Name is required field.","Le nom de famille est un champ obligatoire." -"Last Name:","Nom de Famille:" -"Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here.","Dernière mise à jour : ""%s"" Pour mettre à jour les statistiques du dernier jour, cliquez ici." -"Latest Message:","Dernier message:" -"Layered Navigation Indices","Indice de navigation par niveaux" -"Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed.","Les indices de navigation par couches ont été rafraîchis." -"Leave empty to use tax identifier","Laisser vide pour utiliser l'identifiant taxe" -"Lifetime Sales","Ventes totales" -"Lifetime statistics have been updated.","Les statistiques de durée de vie ont été mises à jour." -"Links","Liens" -"Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product.","Les liens avec les produits associés seront retenus seulement après la sauvegarde du produit actuel." -"List (default) / Grid","Liste (par défaut) / Grille" -"List Only","Liste seule" -"Load Template","Charger le modèle" -"Load default template","Télécharger le formulaire -type par défaut" -"Loading...","Chargement..." -"Local Server","Serveur local" -"Local/Remote Server","Serveur Local/Distant" -"Locale","Paramètres régionaux" -"Log Out","Se déconnecter" -"Log in to Admin Panel","Se connecter en administrateur" -"Log into Magento Admin Page","Se connecter à la page Administration de Magento" -"Logged in as %s","Connecté en tant que %s" -"Login","Connexion" -"Low Stock","Stock bas" -"MAJOR","majeur" -"MINOR","MINEUR" -"MS Excel XML","MS Excel XML" -"Magento Admin","Administrateur de Magento" -"Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel","Commerce Magento - Membres Administratifs" -"Magento Connect","Magento Connect" -"Magento Connect Manager","Magento Connect Manager" -"Magento Logo","Logo de Magento" -"Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc.","Magento est une marque de X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc." -"Magento root directory","Répertoire racine Magento" -"Magento ver. %s","Magento ver. %s" -"Magento® is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc.Page not found.
","Pagina niet gevonden.
" -"Attention: Captcha is case sensitive.","Attention: Captcha is hoofdletter gevoelig" -"A user with the same user name or email aleady exists.","Er bestaat al een gebruiker met dezelfde naam of hetzelfde e-mailadres." -"API Key","API Sleutel" -"API Key Confirmation","API Sleutel Bevestiging" -"ASCII","ASCII" -"Abandoned Carts","Verlaten winkelwagens" -"About the calendar","Over de kalender" -"Access Denied","Toegang Geweigerd" -"Access denied","Toegang gewijgerd" -"Access denied.","Toegang geweigerd." -"Account Created in:","Account Gecreëerd in:" -"Account Created on (%s):","Account Gecreëerd op (%s):" -"Account Created on:","Account Gecreëerd op:" -"Account Information","Accountinformatie" -"Account Status","Account Status" -"Account status","Account status" -"Action","Actie" -"Actions","Acties" -"Actions XML","Acties XML" -"Active","Actief" -"Add","Toevoegen" -"Add \Exception","Voeg uitzondering toe" -"Add Field Mapping","Veldmapping Toevoegen" -"Add Field with URL:","Veld met URL toevoegen:" -"Add New","Nieuwe Toevoegen" -"Add New Image","Nieuw Plaatje Toevoegen" -"Add New Profile","Nieuw Profiel Toevoegen" -"Add New Role","Nieuwe Rol Toevoegen" -"Add New Template","Nieuw Sjabloon Toevoegen" -"Add New URL Rewrite","Voeg Nieuwe URL Herschrijving Toe" -"Add New User","Voeg Nieuwe Gebruiker Toe" -"Add New Variable","Voeg Nieuwe Variabele Toe" -"Add Products","Producten toevoegen" -"Add URL Rewrite","Voeg URL Herschrijving Toe" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Category","Voeg URL Herschrijving toe voor een Categorie" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Product","Voeg URL Herschrijving toe voor een Product" -"Add after","Voeg toe na" -"Additional Cache Management","Extra Cache Beheer" -"Address Type:","Adrestype:" -"Admin","Admin" -"Advanced Admin Section","Geavanceerde Admin Sectie" -"Advanced Profiles","Geavanceerde Profielen" -"Advanced Section","Geavanceerde Sectie" -"All","Alles" -"All Allowed Countries","Alle Toegestane Landen" -"All Cache","Alle Cache" -"All Files","Alle Bestanden" -"All Reviews","Alle Recensies" -"All Store Views","Alle Winkelbezichtigingen" -"All Websites","Alle Websites" -"All countries","Alle landen" -"All fields","Alle velden" -"All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Alle mogelijke cijfers zijn opgehaald, klik op ""Save"" om toe te passen" -"All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Alle cijfers zijn opgehaald, klik op ""Save"" om toe te passen" -"All valid rates have been saved.","Alle geldige aantallen zijn opgeslagen." -"Always (during development)","Altijd (tijdens ontwikkeling)" -"Amounts","Hoeveelheden" -"An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages.","Een fout heeft zich voorgedaan tijdens het synchroniseren van het mediageheugen." -"An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het opschonen van de JavaScript/CSS opslagplaats." -"An error occurred while clearing the image cache.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het opschonen van de afbeeldingopslagplaats." -"An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite.","er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verwijderen van URL Rewrite." -"An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verwijderen van e-mail sjabloondata. Bekijk de log en probeer opnieuw." -"An error occurred while deleting record(s).","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verwijderen van data." -"An error occurred while deleting this role.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verwijderen van deze role." -"An error occurred while deleting this set.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verwijderen van deze set." -"An error occurred while deleting this template.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verwijderen van dit sjabloon." -"An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het afsluiten. Ververs de opslagplaats." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het herbouwen van de CatalogInventory Stock Status." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het herbouwen van de catalogus index." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het herbouwen van de flat catalogus categorie." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het herbouwen van de flat product catalogus" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the search index.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het herbouwen van de zoekindex." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verversen van de Catalog Rewrites." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het verversen van de Layered Navigation indices." -"An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites.","Een fout heeft zich voorgedaan tijdens het verversen van de catalogus." -"An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices.","Een fout heeft zich voorgedaan tijdens het verversen van de gelaagde navigatie indexen." -"An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het opslaan van URL Rewrite" -"An error occurred while saving account.","Fout voorgekomen bij opslaan van account." -"An error occurred while saving review.","Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het opslaan van de beoordeling." -"An error occurred while saving the customer.","Fout voorgekomen bij opslaan klant." -"An error occurred while saving this configuration:","Fout voorgekomen bij opslaan van deze configuratie:" -"An error occurred while saving this role.","Fout voorgekomen bij opslaan van deze rol." -"An error occurred while saving this template.","Fout voorgekomen bij opslaan van dit sjabloon." -"An error occurred while updating the selected review(s).","Fout voorgekomen bij het updaten van de geselecteerde beoordeling(en)." -"Any","Iedere" -"Any Attribute Set","Iedere attribuut set" -"Any Group","Iedere groep" -"Any Status","Iedere status" -"Any Store","Iedere winkel" -"Any Type","Ieder type" -"Any Visibility","Iedere zichtbaarheid" -"Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders.","Alle data dat gecreëerd is sinds de backup is gemaakt zal verloren gaan inclusief admin gebruikers, klanten en orders." -"Archive file name:","Archiveer bestandsnaam:" -"Are you sure that you want to delete this template?","Weet je zeker dat je dit sjabloon wilt verwijderen?" -"Are you sure that you want to strip tags?","Weet je zeker dat je de tags wilt verwijderen?" -"Are you sure you want to do this?","Weet je zeker dat je dit wilt doen?" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?","Weet u zeker dat u door wilt gaan?" -"Area","Gebied" -"As low as:","Zo laag als:" -"Assigned","Toegewezen" -"Attribute Set Name:","Attribuut set naam:" -"Attributes","Attributen" -"Automatic","Automatisch" -"Average","Gemiddeld Orderbedrag" -"Average Orders","Gemiddelde Orders" -"BINARY","BINAIR" -"Back","Terug" -"Back to Login","Terug naar Inloggen" -"Backup","Backup" -"Backup Name","Backup Naam" -"Backup options","Backup opties" -"Backups","Backups" -"Base currency","Basisvaluta" -"Bcc","Bcc" -"Bestsellers","Bestsellers" -"Billing Address","Facturatieadres" -"Billing Address: ","Factuuradres:" -"Billing Agreement","Facturatieovereenkomst:" -"Billing Agreements","Facturatieovereenkomsten:" -"Block Information","Blok Informatie" -"Both (without and with tax)","Beiden (zonder en met btw)" -"Both IPN and PDT","Zowel IPN als PDT" -"Browse Files...","Blader door Bestanden..." -"Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved.","Bundel met dynamische prijzen kan geen op maat gedefinieerde opties bevatten. Opties zullen niet opgeslagen worden." -"CMS","CMS" -"CRITICAL","KRITIEK" -"CSV","CSV" -"CSV / Tab separated","CSV / Tabel gescheiden" -"Cache Control","Cache-controle" -"Cache Control (beta)","Cache-controle (beta)" -"Cache Management","Beheer cache" -"Cache Type","Cache-type" -"Cancel","Annuleren" -"Cannot add new comment.","Kan geen nieuw commentaar toevoegen." -"Cannot add tracking number.","Kan geen volgnummer toevoegen." -"Cannot create an invoice without products.","Kan geen factuur aanmaken zonder producten." -"Cannot create credit memo for the order.","Kan geen kredietnota voor de order aanmaken." -"Cannot delete the design change.","Kan de ontwerpverandering niet verwijderen." -"Cannot delete tracking number.","Kan volgnummer niet verwijderen." -"Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice.","Kan de verzending voor de bestelling niet los van de factuur doen." -"Cannot do shipment for the order.","Kan geen verzending van de bestelling doen." -"Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number.","Kan de verzending niet beginnen voor het toevoegen van volgnummer." -"Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number.","Kan de verzending niet beginnen voor het verwijderen van volgnummer." -"Cannot load track with retrieving identifier.","Kan het volgen niet laden met het ophalen van id." -"Cannot retrieve tracking number detail.","Kan detail van het volgnummer niet ophalen." -"Cannot save shipment.","Kan verzending niet opslaan." -"Cannot save the credit memo.","Kan kredietnota niet opslaan." -"Cannot send shipment information.","Kan verzendingsinformatie niet verzenden." -"Cannot update item quantity.","Kan product hoeveelheid niet updaten." -"Cannot update the item\'s quantity.","Kan de product hoeveelheid niet updaten." -"Catalog","Catalogus" -"Catalog Price Rules","Catalogus prijs regels" -"Catalog Rewrites","Catalogus herschrijvingen" -"Categories","Categoriën" -"Category:","Categorie:" -"Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here.","Grafiek is uitgeschakeld. Indien u de grafiek wilt inschakelen, klik here." -"Checkbox","Selectie vakje" -"Child Transactions","Kinder transacties" -"Choose Store View:","Selecteer winkel aanzicht:" -"Choose an attribute","Kies een attribuut" -"Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","Gekozen categorie komt met geen enkele website overeen, de url herschrijving is daarom niet mogelijk." -"Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","Gekozen product komt met geen enkele website overeen, de url herschrijving is daarom niet mogelijk," -"Clear","Haal weg" -"Close","Sluiten" -"Comment text field cannot be empty.","Comment tekstbox kan niet leeg zijn." -"Complete","Compleet" -"Configuration","Configuratie" -"Confirm New Password","Bevestig nieuw wachtwoord" -"Confirmed email:","Bevestigd e-mail:" -"Connect with the Magento Community","Verbind met de Magento Gemeenschap" -"Continue","Doorgaan" -"Continuous","Continu" -"Convert to Plain Text","Verander naar Gewone Tekst" -"Cookie (unsafe)","Cookie (onveilig)" -"Country","Land" -"Country:","Land:" -"Coupons","Waardebonnen" -"Create","Maak aan" -"Create DB Backup","Maak DB Back-up" -"Create New Attribute","Maak Nieuw Attribuut" -"Create URL Rewrite:","Maak URL Herschrijving:" -"Created At","Gecreëerd op" -"Credit Card %s","Credit Card %s" -"Credit Memo History","Creditnota Geschiedenis" -"Credit Memo Totals","Creditnota Totaal" -"Credit Memos","Creditnotas" -"Credit memo #%s comment added","Creditnota #%s commentaar toegevoegd" -"Credit memo #%s created","Creditnota #%s aangemaakt" -"Credit memo\'s total must be positive.","Totaal van creditmemo's moet positief zijn." -"Currency","Munteenheid" -"Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s.","Valuta ""%s"" wordt gebruikt als %s in %s." -"Currency Information","Valutainformatie" -"Currency Setup Section","Sectie voor instellen valuta" -"Current Configuration Scope:","Bereik van huidige configuratie:" -"Current Month","Huidige maand" -"Custom","Zelfgekozen" -"Custom Variable ""%s""","Gepersonaliseerde Variabele ""%s""" -"Custom Variables","Zelfgekozen variabelen" -"Customer","Klant" -"Customer Group:","Klantgroep:" -"Customer Groups","Klantgroepen" -"Customer","Naam klant" -"Customer Reviews","Klantbeoordelingen" -"Customer Shopping Carts","Klantwinkelmandjes" -"Customer Since:","Klant sinds:" -"Customer Tax Classes","Belastingtarieven klant" -"Customer with the same email already exists.","Klant met dit emailadres bestaat reeds." -"Customers","Klanten" -"Customers by Orders","Klanten op volgorde van aantal bestellingen" -"Customers by Orders Total","Klanten op volgorde van totaal bestellingen" -"DHTML Date/Time Selector","DHTML Datum/tijd selectie" -"Dashboard","Dashboard" -"Data Format","Dataformat" -"Data transfer:","Dataoverdracht:" -"Database","Database" -"Date","Datum" -"Date & Time","Datum & tijd" -"Added","Datum Toegevoegd" -"Updated","Bijgewerkt op datum" -"Date selection:","Datumselectie:" -"Date selector","Datumselector:" -"Day","Dag" -"Decimal separator:","Scheidingsteken decimalen:" -"Default (Admin) Values","Standaard (admin) waardes" -"Default Billing Address","Standaard betalingsadres" -"Default Config","Standaardconfiguratie" -"Default Template from Locale","Standaardsjabloon van locale" -"Default Values","Standaardwaardes" -"Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies.","Standaard weergegeven valuta ""%s"" is niet beschikbaar in toegestane valuta." -"Default scope","Standaardbereik" -"Delete","Verwijderen" -"Delete %s","Verwijder %s" -"Delete %s '%s'","Verwijder %s '%s'" -"Delete File","Verwijder bestand" -"Delete Image","Verwijder beeld" -"Delete Profile","Profiel verwijderen" -"Delete Role","Verwijder Rol" -"Delete Store","Verwijder Winkel" -"Delete Store View","Verwijder Winkel Aanzicht" -"Delete Template","Verwijder Template" -"Delete User","Verwijder Gebruiker" -"Delete Website","Verwijder Website" -"Description","Beschrijving" -"Design","Ontwerp" -"Design Section","Ontwerp Sectie" -"Details","Details" -"Developer Section","Ontwikkelaar Sectie" -"Direction:","Richting:" -"Disable","Maak onbruikbaar" -"Disabled","Uitgeschakeld" -"Display %s first","Geef %s eerst weer" -"Display default currency","Geef standaard muntsoort weer" -"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details.","Gedistrubueerd onder GNU LGPL. Zie %s voor details." -"Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?","Weet u zeker dat u het parallele proces wilt AFSLUITEN en een nieuw indexeringsproces wilt starten?" -"Do you really want to proceed?","Wilt u echt doorgaan?" -"Download","Download" -"Downloads","Downloads" -"Drag to move","Sleep om te verplaatsen" -"Drop-down","Drop-down" -"Edit","Bewerken" -"Edit Design Change","Bewerk Ontwerp Verandering" -"Edit Email Template","Bewerk E-mail Sjabloon" -"Edit Order","Bestelling bewerken" -"Edit Queue","Bewerk Rij" -"Edit Review","Bewerk Recensie" -"Edit Role","Bewerk Rol" -"Edit Store View","Bewerk Voorraad View" -"Edit System Template","Bewerk Systeem Sjabloon" -"Edit Template","Bewerk Sjabloon" -"Edit URL Rewrite","Bewerk URL Rewrite" -"Edit User","Bewerk Gebruiker" -"Edit User '%s'","Bewerk Gebruiker ""%s'" -"Edit Website","Bewerk Website" -"Email","Email" -"Email Address:","E-mailadres:" -"Email Preview","E-mail Preview" -"Email to a Friend","E-mail Vriend" -"Email:","E-mail" -"Enable","Maak bruikbaar" -"Enabled","Aan" -"Enclose Values In:","Sluit Waarden In:" -"Entity Attributes","Eenheidattributen" -"Entity Type","Eenheid Type" -"Entity type:","Type eenheid" -"Error","Fout" -"Excel XML","Excel XML" -"Excl. Tax","Excl. BTW" -"Exclude media folder from backup","Sluit de media map uit van de backup" -"Export","Export" -"Export CSV","Exporteer CSV" -"Export Filters","Exporteer Filters" -"Export to:","Exporteer naar:" -"Export:","Exporteer:" -"FTP Host","FTP Host" -"FTP Host[:Port]","FTP Host[:Port]" -"FTP Login","FTP Login" -"FTP Password","FTP wachtwoord" -"FTP credentials","FTP referenties" -"Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s"".","Product toevoegen aan winkelwagen door I.D. is mislukt ""%s""." -"Failed to cancel the billing agreement.","Kon de facturatie-overeenkomst niet annuleren." -"Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Kon het JavaScript/CSS niet uit de cache verwijderen." -"Failed to delete the billing agreement.","Kon de facturatieovereenkomst niet verwijderen." -"Failed to update the profile.","Was niet in staat het profiel te updaten." -"Field","Veld" -"Field Mapping","Veld Mapping" -"File","Bestand" -"File Information","Bestand informatie" -"File System","Bestanden Systeem" -"File mode","Bestandsmodus" -"File name:","Bestandsnaam:" -"File size should be more than 0 bytes","Bestandsgrootte moet groter zijn dan 0 bytes" -"Finished profile execution.","Klaar met het uitvoeren van het profiel." -"First Invoice Created Date","Datum Eerste Factuur" -"First Name","Voornaam" -"First Name is required field.","Voornaam is een vereist veld." -"First Name:","Voornaam" -"Fixed","Gemaakt" -"Flush Catalog Images Cache","Flush Catalogus Afbeeldingenopslagplaats" -"Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache","Flush JavaScript/CSS Opslagplaats" -"For category","Voor categorie" -"For latest version visit: %s","Zie voor de laatste versie: %s" -"For product","Voor product" -"Forgot Admin Password","Beheerderswachtwoord vergeten" -"Forgot your password?","Uw wachtwoord vergeten?" -"Forgot your user name or password?","Gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord vergeten?" -"From","Van" -"GLOBAL","GLOBAAL" -"Gb","Gb" -"General Information","Algemene informatie" -"General Section","Algemene Sectie" -"Get Image Base64","Krijg Afbeelding Base64" -"Get help for this page","Hulp krijgen voor deze pagina" -"Global Attribute","Globaal Attribuut" -"Global Record Search","Globaal records zoeken" -"Global Search","Globale zoektocht" -"Go Today","Ga Vandaag" -"Go to messages inbox","Ga naar inbox" -"Go to notifications","Ga naar meldingen" -"Google Base","Google Base" -"Google Sitemaps","Google Sitemaps" -"Grand Total","Totaal" -"Grid (default) / List","Grid (vaststaand) / Lijst" -"Grid Only","Alleen Rooster" -"Group:","Groep:" -"Guest","Gast" -"HTTP (unsecure)","HTTP (onbeveiligd)" -"HTTPS (SSL)","HTTPS (SSL)" -"Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs","Help ons Magento gezond te houden - rapporteer alle bugs" -"Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates.","Help attributen moeten niet gebruikt worden in gebruikelijke layout updates." -"Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface.","Help voor optie verduidelijking implementeert gevraagde interface niet." -"Home","Thuis" -"ID","ID" -"ID Path","ID Pad" -"IP Address","IP Adres" -"IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only","Alleen IPN (Onmiddellijke Betaling Notificatie)" -"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","Als er een rekening geassocieerd is met %s ontvangt u een email met een link om uw wachtwoord te herstellen." -"If this message persists, please contact the store owner.","Neem contact op met de winkeleigenaar indien dit bericht aanhoudt." -"Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)","Afbeeldingen (.gif, .jpg, .png)" -"Images Cache","Afbeeldingen Voorraad" -"Import","Import" -"Import Service","Importeer dienst" -"Import and Export","Importeren en exporteren" -"Import and Export Tax Rates","Import en Export Belastingtarieven" -"Import/Export","Import/Export" -"Import/Export Advanced","Import/Export Geavanceerd" -"Import/Export Profile","Import/Export Profiel" -"Important: ","Belangrijk:" -"Imported %s records","Geïmporteerde %s gegevens" -"In","In" -"In Database:","In databse:" -"In File:","In bestand:" -"Inactive","Inactief" -"Incl. Tax","Incl. BTW" -"Incoming Message","Inkomend Bericht" -"Insert Variable...","Voeg Variabel in..." -"Interactive","Interactief" -"Interface Locale: %s","Interface locatie-instelling: %s" -"Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.","Ongeldig Formaat Sleutel. Gelieve de pagina te herladen." -"Invalid Import Service Specified","Ongeldige Import Service Geselecteerd" -"Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file).","Ongeldige POST data (kijk post_max_size en upload_max_filesize instellingen na in uw php.ini file)." -"Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.","Ongeldige Geheime Sleutel. Ververs de pagina." -"Invalid User Name or Password.","Ongeldige Gebruikersnaam of Wachtwoord." -"Invalid directory: %s","Ongeldige directory: %s" -"Invalid email address ""%s"".","Ongeldig e-mailadres ""%s""." -"Invalid email address.","Ongeldig e-mailadres." -"Invalid file: %s","Ongeldig bestand: %s" -"Invalid input data for %s => %s rate","Ongeldige invoerdata voor %s => %s tarief" -"Invalid parent block for this block","Ongeldig hoofdblok voor dit blok" -"Invalid parent block for this block.","Ongeldig bron blok voor dit blok." -"Invalid password reset token.","Ongeldige wachtwoord herstel token" -"Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces.","Ongeldige naam van verzender ""%s"". Gebruik a.u.b. alleen zichtbare karakters en spaties." -"Invalid timezone","Ongeldige tijdzone" -"Invalidated","Ongeldig gemaakt" -"Inventory Stock Status","Inventarislijst status" -"Invoice #%s comment added","Factuur #%s commentaar toegevoegd" -"Invoice #%s created","Factuur #%s aangemaakt" -"Invoice History","Factuurhistorie" -"Invoice Totals","Totaal facturen" -"Invoice canceling error.","Factuur annuleringsfout." -"Invoice capturing error.","Factuur ophaal fout." -"Invoice voiding error.","Factuur vernietiging fout." -"Invoices","Facturen" -"Is Closed","Is gesloten" -"Issue Number","Uitgave Nummer" -"Items","Artikelen" -"JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.","JavaScript lijkt uitgeschakeld te zijn in uw browser." -"JavaScript/CSS","Javascript/CSS" -"JavaScript/CSS Cache","Javascript/CSS Cache" -"Kb","Kb" -"Last 24 Hours","Afgelopen 24 uur" -"Last 5 Orders","Laatste 5 bestellingen" -"Last 5 Search Terms","Laatste 5 zoektermen" -"Last 7 Days","Laatste 7 Dagen" -"Last Credit Memo Created Date","Laatste Kredietnota Aanmaak Datum" -"Last Invoice Created Date","Laatste factuur creatie datum" -"Last Logged In (%s):","Laatst ingelogd in (%s):" -"Last Logged In:","Laatste login:" -"Last Name","Achternaam" -"Last Name is required field.","Achternaam is een verplicht veld." -"Last Name:","Achternaam:" -"Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here.","Laatste update: %s. Om de statistieken van de voorgaande dag te verversen, klik hier." -"Latest Message:","Laatste boodschap:" -"Layered Navigation Indices","Gelaagde Navigatie Indices" -"Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed.","Gelaagde Navigatie Indices zijn ververst." -"Leave empty to use tax identifier","Laat dit veld leeg om het belastingidentificatienummer te gebruiken" -"Lifetime Sales","Lifetime Verkopen" -"Lifetime statistics have been updated.","Lifetime statistieken zijn geupdate." -"Links","Links" -"Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product.","Links met gerelateerde producten worden slechts behouden na het opslaan van huidige product." -"List (default) / Grid","Lijst (standaard) / Rooster" -"List Only","Alleen Lijst" -"Load Template","Laad Sjabloon" -"Load default template","Laad standaard sjabloon" -"Loading...","Aan het laden..." -"Local Server","Lokale Server" -"Local/Remote Server","Lokale/Op afstand Server" -"Locale","Lokaal" -"Log Out","Uitloggen" -"Log in to Admin Panel","Log in op het Administratie Bedieningspaneel" -"Log into Magento Admin Page","Inloggen bij Magento administratiepagina" -"Logged in as %s","Ingelogd als %s" -"Login","Log in" -"Low Stock","Lage Voorraad" -"MAJOR","MAJOR" -"MINOR","MINOR" -"MS Excel XML","MS Excel XML" -"Magento Admin","Magento Administrator" -"Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel","Magento Commerce - Administratiepaneel" -"Magento Connect","Magento Connect" -"Magento Connect Manager","Magento Connect Manager" -"Magento Logo","Magento Logo" -"Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc.","Magento is een handelsmerk van X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc." -"Magento root directory","Magento root directory" -"Magento ver. %s","Magento ver. %s" -"Magento® is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc.Page not found.
","Página não encontrada.
" -"Attention: Captcha is case sensitive.","Attention: Captcha diferencia maiúsculas e minúsculas." -"A user with the same user name or email aleady exists.","Já existe um usuário com o mesmo nome ou e-mail." -"API Key","Chave API" -"API Key Confirmation","Confirmação de Chave API" -"ASCII","ASCII" -"Abandoned Carts","Carrinhos de Compras Abandonados" -"About the calendar","Sobre o calendário" -"Access Denied","Acesso negado" -"Access denied","Acesso negado" -"Access denied.","Acesso negado." -"Account Created in:","Conta criada em:" -"Account Created on (%s):","Conta criada em (%s):" -"Account Created on:","Conta criada em:" -"Account Information","Informações da Conta" -"Account Status","Status da conta" -"Account status","Status da conta" -"Action","Ação" -"Actions","Ações" -"Actions XML","Ações XML" -"Active","Ativo" -"Add","Adicionar" -"Add \Exception","Adicionar exceção" -"Add Field Mapping","Adicionar mapeamento de campo" -"Add Field with URL:","Adicionar campo com o URL:" -"Add New","Adicione Novo" -"Add New Image","Adicionar nova imagem" -"Add New Profile","Adicionar novo perfil" -"Add New Role","Adicionar nova função" -"Add New Template","Adicionar novo modelo" -"Add New URL Rewrite","Adicionar Novo Rewrite de URL" -"Add New User","Adicionar Novo Usuário" -"Add New Variable","Adicionar Nova Variável" -"Add Products","Adicionar produtos" -"Add URL Rewrite","Adicionar Rewrite de URL" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Category","Adicionar Rewrite de URL para uma Categoria" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Product","Adicionar Rewrite de URL para um Produto" -"Add after","Adicionar depois" -"Additional Cache Management","Gerenciamento de Cache Adicional" -"Address Type:","Tipo de Endereço:" -"Admin","Admin" -"Advanced Admin Section","Seção de Administrador Avançado" -"Advanced Profiles","Perfis Avançados" -"Advanced Section","Seção Avançada" -"All","Todos" -"All Allowed Countries","Todos os Países Permitidos" -"All Cache","Todo o Cache" -"All Files","Todos os Arquivos" -"All Reviews","Todas as Revisões" -"All Store Views","Todas as Visualizações da Loja" -"All Websites","Todos os sites" -"All countries","Todos os países" -"All fields","Todos os campos" -"All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Todas as tarifas possíveis foram obtidas, por favor clique em ""Salvar"" para aplicar" -"All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","Todas as tarifas foram obtidas, por favor clique em ""Salvar"" para aplicar" -"All valid rates have been saved.","Todas as tarifas válidas foram salvas." -"Always (during development)","Sempre (durante desenvolvimento)" -"Amounts","Quantidades" -"An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages.","Ocorreu um erro enquanto sincronizando armazenamentos de mídia." -"An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Ocorreu um erro ao limpar a cache JavaScript/CSS." -"An error occurred while clearing the image cache.","Ocorreu um erro ao limpar a cache de imagem." -"An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite.","Ocorreu um erro ao excluir URL Escreva novamente" -"An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again.","Ocorreu um erro durante a exclusão de dados modelo de e-mail. Por favor analise o registro e tente novamente." -"An error occurred while deleting record(s).","Ocorreu um erro ao excluir registro(s)." -"An error occurred while deleting this role.","Ocorreu um erro ao excluir este papel." -"An error occurred while deleting this set.","Ocorreu um erro ao excluir este conjunto." -"An error occurred while deleting this template.","Ocorreu um erro ao excluir este modelo." -"An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache","Ocorreu um erro ao finalizar o processo. Por favor atualize a cache" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status.","Ocorreu um erro durante a reconstrução do Catálogo INventário do estado das unidades." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index.","Ocorreu um erro durante a reconstrução do índice do catálogo." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category.","Ocorreu um erro durante a reconstrução da categoria plana do catálogo." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog.","Ocorreu um erro durante a reconstrução do produto plano do catálogo." -"An error occurred while rebuilding the search index.","Ocorreu um erro durante a reconstrução do índice de pesquisa." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites.","Ocorreu um erro durante a atualização do Catálogo Rewrites." -"An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices.","Ocorreu um erro durante a atualização dos índices de Navegação em Camadas." -"An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites.","Ocorreu um erro durante a atualização dos reescritos do catálogo." -"An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices.","Ocorreu um erro ao atualizar os índices de navegação em camadas." -"An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite.","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar URL Escreva novamente." -"An error occurred while saving account.","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar conta." -"An error occurred while saving review.","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar revisão." -"An error occurred while saving the customer.","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar o cliente." -"An error occurred while saving this configuration:","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar esta configuração:" -"An error occurred while saving this role.","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar este papel." -"An error occurred while saving this template.","Ocorreu um erro ao salvar este modelo." -"An error occurred while updating the selected review(s).","Ocorreu um erro durante a atualização da revisão selecionada." -"Any","Qualquer um" -"Any Attribute Set","Qualquer Conjunto de Atributos" -"Any Group","Qualquer Grupo" -"Any Status","Qualquer Estado" -"Any Store","Qualquer Loja" -"Any Type","Qualquer Tipo" -"Any Visibility","Qualquer Visibilidade" -"Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders.","Qualquer dado criado desde a realização do backup será perdido, incluindo usuários admin, clientes e pedidos." -"Archive file name:","Nome do ficheiro de arquivo:" -"Are you sure that you want to delete this template?","Tem certeza de que deseja apagar este modelo?" -"Are you sure that you want to strip tags?","Tem certeza que você quer retirar tags?" -"Are you sure you want to do this?","Tem certeza de que quer fazer isso?" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?","Você tem certeza que deseja continuar?" -"Area","Área" -"As low as:","A partir de:" -"Assigned","Atribuído" -"Attribute Set Name:","Atribuir Nome de Conjunto:" -"Attributes","Atributos" -"Automatic","Automático" -"Average","Total do pedido médio" -"Average Orders","Pedido médio" -"BINARY","BINÁRIO" -"Back","Voltar" -"Back to Login","Voltar à Entrada" -"Backup","Backup" -"Backup Name","Nome do Backup" -"Backup options","Opções de backup" -"Backups","Cópias de segurança" -"Base currency","Moeda base" -"Bcc","CCO" -"Bestsellers","Mais vendidos" -"Billing Address","Endereço de faturamento" -"Billing Address: ","Endereço de faturamento:" -"Billing Agreement","Contrato de faturamento" -"Billing Agreements","Contratos de faturamento" -"Block Information","Informações de bloco" -"Both (without and with tax)","Ambos (com e sem impostos)" -"Both IPN and PDT","IPN e PDT" -"Browse Files...","Pesquisar arquivos..." -"Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved.","O pacote com preço dinâmico não pode incluir opções personalizadas definidas. As opções não serão salvas." -"CMS","SGC" -"CRITICAL","CRÍTICO" -"CSV","CSV" -"CSV / Tab separated","CSV / Tab separados" -"Cache Control","Controle de Cache" -"Cache Control (beta)","Controle de Cache (beta)" -"Cache Management","Gerenciamento de Cache" -"Cache Type","Tipo de Cache" -"Cancel","Cancelar" -"Cannot add new comment.","Não é possível adicionar um novo comentário." -"Cannot add tracking number.","Não é possível adicionar número de rastreamento." -"Cannot create an invoice without products.","Não é possível criar uma fatura sem produtos." -"Cannot create credit memo for the order.","Não é possível criar uma nota de crédito para a ordem." -"Cannot delete the design change.","Não é possível apagar a mudança de desenho." -"Cannot delete tracking number.","Não é possível apagar o número de rastreamento." -"Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice.","Não é possível fazer envio para a ordem separadamente da fatura." -"Cannot do shipment for the order.","Não é possível fazer envio para a ordem." -"Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number.","Não é possível inicializar envio para adicionar número de rastreamento." -"Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number.","Não é possível inicializar envio para apagar número de rastreamento." -"Cannot load track with retrieving identifier.","Não é possível carregar pista com identificador de recuperação." -"Cannot retrieve tracking number detail.","Não é possível recuperar detalhes do número de rastreamento." -"Cannot save shipment.","Não é possível salvar envio." -"Cannot save the credit memo.","Não é possível salvar a nota de crédito." -"Cannot send shipment information.","Não é possível enviar informações de envio." -"Cannot update item quantity.","Não é possível atualizar a quantidade do item." -"Cannot update the item\'s quantity.","Não é possível atualizar a quantidade do item." -"Catalog","Catálogo" -"Catalog Price Rules","Regras de Preço do Catálogo" -"Catalog Rewrites","Reescrituras de Catálogo" -"Categories","Categorias" -"Category:","Categoria:" -"Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here.","A opção Tabela está desativada. Para ativá-la, clique aqui." -"Checkbox","Caixa de Seleção" -"Child Transactions","Transações Inferiores" -"Choose Store View:","Escolha a exibição de loja:" -"Choose an attribute","Escolha um atributo" -"Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","A categoria escolhida não está associada a nenhum website; não é possível, portanto, reescrever a url." -"Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","O produto escolhido não está associado a nenhum website; não é possível, portanto, reescrever a url." -"Clear","Limpar" -"Close","Fechar" -"Comment text field cannot be empty.","O campo de texto Comentário não pode ser deixado em branco." -"Complete","Completar" -"Configuration","Configuração" -"Confirm New Password","Confirmar a nova senha" -"Confirmed email:","E-mail confirmado:" -"Connect with the Magento Community","Conecte-se com a Comunidade Magento" -"Continue","Continue" -"Continuous","Contínuo" -"Convert to Plain Text","Converter para Texto Simples" -"Cookie (unsafe)","Cookie (não seguro)" -"Country","País" -"Country:","País:" -"Coupons","Cupons" -"Create","Criar" -"Create DB Backup","Criar DB Backup" -"Create New Attribute","Criar Novo Atributo" -"Create URL Rewrite:","Criar Reescritura de URL:" -"Created At","Criada Em" -"Credit Card %s","Cartão de Crédito %s" -"Credit Memo History","Histórico de Notas de Crédito" -"Credit Memo Totals","Totais da Nota de Crédito" -"Credit Memos","Notas de Crédito" -"Credit memo #%s comment added","Comentário de nota de crédito #%s adicionado" -"Credit memo #%s created","Nota de crédito #%s criada" -"Credit memo\'s total must be positive.","O total da nota de crédito deve ser positivo." -"Currency","Moeda" -"Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s.","Moeda ""%s"" é usada como %s em %s." -"Currency Information","Informação de moeda" -"Currency Setup Section","Seção de Configuração de Moeda" -"Current Configuration Scope:","Escopo da Configuração Atual:" -"Current Month","Mês corrente" -"Custom","Personalizado" -"Custom Variable ""%s""","Variável Personalizada ""%s""" -"Custom Variables","Variáveis de Personalização." -"Customer","Cliente" -"Customer Group:","Grupo do Cliente:" -"Customer Groups","Grupos do cliente" -"Customer","Nome do Cliente" -"Customer Reviews","Resenhas de Cliente" -"Customer Shopping Carts","Carrinhos de Compras dos Clientes" -"Customer Since:","Cliente desde:" -"Customer Tax Classes","Classes de Taxa do Cliente" -"Customer with the same email already exists.","Já existe um cliente com o mesmo email." -"Customers","Clientes" -"Customers by Orders","Clientes por Número de Pedidos" -"Customers by Orders Total","Clientes por Total dos Pedidos" -"DHTML Date/Time Selector","Seletor de Data/Hora DHTML" -"Dashboard","Painel" -"Data Format","Formato dos Dados" -"Data transfer:","Transferência de Dados:" -"Database","Base de Dados" -"Date","Data" -"Date & Time","Data & Hora" -"Added","Data de Adição" -"Updated","Data de Atualização" -"Date selection:","Seleção de data:" -"Date selector","Seletor de data" -"Day","Dia" -"Decimal separator:","Separador decimal:" -"Default (Admin) Values","Valores (de Admin) Padrão" -"Default Billing Address","Endereço padrão de faturamento" -"Default Config","Config Padrão" -"Default Template from Locale","Modelo Padrão do Locale" -"Default Values","Valores padrão" -"Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies.","Moeda de exibição padrão ""%s"" não está disponível nas moedas permitidas." -"Default scope","Escopo padrão" -"Delete","Excluir" -"Delete %s","Apagar %s" -"Delete %s '%s'","Apagar %s '%s'" -"Delete File","Apagar Arquivo" -"Delete Image","Apagar Imagem" -"Delete Profile","Apagar Perfil" -"Delete Role","Apagar Papel" -"Delete Store","Apagar Loja" -"Delete Store View","Apagar Visão de Loja" -"Delete Template","Apagar Modelo" -"Delete User","Apagar Usuário" -"Delete Website","Apagar Site Web" -"Description","Descrição" -"Design","Design" -"Design Section","Seção de Design" -"Details","Detalhes" -"Developer Section","Seção de Desenvolvedor" -"Direction:","Direção:" -"Disable","Desativar" -"Disabled","Desativado" -"Display %s first","Mostrar primeiro %s" -"Display default currency","Mostrar moeda predifinida" -"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details.","Distribuído sob a GNU LGPL. Veja %s para detalhes." -"Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?","Você realmente quer MATAR o processo paralelo e iniciar um novo processo de indexação?" -"Do you really want to proceed?","Você realmente deseja continuar?" -"Download","Baixar" -"Downloads","Transferências" -"Drag to move","Arraste para mover" -"Drop-down","Suspenso" -"Edit","Editar" -"Edit Design Change","Editar alteração de design" -"Edit Email Template","Editar modelo de e-mail" -"Edit Order","Editar Ordem (Pedido)" -"Edit Queue","Editar fila" -"Edit Review","Editar análise" -"Edit Role","Editar funçõa" -"Edit Store View","Editar visualização de loja" -"Edit System Template","Editar modelo de sistema" -"Edit Template","Editar modelo" -"Edit URL Rewrite","Editar o novo URL" -"Edit User","Editar usuário" -"Edit User '%s'","Editar usuário ""%s""" -"Edit Website","Editar site" -"Email","E-mail" -"Email Address:","Endereço de e-mail:" -"Email Preview","Visualização por e-mail" -"Email to a Friend","Enviar por e-mail a um amigo" -"Email:","E-mail:" -"Enable","Ativar" -"Enabled","Ativado" -"Enclose Values In:","Anexar valores:" -"Entity Attributes","Atributos da entidade" -"Entity Type","Tipo de entidade" -"Entity type:","Tipo de entidade:" -"Error","Erro" -"Excel XML","Excel XML" -"Excl. Tax","Excluir taxas" -"Exclude media folder from backup","Excluir pasta mídia do backup" -"Export","Exportar" -"Export CSV","Exportar CSV" -"Export Filters","Exportar filtros" -"Export to:","Exportar para:" -"Export:","Exportar:" -"FTP Host","Host FTP" -"FTP Host[:Port]","FTP Anfitrião[:Porta] (FTP Host[:Port])" -"FTP Login","Login FTP" -"FTP Password","Senha FTP" -"FTP credentials","Credenciais FTP" -"Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s"".","Falha ao adicionar um produto ao carrinho de id ""%s""." -"Failed to cancel the billing agreement.","Falha ao cancelar o contrato de faturamento." -"Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache.","Falha ao limpar acache JavaScript/CSS." -"Failed to delete the billing agreement.","Falha ao apagar o acordo de faturamento." -"Failed to update the profile.","Falha ao atualizar o perfil." -"Field","Campo" -"Field Mapping","Mapeamento de campo" -"File","Arquivo" -"File Information","Informação do Arquivo" -"File System","Arquivo de Sistema" -"File mode","Modo de Arquivo" -"File name:","Nome do arquivo:" -"File size should be more than 0 bytes","Tamanho do arquivo deve ser superior a 0 bytes" -"Finished profile execution.","Execução de perfil terminada." -"First Invoice Created Date","Data de criação do primeiro invoice" -"First Name","Primeiro nome" -"First Name is required field.","Nome Próprio é um campo obrigatório." -"First Name:","Primeiro nome:" -"Fixed","Fixado" -"Flush Catalog Images Cache","Limpar cache de imagens do catálogo" -"Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache","Limpar cache de JavaScript/CSS" -"For category","Para categoria" -"For latest version visit: %s","Para última versão, visitar: %s" -"For product","Para produto" -"Forgot Admin Password","Esqueci a senha de administrador" -"Forgot your password?","Esqueceu sua senha?" -"Forgot your user name or password?","Esqueceu seu nome de usuário ou senha?" -"From","De" -"GLOBAL","GLOBAL" -"Gb","Gb" -"General Information","Informações gerais" -"General Section","Seção Geral" -"Get Image Base64","Obter Imagem Base64" -"Get help for this page","Receber ajuda para esta página" -"Global Attribute","Atributo Global" -"Global Record Search","Busca Global de Registros" -"Global Search","Busca Global" -"Go Today","Ir Hoje" -"Go to messages inbox","Ir para caixa de entrada" -"Go to notifications","Ir para notificações" -"Google Base","Google Base" -"Google Sitemaps","Sitemaps Google" -"Grand Total","Total geral" -"Grid (default) / List","Grade (padrão) / Lista" -"Grid Only","Somente Grade" -"Group:","Grupo:" -"Guest","Convidado" -"HTTP (unsecure)","HTTP (inseguro)" -"HTTPS (SSL)","HTTPS (SSL)" -"Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs","Ajude-nos a manter a Magento em forma - Informe qualquer defeito" -"Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates.","Não se devem usar atributos da ajuda em atualizações personalizadas de layout." -"Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface.","A ajuda para processamento de opções não implementa a interface necessária." -"Home","Início" -"ID","Identidade" -"ID Path","Caminho de identificação" -"IP Address","Endereço de IP" -"IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only","Somente NIP (Notificação Instantânea de Pagamento)" -"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","Se houver uma conta associada a %s você receberá um email com um link para reconfigurar a sua senha." -"If this message persists, please contact the store owner.","Se esta mensagem persistir, favor contatar dono da loja." -"Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)","Imagens (.gif, .jpg, .png)" -"Images Cache","Cache de Imagens" -"Import","Importar" -"Import Service","Serviço de Importação" -"Import and Export","Importação e Exportação" -"Import and Export Tax Rates","Alíquotas de Importação e Exportação" -"Import/Export","Importação/Exportação" -"Import/Export Advanced","Importação/Exportação Avançado" -"Import/Export Profile","Perfil de Importação/Exportação" -"Important: ","Importante:" -"Imported %s records","Registros %s importados" -"In","Em" -"In Database:","Na Base de Dados:" -"In File:","No Arquivo:" -"Inactive","Inativo" -"Incl. Tax","Incluir taxas" -"Incoming Message","Mensagem Nova" -"Insert Variable...","Inserir Variável..." -"Interactive","Interativo" -"Interface Locale: %s","Configuração Regional da Interface: %s" -"Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.","Chave de Formulário Inválida. Favor atualizar a página." -"Invalid Import Service Specified","Especificação Inválida de Serviço de Importação" -"Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file).","Dados inválidos POST (por favor verifique as configurações post_max_size e upload_max_filesize no seu arquivo php.ini)." -"Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.","Chave secreta inválida. Atualize a página." -"Invalid User Name or Password.","Nome de Usuário ou Senha Inválido" -"Invalid directory: %s","Diretório inválido: %s" -"Invalid email address ""%s"".","Endereço de email inválido ""%s""." -"Invalid email address.","Endereço de e-mail inválido." -"Invalid file: %s","Arquivo inválido: %s" -"Invalid input data for %s => %s rate","Dados inválido de entrada para %s => taxa de %s" -"Invalid parent block for this block","Bloco pai inválido para este bloco" -"Invalid parent block for this block.","Bloco-pai inválido para este bloco." -"Invalid password reset token.","Senha inválida reconfigure vale." -"Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces.","Nome ""%s"" de remetente inválido. Por favor use apenas caracteres visíveis e espaços." -"Invalid timezone","Fuso horário inválido" -"Invalidated","Invalidado" -"Inventory Stock Status","Estado do Inventário de Estoque" -"Invoice #%s comment added","Comentário adicionado à fatura nº %s" -"Invoice #%s created","Fatura #%s criada" -"Invoice History","História da Fatura" -"Invoice Totals","Totais da Fatura" -"Invoice canceling error.","Erro de cancelamento da fatura." -"Invoice capturing error.","Erro ao registrar fatura." -"Invoice voiding error.","Erro ao anular fatura." -"Invoices","Faturas" -"Is Closed","Está Fechado" -"Issue Number","Número de Emissão" -"Items","Itens" -"JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.","O JavaScript parece estar desativado no seu navegador." -"JavaScript/CSS","JavaScript/CSS" -"JavaScript/CSS Cache","Cache JavaScript/CSS" -"Kb","Kb" -"Last 24 Hours","Últimas 24 Horas" -"Last 5 Orders","Últimos 5 Pedidos" -"Last 5 Search Terms","Últimos 5 Termos de Pesquisa" -"Last 7 Days","Últimos 7 Dias" -"Last Credit Memo Created Date","Data de Criação do Último Memorando de Crédito" -"Last Invoice Created Date","Data da Última Fatura Criada" -"Last Logged In (%s):","Último Login Em (%s):" -"Last Logged In:","Último Acesso:" -"Last Name","Último nome" -"Last Name is required field.","Sobrenome é um campo obrigatório." -"Last Name:","Último nome:" -"Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here.","Última actualização: %s. Para atualizar as estatísticas dos últimos dias, clique aqui." -"Latest Message:","Última Mensagem:" -"Layered Navigation Indices","Índices de Navegação por Camadas" -"Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed.","Índices de Navegação por Camadas foram atualizados." -"Leave empty to use tax identifier","Deixe em branco para usar identificador de impostos" -"Lifetime Sales","Vendas de Vida Inteira" -"Lifetime statistics have been updated.","Estatísticas de vida inteira foram atualizadas" -"Links","Ligações" -"Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product.","Ligações com produtos associados reterão apenas depois de salvar produto atual." -"List (default) / Grid","Lista (padrão) / Rede" -"List Only","Apenas Lista" -"Load Template","Carregar Modelo" -"Load default template","Carregar modelo predifinido" -"Loading...","Carregando..." -"Local Server","Servidor Local" -"Local/Remote Server","Servidor Local/Remoto" -"Locale","Locale" -"Log Out","Sair" -"Log in to Admin Panel","Entrar no Painel de Administração" -"Log into Magento Admin Page","Entrar na Página de Administração Magento" -"Logged in as %s","Conetado como %s" -"Login","Conectar-se" -"Low Stock","Baixo Estoque" -"MAJOR","PRINCIPAL" -"MINOR","MENOR" -"MS Excel XML","MS Excel XML" -"Magento Admin","Administração Magento" -"Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel","Comércio Magento - Painel Administrativo" -"Magento Connect","Conexão Magento" -"Magento Connect Manager","Gerenciador de Conexão Magento" -"Magento Logo","Logo Magento" -"Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc.","Magento é uma marca comercial da X.commerce, Inc.© Direitos Autorais©, %s X.commerce, Inc." -"Magento root directory","Diretório raiz Magento" -"Magento ver. %s","Ver. %s Magento" -"Magento® is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc.Page not found.
" -"Attention: Captcha is case sensitive.","注意:验证码为大小写敏感的。" -"A user with the same user name or email aleady exists.","使用相同名称或邮件地址的用户已存在。" -"API Key","API Key" -"API Key Confirmation","API Key配置" -"ASCII","ASCII" -"Abandoned Carts","放弃购物车" -"About the calendar","关于日历" -"Access Denied","访问被拒绝" -"Access denied","访问被拒绝" -"Access denied.","访问被拒绝" -"Account Created in:","帐户创建于:" -"Account Created on (%s):","帐户创建于(%s):" -"Account Created on:","帐户创建于:" -"Account Information","帐户信息" -"Account Status","帐户状态" -"Account status","帐户状态" -"Action","操作" -"Actions","操作" -"Actions XML","操作XML" -"Active","活动" -"Add","添加" -"Add Exception","添加例外" -"Add Field Mapping","添加字段映射" -"Add Field with URL:","添加带URL的字段:" -"Add New","添加新内容" -"Add New Image","添加新图像" -"Add New Profile","添加新配置文件" -"Add New Role","添加新角色" -"Add New Template","添加新模板" -"Add New URL Rewrite","添加新URL重写" -"Add New User","添加新用户" -"Add New Variable","添加新变量" -"Add Products","添加产品" -"Add URL Rewrite","添加URL重写" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Category","为分类添加URL重写" -"Add URL Rewrite for a Product","为产品添加URL重写" -"Add after","随后添加" -"Additional Cache Management","额外的缓存管理" -"Address Type:","地址类型:" -"Admin","管理员" -"Advanced Admin Section","高级管理区域" -"Advanced Profiles","高级配置文件" -"Advanced Section","高级区域" -"All","全部" -"All Allowed Countries","所有允许的国家" -"All Cache","所有缓存" -"All Files","所有文件" -"All Reviews","所有评测" -"All Store Views","所有店铺视图" -"All Tags","所有标签" -"All Websites","所有网站" -"All countries","所有国家" -"All fields","所有字段" -"All possible rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","将自动获取所有可能的费率,请单击“保存”以应用" -"All rates were fetched, please click on ""Save"" to apply","所有费率已获取,请单击“保存”已应用" -"All valid rates have been saved.","所有有效的评级均已保存。" -"Always (during development)","总是(在开发过程中)" -"Amounts","数量" -"An error has occurred while syncronizing media storages.","同步媒体存储时遇到了错误。" -"An error occurred while clearing the JavaScript/CSS cache.","清空 JavaScript/CSS 缓存时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while clearing the image cache.","清空图像缓存时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while deleting URL Rewrite.","删除 URL 重写时出错。" -"An error occurred while deleting email template data. Please review log and try again.","删除电子邮件模板数据时发生错误。请查看日志并重试。" -"An error occurred while deleting record(s).","删除记录时出错。" -"An error occurred while deleting this role.","删除该角色时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while deleting this set.","删除该集合时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while deleting this template.","删除该模板时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while finishing process. Please refresh the cache","完成进程时发生错误。请刷新缓存" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the CatalogInventory Stock Status.","重建目录库存状态时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the catalog index.","重建目录索引时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat catalog category.","重建平面目录类别时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the flat product catalog.","重建平面产品目录时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while rebuilding the search index.","重建搜索索引时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while refreshing the Catalog Rewrites.","刷新目录重写时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while refreshing the Layered Navigation indices.","刷新分层导航指标时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while refreshing the catalog rewrites.","刷新目录重写时遇到了错误。" -"An error occurred while refreshing the layered navigation indices.","刷新层次式导航索引时遇到了错误。" -"An error occurred while saving URL Rewrite.","保存 URL 重写时出错。" -"An error occurred while saving account.","保存账户时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while saving review.","保存评价时出错。" -"An error occurred while saving the customer.","保存客户时发生错误。" -"An error occurred while saving this configuration:","保存该配置时发生错误:" -"An error occurred while saving this role.","保存该角色时出现了错误。" -"An error occurred while saving this template.","保存该模板时出现了错误。" -"An error occurred while updating the selected review(s).","更新所选评测时出现了错误。" -"Any","任意" -"Any Attribute Set","任何属性集" -"Any Group","任何组" -"Any Status","任何状态" -"Any Store","任何店铺" -"Any Type","任何类型" -"Any Visibility","任何可见性" -"Any data created since the backup was made will be lost including admin users, customers and orders.","备份完成后创建的任何数据都将丢失,包括管理员用户、顾客,以及订单。" -"Archive file name:","存档文件名:" -"Are you sure that you want to delete this template?","您是否确认要删除该模板?" -"Are you sure that you want to strip tags?","您是否确认要取消标签?" -"Are you sure you want to do this?","您是否确认要这样做?" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?","你是否确定要继续?" -"Area","区域" -"As low as:","低至:" -"Assigned","已分配" -"Tags","已分配的标签" -"Attribute Set Name:","属性集名称:" -"Attributes","属性" -"Automatic","自动" -"Average","平均订单量" -"Average Orders","平均订单" -"BINARY","二进制" -"Back","返回" -"Back to Login","返回到登录界面" -"Backup","备份" -"Backup Name","备份名称" -"Backup options","备份选项" -"Backups","备份" -"Base currency","基本汇率" -"Bcc","Bcc" -"Bestsellers","最佳销量" -"Billing Address","账单地址" -"Billing Address: ","账单地址:" -"Billing Agreement","记账协议" -"Billing Agreements","记账协议" -"Block Information","块信息" -"Both (without and with tax)","都有(含税和不含税)" -"Both IPN and PDT","IPN和PDT" -"Browse Files...","浏览文件..." -"Bundle with dynamic pricing cannot include custom defined options. Options will not be saved.","与动态价格的捆绑不能包含自定义的选项。选项将无法保存。" -"CMS","CMS" -"CRITICAL","重要" -"CSV","CSV" -"CSV / Tab separated","CSV / Tab分隔" -"Cache Control","缓存控制" -"Cache Control (beta)","缓存控制(测试版)" -"Cache Management","缓存管理" -"Cache Type","缓存类型" -"Cancel","取消" -"Cannot add new comment.","无法添加新评论。" -"Cannot add tracking number.","无法追踪编号。" -"Cannot create an invoice without products.","无法在没有产品时创建发票。" -"Cannot create credit memo for the order.","无法为该订单创建信用记录。" -"Cannot delete the design change.","无法删除该设计变动。" -"Cannot delete tracking number.","无法删除追踪编号。" -"Cannot do shipment for the order separately from invoice.","无法将产品与发票分开发送。" -"Cannot do shipment for the order.","无法对该订单发货。" -"Cannot initialize shipment for adding tracking number.","无法初始化订单以添加追踪编号。" -"Cannot initialize shipment for delete tracking number.","无法初始化发货以删除追踪编号。" -"Cannot load track with retrieving identifier.","无法用获取的标识符加载追踪。" -"Cannot retrieve tracking number detail.","无法获取追踪编号详情。" -"Cannot save shipment.","无法保存运送。" -"Cannot save the credit memo.","无法保存信用记录。" -"Cannot send shipment information.","无法发送运行信息。" -"Cannot update item quantity.","无法更新商品数量。" -"Cannot update the item\'s quantity.","无法更新商品的数量。" -"Catalog","分类" -"Catalog Price Rules","分类价格规则" -"Catalog Rewrites","分类重写" -"Categories","分类" -"Category:","分类:" -"Chart is disabled. If you want to enable chart, click here.","图表被禁用。如果希望启用图表,请点击 这里。" -"Checkbox","复选框" -"Child Transactions","子交易" -"Choose Store View:","选择店铺视图:" -"Choose an attribute","选择一个属性" -"Chosen category does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","所选分类没有关联给任何网站,因此URL重写不可用。" -"Chosen product does not associated with any website, so url rewrite is not possible.","所选产品没有关联给任何网站,因此URL重写不可用。" -"Clear","清空" -"Close","关闭" -"Comment text field cannot be empty.","评论文本字段不能为空。" -"Complete","完成" -"Configuration","配置" -"Confirm New Password","确认新密码" -"Confirmed email:","确认邮件:" -"Connect with the Magento Community","连接到Magento社区" -"Continue","继续" -"Continuous","连续" -"Convert to Plain Text","转换为纯文本" -"Cookie (unsafe)","Cookie(不安全)" -"Country","国家" -"Country:","国家:" -"Coupons","折价券" -"Create","创建" -"Create DB Backup","创建DB备份" -"Create New Attribute","新建属性" -"Create URL Rewrite:","创建URL重写:" -"Created At","创建于" -"Credit Card %s","信用卡 %s" -"Credit Memo History","信用记录历史" -"Credit Memo Totals","信用记录总数" -"Credit Memos","信用记录" -"Credit memo #%s comment added","信用记录 #%s 评论已添加" -"Credit memo #%s created","信用记录 #%s 已创建" -"Credit memo\'s total must be positive.","信用记录的总数必须为正数。" -"Currency","币种" -"Currency ""%s"" is used as %s in %s.","货币 ""%s"" 被用作 %s 中的 %s。" -"Currency Information","币种信息" -"Currency Setup Section","币种设置区域" -"Current Configuration Scope:","当前配置范围:" -"Current Month","当前月份" -"Custom","自定义" -"Custom Variable ""%s""","自定义变量 ""%s""" -"Custom Variables","自定义变量" -"Customer","客户" -"Customer Group:","顾客组:" -"Customer Groups","客户组" -"Customer","顾客姓名" -"Customer Reviews","顾客评测" -"Customer Shopping Carts","顾客购物车" -"Customer Since:","顾客注册于:" -"Customer Tax Classes","客户税率" -"Customer with the same email already exists.","使用相同邮件地址的顾客已存在。" -"Customers","客户" -"Customers by Orders","按订单编号排列顾客" -"Customers by Orders Total","按订单数量排列顾客" -"DHTML Date/Time Selector","DHTML 日期/时间选择器" -"Dashboard","仪表板" -"Data Format","数据格式" -"Data transfer:","数据传输:" -"Database","数据库" -"Date","日期" -"Date & Time","日期与时间" -"Added","添加日期" -"Updated","更新日期" -"Date selection:","选择日期:" -"Date selector","日期选择器" -"Day","天" -"Decimal separator:","十进制分隔符:" -"Default (Admin) Values","默认(管理)值" -"Default Billing Address","默认账单地址" -"Default Config","默认配置" -"Default Template from Locale","不同地区的默认模板" -"Default Values","默认值" -"Default display currency ""%s"" is not available in allowed currencies.","默认显示的币种 ""%s"" 不属于允许使用的币种。" -"Default scope","默认范围" -"Delete","删除" -"Delete %s","萨哈拿出 %s" -"Delete %s '%s'","删除 %s '%s'" -"Delete File","删除文件" -"Delete Image","删除图像" -"Delete Profile","删除配置文件" -"Delete Role","删除角色" -"Delete Store","删除店铺" -"Delete Store View","删除店铺视图" -"Delete Template","删除模板" -"Delete User","删除用户" -"Delete Website","删除网站" -"Description","描述" -"Design","设计" -"Design Section","设计区域" -"Details","详情" -"Developer Section","开发人员区域" -"Direction:","指导:" -"Disable","禁用" -"Disabled","已禁用" -"Display %s first","显示前 %s个" -"Display default currency","显示默认币种" -"Distributed under GNU LGPL. See %s for details.","在GNU LGPL下分发。详情请参考 %s。" -"Do you really want to KILL parallel process and start new indexing process?","您是否想要结束并发进程并重新开始索引进程?" -"Do you really want to proceed?","你是否真的要继续?" -"Download","下载" -"Downloads","下载" -"Drag to move","拖拽以移动" -"Drop-down","下拉菜单" -"Edit","编辑" -"Edit Design Change","编辑设计变动" -"Edit Email Template","编辑邮件模板" -"Edit Order","编辑订单" -"Edit Poll","编辑投票" -"Edit Queue","编辑队列" -"Edit Review","编辑评测" -"Edit Role","编辑角色" -"Edit Store View","编辑店铺视图" -"Edit System Template","编辑系统模板" -"Edit Template","编辑模板" -"Edit URL Rewrite","编辑URL重写" -"Edit User","编辑用户" -"Edit User '%s'","编辑用户'%s'" -"Edit Website","编辑网站" -"Email","电子邮件" -"Email Address:","电子邮件地址:" -"Email Preview","邮件预览" -"Email to a Friend","给朋友发邮件" -"Email:","电子邮件:" -"Enable","启用" -"Enabled","已启用" -"Enclose Values In:","将值包含于:" -"Entity Attributes","编辑属性" -"Entity Type","实体类型" -"Entity type:","实体类型:" -"Error","错误" -"Excel XML","Excel XML" -"Excl. Tax","不含税" -"Exclude media folder from backup","从备份中排除媒体文件夹" -"Export","导出" -"Export CSV","导出CSV" -"Export Filters","导出筛选器" -"Export to:","导出到:" -"Export:","导出:" -"FTP Host","FTP 主机" -"FTP Host[:Port]","FTP主机[:端口]" -"FTP Login","FTP 登录" -"FTP Password","FTP密码" -"FTP credentials","FTP 凭据" -"Failed to add a product to cart by id ""%s"".","按照编号 ""%s"" 向购物车添加商品时失败。" -"Failed to cancel the billing agreement.","取消记账协议时出错。" -"Failed to clear the JavaScript/CSS cache.","清空JavaScript/CSS缓存时出错。" -"Failed to delete the billing agreement.","删除记账协议时出错。" -"Failed to update the profile.","更新配置文件时出错。" -"Field","字段" -"Field Mapping","字段映射" -"File","文件" -"File Information","文件信息" -"File System","文件系统" -"File mode","文件模式" -"File name:","文件名:" -"File size should be more than 0 bytes","文件大小应超过0字节。" -"Finished profile execution.","配置文件执行完毕。" -"First Invoice Created Date","第一张发票的创建日期" -"First Name","名字" -"First Name is required field.","名称是必要字段。" -"First Name:","名字:" -"Fixed","固定" -"Flush Catalog Images Cache","清理分类图像缓存" -"Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache","清理JavaScript/CSS缓存" -"For category","分类" -"For latest version visit: %s","最新版访问:%s" -"For product","产品" -"Forgot Admin Password","忘记管理员密码" -"Forgot your password?","忘记您的密码?" -"Forgot your user name or password?","忘记了您的用户名或密码?" -"From","来自" -"GLOBAL","全局" -"Gb","Gb" -"General Information","常规信息" -"General Section","常规区域" -"Get Image Base64","获取Image Base64" -"Get help for this page","获得有关本页面的帮助" -"Global Attribute","全局属性" -"Global Record Search","全局记录搜索" -"Global Search","全局搜索" -"Go Today","转到今天" -"Go to messages inbox","进入信息收件箱" -"Go to notifications","打开通知" -"Google Base","Google Base" -"Google Sitemaps","Google站点结构图" -"Grand Total","总计" -"Grid (default) / List","网格(默认)/列表" -"Grid Only","仅网格" -"Group:","组:" -"Guest","来宾" -"HTTP (unsecure)","HTTP(不安全)" -"HTTPS (SSL)","HTTPS(SSL)" -"Help Us Keep Magento Healthy - Report All Bugs","帮助我们保持Magento的健康 - 汇报所有Bug" -"Helper attributes should not be used in custom layout updates.","自定义布局更新时不能使用 Helper 属性。" -"Helper for options rendering doesn't implement required interface.","渲染选项的 Helper 无法在不使用界面时实施。" -"Home","主页" -"ID","ID" -"ID Path","ID路径" -"IP Address","IP地址" -"IPN (Instant Payment Notification) Only","仅IPN(即时支付通知)" -"If there is an account associated with %s you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.","如果有关联给 %s 的账户,你将收到一封包含重设密码链接的电子邮件。" -"If this message persists, please contact the store owner.","如果该信息持续显示,请联系店铺所有者。" -"Images (.gif, .jpg, .png)","图像(.gif、.jpg、.png)" -"Images Cache","图像缓存" -"Import","导入" -"Import Service","导入服务" -"Import and Export","导入和导出" -"Import and Export Tax Rates","导入和导出税率" -"Import/Export","导入/导出" -"Import/Export Advanced","高级导入/导出" -"Import/Export Profile","导入/导出配置文件" -"Important: ","重要:" -"Imported %s records","导入%s 的记录" -"In","位于" -"In Database:","在数据库:" -"In File:","在文件:" -"Inactive","未激活" -"Incl. Tax","含税" -"Incoming Message","收到的信息" -"Insert Variable...","插入变量..." -"Interactive","交互" -"Interface Locale: %s","界面区域:%s" -"Invalid Form Key. Please refresh the page.","来源密钥无效,请刷新本页面。" -"Invalid Import Service Specified","指定的导入服务无效。" -"Invalid POST data (please check post_max_size and upload_max_filesize settings in your php.ini file).","POST数据无效(请检查您php.ini文件中的 post_max_size 与 upload_max_filesize 设置)。" -"Invalid Secret Key. Please refresh the page.","密钥无效。请刷新该页面。" -"Invalid User Name or Password.","无效的用户名或密码。" -"Invalid directory: %s","无效目录:%s" -"Invalid email address ""%s"".","电子邮件地址 ""%s"" 无效。" -"Invalid email address.","邮件地址无效。" -"Invalid file: %s","无效文件:%s" -"Invalid input data for %s => %s rate","%s的输入数据无效 => %s" -"Invalid parent block for this block","该块的父块无效" -"Invalid parent block for this block.","本块的父块无效。" -"Invalid password reset token.","无效的密码重设令牌。" -"Invalid sender name ""%s"". Please use only visible characters and spaces.","发送方姓名 ""%s"" 无效。请只使用可见字符与空格。" -"Invalid timezone","时区无效" -"Invalidated","撤销" -"Inventory Stock Status","盘点库存状态" -"Invoice #%s comment added","发票 #%s的评论已添加" -"Invoice #%s created","发票 #%s 已创建" -"Invoice History","发票历史" -"Invoice Totals","发票总数" -"Invoice canceling error.","发票取消时出错。" -"Invoice capturing error.","发票获取出错。" -"Invoice voiding error.","发票撤销出错。" -"Invoices","发票" -"Is Closed","已关闭" -"Issue Number","问题编号" -"Items","项目" -"JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.","你的浏览器似乎禁用了 JavaScript。" -"JavaScript/CSS","JavaScript/CSS" -"JavaScript/CSS Cache","JavaScript/CSS缓存" -"Kb","Kb" -"Last 24 Hours","过去24小时" -"Last 5 Orders","上五个订单" -"Last 5 Search Terms","上五个搜索条件" -"Last 7 Days","上七天" -"Last Credit Memo Created Date","上次信用记录创建日期" -"Last Invoice Created Date","上一个发票创建日期" -"Last Logged In (%s):","上次登录于(%s):" -"Last Logged In:","上次登录:" -"Last Name","姓氏" -"Last Name is required field.","姓氏是必要字段。" -"Last Name:","姓氏:" -"Last updated: %s. To refresh last day\'s statistics, click here.","上次更新: %s。要刷新最新一天的 状态,请点击这里。" -"Latest Message:","最新信息:" -"Layered Navigation Indices","层次式导航目录" -"Layered Navigation Indices were refreshed.","层次式导航目录已恢复。" -"Leave empty to use tax identifier","留空即可使用传真标识符" -"Lifetime Sales","终生销售" -"Lifetime statistics have been updated.","有效期状态已更新。" -"Links","链接" -"Links with associated products will retain only after saving current product.","关联产品的链接只有在保存当前产品后才能维持。" -"List (default) / Grid","列表(默认)/网格" -"List Only","仅列表" -"Load Template","加载模板" -"Load default template","加载默认模板" -"Loading...","正在加载..." -"Local Server","本地服务器" -"Local/Remote Server","本地/远程服务器" -"Locale","区域" -"Log Out","注销" -"Log in to Admin Panel","登录到管理面板" -"Log into Magento Admin Page","登录到Magento管理页面" -"Logged in as %s","登录为 %s" -"Login","登录" -"Low Stock","库存量低" -"MAJOR","主要" -"MINOR","少量" -"MS Excel XML","MS Excel XML" -"Magento Admin","Magento管理" -"Magento Commerce - Administrative Panel","Magento Commerce - 管理面板" -"Magento Connect","Magento内容" -"Magento Connect Manager","Magento连接管理器" -"Magento Logo","Magento徽标" -"Magento is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc. Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc.","Magento是X.commerce, Inc.的商标, Copyright © %s X.commerce, Inc." -"Magento root directory","Magento 根目录" -"Magento ver. %s","Magento ver.%s" -"Magento® is a trademark of X.commerce, Inc.