An example of running kube-dump in a container to work with kubernetes clusters that you work with locally via kubectl.
Startup example for dump namespaces dev and prod in $HOME/dump
docker run --tty --interactive --rm \
--volume $HOME/.kube:/.kube --volume $HOME/dump:/dump \
woozymasta/kube-dump:latest \
dump-namespaces -n dev,prod -d /dump --kube-config /.kube/config
Kube-dump is set as entrypoint, you only need to pass command and flags to container.
When connecting to AWS EKS, add your credentials as a volume mount for aws-cli to authenticate:
docker run --tty --interactive --rm \
--volume $HOME/.kube:/.kube --volume $HOME/.aws:/root/.aws --volume $HOME/dump:/dump \
woozymasta/kube-dump:latest \
dump-namespaces -n dev,prod -d /dump --kube-config /.kube/config
For more convenience, you can create an alias for calling kube-dump from a container:
alias kube-dump='docker run --tty --interactive --rm \
--volume $HOME/.kube:/.kube --volume $HOME/dump:/dump \
--env KUBE_CONFIG=/.kube/config --env DESTINATION_DIR=/dump \
Add this alias to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.bash_aliases
so as not to lose the command.
Now you can just call kube-dump dump-namespaces -n dev
and watch the resource dumps from the dev namespace in the ~/dump
All environment variables are described in the .env file