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Embedded unit tests!


You'll need a c/c++ compiler and Make, as well as CPPUTest installed.

  1. Install the CppUtest library and the lcov tool:
    • Linux - sudo apt-get install cpputest lcov
    • OSX - brew install cpputest && brew install lcov
  2. Optionally, install the python packages with pip:
    • pip install -r requirements.txt

Running tests

If the python packages were installed, you can use invoke to run the tests:

inv test

You can also call make directly from within this directory:


Directory structure

├── Makefile // Invokes all the unit tests
├── // Comes from CppUTest itself
├── // memfault injected overrides
├── build
│   [...] // Where all the tests wind up
├── fakes
│   // fakes for unit tests
├── mocks
│   // mocks for unit tests
├── makefiles // Each c file you unit test has a makefile here
│   └── Makefile_<module_name>.mk
|   [...]
└── src // test source files
└── test_*

Adding a test

  • Add a new test makefile under test/makefiles/. These just list the sources you will compile
  • Add a new test file under tests/src for the module you want to test
  • inv test