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Releases: machty/ember-concurrency


28 Mar 13:25
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  • removed stray debugger from library code :( :( :( #ConferenceDrivenDevelopment

perf + sync start

26 Mar 15:00
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  • POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE: the internal task scheduler
    has been rewritten to be more performant, but to also
    more immediately start executing task functions. Prior
    to this version, perform()ing a task wouldn't actually
    start executing the task function until the actions queue
    on the run loop; this behavior was inconsistent with the timing
    of async functions, and meant that certain lifecycle hooks
    that depended on logic being run synchronously couldn't be
    used with ember-concurrency Tasks (because they already
    missed their window of execution). This is unlikely to
    break anyone's apps, but it's possible some apps out there
    have subtle timing dependencies on tasks running within
    run loop queues, so it's better to announce this as a possible
    breaking change. (#107)
  • Derived state: Task Instances now have an additional
    isSuccessful and isError property (#119)
  • Derived state: Tasks expose performCount that tracks
    how many times a task has been performed.
  • waitForEvent and waitForQueue for pausing the task until
    a jQuery / Ember event occurs, or until a particular
    run loop queue has been reached.

look ma no .get('taskName')

13 Oct 17:50
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You can now replace all instances of





22 Sep 20:27
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Released 0.7.9

Arbitrary nestings of addons

14 Jun 15:31
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  • Upgraded ember-maybe-import-regenerator so that other
    addons can consume/depend on ember-concurrency without
    making the end user have to make any additional
    configuration to support transpiled generator function

no more babel.includePolyfill:true

14 Jun 01:27
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  • You no longer have to set includePolyfill:true in
    ember-cli-build.js as a requirement for using
    ember-concurrency. regenerator-runtime is now
    provided by,
    which gracefully no-ops if you still want to keep
    includePolyfill:true. Babel's polyfill is 98kb minified,
    whereas the regenerator runtime is only 4kb minified.


03 Jun 06:07
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  • (perform) and (cancel-all) helpers no longer cause run loop autoruns
  • The .keepLatest() task modifier has been redocumented due
    to popular demand; it's useful for when you want to enqueue
    only the most recent intermediate .perform() and drop everything
    in between.

Ember 1.13.0 support

12 May 21:51
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Released 0.7.1

uncatchable TaskCancelation

05 May 22:20
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  • within a task generator function, TaskCancelation "errors" are
    longer "catchable" in the catch block of a try/catch. This means
    you no longer have to check if the error thrown is a cancelation
    in order to handle it differently than an exception.
  • That said, since promises have no concept of cancelation, if
    you perform a task within a promise (or you call
    someTask.perform().then(...).catch(...)), then any promise
    catch handlers will be called with TaskCancelation "errors",
    and if you need to distinguish between cancelation and exceptions
    thrown, you can import and use the new didCancel utility function,
    which returns true if the error passed to it is a TaskCancelation.
    Previously, the only safe way to test this was to check
    err && === 'TaskCancelation'; now you can just
    import { didCancel } from 'ember-concurrency' and
    check didCancel(err).


02 May 17:08
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  • bugfix: errors that bubble throw arbitrary depths of child tasks
    will only call window/Ember.onerror once

Basically this release fixes what 0.6.2 only partially fixed.