- Added RVC4 is not supported pop up.
- Fix viewer getting flagged as trojan on windows.
- Added stereo depth presets!
- Fixed syncing
- Support latest OAK-T
- Fix regression: Without an active stereo config the viewer would crash
- Fixed depth aligned camera streams not being rectified and undistorted. Resulting in misaligned visualisation.
- Fix OAK-T not streaming.
- Fixed #66 , OAK-D-SR not starting correctly.
- Pinned numpy>=1.23,<2.0.0, because numpy 2.0.0 breaks depthai.
- Added
flag. Mostly intended for internal use, when using the viewer as if it was stock rerun (doesn't install the dependencies and doesn't try to connect to a device.). main benefit over stock rerun are albedo textured depth clouds.
- Fixed point cloud coloring for RGB albedo textures.
- Better device defaults.
- Improved OAK-D-SR-POE support.
- Fixed temperature readings on OAK-T.
- Fixed point cloud colormap normalization
- Improved the UX for OAK-D-SR-POE
- Added the new ToF decoding improvements.
- The default AI model is now Yolo V6 instead of mobilenet-ssd.
- Fixed OAK-D-SR-POE crashing on startup.
- Fixed deformed bounding boxes.
- Performance fix.
- Added support for OAK-T
- Support multi viewer windows at the same time:
depthai-viewer --port <your-port>
- Added ability to control IR dot projector and flood light brightness.
- UI improvements
- Added support for OAK-D-SR POE (tof)
- Fixed some bugs:
- https://discuss.luxonis.com/d/2425-depthai-viewer-not-working-with-ffc-4p-based-setup/3
- Blob download failure in dependency installer
- Added depdendency installer.
- Added auto device selection on startup:
- On startup: If a preferred device is set, try to connect to that device. Else (if preferred device not found or not set) connect to the first available device.
- Whenever a device is selected it is designated as the preferred device. A preferred device is persisted between runs of depthai-viewer.
- Added dependency installer.
- Added auto device selection (+preferred device) on initial startup.
- Fix default_stereo_pairs for OAK-1 MAX
- Fix stereo depth creation for OAK-D-Pro-W 97, and potentially others
- Fixes Metal shader compilation on MacOS
- Performance improvement - only create a camera node when a camera is actually needed in any way.
- Added sentry.io error reporting
- Update Windows and MacOS app icons
Depthai Viewer official Beta release on pypi!
- Performance improvements
- Better Auto Layouts
- Tweaks to UI for a better UX
- Pre-release
- Install depthai_sdk from artifactory
- Change logos
- App startup bugfixes
- App startup bugfixes
- Better default focusing in 3d views
- Disable depth settings if intrinsics aren't available.
- App startup bugfixes.
- Added support for all devices.
Patch release.
Beta release of the new Depthai Viewer.